Quills and Sofas Speedwriting 345 members · 626 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

Welcome to the speedwriting contest group! Here's a quick rundown, to clear up any confusion.

First, make sure to join us on the Discord! This group is specifically only for stories written as part of the speedwrites that are published after a contest concludes. You can find the Discord here: https://discord.gg/W45uFDg

If you'd like to participate in the speedwrites, all the contests are hosted on Reddit, at r/QuillsAndSofas. If you don't have a Reddit account, please make one, or message me about getting a throwaway account. The subreddit is invite only, so please let a moderator (Element of Harmony/Princess) know your Reddit username once you join the Discord so we can whitelist you.

Scheduled contests are usually held once or twice a week. Unscheduled "Panic Fictions" happen often as well. You can find out when from the #announcements section in the Discord, which generally has upcoming contest dates and times pinned.

Depending on who runs the contests, there may be a prompt submission thread posted on the subreddit (which will be also linked in #announcements). Visit it, submit your prompts, and upvote/downvote the ones you like or dislike. If there's no prompt submission thread, that generally means the host has prepared a pre-selected prompt.

Writing time is generally an hour, plus 10 minutes editing time, although some contests vary in length.
Once you're done writing, you should submit your Google Docs link underneath a thread opened specifically for entry submission. Unless otherwise noted, writers are not allowed to seek or accept editing, prereading, or any other form of help from anyone else until after the contest ends. Writers are not allowed to write before time begins, whether that be planning, outlining, or the story itself.

All stories will be available to read immediately after the submission period ends. Stick around for voting; sometimes, there's even a prize for winning! Participants are required to read and leave comments on all other stories. Most voting will be done via ranked choice.

When submitting your story, you should enable comments within your Google Doc. It's also highly, highly recommended that you comment on everyone else's story within your contest with both positive feedback and constructive criticism. Most contests will make this mandatory in order for entries to be eligible.

Happy writing, everyone!


Happy writing, everyone!

No. I only write from spite.

Group Admin

I only exist from spite

Together, we are a pair-o-spites.

... still don’t get the contest

Hey! here's my reddit handle: user/IhopeIdontGetraped
Thank you Princess of Hiding Sadness!

Group Admin

Heya, just saw your message. Who are you on the Discord server? :P

The Red Parade
Group Admin

This post is now defunct. The aforementioned Reddit is no longer in use: for more questions please hop into the discord server!

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