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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Friday
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 6 days
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 4 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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  • 4 weeks
    Fic recs, April 28th!

    TheQuinch has done a reading of Grimm's There's a Monster Under the Stairs! He's also begun CanvasWolfDoll's Sepia Tock!

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Fic recs, January 5th! · 5:35pm Jan 5th, 2015

No wonder this one got hooj: I thought I was supposed to post it tomorrow! :V Silly me. Last Saturday, I beat Solitaire, so now I have a little more time in my day to read short fics!

In other news, lrn2HORSE, noobs.

Yeah wow.

So, come take a look at Pascoite's Parental Attachment, KitsuneRisu's The Incandescent Brilliance, The Evolution of Harmony by Thornwing and 8 others!

H: 1 R: 4 C: 6 V: 0 N: 1

Parental Attachment by Pascoite
Genre: Scootaparents
Scootaloo has parents. Of course she does. They’re just a little… unusual.
This came from a recent writeoff and was, if I’m not being both mistaken and egotistical, a reaction to Those Awful Rumors ‘Round Town. I am very pleased by this if it’s true. :V This story is remarkable, because you’ll never figure out what’s going on despite all the clues being there in the text. It is just that out there. Also, it’s intriguing how everyone finally getting to meet Scootaloo’s parents makes her life harder. I mean, she’s used to them not showing up for things, but suddenly everyone else is really on her case about it. It’s an interesting dynamic. Anyway, totally worth the read.

The Incandescent Brilliance by KitsuneRisu
Reading by Illya Leonov and IMShadow007
Genre: Literary
When a magical accident traps Trixie and one of her students behind an anti-magic field, all they can do is wait for the end.
I dislike using more than one genre tag unless it’s for comedic purposes, but this needs more. It’s the fantasy equivalent of a sci-fi disaster flick. It’s a tragedy. It’s a supremely sad character death piece. It’s Trixie redemption. The “trap two people and have them talk” trope is a standard literary form, and this fic proves that all you need to make that work is a couple of interesting characters. Trixie is written fantastically and Russet slowly reveals the ways in which this story is tied to, and ultimately is about, the show, despite its hard techno-fantasy beginning. Dat Fluttermac tho. It’s not unusual for stories about ponies dying to make me sad, but this is one of the few that has legitimately made me cry, so be warned. The ending is heartbreaking, and earned entirely through Trixie and Russet’s conversation, and that’s what makes all the difference.
Highly Recommended

The Evolution of Harmony by Thornwing
Edited by Me
Genre: Adventure
When an ancient evil threatens the ancestral home of all ponies, it’s up to Twilight and friends to seek out and stop it.
Time for historical adventure featuring G1 crossover roots! That’s what I liked most about this: the main bad guy is the Smooze, and it features Grundles, the ruins of Dream Castle and a really clever reenvisioning of the Flutter Ponies. On top of that, it sets up a great Rainbow Power-themed adventure outside the borders of Equestria, complete with a lot of unexpected humor. (A certain yeti makes a strong impression in the middle.) I’m reviewing this a good couple of weeks after I finished editing it, so I can’t remember all the details, but darned if this wasn’t a really fun read that left me looking forward to the sequels.

A Night He (Won’t) Remember by Vimbert the Unimpressive
Genre: R63
When the stallion of Rarity’s dreams isn’t exactly into mares, she decides to do something about it.
This is a fun comedy, crackficcy around the edges because it was written by someone who has always hated Rarity, though she’s hardly the only one with character issues. I do appreciate his attempt to justify the horrible name for genderswapped Rarity. The ending may confuse those unfamiliar with Vimbert’s work (Eagle Eye shows up in a lot of his stories), and it’s worth mentioning that the punchline is basically date rape, but it’s funny, because it’s Eagle Eye. Yeah, there’s no way I can convince people to read this, is there? <.<
Recommended If You’re Into Character Destruction

