• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 417 Views, 3 Comments

Burnt Loyalty - Goodness

A human ends up in an alternate reality with Daybreaker as the ruler, and her one dream of wanting a simple life is being threatened.

  • ...

Prologue: Questionable Summons

Her stomach lurches with nausea as her face grimaces in pain at a sudden feeling of density surrounding the culmination of her being; she feels stiff and unresponsive in her environment.

As her vision wavers, it causes her to instinctively look up to try to clear more of the searing pain in her eyes. But her focus suddenly falters at the sight of a tall, blurry structure wrapped in warm hues.

She inches forward, desperately trying to see a more precise image that her mind could process. However, the architect's overall shape is too complex for her watery eyes.

Making an attempt to allow the stinging tears to fall, she lowers her head, only to stutter in complete surprise when her eyes catch something else right before her.

Her mind couldn't grasp the shape of what was in front of her. She blinks a few more times in fear, desperate to see more than the mesh of warm colors.

As her eyes adjust, she realizes that the inanimate structure before her is actually a living being.

It takes a moment for her mind to process what she sees, but when it does, she is filled with a mix of dread and fascination at the sight of the creature, the alicorn, standing before her.

The vibrant colors of the alicorn assault her eyes. Still, she grits her teeth, determined to endure as she takes in the flickering flames behind the pony.

Strangely enough, the alicorn wore more armor than its familiar cartoon counterpart. Its orange, zigzagging plating covered more of its white fur, only exposing part of her face and wings.

However, there was no mistaking that creature for another alicorn; the fire behind its head left too much of an impression.

That was Daybreaker, an evil counterpart to Celestia, notoriously known to be in Starlight Glimmer's dream.

Her mind was grasping for answers.

Was she in a dream then? But her mind felt far too conscious for that to be the case. And just moments ago, she was at a gas station filling her tank.

She gulped in fear as she concluded that this had to be authentic. She told herself to keep her limbs locked, afraid the pony would jump on her if she moved any more than she already had.

The oppressive silence was finally broken by the alicorn's gaze, now a searing glare. Her voice, a low rumble of disappointment, remarked, "This is not what I was anticipating." The flames behind the armor piece flare up momentarily.

And the woman silently expressed relief that there wasn't a language barrier. Dealing with an alicorn was already challenging enough; she didn't need communication issues on top of it.

The alicorn stood in place, unwavering, as its eyes locked onto the human with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

The woman's survival instincts were screaming that she would become an extra-crispy meat stick if she didn't appease the mare in some capacity.

She addresses the alicorn as "Your Majesty" and mentally prays it's not 'holiness' or 'goddess' that should be said here. "What can I do for you?" She shudders, feeling an unnatural heat surrounding her, a complete contrast with the cooler winter air she was used to feeling.

"You have been summoned here, human, to suit the needs of my empire," Daybreaker spoke. Her tone seemed more neutral than anything else, but her voice carried the expectation of power. Were her eyes gleaming with interest? Or were they filled with murderous intent? "An endless possibility was brought forth to you if you so desire."

"Oh?" After hearing those words, she couldn't help but speak up in surprise. That was a loaded statement if she ever heard one, and it sounded far too much like a car commercial.

Why did this almighty alicorn need her at all? She was a college graduate, not a politician or a soldier. "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

The alicorn unfurls her wings in response, and the woman spots another discrepancy compared to the cartoon: Chunks of feather-shaped armor between her feathers.

Seeing that change causes the human to quickly mull its purpose, but otherwise, the alicorn's intricate armor pattern gleams with a multitude of warm colors, reflecting off her fiery mane.

The sight is beautiful, a painting brought to life, but it would be nice if she didn't feel threatened by the dominating display.

"I am Empress Daybreaker, ruler of the Solar Empire," she continues, quickly removing introductions and the human grimaces in response as the alicorn unknowingly confirmed her suspicions.

Daybreaker lowers her voice as she tucks her wings back in. "There is much to discuss before I can properly answer you," she pauses, allowing her words to sink in. "Instead, let us focus on getting you settled."

The offer was surprisingly reasonable and logical, but as rude as it was, she didn't want to leave the topic of conversation alone.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Empress Daybreaker, but I must ask again," she spoke firmly, pushing forward despite her nervousness and desire to retreat to safety. "What exactly do you expect me to do?"

The mare's calmness in the face of the harsh question was unsettling. Her intense gaze remained unwavering as she posed her own question, her voice steady. "What do you expect to carry in my name?"

Astonished, the woman can only be surprised at the gal of the Empress. This was a test from the mare; she had to tread lightly.

However, given her current situation, she couldn't make any promises. But one thing was sure: lying wouldn't do any good here—no sane human could stand their ground in this situation.

She knew it wouldn't end well if she pushed the alicorn further. So, she settles with respecting Daybreaker's boundaries, for now at least.

She ran her hand over her hair, her movement jittery despite her attempts to calm herself.

It was always hard to admit to being naive about a situation. Her voice wavers with uncertainty as she answers the powerful being before her. "I don't know. I don't have enough information to make an informed judgment," she said, tilting her head away in shame before looking back at the alicorn.

"Then it appears you have no choice for the time being." Daybreaker continues, seemingly aloof to how final her words sound against the human.

The mare slowly trots closer; an uncomfortable heat follows as Daybreaker lowers the volume of her voice, but her ambitious tone lingers as she looks down at her summoned one. "It will require some time for me to send you back, and in the meantime, I will allow you to stay within my castle walls as a temporary guest."

The Empress finally reaches the human, a mere breath away, as she lowers her head to meet the human's level.

The rising temperature reaches unbearable levels as she meets the eyes of the alicorn. The mare's voice hisses lowly. "We will meet periodically. And I expect you to follow my every order. Do not do anything foolish in the meantime." Daybreaker's frown finally breaks as it's replaced with a gleeful grin. "Then we shall see what you can offer to me."

Gritting her teeth at the threat, the human nods silently, and Daybreaker backs away. The alicorn's expression returns to its glaring, judgmental gaze.

