Brainstorming and Story Swap Directive 195 members · 191 stories
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Flint Sparks
Group Admin

Just put down your favorite genre(s), scribble a vague description of what you want to do and what you're stuck on, and hope for the best. Maybe PM someone here as well. If you absolutely need help, you may post a thread as well as post here. Just don't abuse that privilege. Try discussions such as "Cliche ideas" or "Fresh HiE spins"


Favorite genres: Romance, comedy, random.
Hated genres: HiE, clop.

I have vague ideas of a ship that hasn't been shipped yet, and I'm curious in doing a one-shot for it. However, I'm stuck on how. In unrelated news, I thought of some new tropes that haven't been overdone yet and was looking to swap.

PM me!

Actually, I'm up for almost anything and will always be ready to help someone in need. If you're not finding any help at all, I am considered the last resort. Don't abuse it, but always feel free.

Note: Try to PM people rather than talk on the forum. Less clunky that way. Not a rule, just recommended. If you don't want to read every. single. post., use ctrl+f to search for a genre.


My Favorite Genres: Dark, Sad, Adventure, Romance ( When done right), and Alternate Universe. Also, enjoy reading some funny fanfics.

I want to finish writing this story about Twilight Sparkle in Magic Kindergarten but I'm having trouble writing it. I want to find a partner and team up with them to help each other out while writing our stories.


We should totally write a HiE clopfic together. We can use :twistnerd: and :coolphoto: .

Mr Afro Pony
Group Admin


Leave it to you to think of this genius group

Flint Sparks
Group Admin

I saw a need, but no group for it.

tempting, but I'm not into foalcon.

Fav genres: dark, comedy, random, SoL
hated genres: HiE, literaly any story with rarity as a main character, incesct (changeling x changeling)

idk just looking for someone to write with PM me if you're interested and lemme hear your idea

Wanna partner with me? I'm just like you and have cool ideas.

1653790 sure what kinda ideas?

For some reason killing is stuck in my head...

um hello i'm completely new on fimfiction and at fic writing but i really want to contribute to the community that has brought me so much joy in some way. so here goes
favorite genres: comedy, random, slice of life, and human in equestria
hated genres: grimdark and pretty much any type of crossover other than human in equestria
i hope i can get some help along the way so that i can show the community what i'm made of. if you want to help out this newbie please feel free to contact me.

Favorite genres are: Sad and Tradegy.
Hated genres are: Can't think of any. :yay:

I like just about anything that can get my mind running and my emotions in a mess. Though I am not just sticking to sad stuff and would like to have some happy stuff too. :pinkiehappy:

Favorite genres: Romance - Clean/Suggestive, Dark, Adventure, Comedy
Hated genres: Romance - Clop, Grimdark

I've had a decent run of luck coming up with titles and producing fanfiction met to decent critical acclaim. However, it seems lately that my luck has run out and I'm half suspecting it's the title. I wanted to see from some other people how they come up with titles and what they do if they're stuck with a "bad" one... or if the fics really are just that bad.

Group Admin


I smell a Pulitzer incoming...

Favorite genres: Comedy, HiE

Hated genres: Grimdark, most Crossovers.

Can work with: Clop

Not good with: Same Sex shipping, Gore, Sad, Tragedy.

Wished to Write: Choose your own Adventure.

I am better at Brainstorming than I am at actually writing. And I am the best at coming up with joke scenario's, and humorous lines of dialog than coming up with something epic or romantic or tragic. :twilightsheepish:

PM me if interested. Unable to work though programs such as Skype.

Favored Genres: Adventure, Dark, Sad, Tragedy, Romance
Not a fan of: Same sex shipping, Gore
Don't even bother asking about: clop, fetish, foalcon,incest or anything of that sort

I've got a one shot that is more than a couple "first" for me. First time in 1st person, first one shot, first attempt at sad, the list is kinda long and I was hoping somepony could take a gander at it. It's under 2k words.

Comment posted by MDNGHTRDHTLN deleted Oct 14th, 2013

I like: Comedy, Dark (NOT GRIMDARK), Romance, Tragedy, Sad, and Slice of Life.
I'm indifferent about: fetish-less, consensual clop
I dislike: fetishistic clop, grimdark

I like to write. I've got ideas, and I write them. I'm here for emotional and literary support if you need it!

