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The Dimension Traveler

More Blog Posts4

  • 194 weeks
    The Last Problem (Isn't what you think)

    OK, so I've had this thought buzzing around in my brain for a couple years now and I finally decided to put it to paper...or blog post, as the case may be.

    Twilight Sparkle should never have been a princess.

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  • 202 weeks
    New Story Idea

    So A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake isn't the only story that's been sitting on my hard drive for years. I was wondering if anyone might be interested if I posted a story that goes something like this:

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  • 203 weeks
    The End of A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake. (Closing thoughts on Book 1 of the Broken Series)

    It was always my intention to have Book 1 end this way. Even all those years ago when I first thought up this concept, I knew where I wanted to take it.

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  • 205 weeks
    The Natural Order

    So, here's my view on how Reality functions in most of my stories unless directly stated otherwise by either myself in the comments/blog posts or by characters in the story itself.

    my own personal rankings for most of my stories involving gods and whatnot are in order from least powerful to most:

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The Last Problem (Isn't what you think) · 1:59pm Sep 10th, 2020

OK, so I've had this thought buzzing around in my brain for a couple years now and I finally decided to put it to paper...or blog post, as the case may be.

Twilight Sparkle should never have been a princess.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have been an Alicorn. I love Alicorn Twilight. But becoming royalty was possibly the single worst thing that could have happened to Twilight not just from a story standpoint, but from the standpoint of Twilight Sparkle as a pony. Allow me to explain.

There have been a fair few fanfics pointing out that Twilight never asked for princess status and likely would have rejected it had it not been Celestia asking. I myself in A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake note this. But let's take this a bit further and really look deep.

Twilight Sparkle has found herself in high stress situation after high stress situation since moving to Ponyville. Even before moving to Ponyville it was clear Twilight wasn't the most mentally healthy pony in the world. As the pressure was poured on her to save the world or just save the day, Twilight's instability got worse. Eventually this culminated in Lesson Zero. Or so many people thought.

See, high stress and mental disorders don't just fade away because you've had an "episode" or whatever you want to call it. Twilight may have found some small catharsis in her complete break from sanity, but more often the sufferer just becomes more stressed when they return to their senses. Twilight may have found a new coping mechanism or just learned to hide it better, but the underlying mental health issues and stress was still there.

Fast forward to when Twilight ascends. Twilight had just gotten finished saving her friends yet again as well as their livelihoods. She meets Celestia in the Ethereal Plane when she's still riding her success high and hasn't had a chance to sort through the latest series of screw ups from the day. I propose to you that Celestia not only engineered the situation which caused Twilight to ascend, but also asked a mare in an emotionally compromised state to take up a position that would no doubt increase Twilight's stress tenfold while abusing the trust Twilight had in her. This is all very bad, but then we learn it was all so Celestia could retire and drag Luna along with her!

Twilight had no business being a princess to begin with and would likely have turned it down had anyone else asked. Then, when Twilight discovered how miserable being a princess made her, she convinced herself that it was too late to back out now and decided to suffer in silence. The only time I can think of where being a princess actually benefited Twilight instead of harming her was when setting up the School of Friendship.

What really opened my eyes was the episode Once Upon a Zeppelin. I'm sure most of you know that Twilight has a bit of a meltdown in the episode. But let's stop and think why this meltdown happened from the ground up, as I think it's a pretty good microcosm of what I'm trying to say. Before the cruise in Twilight's last 3 appearances we have: Fluttershy and Zecora almost dying from Swamp Fever, Twilight trying and failing to help Rarity with her mane, and Spike almost causing a diplomatic incident when he invited Thorax and Ember over at the same time.

I'd say those are pretty stressful situations, especially 1 and 3. Then we come to the cruise. Twilight was in unwind mode. Looking forward to unloading some of the ever compounding stress in her life. Then she gets sucker punched by an obligation she didn't know she had, in this case it was pleasing her fans the whole cruise because Twilight's parents are idiots. That alone would stress anyone out big time. Combo'd with everything else that happened recently in Twilight's life? Yet Twilight actively suppressed her feelings on the matter so her family could have a good time. All Twilight wanted out of all this was a little time to herself to watch the sky for that meteor display, yet she didn't even get that.

I'm shocked Twilight didn't snap sooner! I'm not even making note of how much Star Tracker must have been grating her nerves! So yes, Twilight snaps and spits fire and acid at everyone around her. I'd say she showed remarkable self-restraint by keeping it at just words.

It was this episode that made me realize that being a princess was killing Twilight inside. She was bottling up so much and all that anger and frustration and fear and stress had to go somewhere. So it started eating away at her heart. She was a princess now. She couldn't show such weak things as anger. So it got internalized, a little bit more toxicity in an environment that even pristine didn't function perfectly.

