Human in Equestria 16,884 members · 17,077 stories
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Hello! I haz question! Are there any fics on here about colorblind humans in Equestria? No, I am not colorblind; I just want to know if there are any. :twilightsmile:

Besides, what would Rainbow's reaction be? :duck:

4740130 there are different levels of colorblindness, not just full on grey-scale vision, for instance, some simply have trouble telling shades of a particular colour apart.

so it would really depend on how colour blind someone is

4740130 Well... Not that I can think of. But it's not a bad idea! It can be a defining character trait. It's tricky to write something like that though, it's such a fundamental change in how a character precieves the world that some authors may have difficulty writing it without say, looking into how the types of colorblindness effect vision. There's one type where everything looks pink or green, one type where it' blue or yellow, and another type I cant remember that's three possible colors, and finally the famous, and most rare one, black and white only.

Group Admin

That could be interesting. Color is the best way to tell ponies apart without looking at their cutie marks all of the time.

I'm not aware of any . . .

Real equines are colorblind (dichromatic vision). Haven't seen that in a story yet, either.

I don't know about colorblind humans but this is Rainbows reaction.
Rainbow Dash, Please Describe Red.

No, but I've read one where the ponies discover they're colorblind after talking to a human.

4740130 It's not like a new spin on HIE. I honestly don't see it doing that much of a difference. What would the point of such a story even be? And how would the ponies even know that color blindness was abnormal for humans unless they've met at least a handful more?

It'd be slightly more interesting if the Ponies were colorblind, and small story moments could come from the human being able to distinguish two "identical" ponies when the ponies themselves cannot.

4740792 Can you link this?

Sure, if I can remember where it is. It's an AiE greentext, though. I'm not trying to put you off of it; I mean, it is a pretty good short one-shot, but some folks don't like Anon in Equestria. Or greentexts. Or both. Still interested?

Quite true, quite true indeed. :moustache:

I'll read that one. :twistnerd:

That is a very interesting concept. :rainbowderp:
I would read that. :rainbowkiss:


That is a very interesting concept. :rainbowderp: I would read that.

Actually, let's pretend you were writing that story. What kind of story moments could come out of a human seeing more colors than the ponies?

The only other thing I could think of is the human being able to tell fruit ripeness when market ponies have a higher ratio of under ripe fruit for sale. Or the human seeing the difference between a changeling and the pony it's copying. Maybe, the human is confused to see that some of his pony friends have subtlety changed coat colors and this whole thing is the set up to another changeling invasion.

You might create a nice little one-shot story based around this concept.

4741464 yeah I'm still interested. I don't mind either of those things. Don't go to far out of your way though it's not like I'll die without this in my life.

4741957 I found for you this Second Person centered Hie story, the second chapter is about some kind of color blindness with the ponies, so it's might be interesting for you.

4742201 Thanks, I'll give it a look.

No worries. I'm pretty sure I know where I left the link. Besides, if I don't find it now it's going to drive me crazy.

Don't mind if I do.


That is about what I would have said, if you hadn't done it already. The sheer irony of that premise kind of ruins it.

Wait, that was the story you searched? Nice lol

I actualy assume in the Shadow Wars Story Verse that the Ponies have poorer color vision than do our kind of Humans, which is why everything in Equestria is rather gaudy from our POV. I bet Rarity will get envious when she realizes this.

Fuck's sake, what if the reason ponies applebuck is because they can't distinguish how many apples there are in a tree; so they just kick it to be sure they get them all down? And that's why they have to harvest the entire orchard over the course of a few days; because they can't tell if the apples are ripe or not when they're in the trees?


Excuse me, sorry, but I have to go now; my brain has exploded twice. :derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:

Right? Good looking out, man.

thats streching it, an easier way of looking at it is that they can't tell when the apple is ripe since they have trouble seeing it redden,

in that sense they would be kicking it so only the ripe ones drop from the tree.

anyway I for once hope this concept is taken to task because this is the kind of stuff I love to read about involving HIE and PIE

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