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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )

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Sombra's Clipshow - SUBMISSION RULES!? · 6:05am Aug 13th, 2018

Hey guys, GM here, posting at midnight because I'M AWAKE and it's TECHNICALLY TOMORROW. So, Songs of the Spheres has just completed its fourth arc. We’re about a third done with this monster of a story, and there’s still so much to come. Now, five updates (thirty days) from today there’s scheduled to be a special chapter: 057 - Sombra’s Clipshow. This chapter will consist almost entirely of extremely short snippets focused on comedy in the world of Songs of the Spheres written not only by me, but anyone who wants to submit something. As an example, here are two snips:

[“I’VE GOT YOUR NOSE!” the unimaginable horror from the Embodiment shouted.

Alushy grinned, her face dripping blood. “Yes… Yes you do… My nose. An artifact of untold arcane power. Those who have claimed my nose and held it for long have gained many perks, but also legendary detriments. Their sense of smell becomes unimaginably attuned, to the point at which they are able to smell every piece of shit in a fifty mile radius as if they were standing right next to it. The strength benefits are unheard of, bordering on unstoppable, but beware: you never know when your fist will suddenly turn into a pie. And there’s also the fact that it makes parts fall off of you. Any part. Hey, I’m curious, what on your eldritch body is the equivalent to a d-”

The horror dropped Alushy’s nose and vanished into the eldritch darkness.

“Heh,” Alushy said, slapping her nose back on. “Priceless.”]


[A Flat Appul walked down the street of the Hub. He caught Flutterfree staring at him, fangs bared and drool dripping down her chin.

“What’s your beef?”

“So… Delicious… Looking…” Flutterfree shook her head. “Sorry, sorry! I uh… Hold on a second.” She took an apple out of her saddlebags and drained it of its juices. A look of euphoric relief crossed her features. “Ah… Better now. Sorry about that, I-”

The Appul was screaming and running away.

Flutterfree put her hooves over her face. “Why does this happen to me…?”]

They don’t need to be this short - there are some significantly longer ones already written and accepted - but those are just some examples. I’ve already got a lot of them written by myself and others from the SotS Discord. I’m now opening up Sombra’s Clipshow for everyone to write snips for. You all have until 057 arrives to submit SotS related snips to me for inclusion. Here are the rules:

1) Don’t exceed SotS’s rating. Which is to say T, with a few restrictions. High levels of violence are allowed, but sex is a big don’t. You may have noticed how I admit that sex exists in SotS but never reference it directly. That’s your limitation here. (As a footnote, I know you shippers are out there in full force. Try to restrain yourself. A shipping snip does not necessarily mean I’ll remove it, but It’ll be treated with more scrutiny.)

2) Keep it related to SotS. Which is to say, franchises and characters that already exist within the story - or side stories, if you feel you can pull that off. Those of you who are aware of future events through drafts, don’t mention those or use any of those. If you want to introduce a new franchise, be careful - I may deem it too out of context OR will have included the franchise in a future chapter and cannot include it in Sombra’s Clipshow for fear of contradiction. Speaking of…

3) Do not contradict anything. No going against past events. I will let you know upon snip submission if you contradict any future events by accident. Those of you who do know the future, no spoilers. (I may be convinced to accept foreshadowing, depending on how blatant it is).

4) Focus on comedy. While you can certainly do dramedy or action-hjinks, any snips that are straight adventure or drama will not be accepted. The tone of the chapter needs to remain mostly constant.

5) Multi-part snips are allowed and will be spread out across random places in the chapter when submitted.

6) I reserve the right to ignore snip submissions for any reason. Maybe it’s too long, maybe it isn’t funny, maybe it’s just a little rude, or maybe the characters are OOC, or maybe I’m just in a bad mood. It doesn’t have to be a reasonable reason. I also reserve the right to take an editing pen to your snip to make it sound better.

7) Submit snips to one of three places - PMing me is preferred, but I’ll accept snips in the comment section of this blog post and the #writing channel of the discord chat. You can submit as many as you want.

Now, go write and have fun! I’ll accept submissions until the moment Sombra’s Clipshow goes live. Let’s see just how crazy this can get.

-GM, master of the meteor shower.

Comments ( 12 )

May I set a snip on Earth Shimmer?

Yes, yes you may. We did have Derpy, after all. You could even have the Merodi make official contact since I never actually DID that myself, but end up referencing it later.

(you can also write more than one snip, I should go add that to the actual rules)

-GM, master of spices.

An opportunity to put in short snippets into the official work, eh? I'd try to put one in here, but some reason whatever idea I put in is at least over 7,000 words x3 a little too long, I presume?

Yeah seven thousand is a bit much. Like, a LOT bit much. We have a few dozen snips in there already and we've only hit 12,000 words TOTAL. So if you need a hard limit, seriously don't go above 1000. Seriously.

Also, hey, haven't seen you leave your usual long comments in a while. How've you been?

-GM, master of mice.

Things had been going fine for me, thank you for asking. Been a bit busy with my own brand of work (and may or may have not been playing Jurassic World: Evolution a little too much X3). Not much time to read up on your extravagant piece as of late, but I'll find time to get back to it ^^

And for the limit, yeah 1,000 is a far better limit. If I do manage to get something in like that, I'll PM you, K? :raritywink: … one question though: any dates we should be aware of, or does it just end when you feel you're all good?

Sombra's Clipshow goes live september 12 - in exactly thirty days. So you have until the day before to get something in. Should be plenty of time - assuming you can adjust your schedule around all that Jurassic fun. :pinkiesmile:

-GM, master of pieces of pie.

Thank you oh master of [insert random thing here] :pinkiehappy:

Is there a compendium of worlds by any chance, ala the Directory in the story? I have something of an idea, but I can't be entirely sure of what I want to do without a bit of fact checking. And 660,000 words is a lot to fact check.

The only thing I've got so far is this. Keep in mind it has some franchises that have only been background presences in uploaded chapters.


  • My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
  • Homestuck
  • Stargate
  • The Dark Tower
  • Legend of Zelda
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
  • Steven Universe
  • Numenera
  • Ben 10
  • Marvel (And DC to some extent)
  • Star Trek
  • Xeelee Sequence
  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • Half Life
  • Doctor Who
  • Protectors of the Plot Continuum
  • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
  • Rick and Morty
  • Overwatch
  • Gravity Falls
  • Champions
  • Star Control

I CAN get you a more fleshed-out list, but it will by no means be expansive, and I might not get it to you until tomorrow. Would you like that?

-GM, master of LIME.

That should be good for what i want. Mostly, I wanted a status of a specific world in Song. Like, some are 'blacklisted' or no travel, some are loose associates, among other things. There's a difference between, as a random example, it being consistent to have Steven Universe talking to Winston from Overwatch, and those two worlds having some legal barrier between them. Not that i need those two exactly, but you get the idea. Maybe.

The more complete list might be helpful in general, not just for me but for other people who might hope to submit, if it's not too inconvenient.

That's exactly what i was looking for. Thanks Master of Everything!

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