"Follow me." Daybreaker commands, finally taking her eyes off the human. Her movement is swift as she turns around, the sound of flames flickering due to the chance of direction, and unfortunately, the heat follows. The woman naturally backs away enough to stop herself from catching on fire.

In response to an overly dramatic mare, the shaky human mentally hurls every curse word at the evil Empress. And she almost verbalizes it but holds back her temper in favor of survival.

'No choice but to move on, huh?' She thought bitterly as she slowly lifted her body to follow the Empress, almost tripping over herself when she noticed the vast difference in height between herself and the mare.

Daybreaker had to be at least eight feet tall, not even counting her horn.

Meanwhile, she was just below five feet tall, and it was easy to see that she was a dwarf by comparison; 'Never mind magic. The alicorn can hit me physically, and I'll fold like a napkin.' She realizes in horror.

Adding to her fears, she thinks in solemn acceptance. 'I do not want to know what earth pony magic feels like. Probably feels like getting hit by a train.'

Gathering what strength she had left, she stumbled toward the alicorn. Her footsteps were obnoxiously loud against the concrete.

In comparison, the Empress trotted with grace and without producing a single sound. In utter astonishment, she slowed down and focused on the mare's movement.

Sure enough, every hoof step the Empress took lacked any sort of sound, and the human gave the most straightforward answer to ease her questioning mind. 'Magic.' She mouthed silently, keeping her eyes on the Empress. 'She has fire for hair. Stop thinking that any of this is going to make sense anytime soon. You don't even know why you're here.'

A strange feeling of being watched overtakes her; she gets goosebumps and tenses her muscles.

She spins a complete one-eighty, ready to jump at a moment's notice, only to flinch in pain as the sun momentarily takes her focus and burns her sensitive eyes. With that quick, painful glance, she notices that the glowing orb of death is twice the size of what she was used to.

Forcing her blurry eyes back to the circular balcony where she had been summoned from her world, she looked past it to see the mountainous wilderness, trying to find the cause of her flight response. But nothing seemed out of place, and it was incredibly unsettling. Instead, her focus was slowly drawn back to the orb of eye destruction.

The sun was greeting her, and she absolutely hated it. After confirming that the sun was closer, she turned around and let her eyes rest. She couldn't answer why she wasn't burned to a crisp by the sun, so she thanked magic for bypassing physics and moved on.

But the feeling of being watched doesn't fade, and she decides that as much as she hates the Empress, the woman knows the alicorn will keep her alive for now. She catches up with the mare again, trying to be more subtle, and successfully gets closer without notice.

Strangely, the feeling finally disappears, but her body remains tense. 'What the hell was that?' She shudders, knowing that nothing she can conjure up in her mind would fully explain that intense feeling. She reluctantly decides to wait and see if something like that will happen again. Hopefully, the answer will reveal itself in time.

Up ahead and past Daybreaker, the nervous lady finally noticed precisely where the mare was taking her. She raises her head again to finally get a better look at the looming- yep, that was definitely a castle.

With her eyes finally back to normal, it was easy to see how it stood imposing and massive; the sheer size of the structure was indescribable.

However, the overall complexity or sheer character that a fantasy castle would usually hold was vacant here. Three pillars with a sharp orange roof were laid on the top, followed by a white constant that seemed to consume the castle pallet, besides a few notable doors with a red and orange tinge. Red flags were waving in the wind with the alicorn's cutie mark in the middle.

As big as it was, it lacked any decoration, which gave the women an uneasy feeling. It actually seems to match more to the real-life structures of a castle that was left in preservation, which raises some questions.

As she approaches the castle, her attention is drawn back to her level as she sees two white doors with flame patterns around the edges. Daybreaker's cutie mark is once again at the dead center.

The design is intricate, but what puzzles her is the absence of handles or any means to grip the doors. Could they be push-only doors? It seems unlikely because even push doors usually have some form of handle to indicate the direction of movement.

As the doors open, vanishing into the wall with a speed that rivals a speedster, her mind is thrown into a whirlwind of disbelief. Could this Equestria be more technologically advanced than its animated counterpart?

The possibility leaves her with a sense of uncertainty, her perception of this world shifting with each new revelation.

She steps into the castle as the automatic doors close behind her and takes a moment to survey the interior. However, the sight only deepens her confusion. The walls are surprisingly plain, devoid of the rich, intricate designs one would expect in a castle. It was just a vast, beige hallway.

She takes a moment to figure out why that would be the case and mentally asks herself, ‘Is the empire tight on funds? Or does the Empress not care for such things?’ She glances at the alicorn, seeing the shiny armor, and immediately discards the thought. ‘No. Gotta be some other reason I just don’t see yet.’ She decides to stay on guard and see where the Empress takes her. She’ll adjust accordingly.

They continue their silent walk, the long hallway stretching out before them. After a few more steps, two dark gray doors appear on her left. They’re a stark contrast to the empty hallway, and she can’t help but voice her surprise: “Why is there just one random room in this hallway?”

"It's a safety measure," Daybreaker replies and turns around, her movements sharp with serious intent. "Does the concept of technology elude you, human?" The mare raises her head at her own words, and the women shakes her head silently, trying to control her expression from utter surprise and confusion.

Daybreaker lowers her head back at the human's response. "Then are you aware of what this is?" A red flash of magic, the colors of deep crimson surrounding the Empress's horn, and an intensity of flare that caught the human off guard as an item popped into existence.

She stares at the new object before her and studies it, noting its circular shape and the bright sliver plating that shines against the Empress's magic. She shakes her head to answer the alicorn. She doesn't recognize that item at all.

Daybreaker, despite not having a single change of expression, seems unimpressed before she continues. "This will be your AI assistant. All questions regarding my empire can be found here."

"What?" The mention of AI surprises her, confirming her suspicion about Equestria's advanced technology. With a push of red magic, the disk floats toward her. The human opens her palms, and Daybreaker lets go of it before her magic touches the human. The women continued to ignore this rudeness in favor of being surprised by how light the disk feels. It looked like it should weigh at least ten pounds but felt as heavy as a cell phone. She moved it between her two hands to look at it from different angles and wondered how to turn it on.

