Have Never Really Watched MLP 3 members · 0 stories

This is a group for everyone who have never really properly watched My Little Pony, but has an account here regardless.
Maybe you liked the pony crossovers with other media so much that you registered here.
Maybe you dislike the style of the show, but really enjoy the fanfics.
Maybe you are on this site because other people dragged you in.
Maybe you are just a troll :V . In this case, don't join, cause that would be a dead giveaway!
Maybe you just came here 'cause reasons !

Well, I was told that there are a lot of people like this. But I couldn't find a group for them.
So there it is.
Anyway, welcome!

Remember, MLP fandom is a slippery slope. Today, you may have registered on this site for the meme, but tomorrow, you'll know the difference between Rarity and Fluttershy, and the day later, you'll have a mental map of Equestria. So, if you don't want that, get out while you still can!

- UC, the founder of this paradoxical group.

Comments ( 5 )
  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

I think you fit in, lol

How much do I have to have not watched the show to qualify? I haven't seen any of the last several seasons but I have seen a few specific episodes within them that I have been pointed towards and I did watch the first couple of seasons before I fell out of it. I do fall into the "dislike the style" category.

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