Fast Forward again to The Last Problem. What happened in the years, presumably decades, that passed from defeating the Legion of Doom to Twilight looking like a recolor of Celestia down to wearing the same regalia? Did Twilight learn a healthy way of cleansing herself of her stresses? Did she somehow conquer her mental health issues? I find that doubtful. Where would the solo ruler of Equestria find the time for that sort of thing?

I think the clue is in how Twilight appears in The Last Problem. She looks almost exactly like Celestia down to what she's wearing. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Twilight became such a hollow shell of a pony that she started copying Celestia wholesale just to keep Equestria running and to keep anyone from thinking she might not be OK. Twilight Sparkle died. Celestia killed her when she made Twilight a princess. It was a long and slow death, but death nonetheless.

Long Live Celestia 2.0

Comments ( 49 )

agreed. twilight never asking for it let alone being given a choice in the matter (perceived choice or otherwise) always bugged me.

what bugged me worse, is that twilight spent a lot of time around tia, for over a decade growing up... there is no possible way tia DOESN'T know about her mental health issues. but it doesn't seem she has either noticed anything, or if she did notice, she nothing about it.1k+ years of life, you don't just not notice this crap.

Celestia's eyes were on that retirement prize and blackmailing Luna into coming with. That's the only explanation I can think of that doesn't involve Celestia being flat out a villain.

What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall when Celestia pitched the retirement idea to Luna, especially since it involved throwing Twilight, one of her friends and saviors, under the bus.

you're planning to let Duskfall call Celestia out when she tries to 'retire' some years later huh?

Speaking of. is Duskfall still going to open the school of friendship?

My thoughts on this matter will certainly crop up sooner or later. If this Celestia does try to retire, which I'm pretty sure she won't, given the events I have planned for Book 3, but if she does then certain parties will be ready and able to end Celestia's whole career. Like, 10th Doctor "she looks a bit tired, doesn't she" levels career ending.

Regardless, Celestia will be forced to talk to Twilight about her role in the clusterf**k Twilight's life became.

Twilight will probably open the School of Friendship. I have it planned to be the close of Book 3 and be a point of focus for all of Book 4.

kinda wonder how Dusk will handle the racist that is Neighsay and pony Darla Dimple

5352431doesn't make sense for luna to retire anyways- gone for 1k years, and only JUST gotten mostly used to modern times, and ruling again...retiring after what? 5 years or so being back? feels like another case of 'tia make decision, luna obey now!' but in the sense of... 'tia pitches, and luna just goes with it passively cause that's been the dynamic that led to nmm' no different than tia making the decision with the empires return, or ay other problem luna wanted to personally deal with, but tia said 'no, me decide, civilian do clean up'

and let's be honest, did either of them learn their lesson from that? just look at sunset..

You're right. Celestia was domineering and Luna is just gonna roll over until one day Celestia goes a bridge too far and Luna snaps and goes NMM again.

Oh, if Neighsay gets up in arms over simple things like dragons and yaks, what happens in Book 3 is gonna make him go nuclear.

As for Cozy, well, I have plans for Cozy...

oof... that's a big spoiler there buddy... maybe?

im not talkin about the school...lookin forwrd to that actually.

when twilight opens the school lets be honest, we all expected this anyways... its the point of book 2 after all

I've never seen the point of keeping plot beats secret just for the sake of keeping it secret. If I can think of a legit reason to keep something hidden, then I will, but things like Twilight and Tom coming back or the general premise of Book 4 don't seem like things worth keeping secret.

Also, getting these things out in the open helps me personally. It provides grounding and keeps my ideas from suddenly mutating into completely unreasonable things that I then have to prune into things that still bare no resemblance to the original idea.

i could be wrong, but this seems like typical 'younger sibling' behavior. older sibling usually makes the decisions, and the younger is too used to having to simply go with it

fair. w/e helps you keep things going

As the eldest myself, I have no clue. All my younger siblings either did the exact opposite of what I told them or just ignored me.

But one also has to consider that Celestia and Luna are millennium old and have super powers. At that point either that status quo would be so completely embedded in Luna and Celestia that it would take years and years to break them out of it or we're both off base and Celestia legit did have blackmail on Luna that forced her into retirement with her elder sister.

I could understand Celestia wishing to retire, but Luna? Her return is still recent ish

take into account the Tantabus, and the mindset for this to be a thing at all. while unhealthy, could be a sign of other things.

also consider there was no point in twilight taking over the sun and moon. Tia and Luna didn't just suddenly become mortal, or lose their power to do so.

i also don't see how raising the moon requires one to only be up at night(likely her dream walking that does this, but then she is asleep when doing this anyways so...)