"The device will not turn on when I am nearby. Otherwise, physical touch is the only way to activate it. Any other method, such as magic, voice, or other material, will be rejected for security reasons. This device will only exclusively respond to your touch." Daybreaker turns her head to the right, glancing at the doors before looking back at the human.

"And this is your temporary facility. Do not damage it. You will have to pay for it before you are allowed back to your home world." The human nods in understanding, not trusting her voice to carry through this interaction alive anymore.

However, Daybreaker seems to have had enough of the silence, and she orders, "I want verbal communication, human. This habit of nodding is disgraceful here and will serve no purpose."

Realizing the consequences of not complying with Daybreaker's demands, she felt fear wash over her.

She cleared her throat, trying to steady her voice, and responded, "I understand, Your Majesty." She bows, her heart pounding in her chest, as she avoids Daybreaker's threatening glare. She waits, her mind racing with thoughts of what could happen next, desperately hoping that this tense social interaction will soon end.

"Do you have any allergies?" Daybreaker asks suddenly, catching the woman off guard. When she finally understands the question, she replies with a hint of vulnerability, “I have a severe seafood allergy, and some strong smells make me sneezy, but that's about it."

Finally, her patience pays off, as Daybreaker seems to settle with unapologetic dismissal. "That will be all," Daybreaker says, leaving no room for argument. "You are dismissed."

And with her newfound freedom, the woman swiftly turns to her guest room, not even glancing at the Empress and stepping through. The doors behind her follow suit, and she knows she can finally breathe a sigh of relief, her tense muscles relaxing.

As she relaxes her stiff body, her eyes sweep across the room, only to be disappointed. A brown bedframe dominates the left side of the room, adorned with a red blanket and a few white pillows. Thick red curtains hang in the middle of the wall, and a side door, likely leading to the bathroom, completes the scene. But that was all that was notable.

The rest of the room was as plain as the hallway. “What is with these barren, empty rooms?” She can’t help but ask herself, her mind racing with more questions, and then she remembers the device that is still in her hand.

She brought it up to her face to see if there was an ‘on’ button and got blinded by a bright light instead.

She winced in pain and moved her head away, blinking as she saw a tiny hologram pony on top of the device. “Welcome human to the Solar Empire. I am your personalized AI assistant, here to help you adjust to this new galaxy and answer any questions. But I also have been informed that you are not a registered citizen of the empire at the moment, so there will be some questions I cannot answer directly.”

The AI pauses momentarily before the lady hears a ding on the device. “But you appear important as your location tells me you are in the Empress’s castle, even during sterilization. My apologies. I shall quickly get you up to speed for the empire.”

The AI continues, seemingly unaware of the human’s other mental questions. “Please be mindful that all technology is to be temporarily disabled under the presence of the Empress unless given a specific emergency or from the direct orders of her majesty.”

Nodding at the warning that she wouldn’t get an interrupting call to save her from the Empress anytime soon, she dives into what caught her attention. “Sterilization period?” she asks the AI directly. The hologram’s ears drop low at the question. “I have orders from the Empress that you must ask her directly about that topic.”

With a sigh of begrudging acceptance, she removes her shoes and socks, sits on the bed behind the pillows, and gets comfy.

She covers herself with the red blanket above her head and looks down at the AI she still holds. She decides she’ll go to basics. “Tell me a bit about the empire. How much land does it cover? And what of the population?” She decides to start with a wide open basic of questions, and hopefully, with the answers, she can lead with more detailed questions.

The AI, thankfully, finally gives her an answer. “The entirety of the empire holds thirteen planets and a hundred million creatures. Ponies are the dominant species estimated to comprise fifty-five percent of the population.”

A sputter comes out of her mouth at the fact that the Empress essentially owned several planets.

She wasn’t just in a small empire but a galactic empire of ponies and other magical creatures. That population size was nothing to scoff at. With her exposure to the media over the years, she couldn’t help but think of the worst-case scenarios. “I don’t suppose you could tell me how Empress Daybreaker got all those planets?”

In response, the hologram shook its head, and she put her hands to her face in frustration. “Alright then.” She decided to move on to other topics and raised her head back up to the AI. “What about the justice system? What is it like? How are crimes punished? Is there a jury?” Her voice quivered with intrigue as she listed her questions and waited for the AI to continue.

“A jury, while commonplace in previously known pony societies, has not existed within the empire since its foundation. Instead, a truth-teller is required.” The human blinks at the new information and waits for the AI to elaborate before she decides to cast her judgment.

“Lie detector spells and technology do exist within this known universe. But the system had no way of knowing if any of the ponies who cast the spell were lying or if there was a flaw in the technology provided. And so, a truth-teller position was born by Empress Daybreaker herself.” The AI raises its hoof poshly as it continues to rant.

“A truth-teller can always be able to tell any lie. But in return, any being holding that spell cannot tell lies themselves. This eliminates any chance of favoritism, discrepancy, or natural error. Empress Daybreaker is the only one who can cast a complex spell like this.”

The human nods as she makes a comparison in her head. ‘That’s like having a cheat code for all the answers in a video game. It’s a win-win for all parties who want to streamline the legal process and make it as smooth as possible. It would be idiotic to commit any kind of crime here.’

She looks away from the AI in completive reflection. ‘No wonder Empress Daybreaker seems so proud of her empire for the few minutes I’ve known her. And that’s just what I’m gauging from the judicial system. So far, she seems to have spent much time getting her empire to function properly. But is there a catch somewhere in the empire that I can’t see yet?’

Deciding to dig deeper, she asks, trying to straighten her posture from her slumped position. "Any other information to share about truth-tellers? What about the downsides or costs required to be a truth-teller?" She stretches her neck while listening to the AI. Its robotic voice is surprisingly soothing, allowing her to focus on the AI.

"The known downside of being a truth holder is that they lose their personalized magic and gain magic immunity to their environment cast by the complex spell of Empress Daybreaker. It is part of the process. This is so no truth holder can fall prey to manipulation spells or slowly try to remove the spell themselves if they held more devious purposes. And if they were to, they would be unable to hide it as it would spill from their mouths- a known part of the spell."