A Pony Walks Into a Bar… by Mr. Maximus
Reading (part 1) by Hero541
Genre: Shipping/Comedy
Once upon a time, the Elements of Harmony visited Frosty Mug’s bar, all in the same week.
Note the genre tag: I use the slash instead of something like “Romantic Comedy” because this has two distinct sections. The first two chapters are basically parts of the same story, about Applejack dealing with feelings for Rainbow Dash, while the third involves Sparity (and I’m pretty sure the Cheerilight overtones in part 5 are intentional). As for the rest, well, if not for the continual teases for the next part, they would stand alone as individual stories in a series more than chapters. Anyway, the draw should definitely be the drunken ponies more than the romance, not that it's bad. If you ever wanted to see the mane cast playing drinking games, this is the story for you. I will say that once the story finishes up with them, it starts to feel overextended. Luna’s chapter is funny, yes, but I got flashbacks to the more disappointing movements of Progress, likely thanks to the hoodie. Gilda’s chapter is a definite low point, and Trixie’s isn’t much better; I’d stick with the first six, the first three if the romance appeals the most to you. Of course, if you’re not into ponies drinking, this is gonna be a hard pill to swallow. I can buy Fluttershy as an undercover beat poet, sure, but Pinkie the pool shark? Scotchlight Sparkle? Definitely more outside the bounds of the show. Not to mention the overall setting is definitely transplanted from Earth. Still, if there’s one thing this story does right, it’s giving the narrator a strong voice and having him be part of the action rather than just a narrator. (Trying to recover from a faux pas in Rarity’s chapter endeared him to me and sold him as a character.) So overall, not a bad series, just one that needs to know when to quit.
Recommended If You Like Drunk Ponies

Gifts Ungiven by Slate Sadpony
Reading by Scribbler, et. al.
Genre: Sister Bonding
Rarity’s usual Hearth’s Warming gift of a dress goes awry one year when all Sweetie gets is clothing.
The thing I like most about this story is that it’s a slice of life with conflict that’s solved thanks to Rarity’s superequine dressmaking skills. As holiday specials go, I think it holds up fairly well, and we get some great Rarity/Sweetie bonding as a result. It’s a look at the meaningfulness of gifts, not to mention Rarity’s character. Another heartwarming story that really pulls off what it’s trying to do.

Goldenmane and the Three Bears by Bad Horse
Reading by Neighrator Pony
Genre: Comedy
Uncle Bad Horse reads us a tale about a curious little filly and a house with three bears.
I’m gonna treat Bad Horse’s Bedtime Stories for Impressionable Young Colts and Fillies as a collection of separate stories, even though they're all linked by the grouchy titular storyteller into something more than just a bunch of standalones. Anyway, Bad Horse is ridiculously grumpy and makes these fairy tales fun; if you’ve ever watched one of Goombasa’s "Simple Shorties With Smilin’ Sammy" readings, the effect is similar. I’ve read another of the stories later in the series, but for this one, I have to say, the narrator is really the focal point. The ponified Goldielocks takes a backseat to his dismantling of it as a poor example of how to rob a house. If you know what you’re getting into, that makes for a fun story, if not an overly ponyish one. It’s just great watching him teach kids about swear words, is what I’m saying. Of course, the real reason I’m reading this at this particular moment is that it’s been turned into a short film (albeit with the pony stuff taken out; see? it’s not pony enough!), which is pretty funny. Watch it when you’ve read the story!
Recommended If You Don’t Mind Questionable Poniness

To Love and Cherish by Midnight Herald
Genre: Romance
Whenever Sweetie becomes lost in her mind, Apple Bloom and the music help bring her back.
This is a very somber, if positive, future fic starring two Crusaders aged up to grandmother status, if the cover art is to be believed. It has a lot of elements that I like: a relationship between ponies in their twilight years, a hint of the passage of time (admittedly, I could have used more of that), Sweetie battling dementia and Apple Bloom being there for her with quiet understanding. If you’re not interested in randomly shipping ponies, there won’t be much here for you — and indeed, Apple Bloom’s voice is far from what’s familiar although that is the point — but I liked this one.
Recommended for Romance Fans

Pyrrhic Victory by Just Horsing Around
Genre: What If
Backed into a corner by the queen of the changelings, Princess Celestia makes a desperate play to protect Equestria.
If you ever got mad that Celestia “didn’t do anything” during A Canterlot Wedding, the first scene of this story will appeal. It reframes everything she did as part of a desperate and heroic ploy to keep things from going significantly worse for all involved. Unfortunately, then we get to the “Celestia suspended in a cocoon” part, and instead of explaining that away, the author has Celestia destroy the entire world? It was very hard to follow and felt completely divorced from Luna and Celestia, character-wise. Not to mention the writing tends to be flat and suffers from LUS. The opening of this story is very promising, but after that first scene break, something goes terribly, terribly wrong.
Not Recommended

