The Lunaverse 2,574 members · 203 stories
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Below is the list of Season 2 Lunaverse stories. Every entry in this list is a part of the Lunaverse canon. This list is in chronological order of when it takes place in the story. New episodes are welcome!
Webisodes in this list are side-stories. They are canon and usually associated with the episode that precedes them on the list.

[See the next post for more details]

Autumn - Return to Form
Stories set during the Autumn can be about anything the author wants to write. If focused on Corona, then these stories should focus on her just beginning to stretch out and affect Equestria.
- The Return of Tambelon, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
- Sergeant-at-Hooves, by Emeral Bookwise Complete!
- Magic Tutor, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!
- Exam Jitters, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
- Old Friends, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
- A Bushel of Carrots, by GreyGuardPony Complete!
- A Concert for Ponyville, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
- Half-Arrogant, Half-Crazy, All Trixie Lulamoon, by Zeroxion546
- Treasure Hunt, by RainbowDoubleDash
- The 'Ling from Another World, by RainbowDoubleDash Complete!

Winter - The Deep Breath
Stories set during the Winter can be about anything the author wants to write, though the threat of Corona should be larger than in Autumn.
- Dinky's Birthday, by Talon & Thorn Complete!
- Ice Hearts, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
- Up and Automaton, by Zap Apple Smash Complete!
- Games Ponies Shouldn't Play, by Daga Yemar Complete!
- An Embarrasment in Three Acts, by Void Knight Complete!

Spring - Lands of the Rising Sun
It is strongly recommended (but not necessary) that stories set during the Spring should involve Corona in some way. This will also be the bloc that contains the World Tour arc
- Title Match, by Zap Apple Smash Complete!
- Big Trouble in the Big Easy, by ZapAppleSmash
- Just Us Little Ponies, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
- Just Us Big Sisters, by GrassAndClouds2 Complete!
- The Voice of the Sun, by Lev the Lurker and Talon and Thorn World Tour! Complete!
- The Great Dragon Coronation, by RainbowDoubleDash World Tour! Complete!
- The Glass Kingdom, by RainbowDoubleDash World Tour! Complete!
- For a Few Bits More, by RainbowDoubleDash World Tour!
- Contest of Champions, by thatguyvex World Tour!
- Chasing Smoke, by GreyGuardPony World Tour! Complete!
- Lords and Ladies, by Void Knight World Tour! Complete!

Summer - Endgame
All stories set during the Summer should focus on Corona in some way.
- Past Remnants, by GreyGuardPony Complete!
- Shadow and Crystal, by GreyGuardPony Complete!
- From the Depths, by vazak Complete!
- The Final Fall of the Tyrant Sun, by RainbowDoubleDash planned

Group Admin

It is my hope to finish Crisis on Two Equestrias before July 18th. On July 19th - my birthday - Season 2 of the Lunaverse will officially begin with the first chapter of The Return of Tambelon. By posting this I'm giving myself an ironclad deadline, which I think will help with writing.

Anyway. Once the first chapter of The Return of Tambelon goes up, everyone can begin writing and posting Season 2 stories. Season 2 is going to work a little different from Season 1. Rather than a set limit of 26 episode slots, I want to organize the season into "Fall" "Winter" "Spring" and "Summer" sections, within which can be any number of episodes (that's right, Season 2 has no episode limit, hard or soft). It's my hope that by organizing things in such a way, we can better create a "feel" of Corona's threat rising throughout the season.

Basically what it boils down to is that if you plan on writing a story that's just a sort of slice-of-life episode, it should probably (but does not have to be) be set during the Autumn or Winter. If it's a story that's focused on Corona, it should probably (but does not have to be) be set during the Spring or Summer.

Organizing the episodes into seasons will hopefully also help with timekeeping and placing episodes in the correct order.

The World Tour arc is a little something-something I want to happen in Season 2, but we'll get to that when we get to it. Short version: The L6 go on adventures outside of Equestria, usually only two of them at a time (for example, the Great Dragon Coronation is planned to only have Raindrops and Lyra in it). Hopefully they won't run into Daemon while doing so.

Anyway. If you definitely have a Season 2 story planned, just let me know in this thread and let me know where to place it, and I'll add it to the list above.