'Like an ultimatum,' she clarifies to herself. 'Great. Is my situation going to be applied the same way?' She wonders and realizes she may be making too much of a comparison.

But if there wasn't a way for truth-tellers to escape their situation, that would be the catch she was looking for. "Could a truth holder regain their magic again if they decide they no longer want the title?" She asks and holds her breath in anticipation.

"It has already been recorded twice, but this would require a lengthy explanation. Perhaps there are other topics you wish to discuss to better understand the Empire?" The AI suggested. And although she wanted to dig deeper, she had to admit that the AI had a good point.

A moment of thoughtful silence passes, and she finally picks a new topic. "How about this? Tell me how the hierarchy of power works here. Is there a Queen just below the Empress?"

The AI shakes its head in response before returning to its blank stare as it gives a more detailed reply. "There are no queen titles present in the Solar Empire. In a simplified version, the hierarchy goes from citizens to politicians, military, advisors, the Daylight Committee, princess/prince, and finally, the Empress. Every title has gone through its cycle of ponies, except for Empress Daybreaker herself and the title of princess/prince. That title has never been filled for as long as the Empire has existed."

Upon hearing the intriguing news, her curiosity piques. “Sounds like drama in royalty,” She muses, her head tilting with curiosity. “Why hasn’t the Empress found a princess or prince?”

The holographic pony looks with hesitation before divulging the news. “That is something that only the Empress knows for sure. The details are sparse. Anyone can apply for the position. There is no discrimination as to who can apply, just as long as they are registered citizens of the empire. But you only get one chance at it if you get a personal interview.”

As the explanation unfolds, a flicker of concern crosses the lady's face. “Then it’s more like a job offer?” she queries, her voice betraying a hint of unease.

The AI gives a light nod. “Yes. But the basic requirements for the position are never listed in any official documentation.”

“What?” she exclaims, her voice laced with disbelief. “So, you’re going in completely blind right before the interview?”

The AI nods, its smooth tail flickering behind them. "Correct. Nopony knows what Empress Daybreaker is looking for in a prince or princess- or whatever their duties might be. Ponies online have talked and speculated about their own personal experiences. If they fill out the form in a way that catches the Empress's attention, they will land a personal interview and meet the Empress. Each interview has similarities but also differences. The official online forms have a theme that the interviewed pony never knows if they have answered any of the questions to the satisfaction of the Empress."

The AI pauses before adding a comment."But considering the position has yet to be fulfilled. It is safe to assume that is not the case."

“Huh, so for the appliers, it’s like trying to win the lottery.” She casually comments. “I suppose you really need to be careful when choosing a second-in-command because it will reflect poorly on you if you choose someone who abuses their position.” She mutters before continuing. “But a hundred million ponies under her rule and not even a whisper of an heir?” She questions and thinks to herself in fear. ‘If she is that picky, then what the hell does she have planned for me?’

A ding brought the human out of her thoughts, and the AI raised its right hoof in ‘surprise’ before lowering it. The lady reminded herself that despite being AI, it does seem quite expressive. Was it part of her code to produce actions like that to appeal to a larger population?

The AI speaks again, her tone sounding more robotic than ever. “Empress Daybreaker is requesting your presence. It would be best not to delay. I will help with directions.”

Groaning at another socialization with the half-burning marshmallow, she mentally pauses and laughs at the insulting name she came up with on the spot. ‘I’m going to keep that.’ She chuckles and refocuses her mind back to the present.

Her limbs groan in protest as she pulls herself out of the wrapped blanket and rolls to the edge of the bed. She shifts her weight as her feet touch the carpeted ground, its cold temperature waking her up from her musings. She leans down to grab her socks and shoes and starts getting ready.

She already dreads the future of this verbal battle. The alicorn seems to have a habit of avoiding the real issue, and she absolutely despises it.

After correcting the back of the shoe from eating her heel, she left the room in a huff. With the sound of the automatic doors opening, she greets the corridors with the AI in toe.

The AI directs her to continue to the right, and she follows with begrudging acceptance.

So far, besides the whole summoning aspect, the emptiness of the castle brought the most concern. She found it strange that there were no staff present, but she had very little doubt that it had to do with the sterilization period-whatever that meant.

All she could gather was that it sounded like some kind of event, and she prayed that this meeting with the insufferable ruler would lead to some answers.

A few minutes pass before the hallway’s bland pallet finally breaks off. The lady looks ahead to an entirely new set of doors.

The archway nearly touches the ceiling, and its curved appeal reminds the women that it seems like a chapel door. It’s beautifully crafted, with its carving flame patterns on the edges and some red diamond-shaped gemstones evenly placed on each side of the arch.

Meanwhile, the center has Daybreaker’s cutie mark, surrounded by, once again, white. She rolls her eyes at the uncanny symbolism.

The AI stopped its directions and gave some advice with parting words. “Empress Daybreaker is just beyond here. The recommendation would be to act respectfully and respond quickly. Empress Daybreaker is known to be impatient regarding verbal communication.” The AI spoke, but it seemed unaware that it was rubbing salt into the wounds of her previous interactions with the half-burning marshmallow.

She stares at the AI in response, and it wisely continues. “May the day rise for you.” And with a blink, the AI hologram disappears.

The lady mentally notes that religious-sounding goodbye and puts away the AI device in her pant pocket.

She hesitantly stares at the chapel-like doors before finding her nerve and banging on the door with her right fist.

She cringed at the pain from hitting the door too hard, but the doors were incredibly studious, and it sounded like she barely even knocked.

But thankfully, it seems her knock was heard. The doors swung away from her briefly, revealing a large room. She recognizes the room as a dining room, and it's a fancy one at that.

The long table covered in a red cloth stretches out a far distance. But it lacks the features of any sort of tableware. Only the Empress is on the farthest chair, large and imposing as ever, even from a distance.

The chair behind her seems more like a throne than anything, though. The throne has a gold and orange sheen at the edges. Though maybe it was reflected off her armor. It was the first thing other than the alicorn herself to show off her rule.

