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Kaiju Profile: Mothra Lea · 3:26am Aug 20th, 2014

Mothra Lea

True form
*wings not colored for now to show body shape. For wing color, see Equestrian form or here
Equestrian Form

Title: The Guardian of Mortals
Alias: Mothra Lea, Rainbow Mothra, Lea (Lee-ah), Mosura
"Wisdom hallmark of a protector Goji, both from the mind and the heart."

Species: Mystical deity resembling a moth (True form), Royal Changeling (Equestrian form)
Gender: Female*
*species is female only
Height: 40 meters (True form), evenly between Luna and Celestia (Equestrian form)
Weight: 25,000 tons (True form), equal to Princess Cadance (Equestrian form)
Length: 75 meters (True form), equal to Princess Luna (Equestrian form)
Wingspan: 210 meters (True form), evenly between Luna and Celestia (Equestrian form)
1992 Mothra - Mother, deceased
Ancient Mothra- Grandmother, deceased
1992 Batra - Father, deceased
Ancient Battra - Grandfather, deceased
Morality: Mothra is a paragon of benevolence, being the brains and heart of the benign Terran kaiju forces. She is as clever as she is caring, and has more than enough bravery to put both to use defending what she holds dear. This makes her arguably the most morally good of the 'Big Four', reigning in any rage or irrationality amongst her allies.
Traits: Flight at Mach 2, deceptively sharp claws, can travel through space if needed, can shift into an Aquatic form and back, strong jaws, presence promotes flower and blossom growth

Powers (still present in Equine form, but diminished):

Terran Magic - Arguably the most skilled magic user on Terra, Mothra is a natural telepath. Often she uses this ability to converse with allies, kaiju and human alike, at even long distance. While she has moral qualms about doing it to those who are no threat, she can read the thoughts of weak minded foes to help predict battle strategy. She also has a myriad of other spells at her disposal. While not including combat spells like some forms of Equestrian magic, she is very well versed in aura reading to determine one's morality and emotions as well as locate foes trying to hide or move at high speed, sealing magic to lock away dark influence; and barriers.

Division - While keeping to a single conscious, Mothra can burst into a cloud of energy and temporarily split herself into hundreds of raven sized 'Fairy Mothra'. Each Fairy is capable of shooting out low powered magic bursts and energizing their bodies to ram into a target. While almost harmless to a kaiju individually, an entire swarm can be formidable. On a more passive side, Mothra might send out a few Fairy to scout out an area or converse with more than one ally.

Prism Beams / Antennae Ray - Channeling mana into her eyes, Mothra can fire out barrages of green and blue energy beams from her orbits that travel in a straight path. While not as powerful as most energy attacks, the trade off is lack of charge time and easily being spammed. She can also fire similarly powered, golden and green beams at the same time from her antennae

Tri-Beam- Igniting the jewel-like protrusions on her forehead, Mothra fires out thin rays of purple, blue, and green energy. While not as large as her prism beams, the energy is more concentrated and has incendiary properties. These can be can be fired at the same time as the Prism beams to add firepower

Reflector Scales- The scales on Mothra's wings, when energized, can reflect all but the strongest energy attacks back at the source. She can flap her wings while releasing excess scales to make a glittering golden cloud with the same properties to create a nullification zone around an enemy to stop their energy attacks. Because her scales are conductive to her own energy, she can also vent excess power into the cloud to shoot out rays of lightning from her wings

Buster Cannon- Diverting power into her chest and taking aim, Mothra fires out a massive ray of teal colored plasma. The cannon is easily one of the stronger energy weapons, exceeding Godzilla's nuclear breath in terms of power. However Lea can only fire it a few seconds at a time before needing to recharge momentarily.

Genetic Memory - Each successive Mothra and Battra is to an extent, a reincarnation of the last. Each incarnation keeps a portion of their predecessor's memories which is accessible through meditation. Lea can access these libraries of memories to both replicate spells her ancestors learned as well gain experience from what her predecessors went through.

