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2022 June MOFA (Mockingbirb's Opinionated Flashfic Award) Contest Results: "Pride" · 8:00am Jul 2nd, 2022

This month, it's truer than ever that the MOFA is just an opinion someone had while they were trying to pick a favorite story out of someone else's contest's entries!

I had a lot of trouble picking one favorite. I also had trouble deciding whether I should judge primarily on the basis of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, or on other criteria.

I decided the best solution was to branch out, and have multiple categories based on different ideas of what "Pride" can mean.

Pride As Deadly Sin

I don't know if anyone in this round knows IMMORALITY AND SIN as well as Bad Dragon. No wonder the DEADLY SIN category's winner was...

Bad Dragon's "Pride Dies Last."

First-Timer Pride: Best Entry By Someone Who Revealed They've Never Published a Fimfic Before

I don't know if posting your first fimfic ever requires PRIDE, exactly, but it might take at least a little self-confidence.

TheHorseWriter's untitled story.

Most Determined To Achieve LGBTQIA+ Representation of the Underrepresented

Some people tend to neglect some of the letters. Posh decided to go above and beyond the ordinary!

Posh's "Ace Fluttercord"

Most Blatantly Disqualified By Not Meeting the Letter of the Rules (But With Plenty of Honestly Well-Deserved Pride)

Nothing says "pride about Pride" like writing a good 750 words or so about LGBTQIA+ topics, and recognizing they're good enough you don't want to cut 600 words...so you post all 750 words and say they don't qualify for the contest.

Dubs Rewatcher's ... (I don't know whether this has a title or not.)

Unexpected [LGBTQIA+ Related] Tragedy

PUBLIQclopAccountant's untitled story about Applejack wanting to go to the circus.

Entering a Story For the MOFA

Conveniently, the way to enter the next MOFA round is, as usual, simply to enter the Flashfic 150.

Comments ( 3 )

Thank you so much! It wasn't my best work (I cooked it up near midnight when half-asleep lol) but I hope my next works are better.

My next project will be launching a flash fic group themed around PG discussions of Fluttershy’s sex life.

What a lovely birb

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