Seeing the alicorn merely watching her, she silently enters the room. She picks the left side of the long table to walk past, and the pony on the end looks as impassive as ever. It's startling to be invited to a dinner by a powerful ruler, especially in a fantasy setting.

She felt out of place again, but if it meant free food, she didn't care, despite the company that followed.

As she approaches, she notices her plate of food, thankfully on the same side as her. The plate has some flame designs around the edges, but what she sees next in the center ultimately captures her attention.

It is fantastic to see a full plate containing a Caesar salad, some side carrots, and even some roast beef in the four slices of a sandwich. She had to stop herself from grabbing the plate.

She could barely control herself. Even if it were poisoned, at least she would die with the joy of her taste buds in pure bliss. "Did you make this, Empress?"

Daybreaker responds to the lady's question with a piercing stare and a frown. "I did." She admits, but her voice is filled with a hint of pride, and the human can't help but smile.

She can tell that the Empress enjoys cooking and will likely appreciate compliments. "It looks delicious, thank you." Her words are genuine, earning her another suspicious side-eye.

But the Empress doesn't press further. Instead, the tone of the conversation takes a sharp turn when Daybreaker shifts her focus from her meal. "The next step will be for you to undergo sterilization and vaccination against all diseases, pathogens, viruses, spores, and all known ailments my ponies have faced." She declares and takes a bite of her sandwich, her gaze fixed on the human, waiting for her reaction.

The air in the room suddenly feels heavy with unknown tension. The human's heart pounding in her chest as she tries to process the Empress's words.

Then she looks up from the food she was hungrily devouring a moment prior. A piece of lettuce hangs from her mouth.

Daybreaker clarifies after seeing the puzzled look on the human's face, even after she shoved that lettuce back into her mouth. The alicorn rolls her eyes at the display. "I cannot in good conscience send you back before then."

The alicorn watches as the human gives her a judging glance. In response, the Empress gives her a fierce gaze, daring the women to object to her plans. The woman sighed and decided she wanted to live for now, so she allowed all objections to die on the tip of her tongue.

Instead, she comments with an observation. "You... seem very passionate about this." Her body hunches against the chair as she allows her mind to run wild.

Medical procedures were rarely something to look forward to; there were always risks. But sadly, it seemed she had no choice. And she couldn't stop her emotions from flickering with resentment. Hopefully, she would live long enough to see Daybreaker understand that it was a mistake to bring her here.

The mare looks down at her plate of food. "You have no idea." Daybreaker uses her magic to put down her fork, and even the human can tell that the Empress's words carry some past trauma.

The Empress looked somber, and the alicorn seemed unwilling to explain why she had such a look on her face. And if her hands weren't shaking, she would ask directly. Unwillingly, she must give in for this exchange to go anywhere. "Alright. Tell me what I need to do then, Your Majesty."

"There is a designated area with the castle for occasions like this. You will be quarantined for quite some time as you receive all known vaccines and immunities. And while we have information on human biology, it is constrained. So many well-trusted doctors will be there to ensure everything goes according to plan. Meanwhile, my castle will also go through its yearly serializations."

The lengthy explanation was off-putting, but at least she finally got some information out of the Empress- and to think the 'serialization period' was a literal sense of the castle's health and safety. But it reeked of past trauma and history.

She can't help but note the implications. 'Has the Empire recently faced some kind of biohazard? It would make sense, with a hundred million lives to look after.' And with the lady's thoughtful silence, Daybreaker broke through her musings with words of comfort, her voice sounding somber. "I will promise you this, human. You will not perish under my watchful eye."

The human wakes up from her musings, wondering when she looked down at her food during her thought process. 'Uh, no. It's alright, Empress Daybreaker. I figured that was the case with your-" She pauses, trying to find a word that wouldn't sound too insulting, "-comprehensive answer. Is that the reason for the lack of staff? The human asks awkwardly before adding. "And why that is not the case for you, your majesty?" She cringed at her thoughtless curiosity but wasn't willing to take back her words.

Fortunately, Empress Daybreaker seems to have anticipated this, and she replies without hesitation while looking at the curious human. "While the yearly sterilization requires all staff to leave the inside of the castle, there is also the matter that I cannot allow any creature under my rule to catch any foreign bodies that you carry." She spoke, finally giving a straight answer. "And as for myself, I will never fall ill for any particular reason. This is a certainty I hold just as much as I am confident of my immortality."

The human nods, swallowing nervously at the Empress's blunt answer. She felt utterly helpless at the declaration of power. This place and the pony running it left a bad taste in her mouth, even if the food was delicious.

"What did I say, human?" Daybreaker warns with a fierce gaze that breaks the women's thought process. Unfortunately, her mouth didn't catch the memo. "Huh?"

The air snaps as Daybreaker slams her armored hooves down on the table in the human's direction, and a considerable part of the table crumples completely under the alicorn's pressure despite being made of some sort of metal. It takes the tablecloth, dishware, and all the perfect food with it. The human mourns the loss of the food—even if it's quickly followed by panic at the Empress's actions.

The human looks up and sees the glare that Daybreaker is giving her. "Do not make me repeat myself." She hisses angrily, and the woman grits her teeth, cursing her forgetfulness. She quickly rises in fear and bows—hoping to appease the Empress. "My apologies, your majesty." She quickly corrects herself, "I understand what you mean."

Daybreaker rose from her seat and closed the remaining distance. The poor woman felt a sudden, unexplained pressure that made her feel like she was suffocating. Her throat tightened as an uncomfortable heat enveloped her. Daybreaker's size did nothing to alleviate the feeling of fear as the Empress looked down at the human.

The temperature rose even higher as Daybreaker spoke with spitting words, her fiery mane flickering with an aggressive vigor. "Return to your dormitory. I will no longer waste my time for a human who cannot remember the simple orders I give." Daybreaker's horn glows red, and the human sees her life flash before her eyes.

She would be nothing more than an afterthought as she was set on fire and burned to a crisp. But she would glare at those yellow eyes in defiance one last time.

Her desperate thoughts changed as she heard the reliving sound of the chapel doors opening. Red magic flared on the handles of the doors, and without another moment's hesitation, she absolutely booked it in that direction without looking back.

