
Viewing 1701 - 1714 of 1,714 results

Chapters 29 and 30 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished + Chapter 4 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky · 9:14am Jan 26th, 2019

Sorry for this late blog post. Sometimes I get lazy and don't want to do these. I am terrible at this social media thing. I promise not to slip so badly again. Anyway, I like Scavenger taking the center focus. He's turned into an interesting character. His stand is pretty cool. It's a bit basic when it comes to its abilities, but it has a lot of utility and is not to be underestimated. Why does it have that power specifically? I wanted something very different from Break's power and I thought

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Chapter 32 of Fallout Equestria Black Cat and Chapter 8 and 9 of Secret Agent Dinky · 3:59pm Apr 25th, 2019

Sorry for the late blog. Again, no real excuse but I have been a bit busy with life. I'm training for a half-marathon and that plus work and writing keeps me a little busy. Anyway, I didn't really plan for Robin and his crew to reenter the story at this point, but it made too much sense not to. I am trying to bring everything together after letting some plot points slip away from me, but hey we are about to have a full on stand battle that's exciting. Expect the next chapter very soon.

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New Galaxy Ranger Story! Eternal Night. · 5:56am Sep 29th, 2021

Hello again. I know it's been awhile since my last update, but I've been still working hard behind the scenes. I've finally completed the season 1 finale of Galaxy Rangers. I still can't believe it’s been like five years since I've began working on The Rangers Nevermore?. It's been a wild ride and I think I've learn much about writing since then.

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Chapter 37 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat, Epilogue of Secret Agent Dinky, and Chapter 1 of The Forbidden Symphony are done! · 2:55am Sep 19th, 2019

Hello again. Another big update. I must be writing too quickly because it's hard to keep up these blog post with the crazy amount of chapter updates I'm doing. And chapter 38 of Fallout Equestria is almost ready to be released. I just need to edit it.

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Hades Takes Down Opaline Arcana · 3:41pm Jun 29th, 2023

This crossover video was another that I couldn't resist making myself just now. After I did the last two, I found myself wanting to do another that basically serves as a roast to Opaline, although I knew that I needed to make a change of pace from using clips of Moe Howard from the Three Stooges. I thought that it'd be so cool if there was a video that basically displayed a sudden showdown of sorts between Hades and Opaline, especially on the grounds that Hades is the kind of guy that'd totally

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Moe Howard Slaps Phyllis Cloverleaf · 3:31pm Jun 29th, 2023

This was another video that I couldn't resist making. I was inspired to create it based on wondering "What would Moe Howard do in response to Phyllis manipulating Sprout into taking charge of Maretime Bay? Especially considering everything that followed afterwards was her fault to begin with?". So, I did just that.

Here's the video

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Friendship is Manipulation, Book 2 Hype · 12:12am May 28th

The hype is all me and just me, nothing actually big. But boy, am I friggin' excited for Book 2. Chapter 22 and onwards begins the light touch on certain bits of lore, relations, dynamics and themes of Book 2 as we transition into the next major "arc", if you will. I count Book 1 as three arcs total. Can you guess their starting points? (Don't open the spoiler if you don't want to know their names at all until Book 1 is finished)

Arc 1): Indoctrination, Chapters 1-6

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Oof. · 7:35am Feb 27th, 2019

I have so many ideas for new stories floating around my head at this point. The thing is, only one of them is a one-shot that I'd be able to pull off in a short time, while the rest would likely end up demanding Pony-Me levels of time and dedication to bring to life.

First off is that story idea I pitched about a magical (not Narnia) world under a couch. Yes, I'm actually considering writing that.

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Shimmer: La Jument Revolutionnaire - Completely Rewritten. · 7:18pm Jan 9th, 2017

TL;DR: This story had a lot of problems, so I rewrote it from scratch. It's now better in pretty much every way, but it will require any existing readers to restart from the beginning. The story includes many changes and new scenes that will leave any reader who does not do so lost. I apologize and understand if this upsets anyone who has been following the story, but I feel it to be necessary for this story to meet the standards I want it to.

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F/F/T3K15 5/1: The end is near. · 6:25am May 2nd, 2019


Author Next Gen Problems! · 5:15am Jan 8th, 2018

When you come up with an amazing new OC with an adorable color scheme specifically tailored to your interests.

When you come up with an interesting backstory for that OC that ensures optimal character development.

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F/F/T3K15 12/15: Stuffin' dat stocking with crossovers! · 7:48am Dec 16th, 2018


Compsognathus Scares Ponies · 4:56am Jul 21st, 2023

After I made those last three crossover videos not too long ago, I frequently brainstormed what I wanted to have MLP (G5) crossover with next. As I carefully considered the options, it occurred to me that a video showing the Main 5 getting scared by a compsognathus from the "Jurassic" franchise would be an awesome thing to create, and it seemed like it'd be really fun too. So, I used a clip featuring a compsognathus from "Jurassic Park: The Lost World" and mixed it in with moments of the Main 5

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MLP in A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist! · 2:37am Aug 14th, 2015

Viewing 1701 - 1714 of 1,714 results