Weakness: - Mothra is something of a glass cannon, she might have a huge amount of fire power but she can't tank many physical hits as someone like Godzilla or Anguirus. If she is grounded her abilities to counter attack are diminished until she blast her attacker back to get up. She also has the draw back of being primarily a ranged fighter and is thus not as good in close quarters combat as most kaiju. She also can only maintain an entire Fairy swarm for a minute at best or risk over exerting herself.


The modern Mothra is only the latest and strongest incarnation of a lineage stretching back hundreds of thousands of years. No one knows exactly where they came from, not even themselves, but each era has had one as the protector of the planet's mortals. A single gendered species, each of her ancestors would serve her term as guardian, lay an egg, and if she was too weak to continue her term or was killed; the egg would hatch into a daughter to carry on. The Battra was her line's male counterparts, being one of the guardians of the planet itself. He too went through a similar cycle, abet instead of an egg the Battra line's reincarnation cycle would be the planet physically forming a new Battra should the last one fall. At one point in the past, roughly 77,000 years ago; coming darkness caused there to be a magical imbalance and soon there was multiple adults of both lines. Without warning, the strongest of the planet's guardians went rogue and enacted an attempted omnicide on all advanced life on the planet. The ancient Mothra and Battra flocks fought back valiantly, many falling in battle before the last two managed to seal the evil away in the northern Pacific. This however was only the apex to an age of tribulation.

Primordial races of sentient beings, recorded in man's legends and myths as the yokai and faire folk, decided the world needed more protectors should the evil one return one day. Using a mix of science and magic, they twisted the elements to genetically and mystically engineer protectors from normal animals, growing them both in size and power. Battra saw this as an abomination for the temporary but disastrous damage it was doing to the world. When one failed creation, the Gyaos flocks, went on a rampage and destroyed their creator city of Atlantis; Batta lashed out. He leveled the Fist Civilization's cities, destroying all traces of them and their technology he could find, before Mothra flew in to regretfully stop him. After a climactic battle, Mothra finally managed to win and laid Battra to rest at sea. The First Civilization however was all but destroyed, only about a dozen of their comatose creations, some scattered artifacts; and tiny pockets of survivors surviving. The ancient Mothra used the last of her power to safely entomb the growing protectors and to give the last surviving sentient race, humanity, a haven to survive what paleontologists would call the Toba Catastrophe. She then expired next to her egg.

Because of the mass trauma done to the planet in such as relatively short span of time, the new Mothra egg wouldn't hatch until 1992. It was in that year that the current Godzilla, the modern individual's future adoptive father, was on a rampage after a meteor impact. A dark presence had taken over the vengeful dinosaur, sending the beast into a path of destruction. The new Mothra hatched from her egg just as the planet itself reawakened Battra to deal with the threat. Mothra's return only caused the influence over Godzilla to go berserk, nearly killing the newborn guardian when she was still in her caterpillar form. After both Mothra and Battra cocooned into their final forms and united once again against a common threat; they managed to barely subdue Godzilla. As they were dragging him out to sea however, the saurian revived and lashed out again, sinking his jaws into Battra's neck before firing a point blank nuclear breath right into his throat. Battra was quickly slain, falling into the deep ocean with Godzilla. A vision came to Mothra as they fell, about future threats that would arise in several years. Foreseeing the titan would be needed in the future, she performed a liberation and pacification spell on Godzilla as he began to swim to the surface. Godzilla was freed of the evil taint and shifted into a slumber at the ocean bottom, the mysterious influence passing back to the North Sea from whence it came. Mothra departed the world shortly after, Battra's passing spirits giving her visions that foretold of a meteor destined to strike the planet with catastrophic consequences in a few years. She flew up into space to divert its course, unknowingly causing the birth of Xenilla due to some of Godzilla's blood and scales being stuck to her claws.