She backtracks into the hallways until she loses her breath. Then she brings out the helpful pocket AI. Despite her grasping state, it doesn't ask any questions and instead gives her directions to her room. As she settles down, she can't help but feel an uncomfortable cold, which starkly contrasts with the rising heat of the alicorn's anger.

It felt like a walk of shame. As much as the dismissal was not how the fearful lady wanted it to go, she was grateful that it was over and that she didn't have to spend another hour playing hopscotch with words.

And while her nonverbal mistake cost her the wraith of Daybreaker, she had to admit now it played as an unintended option. If she was seen as a fumbling fool, perhaps whatever Daybreaker had planned for her would be dismissed due to her incompetence. It was a tricky plan, but it was the only one she could get away with.

After all, she wasn't this extraordinary human who would make history. And while she won't lie, the appeal of the feeling of making a difference, being a better self, the euphoria, the glory, and the general power that another lifestyle would bring. She had long decided that she wanted a simple life at any cost. She needed to win for her sanity.

When she finally recovered her bearings and returned to her guest room, she was given an hour of peace before she heard a knock at her door.

She wanted to groan in anger, but she held still with hesitation. Her mind already assumed who could be behind that door. She did not need more anxiety-inducing socialization from a powerful pony.

Reluctantly, she opened the door, bracing herself for the anticipated confrontation. To her surprise, she was met not with hostility, but with a plate of food, a perfect replica of her previous one. The alicorn, having delivered its message, departed without a word, leaving her to ponder the unexpected turn of events.

But she quickly gave up her thoughts when her stomach growled with acceptation.

With a plate in one hand and a sandwich in another, the woman's curiosity was piqued after Daybreaker's obsession with biology. So she decided to delve into the empire's medical practices. Settling back into her bed, she eagerly awaited the AI's summary, her mind buzzing with anticipation.

There was not just an oversupply, but a surplus of medical staff in the empire, a stark contrast to Earth's scarcity. But, of course, as every society has, there were complications.

The two known problems are how strict it can be and the lack of room. The caution of prevention often led to a backlog of ponies and other citizens not receiving primary-level care until much too late, either by choice or not, which led to sicker patients. And so, with sicker patients, they took priority and, in return, took more resources and room. The cycle would repeat, and so on and so forth.

Having a hundred million citizens in dense populations was the well-known explanation for the cause of this. Apparently, trying to find room for every being on each planet was not just a logistical challenge, but a hot political topic. Planets were apparently easy to find, but to find a planet that would be up to Daybreaker's standard was nearly impossible. Besides being the high ruler, she was known to be a worrywart.

But for once, the women could see why Daybreaker was that way. She had seen so many horror stories- fact and fiction- about what happens when someone doesn't take precautions regarding the battle of biology.

Despite the space issue, Daybreaker's methods were not just effective, but remarkably so. Thanks to the precautionary laws, the empire had not experienced any major outbreaks since its inception. Even common illnesses like the flu and cold were under control, with low numbers compared to the population.

The availability of vaccines, tests, and other preventive methods reassured the citizens. It was clear where the empire's priorities lay, with most of the funds allocated to healthcare and the military a close second.

But even with this backlog of information. It did not put the women's mind at ease. When she mentally pulled herself back into her surroundings completely, she was walking with the AI in hand again. Empress Daybreaker called her nearly an hour later after researching the empire's medical practices. The mare didn't even give her mercy for a proper eight-hour rest before she had to face an appointment. Her introverted self was groaning in agony.

The hallways stretched on, barren and lifeless, but now punctuated by numerous doorways. A sigh escaped her lips as the AI urged her to continue forward. Dread seeped into her mind, painting vivid images of worst-case scenarios. The AI's voice broke through her thoughts, guiding her to the medical room on her left. She approached, took a deep breath, and stepped inside, only for her nerves to jolt at the sight that greeted her.

For some reason, Daybreaker is in the room, sitting on a large cushion on the floor. The mare is focused on a square-looking screen—it reminds her of an iPad—before looking away toward the human. It is floating without any magic. The alicorn's horn lacks any of its red flare. She ignores it to hold some semblance of composure and looks around the room instead.

And despite just entering the room, the alicorn seems to quickly catch what's going on, eyeing the human with disdain. "Still fearful, are we?" She asks. "How many times must I tell you that I will watch over you?" Daybreaker speaks, and the human ignores the mare. She quickly can tell the area is a complete replica of the primary care exam room. Even that god-awful, uncomfortable medical chair where the patient usually sits was there.

And to think she was in a castle of all things.

Considering Daybreaker was still staring at her intently, she wisely decided to accept her fate for once.

She walked across the room and hesitantly sat down in the medical chair. It's always one of the most uncomfortable things to sit on, and as she scooted backward on it, she could tell it wasn't any different here than on Earth.

The alicorn, observing the human's every move, maintained a surprising level of patience. Sensing a hint of irritation, the human greeted her with a respectful, 'Your Majesty,' hoping to avoid any potential outbursts. She swiftly changed the subject, not wanting to give the Empress any more ideas. "Could you please explain why I was unconscious during the process?"

Daybreaker raises her right eyebrow before speaking. "Do you truly expect this to be quick and painless?"

Considering how her question was answered with another question, she realizes the Empress would not back down without a verbal fight. Was the mare doing this to keep her empire's medical practices a secret?

But the woman couldn't help but feel she at least deserved to know what these ponies would be doing to her body. So she stresses her question in the hope of finally getting a straight answer. "And how long will I be unconscious?"

"That depends on how well your body takes vaccines and other properties. Every being is different; I cannot possibly know if my main occupation was a doctor and not the ruler of the solar empire."

"Can you confirm that the empire has moral practices, and I will not be a lab rat?"

Daybreaker growls lowly and responds as if she hadn't given the human a racing heart attack. "Yes. Any immoral practices by certified doctors or practitioners are punishable by death depending on the severity of the crime." She raises her hoof in the posh matter before lowering it back down. The iPad-looking technology follows the hoof before it also touches the ground.

