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In come up with both the plot ideas for an illustrations for The Bridge, Faith, Skylark, and I beat around a lot of different ideas. Some of which, Faith even sketched out. Most of these ideas weren't outright cut, just tweaked and altered before we reached the finished product. Since I've been holding onto all of these, I thought you guys might like to have a look.

1. Rodan the Pegasus and Lea the Alicorn

Originally the species of all the cast was quite different. The first plan was for all the 6 to more or less represent the 3 equine races in twos. Anguirus, Xenilla, and Destroyah stayed the same; but Godzilla was going to be an Earth Pony, Rodan was a Pegasus, and Lea was an alicorn. This was changed around for various reasons with each of the trio. Godzilla was altered to be a unicorn to be a contrast to King Sombra (but his magic-less original nature shows through by him fighting without spells), ironically right before we found out about Mirror!Sombra. Rodan was shifted to be a gryphon to add uniqueness to his design. And Lea was shifted to a changeling to further diversify the cast and reflect her insect nature. Still, the idea of her being an alicorn stayed in-story with her disguise ability.

2. Enter Derpy

The picture for Derpy's introduction was slightly different and originally showed both of the princesses in frame.

3. Destroyah Tooth Study

For the 'DEM TEETH' picture, Faithy felt like doing a study on how to doodle Destroyah's dentures. One of the models for this look as Sabor, a leopardess character from Disney's Tarzan.

4. EG Irys and X, first draft


The Dark Hunters went through a couple drafts in making their human designs. We wanted to reflect their true form as much as possible to make them recognizable, but also stressing that they were human. So some ideas like X still having claws got cut. X's facial attire also shifted as he didn't have a scarf at first, and instead his overcoat had the trails that stood in for his tails. The idea of a scarf came in when Faith remembered it was winter attire and thought about characters like Kakashi from Naruto; giving us an idea to cover up his face with cloth.

5. Rule 63'd Kaiju

I love my girlfriend. I really do. When I got this in the skype message oooooh boy did it give me some ideas. Now you know where the scene with Lea turning into a female Junior came from.

6. EG Main 6 Kaiju

Before deciding to give the antagonist roster some development, the Equestria Girls holiday special was originally going to have one or several of the 'Main 6' kaiju roster crossing over. The designs still probably will come into play as a planned sequel or spin off will cover Rainbow Rocks.

7. The Visible, Invisible Kaiju

While this image did make it into the story, Gigan was planned to be fully visible. To make it simpler to draw, take less time, as well as being artsy; Gigan was shadowed out.

8. "Why doesN'T he wear the mask?!"

The concept art for Monster X's hypothetical kirin form took a bit to get ironed out. Since his human form was fully covered, we went back and added onto his armor to cover up his face more. You can see X's finished kirin concept here and here. One aspect added to his facial plating was some 'false teeth' built into the armor, meant to be reminiscent of the Pokemon Entei, who's 3rd movie portrayal was a small character influence.

9. She's a Maaaane-iac Maaaane-iac!

Similar to the Des study, Faith whipped this up before the Halloween special to practice Mane-iac and her unorthodox hair. The lowest sketch was at one point considered as a base for a fight picture between Mane-iac and Gigan (when she'd grabbed onto Gigan as he was flying), before we decided having a parody shipping picture be funnier.

10. Do I really need to title this?

The readers are not alone in being shippers. Faith also wanted to try around some more Greco-Roman typed mane styles for those two. This isn't cut content as much as it just something she whipped up for fun.

Definitely interesting, to say the least.

Male Destroyah looks absolutely terrifying. And I like Mothra's EG look. She kinda looks like someone who would be a tree-hugger, but in a cute way.

Very nice! How awesome is it to see the old concepts of work and how it grew to the final results!

Coooooll. So I'll just go down the list

1) Pegasus Rodan looks great, I really like his look. Having him be a griffin does add a bit more dynamic, but at least aesthetically we would have been well treated if he stayed this way. Alicorn Lea is beautiful, her flowing robes the shades of her wings, and the light shirt in the front. I was a bit surprised at firs that she wasn't a princess, since she pretty much is, but making her a changeling queen likewise adds a far more interesting dynamic. Not just because she looks different, but because it brings all the extra baggage of being a changeling in a post-Chrysalis Equestria.