Favorite Genres: Adventure, Romance, Comedy, Crossover, HiE
Disliked Genres: Clop, Gore, Horror

I have several ideas about stories, but to realize them I need help. If I could share with someone my ideas and he/she would put their 2 cents into them, tell me what they think about them, that would really help my writing.

So please PM me if someone likes to discuss different ideas.

Favorite Genres: Fallout Equestria, Anything adorable, Crossovers
Disliked Genres: Clop, That's about it

I have a ton of ideas but to many things going on right now (two stories, a story on hiatus until I can start an overhaul on it, and two stories I'm co-authoring). But I have a lot of triple crossover ideas with Fallout Equestria (they're the reason the reason I made my group which is dedicated to FoE triple crossovers) I'd like to see happen. Basically I'll provide you with the ideas, pre-read, and edit. I'll do all I can to help and be involved I just can't do the writing part.

So anyone who's up for a triple crossover with Fallout Equestria (either needing an idea or already has one) feel free to send me a PM.

Favorite Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy, Shipping
Genres I'm Reluctant to Write In: HiE, Clop, Humanized/Anthro

I have a few ideas bouncing around in my skull, but some of them require a partner. I'm looking to branch out past the genres I've done before, but I may need help to do so. I'm willing to write in any genre, provided I'm sold on the idea and why it has to be in that genre. A story that's clop just more or less for porn is not okay, for instance, but one where the sex scene both advances the story and develops the characters is something I can get on board with.

If you're interested in collaborating, you can reach me via PM or Skype. I'm on here almost every day, so I should respond fairly quickly. My Skype is that.onewriter. I'm on about every other day, and I can be found in the Twilight's Library chat.

Favorite genres: Romance, Slice of Life, Adventure
Hated Genres: Grimdark, Gore

I have four ideas, involving three different F/F Fluttershy ships and one Twilight ship I'm stuck on, including one that's already started and I need some help with the ending, and three that are basically plot skeletons in my head, though all four are highly unusual (two have never been seen before in a romantic context, and the other two have been seen before but are extremely rare). I'd love help getting at least one of these out the door, as one of my in progress stories will be finished as soon as I write out the final chapter, which I already have planned (just have to proofread the second before last chapter first). I'm willing to help out with anything that won't make me ill (see my hated genres) or makes not sense to me but I'll be more helpful with shipping type stories (especially if they involve a never before or rarely seen couple that makes a lick of sense), more fantastical adventures, and/or short slice-of-life comedies.


Favorite Genres: Romance, Slice of Life, Comedy, Sad, Humanized, Equestria Girls verse
Hated Genres: Anthro, Crossover, Troll, Choose Your Own Adventure, Grimdark
Mixed (if it's done right, I'll like it but I don't read them often): HiE / PoE, Dark, Adventure, Random, Alternate Universe

I don't have a good idea at the moment, but I'll probably have something sooner or later, so hit me up with a PM anytime. I'm also a very avid chatter and a bit of a funbox if you're bored. That's cool too.

Likes: Romance (mostly fluff), Slice of Life, Comedy, EG verse, Sad, Shipping
Dislikes: Clops, Grimdark, Troll, Anthro
Neutral on: Crossover, Dark, HiE

You can check my profile page for a list of ideas I want to get around to and them PM me for details on any one. It'll be mostly the longer stories I would likely need help on.

1650665 Favorite genres: Comedy, adventure

Hated genres: Troll, Romance, Anthro

Can work with: Crossover

Not good with: Clop, Gore, Sad, Tragedy.

I want to add more chapters of this story about seven animal mercenaries sent to Equestria, but I'm having trouble getting some ideas off the ground. I want to find a partner and team up with them to help each other out while writing our stuff.

PM me if interested.Able to work though other programs such as Skype and Google Docs.

