• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Every breath, every step, is towards a new dawn.

More Blog Posts7

  • Tuesday
    Wherin The Redux Lies

    Alright, so along with many of my current projects- the ones currently stealing my muse, that is...

    The list currently including the following-
    A slight timeloop fic, but going for a different vibe entirely than most.
    A follow-up to Catharsis.
    An AU fic stealing elements from a specific series.
    A little Rainbow-Fluttershy-HiE one-shot romcom.

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    4 comments · 155 views
  • 5 weeks
    The Words Be Wordin'

    Hey folks, back a bit sooner than usual, which means like... years, I guess! Lmao

    Ages back, and I mean ages, there was a ko-fi goal for wordcount updates, and I figure, I might as well finally live up to that.

    So, what have I been doing?

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    7 comments · 146 views
  • 9 weeks
    Starin' Down That Wall

    (Originally it was gonna be barrel, but that was a worrying title)

    Hey folks, L-Bozo here

    Kept you waiting, huh?

    Bah, what'm I kidding, I've been dead so long it hardly counts!

    Long story short, life's a bitch, and creativity ultimately comes secondary to sorting your shit out.

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    7 comments · 148 views
  • 69 weeks
    Have you ever just...

    Have you ever just had like, 5 people in a day randomly invade your dms, two practical strangers and three friends, who start going on about you being genuine and nice and a good person or something?


    Just me?

    Okay, I'm gonna go die now-

    Internal screaming

    ... I might've needed that, but still-


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    2 comments · 332 views
  • 77 weeks
    *Comes from the depths*

    Weeeeelp, seems like another story of mine hit featured the day it was posted.


    Not sure if that means I have some talent of some sort, or a problem, either way I'll take it!

    Hey folks, L-N here. Some rando on the internet who came out of the depths again. To bring more tidings of story!

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    9 comments · 292 views

Starin' Down That Wall · 6:00am March 31st

(Originally it was gonna be barrel, but that was a worrying title)

Hey folks, L-Bozo here

Kept you waiting, huh?

Bah, what'm I kidding, I've been dead so long it hardly counts!

Long story short, life's a bitch, and creativity ultimately comes secondary to sorting your shit out.

Picking up shifts like they're going out of style, fighting for hours- one hell of an economy we all live in, but we make do. All to save up...

Hey, least I'm stable, more than I can say for a lot of folks.

With time, basically, I've needed a little redo, or something like that. So there might be a swapping of branding here soon, to move forwards and free myself up to write. To be honest, my original intention was to make a new account and drop this one, but I figured that juicy 500 followers in the end, my only real fear is my own anxiety. And I ain't negotiating with terrorists!

Now, say, why make a blog? Are there stories coming?

Maybe, idfk, the muses are harsh mistresses, and generally things flow as they may.

I think with time, sometimes you just need a good purge. Going through the backlogs of life and finding the fat, and trimming it.
Often times, the parts that hurt you the most are yourself and your own thoughts, and with time all you can really do is get better at slapping yourself for it. S'What you're supposed to do when your friends are dickheads, aye?

To be honest my sleeping schedule is fucked and I slept during the day, and I'm awake for 8~ more hours before work starts, so I needed to do something productive but games were thoughts empty and writing was head empty.

... Alr maybe some stories are in-progress and I was getting myself all worked up on account logistics so I ended up going "FUCK IT" and writing this lmao. But there's also just the fact that I've needed to set the line in the sand for myself, and let myself know 'hey, it's alright.'

Be kind to yourself, it's all you can really do.

Not-quite-sleep-deprived-but-moreso-circadian-arythmic-ramblings aside...

See y'all soon
And hope 2024 is a solid year
Economy ain't great, but aside from living anxiety, most people seem to be doing better, at least
Already met the generosity of people around these parts. Some who aren't alive now. And that's brought some perspective
All you can really do, is keep going, and doing what you can. Don't let life steal away your time or your memory, let yourself live and support those who truly matter
To steal an excerpt from the author's notes of an ongoing project here- it's epilogue, that is...

“An ode to my past selves, and the new mask I wear with every waking day.”

“Here’s to you, Mr L, Mr B, Mr D, Mr A, and Mr J. I won’t stop writing. Not because it defines me, but because it is the skill I want to sharpen into a knife against eternity’s waves, to never give up and never let myself be forgotten, even as my old selves fade.”

See ya when I see you,

Soon to be rebranded, probably,

Now, I need some motherfucking espresso or I might pass out before work again.

Report L-N · 148 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
D-F #1 · March 31st · · ·

oh shit, welcome back, dude! great to see you're doing alright. sure wasn't expecting this, but i sure ain't complaining!

L-N #2 · March 31st · · ·

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. :raritywink:

Not going to lie, I didn't remember who you were or why you were in my feed until I checked your stories. Then I saw the boops and all became clear :rainbowlaugh:.

Glad to see you skulking around once again.

L-N #4 · March 31st · · ·

I am the eternal enigma
I disappear for years then return to remind you of small, stupid, and inconsequential comedies
It's my superpower

That's actually not a bad superpower. Better than just the default "turn food into shit" that I ended up with :rainbowlaugh:.

B_25 #6 · April 19th · · ·

Mr B

You're welcome. (JK)


Let's go with that, that's totally what I meant lmao
(But in retrospect, also this)

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