• Member Since 26th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2021


Neardy little fanfic reader who is trying to make her own. Love talking and you can allways feel free to send a PM.

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    I was in my second year of middle school when I started here on this site

    Five years later I'm graduating from HS!!!

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    Since I'm not on here too much

    Since i'm not on here too much - I check in every now and then, so you can pm if you want but I'm not all that active otherwise tbh - I thought I'd onxe again share my other medias where we can talk:

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    This site is probsbly the best thing to ever happen to me

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    One of my fanfics (that i co-write with another amazing human) was read by the actress playing one of the characters we wrote about.

    She said she loved it and called us talented!!!!

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  • 323 weeks
    This site is probsbly the best thing to ever happen to me

    So, let me explain:

    It was bc of this site i started writing Fanfiction. I discobered the joys of writing and I started writing more and more.


    One of my fanfics (that i co-write with another amszing human) was read by the actress playing one of the characters we wrote about.

    She said she lived it and called us talented!!!!

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To all French Bronies out there · 7:54pm May 7th, 2017

Congratulations on choosing Emmanuel Macron as your president! As a Swede and a citizens of a memeber country in the EU, it is a deep relifie for him to have won over far right, anti-EU Le Pen! It us also a relifie became of several other atrocious opinions she have.

Thank god you didn't make the same choice as America and congratulations! :rainbowkiss::duck::eeyup:

Report keam · 459 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

wow that was mean and savage to america and we're still here though

4523630 Agreed. I'm still your friend but shit no need for such a big potshot.

4523632 i mean i'm not offended

I would've lost hope for humanity if Le Pen had won. If people want to be conservative, that's fine, but her policies were insane and I agreed with just about 0% of what she said.

Besides, it would be a bit of a weird adjustment if France had to switch currencies again.

It's more a mistake depending on your viewpoint. France has been so damn snobby after Brexit and Trump, I wanted her to win just so France would be quiet. Still, far left is just as bad as far right. Hasn't crime in Sweden multiplied since you adopted the world's first "feminist" government? Don't even get me started on what's happening in Germany.

I didn't vote for trump, but he's not as bad as everyone says. In fact, it's almost nice to have a president who does stuff as opposed to Obama who rarely did anything. I don't agree with many of the things trump says or does, but I doubt Hillary would have been much or any better. :moustache:

That's a rather extreme statement for you to make. You can prevent the obvious negative attacks you may get over that by toning the messaging down a bit.

keam #12 · May 7th, 2017 · · 2 ·

4523630 I just mean trump isn’t all that brilliant

4523664 agreed. Who says on national TV that colonisation is good?

4523634 nope. It is good.


1 Macron is not exactly far left. He is both left and roght depending on question

2 crime does lot increase bc of our goverment. Our goverment is not how i'd like it to be and It has not been all that succesful but it is not causing crime rates to increase

3 You are entitled to your opinion in everything. Trump is bad for several reasons and Obama trued his best, but trump has a more open and viable situation because he is the dominating party. He is on the strong people's side.

Either way I tell you you are aloowed your opinions and we can leave it at that bc i value your friendship

keam #13 · May 7th, 2017 · · 1 ·

4523696 I am stating my opinion. It might be too straight on for some, but then they have 2 choices:

1 stop being my friend

2 agree ro disagree bc everyone can have theur own opinions and simoly not discuss politics with me

It is not much harder than that

4523704 Oh all right . . . you are entitled to Mr. Opinion. It's just . . . it's the slant that is gonna get to other people. You and I are mostly politically identical which is why I got attacked for expressing my views (for the most part the same as yours) several times here on FIMFiction. It's likely the same thing's gonna happen to you.

4523705 I don’t care. When it comes to pilitics I really don't care. :eeyup:

4523708 mm. I don't mind anerica as a country, but i am glad france doesn't end up with a leader like trump

4523739 i mean i don't care about politics its not like i'm gonna be in politics

4523698 well you saying we made a mistake is like if I said that your people did because of your votes. Brexit, which I disagree with, was their people's choice. Trump, was the people's choice, regardless of what anyone tells you. :moustache:

4523775 That is exactly right.

Ouch... low blow to us here in the states, but then again we asked to be kicked their with a rusted iron boot any way.

I'm just afraid of what is going to come out of France, Germany, and the Eastern Europeans if the EU continues to take on more Refugees. Something much worse than Le Pen may come out of this. I personally agree with more Le Pen than Macron, due to her being in favor of a Nation state than being apart of something that has grown larger than it's intended purpose.