...oh, you may have noticed a little bit of re-organization with the final episodes of Season 2 verses what I've posted in the past. The basic story is still set in stone, I'm just...reorganizing things a bit. Cleaning them up.

Comment posted by RainbowDoubleDash deleted Oct 17th, 2013

oooooh, looks like you're planning the big epic finale already! (of Corona)

I think I already stated that I would split the animated webseries for Season 1 in half (to help with time management), but if Season 2 has no episode limit, this is going to be tough to split. Maybe I'll split Autumn and Winter into the first half and Spring and Summer into the second. How many episodes (approximate) are you hoping to get into this season?

Group Admin

Ideally, the same number as Season 1 - that is, 26. The lack of a stated limit is because some posters felt constrained by the 26-episode limit of Season 1, especially towards the end, where posting a new story might rob someone else of canon status.

By going with no real limit while still encouraging organization, I'm hoping for the best of both worlds. But we'll see.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Hmm... The still untitled drillsergeant Cheerilee story (Sergeant-at-Hooves, maybe?) I want to write would probably best go in spring or autumn, as I want there to be outdoors training going on without any snow. Since I want to try playing this more for laughs, summer is probably a bad idea, and the earlier in the season probably the better. Autumn might be best then and maybe I could even work the running of the leaves into things, or maybe not, since I think Fizzy wanted to do some rivalry with Hoofington set around that event.

Also, crunch time.

About a month to go before S2 starts and I still need to wrap up Elements of Insanity. I know it's been a while since I updated that, but I really have been working on it; it's just that I've been more so working backwards. Most of the aftermath chapter, and maybe half of the climax chapter are writen (likley Ch10 & Ch9 respectively). It's Ch8 that is giving me pains. On the bright side though when I finally do get it finished all three chapters might go up more or less at once.

Lev the Lurker
Group Contributor

Sweet! I'll start on my Griffon Kinngdom story as soon as I get home, then. Going to guess it'll be part of the world tour, so calling digs on the Lyra/Raindrops pair story thing.

So excited hehehehehehehehehe

This looks pretty cool! I look forward to all the stories that are to come out.

I'm quickly reading through Season 1, having made it through about 50% of the total word count, and this makes me tempted to write my own Lunaverse story. At a quick look around the forums I can't see a specific process for getting started at that. Though I might just being blind. There is certainly a lot to catch up on for this expansive universe!

Ah, shame Winningverse Cloud Kicker can't be Lunaverse Cloud Kicker.

Group Admin

No limit? Great. I was worried last season about 'taking' other folks' slots, so it's nice that this will not be as much of a concern.

Hmm... okay, so my drafted stories are:

"A Concert for Ponyville" starring Trixie and featuring Lyra, Carrot Top, Fluttershy, Octavia, Pinkie Pie, and Bonbon. When Fluttershy is called upon to have her birds sing to raise money for a veterinary clinic, Trixie calls in a favor with Octavia to help prepare her. But when their partnership falls apart, Trixie must use everything she knows about friendship to make sure the show can go on. Meanwhile, Pinkie versus diets. Autumn. (Drafted)

"Old Friends" starring Cheerilee. Incidents from a past Summer Sun Celebration come back to haunt Cheerilee in a zany, madcap adventure. Autumn. (Drafted)

Stories I haven't written yet but that I definitely plan to do are:

"Exam Jitters" starring Ditzy and Dinky and featuring Cheerilee and Trixie. Dinky becomes eligible to compete for a scholarship to a prestigious institute of learning in a faraway city, but Ditzy isn't sure that she's ready to risk Dinky leaving the nest yet. Autumn. (Planned) (And, obviously, to avoid continuity issues, this will end with the Dinkster still in Ponyville).

"Ice Hearts" starring Ditzy and featuring the other L5 and the Vault ponies. Called up north to deal with a diplomatic situation involving wendigo, Ditzy finds a situation much closer to home that seems morally intolerable. But are her efforts to 'save' ponies who don't seem to want it any more justified? Winter. (Planned)

And a story that I got about halfway through before losing track of. But writing it here will help insure that I actually finish the thing this time. (That's how that works, right?) :-) I really want to do it, so here goes:

"The Siege of Stalliongrad", starring Carrot Top, and featuring Lyra, Raindrops, Bonbon, and Vinyl Scratch. Carrot Top was just supposed to spend a few days in Stalliongrad; enough time to check out the monuments, try the food, and carry out a favor for the Farmer's Union. But when the Tyrant Sun besieges the city, CT quickly finds her stay becoming much more dangerous than anticipated. Far from home, with no resources save a few friends, and trapped in a city that seems actively hostile to its inhabitants, Carrot Top is going to have the worst vacation in history. Though just a farmer, she'll need to use everything she's got to keep herself and the citizens alive... because the coldest city in Equestria is about to go up in flames. Winter. (Planned).