I'm not sure Luna is actually asleep when Dream Walking. From what we see in "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep" it seems Luna is still awake, she just sends her consciousness into the Dream Realm. Sleep is just as much, if not more, about restoring the mind as the body.

It's also possible Luna is just naturally nocturnal. As someone who is naturally nocturnal myself, dragging myself through public schooling that takes place during the day and then trying to join the workforce with normie hours, I was miserable the whole time. The problem was only made worse by my general insomnia.

I always got the sort sense that Celestia is the reason everything bad happens for the most part I mean god like powers should help right?

Ps. It will be interesting to see how far you go with the whole kid in pony hell that is cozy glow. Because putting kids in hell is so very moral yuppie!

I love that egknowledged that twilight did not consent. I.e not a good time. Because lets be real Celestia essential molested her soul for the soul perpusing of going on a vacation.

Now riddle me this...whos to say she has not done this before?

Obviously she is not above changeing the history books to suit her needs? Whats a little more?

I share many of the viewpoints expressed in this blog.

All of it gives the impression that Celestia never stopped USING Twilight from the moment she wound up Celestia's student. I think i have a good idea of why Sunset Shimmer ran off, if she realized this sort of thing was going to be inescapable.

She also has a bad habit of not actually telling other ponies critical information. See Also: Crystal Empire. "Hey Twilight, Crystal Empire's returned, there's an evil dictator running around, it has a curse on it, your test is to go deal with it, you have to do it alone! bye!"

saving a nation shouldn't be a bloody TEST!

In general it shows how out of touch Celestia was with everything. Also don't forget how Celestia seems to assume that Twilight's friends will be to help her with everything... Once a week is not really a help when it comes to running a country. All hail Twilestia. :facehoof:

ouch, insomnia is harsh...and yea, i figured there was a possibility she wasn't getting the rest sleep provided while doing that. a shame too...

Taking this train of thought to its logical conclusion, Celestia could probably be considered a narcissist. Everyone around her are merely tools to be used, not real ponies. Twilight included. Why should Celestia care if she leaves behind a broken mare? She has her freedom and her sister.


I think you hit the nail on the head about being a narcissist, it is basically impossible for her not to be.
Ruler of a nation
Moves the frickin Sun literally keeping the planet alive
Larger than most ponies

I don't know if you can have a sapient being NOT end up as a narcissist in those conditions.

I think it is possible to do so, but it would require either a very specific personality or something with psychology fundamentally different from a human's.

Really agree with Celestia abusing twilights trust, and as pointed out earlier she for sure knew about twilights other problems, like stressing over the tiniest thing, and always, ALWAYS being willing to do anything to please her "beloved mentor"

Such a wise and insightful comment.

Somehow, conspiracy theorist could think that precisely it was what Celestia wanted all the time, making another version of her.

Also, when you mentioned other stories that show how Twilight was not ready, could you share the titles? I liked your story and I could like those stories.


This is what I imagine Twilight's state of mind being directly after her ascension.


An interesting discussion between Celestia and Twilight if Twilight had somehow been given foresight into what might have been during season 3 before her ascension. I mostly recommend it for chapter 1, but the bonus chapter has an interesting viewpoint as well.


This is the one that really started the seed of this blog post. Outside of the almost certain Stockholm syndrome, you just get this feeling that Twilight is incredibly content in her new life. A life where she isn't a Princess, but a teacher and a mother.


The title says it all. Twilight, for once in her life, states that her desires and Celestia's are in conflict. Also another mention of how Twilight's passion is in teaching, not ruling and doesn't have (as far as we know) any real knowledge of statecraft.

I might be able to find more if you want, but I hope this tides you over.

Thank you for sharing... What do you think about the conspiracy theory of Celestia trying to make a mini-copy of herself in Twilight?

Something like that would require a malicious negligence and arrogance I just don't get from Celestia. At worst I would accuse Celestia of not seeing anyone except herself and maybe Luna as "real ponies", but that comes with a certain level of emotional detachment that I feel precludes any desire Celestia might have had to actively shape Twilight into a mini-Celestia. I feel Celestia's desire to orchestrate people's lives is far too passive for such a thing. Twilight ending up as a copy of Celestia is, in my opinion, just a matter of Twilight drowning and grabbing onto the only potential life preserver she can think of: Following Celestia's example to the letter.

I guess it's true, there is no conspiracy behind every fic or ruler, even Celestia can be wrong, is the Hanlon's Razor

"never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

Also, I remember a fic that could be connected with all of that...

