Celestia Waifuism 231 members · 103 stories

This group is intended for those who are in love with Princess Celestia.

Finding good Celestia stories is hard. This group is intended to fix that. The problem I have with pre-existing Celestia groups is low moderation, and a sub-par standard. This means that stories where Celestia is horribly OOC and poorly written are allowed to be added. I'm sick of waiting around for someone else to do this, so I'll do it. The Celestia Waifuism group. Feel free to add stories, as long as they adhere to the rules written below.

1. Celestia must be a main character in the story - Whether she is the protagonist or not does not matter. What does matter is that she is featured enough to warrant being here.

2. No shipping - This is a waifu group, meaning you want to be with her. This means romance stories must be Human x Celestia only!

3. No anthro, no humanizations, no EQG - This is a PONY group.

4. Celestia must be in character - stories that are about Tyrantlestia, Cakelestia, Trollestia, Molestia and other fan made personalities are not allowed. Stories that are based off the butchered writing of season 8 and 9 are not allowed.

5. Stories that are nothing but porn must be placed in the 'Clopfic' folder. Normal stories that happen to feature clop may be placed in the main folder. You may put a story in one folder only.

The purpose here is to uphold a standard of quality. If your story is removed, please do not take it personally.

Banner and Group Icon art by me. Holding hooves Image by Blackkaries, edited by me.

Thank you Bendy, for help with this group.

Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6

Thanks for the invite. Good to be here

Very Honored for the invite, Admin :D

"Praise be unto She!"

This is right up my alley ; )

Hell yeah! Best group ever!

  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6