Daybreaker's on a roll, continuing her explanation. "Despite how large my empire already is and the constant care it requires. My empire and I are proud of our integrity regarding the health of its citizens. I would like this mindset to continue. But I also make it a law to ensure my little ponies the safety they are allowed to have."

She shifts her gaze to the wall, seemingly deep in thought as she speaks. "I do not take life lightly, nor do I take any threat to the quality of life lightly either." Daybreaker's voice softens, her concern for her empire's welfare palpable. "You will come to know of this- that is, if you change your mind about returning to your home planet." She looks over and tilts her head upwards, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. "Tell me, does your government or higher ruling have universal healthcare, or at the very least, free healthcare?"

Knowing exactly where the Empress was going with this, she had no choice but to answer her. "No. At least not in the part of the world I live in. But it is available in most countries if you fill out a form." She softly explains, and Daybreaker chuckles. That was the first emotion shown by the alicorn besides stern indifference.

But just as quickly as it happened, it disappeared with a side-eye glance. "Divided, are we? Multiple leaders trying to rise to power? You must see how dangerous that can be. Constant pressure for resources or power with nothing getting done as neither side can settle on an agreement?" Daybreaker pauses before her voice takes on a whole mocking tone. "Where have I heard that before?"

The human opens her mouth to retort but realizes she can't fight back with a defense.

Daybreaker's words are a cutting reminder that multiple parts of the world are fighting for the reasons Daybreaker listed.

And with the human's silence, Daybreaker drives her point while still looking up at the ceiling. "While my domain has political figures and alicorn advisors, they merely represent my will. I still possess the power and the final word. If I lack land or resources for my empire. In that case, I find more planets and expand the influence, saving a multitude of lives in the process. Both in my empire and outside it. And this is just merely one example."

Daybreaker lowers her head back down to meet the human. "I am sure you are aware of how extreme my methods are. But this puts to rest any stability issues I may encounter if I ran my empire differently. I have seen what happens when you don't." Daybreaker describes, sounding foreboding.

"The results are disastrous at best. And it is not a cost I am willing to make. If a stern hoof and voice give my citizens the best chance of survival and ensure a proper quality of life. Then that is how things must be." Daybreaker finalizes as she looks away in a huff. Her eyes glance down at the object she had set down before, almost ready to pick it back up, but instead, she seems to move on.

"This tangent has gone on long enough." Daybreaker said as she got up from her cushion seat. "I am sure you are eager to start this procedure." The mare drawls out as she turns her entire body towards the poor human. She couldn't believe she was hearing sarcasm from the alicorn.

But the mare's words put the woman on edge as she verbalizes what she's assuming the Empress meant. "You just said you're not a doctor, so why does it sound like you're going to be the one starting the procedure?"

Daybreaker, uncomfortably, closes the distance between the two of them. The unnatural heat surrounding the mare comes back with a vengeance.

The mare's eyes are close enough now to see her reflection through them. She looks like shit, her hair a complete rat's nest and her own expression wearing unconcealed fear. And she felt the beginning of her survival instincts kick in once more.

Daybreaker responds lowly, her voice on the edge of threatening. "No. Merely, I will be the one to knock you unconscious."

"What?! Why?!" The human exclaims in utter bafflement. Daybreaker raises her right armored hoof to the woman's throat and pushes it against the medical bed. She sputtered in shock as the armored hoof felt like an unthinkable weight as she choked against the pressure.

Daybreaker continues the action despite the noticeable discomfort. "I do not wish to waste the resource if I can do so myself." She drawls out, sounding bored. The woman can feel herself gasping for air. She couldn't even squirm away! Was Daybreaker going to seriously suffocate her until she was unconscious?!

At the edge of her vision, she can see the alicorn's horn spark to life with a red hue. "Sleep well, human. You will wake up in my day once again."

The woman hisses and makes a last-ditch effort to grab her hoof and pry it away. But the odds weren't in her favor. And against her own will, her eyes seem to follow the command as they close with little effort.

She slowly wakes, recollecting her last memory as Daybreaker holds her against her will as she struggles in pain. Nothing about that was pleasant in the slightest.

She takes a moment to move past the delirium and finds herself on a medical bed with an IV in her arm, thankfully she can hear a heart monitor in the background. She sighed with relief and also a bit of disgust, knowing she had made it past the procedure alive, somehow still breathing and able to curse in her head about the alicorn's terrible actions.

She sits up to look around the room. The walls are still that god-awful beige color, and her surroundings tell her she is in a hospital room. She looks to her right to see two windows, letting natural light in. It's strangely peaceful. She's going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Sadly, it's not nearly long enough for her. Not even a minute later, she heard the sound of electronic doors opening, making her turn to the harsh reality of her situation.

Her eyes are greeted by the doctor-looking griffon walking in beside Daybreaker; that stupid face still frowns when the mare looks at her. But she ignores her ire with the Empress for now as she glances back at the doctor.

His dark gray head feathers are slicked back, and he wears a contrasting white lab coat against more of his grey feathers. But nothing else about him made him stand out, especially when compared to the ruler standing next to him.

"How do you feel human?" The griffon asks, his eyes focusing on the human, no doubt ready to continue checking her condition.

She shrugs before speaking. "Sluggish and a bit weak, but not as bad as I thought it would be." She turns her head to the fiery menace that caused all this. "Her majesty made it sound much worse than what it feels like anyways."
She spoke as she clutched the blanket on her legs, already on guard about what Daybreaker would say.

The alicorn in question looks as unapologetic as ever. Her words are short and to the point. "You have been unconscious for quite some time. Twelve daylight cycles, to be exact. What is the last thing you remember?"

Daybreaker's words are not comforting, but she settles with the free information and answers anyway. "Our discussion over your empire and the produce." The human simplifies, wondering where the hell this conversation would end up." Did something happen?" She questions as she gives the Empress a suspicious look.

There is a glint of amusement in the mare's eyes, but she lightly shakes her head and returns to speaking plainly. "None as dramatic that no doubt your mind is conjuring up. I was simply testing your memory in case of unintended side effects."