Take Two

Even the image portrait show Twilight that don't want the wings, as in the story Twilight travel in time because she don't want to be a princess

Which isn't to say a great fic can't be written from such a concept. This blog post is pointed exclusively at the Celestia of the show itself, and not any representation in a fanfiction.

The only problem I can see is her friends and Spike and even Shining or Cadence... Did no one of them notice Twilight gradually turning into Celestia 2.0? Maybe they were as brainwashed as Twilight with how 'perfect' was Celestia?

You also have to consider the timeframe we're dealing with here. Between the defeat of the Legion of Doom and the final scene, I'd say at bare minimum we're looking at a 20 year gap. Given the obvious signs of age on the mortal Mane 6, I'd argue we're looking closer to 40 or so years on the presumption that a pony's average lifespan is 100-ish years. If Twilight had been slowly assuming Celestia's mannerisms over that whole time, it's not surprising nobody noticed. After all, how do you kill a frog by boiling it? Raise the temperature a little bit at a time.

True, but I could guess at last Cadence or Discord notice something, as they not only could not visit her enough but also know Celestia very closely, heck even I could think Celestia 1.0 and Luna visiting Twilight a couple of times

Certainly a possibility, but I'd still argue that given Celestia is viewed almost as a deity and near perfect figure by most, it wouldn't surprise me if Cadence and others, if they did pick up on Twilight's changes, only encouraged it.

As for Discord, well, I feel like given the harsh backlash he got after the Grogar incident, he just wouldn't want to bring it up and risk what, in his mind, might be a still fragile friendship. He does care about them, in his own way, even if he'd deny it with his dying breath if asked directly. If all the others think Twilight becoming a Celestia Clone is a good thing and he himself doesn't exactly have the best frame of reference for mental health, well, who is he to say they're wrong?

Cadence, the others and Discord, have a MAYBE, what about Luna and Celestia? Luna know Celestia better as is her sister and Celestia herself surely should be surprised if after a couple of years find Twilight imitating her

You're right in that I strongly doubt Luna would let such a change go unmentioned. However, given what we see and don't see in the last episode, it might be possible that they simply don't visit and perhaps only exchange letters. Why this is or how this came to happen, I don't know. That's just the impression I got from watching the episode.

Again, this might simply just be a matter of dealing with the timescale of immortals. A thousand years might seem unfathomably long to us, but Celestia and Luna are both over a thousand and likely by a measure of centuries, if not more. In my own fics, I have them at about 5000 years old. Viewed in that light, a mere 20-40 years might seem like nothing without the day-to-day grind of ruling to keep them grounded. I myself have lost entire weeks without realizing time has passed, although that is a product of mental disease.

I guess in the end everything can be explained, that and we need to remember the base of everything, going a little Meta... Hasbro want to make toys, so making the Princess Twilight new toys they get money

Aye, that's true. We can preform all the mental gymnastics we like, but at the end of the day Luster Dawn, despite being Twilight's top student, didn't know the Mane 6 still got together every month and Hasbro wants to sell them toys.

...what if Celestia is just as dead? she had to rule a recovering nation alone after her sister was consumed by the nightmare and was subsequently banished. dealing with the loss while not showing just how hurt she was. watching as the nation glorified the defeat of her sister and having to pretend she was ok with that. I think there was a reason why none knew about Luna being nightmare moon when the show started, even though the flag of equestria had two alicorns. and she had to do this for a thousand years. watching as friends and loved ones came and went while she remained eternal. cant imagine how lonely that must have been.

long story short, Immortality sucks.

Certainly a strong possibility for why Celestia does what she does. However, that might make what she does to Twilight worse. After all, if Celestia already knew the kind of soul crushing weight comes with immortality, then she willfully inflicted that same fate on Twilight.

could also tie into the dissociative side of immortality. how if you live long enough you will inevitably stop seeing mortals as people. and you will become apathetic. maybe celestia was so desperate for an escape from her responsibility but unable to because the ponies would put her right back on that pedestal unless she did something she was as of yet unwilling to do, or do again as noted by the apparent familiarity she had with day breaker. feeling trapped and desperate, she groomed a replacement. phycology and philosophy are rabbit holes that one can fall very deep into.

was what she did wrong? for twilight? yes. for equestria as a whole?... well... they say that society marches forward with every new generation.

more atrocities have been committed in the name of piece, god, and the greater good then evil could ever hope to match.

I still hate Season 9 no matter what. :/

Truthfully I agree that twilight wasn't fit for the job but unfortunately Celestia took advantage of twilight never say no to her and decided to retire.

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