RainbowPie 866 members · 362 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

Hiya guys! :rainbowkiss:

Well, I may have started this group, but I'm certainly not the only one who likes a good serving of RainbowPie, so I thought it'd be a good idea to have someplace for everyone to suggest things for the group. Anything from what the folders should be called, to guidelines, to the group description, or just your feedback on the group. If you want something changed or added, let me know!

If I get a lot of suggestions here, it may be good to implement a voting system. For example, you post an idea, and then someone else posts after you saying they vote for that idea. 2 or 3 votes pass it. Unless I get a lot of suggestions though, that probably won't be necessary, as long as they're reasonable. It's not exactly a complicated group after all...you come here, you get some delicious RainbowPie. :pinkiehappy: Still, it should be as easy to navigate as possible, so you don't have to look too far to satisfy that midnight RainbowPie craving. OK....I'll shut up now, I'm starting to sound creepy.

Remember, ANYONE can submit stories to the group (please do!), just make sure you submit to the right folder. CHARGE!! :yay:

I guess this means that the system works. I certainly don't have any problems with it

Group Admin

297310 Glad to hear it! :scootangel:
Still thinking of maybe adding a folder or two, as there are certain fics that...well...don't really fit any of the categories very well. We'll see I guess. :derpytongue2:

300168what were you thinking of?

is there any good way to see that a story gets moved into a better section?

Group Admin

300179 Well, there are some sorta...parody-ish fics and such, that don't really fit well in the other folders. There are also a few fics that get low ratings, but also include RainbowPie in them, which I don't want to add to the main folder, but may be worth adding to another folder later....possibly. As well as the odd fic here and there that doesn't really fit into any category that well, though most, if not all, can be sorted into the main folders anyways.

The 'General' folder is also getting a bit big, which is awesome, but it may be a good idea to separate it into a few sub-sections to make stories easier to find. Just not sure exactly what, if anything, to separate it into right now. I guess it's fine for now, but I may add a folder or two later, especially if other users request it.

As for getting a story moved into a better section: I try to sort the fics as best I can, but if you think something should be moved, either shoot me a PM, or start up a new thread for those kinds of requests, or suggest it here. :pinkiehappy:
If I could, I would allow non-admin users to move stories, but that feature isn't available, so I'm the only one who can do it.

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