The human can only raise an eyebrow in response. Daybreaker seems to soften momentarily as she gets to the main point. "You are now up to date on your medical. Congratulations." The alicorn smiles, and the woman would find it cute if it wasn't for the fact that she was still facing her one-ticket out of there.

Maybe 'adversary' was a better term to describe her standing with Daybreaker.

She couldn't let her guard down. "Thank you, your majesty." She bows her head, even with the awkward angle from her sitting. "Since you said twelve daylight cycles, I assume you have enough magic to return me to my world?"

Daybreaker can only raise an eyebrow at the human's blatancy. Her voice follows on the edge of annoyance as she speaks to the bipedal patient. "You don't possess a subtle bone in your body, do you human?"

She cheekily answers with a non-venerable smile, tilting her head to the side, allowing her silence to speak for itself. Then, she continues by asking a question for the two. "So, what's the plan? Am I free to go?"

Daybreaker sighs in response and turns to the doctor. He stood silently during the entire banter between the two. Definitely a professional who was loyal to the Empress.

Daybreaker begins to question the poor sod. "Will the human be allowed to leave, or would it be better to continue to keep an eye on her for the remaining time of her recovery?"

But to his credit, the doctor seems immune to Daybreaker's general intimidation and gives an answer. "Considering she had no severe or non-serve side effects, Your Majesty. I would allow her on administrative leave. But the moment she feels ill or anything wrong, she should return here as a precautionary measure. "

Daybreaker eyes soften, and she gives a genuine smile to the griffin.

That look was so off-putting that the women couldn't help but cringe. Daybreaker continues, unaware of the reaction the human gave her. "A proper response, Doctor Dusty. For that, I would agree."

The mare's expression yields back to indifference. Oddly, that familiar look is far more comfortable. "Any objections or concerns before we continue on?" Daybreaker asks, and the woman shakes her head, following with a verbal answer to save her skin from a repeated offense. "No, Your Majesty. "

"Excellent," Daybreaker answers and focuses back to addressing her subject. Her tone, for once, sounds pleased as she gives an order. "Doctor Dusty. You have been relinquished of your duties for now. Return to your dorm for the rest of the cycle. Unless any other emergencies come up, you have earned your rest."

He gives one last look to the human, turns towards his Empress, and bows without a moment's hesitation. "Thank you, your majesty." His clawed paws lightly scrape the floor, and he leaves without saying another word. Daybreaker watches him until the automatic doors close behind him, shifting her priority to the stressed-out lady waiting for her fate.

"Now." Daybreaker's tone is all business. Her expression is sharp as she watches the female. "It is time to get the remaining issues."

None of the softness that Daybreaker gave towards the doctor seems to remain, and she mentally rolls her eyes at herself for even caring in the first place.

Daybreaker continues, unaware of the human's wavering thoughts. "My castle has gone through its yearly sterilization. And all of my castle staff have returned as well. The halls will no longer be as vacant as you once witnessed. You will be quickly arrested for trespassing if you do not have proper identification." She pauses to allow her words to be comprehended.

Then, the mare resumes with a final comment. "It is important for my citizens to know who you are."

Daybreaker's words unintentionally touched the woman's nerves, and she swung her legs off the bed to face the alicorn head-on. Her spirit started to pound with a new urgency, and she heard the heart monitor beep in the background with more aggressive vigor.

"Your majesty, who am I to you?" She asks bluntly, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

Her question cuts through the casual air, and Daybreaker responds with a harshness that sends a shiver down the human's spine. "I already informed you." The alicorn steps forward, her hooves still not making a sound, and the human can't help but feel deja vu.

The scorching pressure of Daybreaker's presence returns as she relays her thoughts to the human. "It is based on the exceptions you wish to carry in my name and the actions you bring forth." Daybreaker pushes closer until she is right in front of the human. She lowers her head, wearing another glare as she speaks her mind. "And all I see is a human running away from so much opportunity."

The words stung, and the woman wanted nothing more than to lash out in anger, but her nerves finally caught up to her as she merely whispered her desires. "Let's keep it that way." She stares at the Empress, meeting the gaze of anger the mare gave in response to the quiet declaration.

There was a small beat of silence before any movement was made.

Then, the Empress expresses her thoughts with an eyebrow raised. "How disappointing. "The alicorn sneers and huffs with a dismal.

"Your newly set clothes are in the bathroom, and your temporary guest ID is also in the room. Do not cause me problems if you wish to return home. I will deal with you later." Daybreaker's words drip with unconcealed anger as she turns around and leaves the room.

With the doors closing and the presence of the fiery alicorn no longer in front of her, she can finally relax her shoulders.

She mentally groans and sighs. She wanted a drink. Any kind, from the most potent coffee to the most renowned alcoholic beverage. It didn't matter as long as it meant she could be comforted instead of facing a fierce truth.

She would get her drink. She had to.

Author's Note:

The author nervously chuckles as she explains her woes. "This chapter was supposed to be 5,000 words max. But as I started to edit it, I kept adding more, and in return, I needed to edit more. So the cycle continued until I finally found a point where I felt I could properly stop."

She pauses, her breaths coming in short, rapid bursts, and exclaims with a hint of desperation, "This was supposed to be out two months ago!" Her hands, a visual representation of her frustration, shoot up into the air before she slumps down, her voice a mere whisper. "Is this the life of a writer, the one everyone always talks about?"

A voice filled with anticipation breaks through the silence. "So... when is the next chapter?" The question hangs in the air, the reader's anxiety palpable. Another voice, this one tinged with panic, joins in. "Will it be a week? A month? Please, not a year!"

The author nervously sweats and looks at the next chapter. Glancing at the word count of a hundred.

"Uh... soon?" she replies, but her answer doesn't convince anyone.

Only the groans of too many readers left in the dust can be heard in the distance.

Comments ( 3 )

I love it and I hope you make more of this story

"Thank you for the nice comment!" The author exclaims as she smiles. "I'm fixing up a few things with this chapter. But now that the prologue has been completed and uploaded onto the site, I'll be able to focus more on the next chapter." The author gives you a thumbs up as she adds to her comment. "Thanks again for breaking the silence as well."

Your welcome and like I always say little ponies can do big things

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