Mothra returned a few years later after Godzilla senior's death, and came to a hidden, mythical isle called Infant Island. It was there she laid her egg. Unbeknownst to her however, the cycle of Battra had its own role to play with her daughter. The world, weakened by decades of conflict, didn't have enough mana to reincarnate Battra. So instead, the power of the guardian was infused into Mothra's egg. The resulting offspring would be twice as powerful as either of her 'parents', drawing upon Battra's powers and abilities in addition to her mother's.

Peace was not to last however, for it wasn't much latter when an ancient evil reawakened. DesGhidorah, the younger brother of King Ghidorah, had been sealed away in the Earth's core for millions of years. Due to actions of a vengeful witch, he was freed and went on a rampage. Forests erupted in hellfire as Mothra quickly rushed to stop the dark dragon. She fought with all the vigor she had, but drained for her voyage amongst the stars and giving birth, she slowly was losing ground. Sensing her mother's plight, the daughter Mothra hatched from her egg tried to help. The comparatively small larvae turned out to be quite the powerhouse, her courage earning her the nickname 'Lea' (derived from the Latin word for Lioness). Still, she was a fragile youngster and would have gotten herself killed by DesGhidorah's fireballs had her mother not blocked the shot and received a mortal wound in the process. Grabbing her child and flying her to safety, Mothra told Lea to go back to Infant island, it being her and the world's only hope. Making it halfway, the elder guardian's strength faltered and she crashed into the ocean waves. Unable to muster the strength to swim like her child, life left her and she sank beneath the waves to the sound of Lea's cries.

Tearfully swimming to her birthplace, Lea met two of her mother's aids, the twin faeries Moll and Lora, who directed her to a hundred thousand year old, giant cherry blossom tree. Being so ancient, the tree was overflowing with magical energy, mana. Lea cocooned herself against the structure to draw power from it as she meditated during her metamorphosis. Emerging several days later as a full powered adult, the fully realized Mothra Lea flew out and battled DesGhidorah before he could reach Osaka. After a brilliant display of her powers, she overwhelmed the dragon and destroyed him once and for all. Her mother and father might have been dead, but the planet had a new protector who was more powerful than ever before.

Lea would face more challenges as time went on. The re-emerging Mu Island chain caused the release of a Dagahra, a malfunctioning First Civilization creation. After drawing energy from the ancient islands, Mothra gained a new aquatic form and defeated the pollution causing demon. Her biggest challenge however would come in 1998. Wishing to succeed where his brother had failed, Kind Ghidorah returned to Terra and promptly went about his world destroying plans. Mothra flew in to confront him, but found herself not fighting alone. Godzilla Junior, fully grown and still just as protective of humans as ever; had returned and was tracking Ghidorah at the same time Mothra was. At first, having not encountered any other kaiju who weren't a threat; the two thought the other was the enemy and attacked. After a short battle however, King Ghidorah arrived to try and finish the two off. Quickly sensing the dragon was the real enemy, the two set aside any of their differences teamed up against the golden drake. After a long and close battle, the duo managed to sufficiently damage Ghidorah enough to force him to retreat back into space.

Both wounded from the battle, but her reptilian ally healing faster than she could, Mothra returned on Infant Island to meditate and return to full strength after Godzilla agreed to shoulder her guardian duties for awhile. For several years as Mothra tended to array magic imbalances caused by recent events and alongside Godzilla, engaged numerous threats, the two regularly meeting to check in on each other. Having common grounds, similar pains from a lost parent; and compatible personalities, the two bonded very well and are arguably the closest significant that either one has. It's likely that no other soul on Terra knows Junior like Lea does, and vice versa. Both finally relieved to have a new ally they could trust in a world of enemies and friend they could acknowledge, the pair laid the groundwork for what would later become one of the largest and most powerful kaiju factions on the planet. While Godzilla is called the 'King' of the Monsters for his unfailing bravery and unbreakable will, Mothra is also seen as a respected figure and splits actual leadership with her friend. Wise beyond her years, she is still often come to by Junior himself for advice and strategy, as he trusts her judgment over anyone else's, himself included. However, there is a few secrets she's kept from even her closest friend....