4523775 Yeah, and look where it's gotten us. Trump has failed to keep a single promise and proved he's so desperate for a victory he had to force his own party to narrowly pass an unpopular healthcare bill in the House that has no chance in the Senate. To say nothing of the fact that every single weekend he has taken off to vacation, even while he kisses up to every known dictator on the planet while at the same time insulting our allies who are democratically elected. The defeat of Le Pen is a sign that Trump better shape up if he doesn't want to meet the same fate, the Democrats picked a bad candidate to face him in 2016, but if they can pick someone decent and more or less scandal free, Trump will be finished assuming he makes it to 2020, At the current rate, Congress will likely flip back to control of the Democrats in 2018, and what happens with the looming investigations after that is anyone's guess.

4523888 make no mistake, I hate trump. I did not vote for him, and do not support him. He has done a few things I agree with, but not many. Hillary was just as bad. If there was a "mistake" by America, it wasn't who was elected, as much as it was letting our parties pick the candidates. :moustache:

4523888 4523904 Personally I don't know what to say about our so called elections anymore. I can't stand the circus or the bullshit from both sides. It's just makes me sick either way. :pinkiesick:

The French could use some anti-EU leadership:
1. Net migration - lowers wages, pushes housing prices up, won't integrate into the culture
2. More bureaucracy less democracy - local communities weaken while the national government can't protect their sovereignty
3. Euro is failing - austerity, stagnation, and the rich take from the poor

Le Pen was the better choice for France because Macron is for the status quo. He was groomed to be the elite's champion. This mean France going to have more of the same violence from Muslims and suffer culture/economic decline. The EU kills nations.

keam, I know things are bad for you and need at win your life. This wasn't it.

4523664 What were her policies that you found "insane"? Before you get all defensive, I'm not here to change you mind or call you out. Just curious what you think Le Pen would have done if she won. Other-words, What would she have done foolish?

4524264 changed currency and left EU?

4524325 She's also a nazi who hates non-French people living in France.

4524362 exactly. And said without shame on national television that COLONISATION is GOOD

4523904 I have no idea why you were downvoted. For all I know, you had spoken the truth. I mean, Trump is one productive asshole.

4524325 Changing currency could be debatable foolish. I argue it isn't. A common currency like the Euro looks convenient, but it backed private interests who the people can't control. Why? Because it's outside government control. I'm speaking from experience from the states. Our money is control by Federal Reserve that was created over a 100 years ago.

It's private bank that answers to no one but themselves that makes rules that can not be challenged democratically. It causes more inflation. It causes debt that hurts people (and our government). I site this for quick reference: This link.

Here's the more balanced version of Le Pen's French colonialism was good for Algeria: Link.

I said my peace on leaving the EU. As for her being a nazi and hating non-french people - I doubt she's a nazi nor does she hate non-French people. Don't see the evidence. She just wants non-French people who come into the country to become French and stop fucking killing French people.

4524590 The killers were actually French-born and not immigrants.

4524417 it's as simple as someone disagrees with what I think. They have every right to their opinion. :twilightsmile:

Marcon is a pro-EU shill and he's a Rothschild puppet. I don't think he wants what's for the best of the French people. Le Pen actually gives half a damn about France and her people, so I don't get why it's a "good thing" to have open borders and be in a union that strips poor countries of their wealth.

4524748 You can have your opinions, I have mine. EU is both good and bad. It's money is unevungly dostributed among the countries, yes, but France is one of those who earns most because of farming. EU is good because it help us countries stand united and do things toghther.

4524605 What or which killers?

4524848 The Muslim extremists. They were actually French nationals not migrants.

4524976 *applau* exactly

I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can think the continued decline of Western civilization is good for anyone except the invaders.

Freedom, liberty, national identity. These are all in peril right now. I think the day will come when these will all be taken away. The election of Donald Trump is merely delaying the inevitable. LePen would have done the same. But now I fear France has hit the accelerator and will go the way of Sweden and Germany.

The next 50 years are going to be some of the darkest in modern history. I can only pray that we'll survive them.

4525020 you think something is wrong with how sweden work??? I know we aren’t problem free but we're doing oretty damn well

It's a bit difficult for me to put the terms into English, but I can try? My main issue is with her thoughts on immigration and what she wanted to do about it, though of course there are other things too. She doesn't seem very tolerant at all and is reminding me of Trump in a lot of ways, and not just because she's fairly far-right.

Honestly, I may be a little biased, but she lost by a large margin so I can't be the only one.

4525437 I agree with you a lot. I've been following the debate quite closely, and I know she is very Trump-ish. She is problematic and while Macron is maybe not perfect he is better

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