2) Derpy is always good. Love the lines on Luna and Celestia, very well done, their expressions adorable.

3) Probably my favorite of the bunch! This series of dynamic teeth shots is amazing! The center head shot especially, I'm sure the expression would terrify any member of the Mane 6. I like to think even the Princesses would be intimidated by a figure as fearsome and physically imposing as Destoroyah's pony form.
The quality of the line art reminds me of Disney work, more of a traditional animation style. I can really picture Des singing some evil song and snarling at the hero. I really could go on an on about how much I admire this work and the imagery, but I'll conclude the thought by saying that I salivate at the thought of Destoroyah's full fury and power going up against Celestia.

4) The expressions on Irys' face are fantastically done, Faith continues to show off her ability in line art. X's gloves in the first pic are a cool, and I like the concept of Irys' hoodie having a "wing membrane" under the arms.

5) At first I was confused at to what "rule 63" was, but Tarb's caption set me straight. It's really Anguirus and Rodan who are stealing the show here. Anguirus looks feisty a lot like Rainbow Dash, like she's just as much the snarling, snorting fighter as her male counterpart. And Rodan is just great, I imagine a full body shot of her would be very graceful, her features finely accentuated. Her attitude very reminiscent of a Wonder Woman or a Ms. Marvel.

6) A nice picture, they're hair seems very anime-y to me. Lea's outfit is I think the best of the bunch, but not because it's the most intricate. I also love the fact that Destoroyah TOWERS over the rest of them, like she could double-Chokeslam Jr. and Xenilla with ease.

7) We saw a realized version of this one, I believe. Monster X came out flawlessly here, the close-up is very clean. I'll admit Gigan is very complicated to depict, and it seems like Faith had her own troubles drawing a character with as much angles and small details as the mercenary.

8) I really, REALLY love this character design for a Pony-fied Monster X, he's just so visually interesting. Monster X is already such a stacked package of a character, and this version really carries it on. the twin tails, the way his bone armor accents his body, just.... just so cool looking.

9) Maniac is a cool character, and her expression in the top left corner is very charming.

10) Whoa, where did this come from? Blade dancer is absolutely gorgeous, and Xenilla looks like a very refined pony. I think Xen is finally realizing that being stuck in his pony body might have some advantages after all.

I always thought Faith's work was nearly indistinguishable from the show. granted it's still frame, but still very accurate to the style. But after seeing some of her concept work, I'm starting to like her line art better, really reminds me of Disney quality artwork.

Group Admin

Wow. This has gud inspiration.

were can i read this story


Go to 'stories' under the group tab, it's under 'Main'. But to give you a shortcut, here


i ended up just going to your profile and then bam

Oh, I'm quite glad you pointed this out to me from your reply on your story and these concept arts is very interesting! ^_^

1) Rodan as a Pegasus Pony looks pretty good and I like the "narrow" tips of the ears to reflect his original cone-like back head. The colors blend in very nicely and gives him a unique pony design. Though I vastly prefer the Griffon form because it's more closer to his original nature and I like the diversity between the Equestria-form Kaiju. Also I think his Griffon form is super cool!

Also Mothra's "Alicorn" form is quite majestic and I do like the design overall, but it doesn't give me the "bug" and beauty of her Changling form and I like her Changling as it's far more prettier than her normal Alicorn form. Also the wings are better fit there than her Alicorn self.

2) Impressive lineart, I wonder how many times it took to get those in the perfect angle. I know my fair share of re-dos on the same drawing to get it just right. This comes off almost professional and I love Luna's expression and Derpy/Ditzy way of handling herself there and Celestia is just perfect in there. Great picture!

3) Quite the details on Destroyah's mouth and like someone pointed out it does feel "Disney" quality with the mouth drawing, but the artstyle speaks for itself. I love how the teeth are drawn and how it looks when it bites into something. Really neat concept here to see what Destroyah's mouth (and other similar crooked teeth of other Kaiju) are like.