Comments ( 14 )

Wow! :rainbowderp: Mothra's story is interesting. The part about her mother was so sad. :fluttercry::applecry:

2384812 it's even sadder to witness it first hand.

Wow, such feels.:applecry:

Why do I feel that, Godzilla Jr and Mothra Leo (or Lea) make a better shipping couple than Godzilla and Luna/ Godzilla and Blade Dancer.

But otherwise great backstory for a great character.

I must atmit that I had a tire in my eye when reading her story, another great job :twilightsmile:

I have question about Mothra leo since the movies have it has alot of power.

Just to references I saw the english version of the Mothra's Trilogy. So if they're information in the sub version I miss while typing I'm sorry.

Does it take place after Rebirth of Mothra or Rebirth of Mothra 3? Because if it take place after Rebirth of Mothra 3, where her Eternal Mothra form or Armor Mothra form? In fact what happend to her other form like Rainbow Mothra, Aqua Mothra?

And if she has this form are we going for super saiyan/ sailor scout kind of transformation of going to original to ultimate form? and before you say anything I'm aware Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball series aren't the only anime that have transformation abilities. I'm just more in common in them with Digimon, Pokemon and the former series I already mention.

Also when I heard the dub the said the original Mothra is Female and that Mothra Leo was Male. If she male in Rebirth Of Mothra why did you make her female here?

2385557 In someway, I agree they both have a like in common. Both lost they're parent they dearly love. both are connect to protect the human races and Planet Earth.

I did state most of this in the bio but I'll repeat it as it might have been easy to miss :twilightsheepish:

Yes she has the aqua form, I listed it in the traits. And it takes place after RoM3 as she already fought King Ghidorah

Now, long answer
It actually takes place after RoM3, but with a severely altered timeline. Unlike the RoM series movies, this timeline's events happened in the same universe as the Heisei Godzilla series. And while Junior might have still been recovering for the first few years (thus the events of RoM1 and 2 happened as seen in film), I doubt he'd take an event like King Ghidorah's attack laying down. Thus the first part of RoM3 happened as normal, but instead of the first fight being a losing Rainbow Mothra vs. Ghidorah 1v1, it was Mothra and Junior teaming up to take on Ghidorah right from the start. There was enough power between the two of them to drive Ghidorah off, so the whole time travel fiasco never happened. In a nutshell, imagine the first battle starting with Lea and Junior ganging up on Ghidorah and sufficiently damaging him enough to send him packing.

No time travel = No Armored/eternal forms. Thus Lea only has her base and Aqua form.

And I made her female both because the dubs can't seem to make up their mind if the RoM series protagonist was male or not (more than 1 dub called it 'she'), and because it makes no sense for a seemingly female only species to spontaneously self-reproduce a male (species which can undergo parthenogenesis almost always can only make daughters). Besides, nothing was lost making sure Lea was female and Mothra as a character type is almost always thought of as female. So, the ambiguously/weirdly gendered Leo was made female

Hopefully Mothra will remember next time in a fight that she can turn into mutiple mini Mothra.

Go to 14:08

Sorry I read the profile and see that she does have that power called "Division" I still stand by what I said in the last comment. Hope, Lea remember she can used that power next fight.

Question, which of her powers are something all Mothras have?

Asking mainly for that project I'm doing where Fluttershy is a Mothra, since she's intended to be more like Mothra Senior than Lea.

Well if we're talking Mothra Senior
Antennae ray
wing lightning
reflector scales
Magic (namely plant growth and sealing spells)
and division but only to an extent. Normal Mothra could divide off parts of their power to create a few fairy mothra at a time. But only Lea, due to Battra influence, can make a whole horde of them.

Lea's other powers like shapeshifting, prism beams, tri-beam, and buster cannon are either from the Battra line or due to the two lines fusing to create new powers.

4456791 Alright, thank you.

Hehe, now I have the imagine of Fluttershy accidentally making a Fairy Mothra of herself and finding it both confusing, and adorable.

mothras pony form link doesnt work either it seems

Huh, bad luck. Fixed it. I'll go through the others when I can.

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