Stuff I'm currently working on: Slice of Life, Romance (mainly Mane 6 shipping), Comedy
Other stuff I can work with: Anime Crossovers, Psychological Dark, Sad, Adventure, Clop
Stuff I refuse to read/work on: Gratitious Gore, Anthro, most of anything involving Humans that isn't a crossover or Equestria Girls

I have a lot of ideas bouncing in my head, but I'm mostly looking for someone who'd be willing to tear my stories apart and have me tear apart their stories too. So I guess it's more of a beta-reading/pre-reading partnership than a writing collaboration? :unsuresweetie:

Anyway, please PM me if interested. Or if you'd just like to chat about stuff. I'd love to make some more friends here. :pinkiehappy:

Favorite genres: Dark, Comedy, Adventure
Hated genres: Romance, Crossover, Slice of Life, Alternate Universe, Human, Anthro

I have 2 completed stories and 2 stories nearing completion.

I can't publish any of them because they aren't edited yet. If anypony wants to learn the craft of editing, just drop on my profile where you will find links to all of my unpublished stories in public Google Docs. You don't even have to deal with me in any way. Just comment on everything that irks you. It's that simple to be my editor.

Edit: 4 completed stories now and 6 nearing completion. No edits were made on any of them so far.

Favorite Genres : Dark, Sad, Tragedy
Hated Genres : Dark, Human , Anthro , Clop , Romance

I'm having some problems with my story that I recently put on Hiatis called The Forgotten Brother and I'm having some problems making it great. It was a bit of a mistake to go all out and make a long huge story for my first fic. I'm looking for someone who is interested in helping me. I'm also looking to become a better writer so if you need help on a one-shot or other stories I would be glad to help

If you want to contact me just PM me here and I will try to get back with you asap

Wannabe Scholar

Favorite Genres: Adventure, Crossovers, Human, Alternate Universe
Hated Genres: Clop, Romance, Sad

I'm working on a few stories right now. Only one's completed because that was a one-shot. The rest are on hiatus because I'm busy with classes and I'm having hard time trying to find the right motivation. Also, I'm having some concerns about my stories because of plot and slow updating.

All three of my stories may not be appeasing to you because one's a HiE and two are crossovers. Just thought I should let you know because they aren't that appeasing to subjects to quite a few fans.

But if anyone's interested, please send me a PM. I can email you my stories through gmail or use gdocs. Thank you.


Favourite genres: Romance, Comedy, Slice-of-Life
(I can't write same-sex shipppinnng. I can only do the whole 'friends' thing. )
Hated genres: Human, Anthro, Crossover (I just...can't)

I'm working on a crackfic for Big Mac, but I need help on the storyline. I'm don't exactly handle romance that well, so it'd be cool to get some tips from the professionals. Another one of my unplanned stories is a simple slice-of-life story of sisterhood with Coco and Rarity, and yes, I need help with a good plot.

Apart from that, my collaborated fiction with a friend could use some advice on what to avoid. I don't want the OCs to end up as a Gary Stu. :applejackunsure: (Note: It is more of an AU, adventure, with specks of romance)

If you're interested in shipping, I would love it if you would contact / PM me and help me with my stories.

Favorite genres: Romance, comedy, ADVENTHURRTIME, Anthro (Only when done 'right', like an caustic cocktail mix served at your local scummm bar.)
Hated genres: Troll, S.S. narcissism, dark

Currently back in the writing seat after what feels like...far too long. And I am looking for editors, proofreaders and a brainstormer. Fer one be better at sail with a storm a' brewin'.

Also somepony to share even more, silly, ideas with that seem to spring up whenever I write the words 'Metaphor' and 'Avast'.

Fave genre's: Hm... I'm fairly flexible, though I do like action or romance stuff if I really like the characters (canon or OC)
Hated genres: Vore, sad (sometimes) and grimdark. I like dark stories as much as the next girl but screwed up stuff just for the sake of it scares me.

I'm currently writing two stories, taking turns updating each, and I need someone to help me with certain ideas and research, since one story is based in the G3 universe with references to G1.

Favorite genres: Romance, comedy, random, FANTASY, Displaced

Can work with: fantasy, theoreticals, mysticism, antiheroes

Hated genres: Foalcon, crackfic, needless clop before story, fantasy that uses the 'it's magic so lulz' excuse, gary stues/mary sues, stuff that is OVERLY meta for No reason

Looking for someone who likes theorizing how different things from various mediums would interact, as well as how cultures would work based on the people and their beliefs

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