The Millennial Vault by Door Matt
Genre: Horror
Princess Twilight holds a press conference for the opening of a vault sealed a millennium ago. However, not even she knew what they would find within.
Another from the last writeoff, and one that I didn’t really give fair shakes, so I’m interested to see what the author did with it. The result? Good buildup, tension and atmosphere, though you’ll have to wade through a bit of pat OC introduction to get to it. Using journalist as heroes was a neat idea, not something you see often, and the thing they find is described just enough to keep an air of mystery about it. My only complaint, aside from the intro and some typos, would be Luna’s behavior in the final scene. She was a little harsh. (Also, what's with the setup? Did something go wrong? It's not explained.) Still, a good darkfic that fans of the genre will like.
Recommended for Horror Fans

Maybe Tomorrow by Baal Bunny
Reading by Pink Dracula
I’m gonna give this guy a pass, but he’s another “if you don’t have issues with background noise” case. His problems are strident, extremely loud music in the intro, and muffled narration, necessitating lots of volume changing. His actual reading is fine, I just can’t hear it over the water. I’m pleased he keeps the commentary to the end, though. I won’t say he’s bad, I just can’t use him.
Genre: Slice of Life
Angel Bunny struggles between the life he has with Fluttershy and the call of freedom.
What gets me about this is that it’s a look at how ponies affect the world around them, essentially from the world’s point of view. Angel enumerates many ways in which animals are changed by the mere presence of ponies, and rails against them, to the best of his limited ability anyway. Three things caught me off guard about this. First, there’s what seems to be unresolved romantic tension from Angel towards Fluttershy. It’s waved off as having “no lust involved”, but the question of whether or not it’s more-than-friends love goes unanswered. Second, a spot in the middle rhymes for no good reason. Third, I’m not absolutely sure Angel isn’t trying to commit suicide at the end. I mean, I don’t think he is, upon reflection, I suspect he was expecting Fluttershy to catch him, but I can’t be 100% sure. But that penultimate line is kind of amazing. This is a really clever and unique look at the world of Equestria, and I think it stands up above its oddities.

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Comments ( 15 )

The Writeoff had ninety four entries?! G'damn, I'm glad I stopped doing minifics.

The Incandescent Brilliance was great. It could've easily veered extra cliche, but the framing device was really just an excuse for some really great character development. Even with a potentially unwelcome surprise forced on the reader in the form of Surprise! Fluttermac offspring, who, double-spoilers, I'ma kill off now, it seemed overall rather tactfully handled. I do hope KitsuneRisu is able to return to fanfic at some point. They've been offline for a few months now. :unsuresweetie:

Maybe Tomorrow was great, and "introduced" me to Baal Bunny. The whole narrative style was just so evocative and, in the good sense of the word, puzzling. I really wanted to know more about what made Angel tick, what he was thinking. The whole "pet thinks in a sophisticated, unexpected manner" is a relatively common trope, but I've never seen it pulled off so effectively as here.

Author Interviewer

Been doing that for a while now, actually. :B If something doesn't give me a huge influx of followers anytime soon, I think blog posts will start taking off from the follower count now. Spoilers: I've read two other stories of yours, that I'll be giving better reviews in the near future, so don't worry.

That’s what I liked most about this: the main bad guy is the Smooze, and it features Grundles, the ruins of Dream Castle and a really clever reenvisioning of the Flutter Ponies.

The 'squeeeee' heard 'round the world when you read those parts, I'm sure. :trollestia:

Glad you liked it! :duck:

Regarding "Maybe Tomorrow," I interpret the "no lust involved" line as being unreliable narration, given the third person limited narrator that is very close to Angel's thoughts. His desire to escape to freedom seems to stem from some denial of his feelings for Fluttershy as well as the recognition that Fluttershy could never reciprocate such feelings in the way he wants because he is not a pony.

Author Interviewer

Yeah, and I'm not at all comfortable with that.

Oh hey! I'm glad you read that one. And I'm really glad you liked it. I was worried! I know how you really dislike when sad fics are handled badly, especially when the feels are 'forced'.

I'm SO glad I didn't decide to go for the Trixie-is-pregnant-omg-take-care-of-my-unborn-child-by-the-way-he-already-has-a-fatal-changeling-disease-and-a-werewolf-is-in-love-with-him plot that I had originally.

But your approval has made me know for SURE that I didn't fuck up this time. Because like Judge Dredd, your word IS THE LAWHEGHHG.

Author Interviewer

Of course, you should write a story about that anyway. :V

I would, but the saga of Princess Fartsock comes first.

Author Interviewer

Glad that Gifts Ungiven was more to your liking.

Author Interviewer

A bad review doesn't mean you're a bad writer. :)


But I am a bad writer.

Author Interviewer

The good review says otherwise.


Ehhh. The sum total of my works indicates that I'm not there yet.

Maybe some day.

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