Group Admin

1120673: Weren't you doing a story about flour babies?

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I have ideas I want to write, but at this time I am not setting myself in stone for anything. But...well, I am gonna try to make a conscious effort to try to write stuff.

Group Contributor

Cool, I like this set up. I like it a lot. Hmm...

Hey Emerald, since I want to set my "Contest of Champions" story post your Cheerilee story, let me know if you choose to do yours in autumn of spring, and I can set mine for the section after it.


"Contest of Champions" (probably spring, maybe winter?): One part festival, one part world-games, the Contest of Champions is a world known event that happens once every twenty years. Here, every nation sends delegates, performers, and most importantly, chosen champions to compete in a grand contest for the honor of their countries. As the Elements of Harmony and appointed Knights of the Realm Trixie and her friends are chosen to represent Equestria at this event.

At some point in the proceedings, Luna and Cadance are going to HAVE to make a big, public announcement. (If Twilight's 'punishment' is what I think it is, it's a good thing that this version of her isn't as close to the Alicorn of Love as the one in the series is. Otherwise, they'll have to explain why the library exploded. Twice.)

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Right now the only canon story I've got planned is the one where Pinkie asks Trixie and Ditzy for help with Sugarcube Corner. I don't have a name for it at the moment. It should be in Autumn.


Why would there be a Summer Sun celebration in Lunaverse Equestria? I mean these are ponies who hide at high noon. The longest day of the year should be something they hate or fear terribly.

Also I'd like to toss out an idea about Corona's return to sanity. Honestly I just feel like Celestia deserves better than having her return to grace being forced by a villain. Especially since no one could know the exact nature of wha Discord did to her and she could slowly revert as Discord wanted to watch her fall himself, or her insanity could return when he was turned back to stone.

So if it's not going to be one of the L6, how about Twilight Sparkle. We know the memory restoration spell from the show is different from the Lunaverse version. So Twi would have had time to learn it in her trip to the maneverse. But Corona wouldn't be familiar with it. So maybe Twi claims she wants to join up. She can talk about the maneverse and their love for Corona and offers to show her. She casts the spell like Trixie did on the maneverse version of the L6.

Corona strikes her down, but Twi survives and from there Corona is acting really funny. The L6 prepare to battle Corona. Twi wakes up from a coma long enough to teach Luna the mane version of the memory spell.

Luna challenges Corona and hit her with the memory spell again, showing memories of Corona as she was at the same time the L6 zap her with the Elements. This time there is something to latch onto and the Celestia is restored.

Group Admin

1121721: It's been already established that in Neigh Orleans there's a huge party, culminating in an effigy of Celestia being burned in the town square. I think it's sort of a "screw you, tyrant, we're alive, we're free, and we're gonna PARTY!" thing.

And, honestly, I like the original Discord idea best. If it's so simple to fix her that it's a spell Twilight or Trixie (very talented unicorns, but not more than that at this point) can cast (even if they don't have the right memories), it kind of make Luna looks stupid for not being able to fix her more easily.

1121721 1121738
The Neigh Orleans version of the Summer Sun Celebration is a cross between Carnival and the Days of the Dead. There's sort of a feeling of "Eat, Drink, and be Merry, for tomorrow, the Sun may come." The masks are just as much to disguise the ponies from Corona as they are to disguise each other. If She can't recognize you, she can't punish your friends and family. If bystanders don't recognize you, they can't rat you out to Corona.

On a side note, I haven't been around much lately, and been putting far less time towards pony than I might like. I blame finals, Steam, and my summer job.

Group Contributor

Cool idea you have here. all right I have two stories line sup but I will probably focus on them a bit out of order because I can be a bit slow and one of those stories can probably be pushed to S3 if I don't write fast enough. I'm going to assume that this isn't the place to debate story ideas, but I do want to note one overall thing; in that I still feel splitting the L!6 up over different nations, whether they are allied with Corona or not seems like a rather foolish decision on the characters part, so maybe they should have some sort of magic "out" in case things go bad?