4) Interesting concepts on how Irys and X looked like at first with their first human designs before the final look. I liked X's first concept design on the gloves, but I love his overall "Ninja" appearance and it better fits his character. Not much change between Irys first look to her second look except in expression where the first one she looks aggressive and angry, while her second concept is more aloof and calm which I like better. I also enjoy the little "wing membrane" under her sleeves to mock her wings but it reminds me of the web membrane of Spider-Man's first costume design from the start of his series. By the way you named her "Irys" after the OTHER Kaiju in the 3rd Gamera movie alongside Hyper Gyaos when she made her first debut appearance. Honestly I like it better on her than the other one.

5) Oh man... the genderbend versions of them are QUITE interesting. Especially Rodan and Anguirus there with their expressions. I would like to see a full body concept of them one day to see their figures as well.

6) So that's what the Main 6 Kaiju would look like as Humans in the Equestria Girl realm. Hmm... I'm not sure about Godzilla and Xenzilla looks that much they seem a little too bland and generic, but I think Mothra is quite spot-on and very pretty. Anguirus seems a little weird to me, I didn't think he would be that short even if he's one all four compared to his other Kaiju brethren. Rodan I like a lot, really fits him. Though about Destroyah, I honestly see a more "Biker girl" style with her clothes with a lot of tore to show her "destruction" nature in them and longer hair (something as long as her Equine form one). Though I love how TALL she is compared to the others... she's huge! XD

Not a bad thing though.

7) Wow... the attention to detail on Gigan is amazing and I bet it took a lot of work to do. I'm impressed, good job!

8) Interesting concept art of X's former Equestria form. Honestly I thought he was a "lion"-like creature in his final design until I read the notes and it was really his mask given him the appearance of a "lion face" creature and thought that was very cool. Liked to think his form is Lion-based instead of Equine-based, but it's cool nonetheless. Really amazed by you guys delving into the different ways to draw the Kaiju in different forms. Mad respect here.

9) Very great Mane-ic concept designs. I REALLY like her look in the top left corner of the page and her close-up on her eyes are very nice to look at.

10) Interesting... pairing, though I'm not really looking into the pairing for the story but the overall design and interaction really. Though I am curious... what method did you guys use to gloss over the characters to give them that "crystal coat" the Crystal Ponies have at the Crystal Empire? Honestly I think Xenzilla would LOVE a crystal form while he stays at the Empire.

These are my thoughts and I really like what I see here. You guys have great imagination for this fimfiction and it's really encouraging me to do the same with my own stories as well. I look forward to more artwork for your story and the next chapters of this amazing series. Good luck!

This is VirusChris signing off!

4315213 OK, I'll be honest with you. I love all the drawings. Your story is very interesting and Faith-Wolff's artwork is beautiful, funny, and entertaining (P.S: Thank you for including her artwork, as I also developed a liking towards her NG work). The R63 pictures were interesting, particularly the way that Anguirus resembles RD, Mothra looks like an innocent anime boy, and Destroyah looks like a badass. The picture with Derpy had me laughing, especially Celestia and Luna's reactions to meeting her. That picture of Destroyah's teeth was intimidating and prove without a shadow of doubt that your girlfriend really studied predator's denture. Finally, my favorite picture was Crystal Xenilla and blade Dancer. The Crystal look suits them and I found it hilarious (and cute) that Xenilla finds blade attractive in this form while BD is seemingly unaware of the effect her appearance has on Xenilla. I got to say that the Greco-Roman looks suits BD and Xenilla's hair (and the fact that he's blue with white hair) reminds me of Lord Oberon from Gargoyles http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gargoyles/images/1/1d/Oberon.png/revision/latest?cb=20150418022047 . Still, I wonder if Faith already has those pictures in her gallery or if she will uploaded them in the future, as I didn't find those pics (particularly the last one) on her gallery. Anyway, thank you for showing your scrapped ideas and thank Faith on my part for making such magnificent pictures.

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