• Member Since 26th Mar, 2021
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Avery Day

Hundreds of masks, not one disguise.

More Blog Posts49

  • 12 weeks

    Hey y'all, it's been a bit. Figure I might as well send out an update.

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  • 16 weeks
    Post-Everything [Next Story Info Inside]

    It's been a while since I posted anything, so I figured I would drop in and give an update on some things. Don't worry, the info isn't that far down lol

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  • 22 weeks

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  • 23 weeks
    Oh jeez 100 followers

    Well, I did say in the last blog I'd have a follow up that pertains to what I'm planning to do next, and what better way to do that than to couch it in a post about reaching one hundred followers!

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  • 24 weeks
    XXII – And Here We Are [The End]

    Some of you may have seen this coming, some of you may be surprised, some of you may have seen the edited author's note at the end (which I edited months ago and would have given this all away), but this is the end of Chromatic Aberration. (I'm still gonna be writing tho don't let the "The End" scare you)

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Oh jeez 100 followers · 7:20pm Dec 18th, 2023

Well, I did say in the last blog I'd have a follow up that pertains to what I'm planning to do next, and what better way to do that than to couch it in a post about reaching one hundred followers!

I'm a little shocked, honestly. I won't sit here and rehash the same silly acceptance speech-esque stuff I've done a million times (at least not all of it) but you gotta understand my perspective. As someone who has played at and run sound for live gigs, one hundred people is a lot to me. Five or six is enough to make a room feel crowded, twenty is enough to crowd a house, so a hundred is a pretty large group.

And it's also a lot for someone who's only been doing this for barely over a year. There are people I've seen on this site who've been doing it for a lot longer than me, who have a much larger repertoire, and don't have that much. So, it's just a tad jarring! But in a good way.

I know I've mentioned that all before, but I make it a habit to express gratitude when it's due. It keeps me humble, and it makes me happy.

Anyway, let's get into the real reason for this post: what I've been up to for the past couple months, what all I'm doing right now, and what the future has in store.

1. For starters, I'm poking around with Closer's final chapters again. I want to get those out at least before the end of the year, but with the holidays coming up that might be tricky. Time will tell, but I want it done sooner rather than later.

2. The CYS rewrite is and has been happening since around the beginning of November. As of right now, if I had to estimate, it's sitting at about a 50k-60k word count. If you're confused as to why I'm giving such a vague word count, it's because I've been writing this with Nudistsquid in a very unique way—one that isn't conducive to quantification—so I can't give a reliable estimate. We're about 65-70% of the way through the plot, but we've been talking about adding some things in that may throw that estimate off as well.

I'm trying to be mindful of scope creep. That's one of the things that I didn't look out for enough when writing Chromatic Aberration, and so it's something I'm trying to be more aware of now. It's a little easier to let things expand since I'm working with a cowriter instead of doing everything on my own, but that also means it's going to take a little longer. I don't give estimates, but I do plan to have this in a presentable state by spring.

3. TECHNOMAGICOMMUNION—the project I announced way before it was ready to actually be made—isn't shelved, but it isn't the focus for the moment. That's my big one. There's been a lot of meticulous planning around it since I first came up with the idea in May, but we're taking our time with it because we want it to be the best that it can be.

4. There's a silly, not-that-great story on my ao3 called New Metagame+ that I started writing on a whim. It's a low stakes, low effort project I'm doing to keep myself writing and not caring. I don't know if I'll ever post it here—I kind of like the idea of only having my refined stuff here, and since ao3 is a cesspit it's kind of the perfect place to host something like that—but if I eventually grow to like it, I might post it here. Not going to link it tho, you can find it on my ao3 page which is linked on my profile if you're really that interested.

5. Aside from writing stuff, I've started watching through the main MLP series again for the fourth time. I'm not very far in, but it's been a lot of fun so far, and I'm trying to be a lot more comprehensive about it. I'm not just doing it on a whim—there's a particular reason behind why—but I don't want to talk about that until what I'm talking about actually takes shape. In the meantime, if you'd like to see me post about it (which mostly consists of me making gifs and other assorted silly garbage) you can follow my tumblr page. I'm trying to use that a little bit more, and will probably make update posts about my projects and whatnot there.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today. Thanks again for all the follows and for reading this blog. :heart: :twilightsmile:

Report Avery Day · 98 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Good luck with all that. And I'll gladly understand if you can't post the last of Closer until New Year. And congrats on the milestone. :twilightsmile:

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