The Mayriad Multiverse Conglomerate ® 6 members · 14 stories

Imagine if you will, that the multiverse is a vast network, and that this network was created, maintained, destroyed, and recreated by a large group of deities and other wordly beings; This is The Mariad-verse CGLM.
All the stories found here in this group take place in The Mariad-verse CGLM

Here is the basics rundown:

  • The M-CGLM, or The Mariad Multiverse Conglomerate, is an extra dimentional corperation that creates, controls, and maintains the known Multiverse as a whole. It’s responsible for all of creation, and everything within. It is located in the World beyond Worlds, a place commonly known as the 11th dimention, the place outside the time and space of all universes. It is an infinite vastness.
  • The Company is run by an ancient cosmic being known as Mr. Boss. They are a member of a race of ancient cosmic beings known as Sapiens. As far as anyone in the M-CGLM knows, Mr. Boss is the only being who can create matter and energy out of nothing.
  • Employees are paid in either raw matter or energy, as any form of currency loses all meaning when you’re dealing with beings who can change reality to their will and whim.  
  • The Company has 8 major departments; Life/Creation, Death/Recycling, Light, Darkness, Harmony, Chaos, Time, and Space.

    • The Department of Life & Creation deals with designing new species, creating and shaping new worlds and universes, setting up the laws of physics and natural laws of said universes, converting energy to matter and vice versa, etc. They deal in taking raw Energy and Matter and turning it into things. Creation is the largest department, both in workers and physically.
    • The Department of Death & Recycling/Reincarnating deals with the breaking down of matter and converting it back to its base form to be recycled back to the department of Creation. They also log data on all living creatures to be filed in the Archive, and deal with souls, either by taking them to that universe’s afterlife, or sending them to be reincarnated into a new body (sometimes in a completely different universe) . Death is the third largest department.
    • The Department of Light deals with all light related things. Suns and other celestial bodies, various radiation and energy, etc. They also deal with things like Healing and 'Divine Forces'. Many of the more prominent religions of a various plethora of multiverses worship deities from the department of light. Celestia works for this department and is the Avatar of Light for her Equis reality. Light is also a 'Support department' for Harmony, providing mentors, paladins, heroes, etc.
    • The Department of Darkness deals with all things dark. It’s a department wrapped in shadows and mystery; as what they ACTUALLY do specifically isnt actually known by the other departments. Members of Darkness have been known to work alongside those in the Department of Death and befriend and work with those in the Department of Chaos. Mortals tend not to trust deities from this department. Other employees couldn’t care less for the most part, however the Departments of Life, Harmony, and Light tend to avoid members of this department.  Luna works for this department and is the Avatar of Darkness for her Equis reality.
    • The Department of Harmony & Balance deals with organizing and balancing all the other departments and the multiverse as a whole. They work closely with all the departments to ensure that everything is running smoothly. They are also the ones who organize company events and are the keepers of The Archive; the largest collection of knowledge to exist ever. It’s a collection of all books, works of art and media, and all knowledge from every last multiverse, plus copies of all information from all departments spanning billions of trillions of years. They also run P&W, The Prayers & Wishes Call Center; when a deity from any of the other departments gains a following and/or religion too large for them to personally keep track of, they can outsource the prayers and requests of their congregation to this sub department. P&W looks like a classic, though infinately big, cubicle office full of telemarketers. Harmony is the second largest department.
    • The Department of Chaos & Change deals with tipping the scales, throwing things off, inspiring, creating, destroying. Their main job is to keep the gears of the multiverse turning by any means necessary (which is why they have so much power with so little restraints). If things don’t continue moving either forwards or backwards, it will stagnate, fall apart, and die. They help with the finer points of creation (the department of creation may create a world and it’s species, but the department of chaos will influence it’s cultures), and aids the department of death (if a culture/society/species can progress no further, even with chaos’ intervention, it’s then scheduled to die out to make room for another culture). This department is great friends with and gets along really well with The Department of Darkness. You will often see members of the other department relaxing in the breakrooms or visiting a friend’s office.

      • This department is complete chaos (every pun intended). Gravity and physics doesn’t work right. The hallways are wonky, leading nowhere, or everywhere. You’ll see people walking on the walls, or the ceiling. You could leave a room, reopen the door, and be in a completely different room.
      • Because nothing works right here, you HAVE to be part of the department to be able to navigate. No one else from the other departments comes into the Department of Chaos without an escort, as you will end up lost forever in it's ever changing halls without one.
      • Sometimes the department itself will play tricks, like changing into a short stretch of hallway without doors or window. For this, just will yourself out. Either teleport, or just mentally will a door to appear, or for the hallway to turn to a new location. It’s all very confusing, but it’s supposed to be.
      • The Department of Chaos is also directly responsable for all Displacement throughout the multiverse.

  • The upper levels of the Company are where Mr. Boss and the "Higher Ups" reside.

Company corporate ladder:

  • Mr. Boss
  • “The Higher Ups
  • The Department of Time & The Department of Space
  • The Department of Life & Creation and The Department of Death & Recycling
  • The Department of Harmony and The Department of Chaos
  • The Department of Light and the Department of Darkness
  • Your adverage demigod, powered person, mortal, background character, or Displaced

Got all that? Good. Now that you have a basic understanding of the

It's story time

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