The first story would be a part of the world tour saga, with all of the L!6 being sent to the Elk capital to meet with the newly crowned king Hjerlte, who is a foalhood friend of Trixie's. But all is not well in the land, the retired king and queen have disappeared while travelling, monster attacks have been increasing, schemers plot, nopony seems to quite trust the new king and a deadly enemy from the past rises in the background. (I can't yet think of a name for this one)

The quest for The Red Magician Crown (I'm thinking of using "the" in the same way "The Batman" is used, it's not technically their name but people add it on when not speaking directly to him.) When he passed away Red Magician was remembered as one of the greatest unicorn mages of all time, he left behind a legacy of heroism, magical knowledge and a few embarrassing stories as well. But one legend stands out above the other, the tale of The Red Magician's Ruby Crown. A magical artifact of terrible power sealed away in a forgotten labyrinths filled with traps and puzzles only the most cunning of pony could every bypass. When the entrance to this legendary maze is revealed the Elements of Harmony must rally together and recapture the crown before Corona's servants can collect it for their queen. But all is not as it seems in this labyrinth. This could probably go in Spring.

The Summer Sun celebration, is I think not it's name in the L!Verse it's instead a day of mourning and for being with one's family. Neigh Orleans throws a party though more or less as Grass and Clouds said.


simple? It takes a spell from another reality, the most powerful unicorn in the modern world casting it, a second casting by the Alicorn of the night and a blast from the Elements of Harmony, nearly gets said most powerful unicorn killed and actually temporarily drives Corona crazier.

Just because you can line something up in step one, step two and step three does not make it simple. Ask any military planner in history. Ask the people who put men in space.

Group Admin

1121984: What do you mean, another reality? Trixie read the spell in a book. She used it in Tales of Ponyville. Even if the one Twi knows is a slight variation, it's still something Trixie learned in a normal, not restricted, book.

I still like the Discord idea best. It makes Discord seem more of a weighty threat -- he's powerful enough to screw around with Corona, and in fact to be able to give Corona her sanity back without needing to worry about her being a threat to him even like that.


it's cast in a different way, and that difference is key. Corona would never let Twi kiss her, after all.

And honestly, screw Discord. He's a one off villain and I don't think a one off villain should basically end up being the hero of Equestria even unintentionally. I mean it will be his actions that save the world from Corona. Meanwhile the L6 just hold her off and fix their own mistake with him at the end.

If Discord's going to be a threat I'd rather it be because the L6 defeat Corona, undoing the bindings on him, rather than him outsmarting everyone.

Group Contributor

While this is an interesting debate, I'm not sure this is the place for it; it's probably best that if you guys are to continue, to move it to the BR threat or the "Discord, Return of Harmony" threads. Sorry if this seems rude.

I Thought I Was Toast
Group Contributor

hmm... episode plans...
well I wanted to do "Half-Arrogant, Half-Crazy, All Trixie Lulamoon" where Trixie miscasts Luna's duplication spell and the L!6 have to chase down Lulamoon who went on a crazy trip to Neigh Orleans. That's probably fall.

"Banding Together Again" where Cherilee gets her old band back together for Ponyville hosting the equivilant of Woodstock. This is most likely fall.

And "There's Snowpony Here But Me" which was the whole Frosty the Snowman meets How the Grinch stole Chrismas meets "Blink" from Doctor Who thing I suggested. If you don't remember it. Dinky and the foals accidently bring a snowpony to life with an old hat of Trixie's. Problem is that the snowpony can't move while somepony is looking at it. Slowly it goes from mysterious prankster to bitter mischief maker as no pony wants to be it's friend. In the end only Dinky gives the snowpony a chance, melting it's ice cold heart and making it grow three sizes that day Winter Obviously.

There might have been more I suggested, but those are the three I remember... I'll look back at the Brainstorming thread and see if there's any others I might want later.


But Pinkie Pie wants to be everyone's friend.

Though I guess she could be out of town for a week or two visiting her family during the holiday season.

Group Admin

1122297: Visiting Blueblood, more likely. :-)

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Group Contributor

Bleh, I've got to finish Through the Fire and Flames. I've been so lazy about it, but I'm determined to get it done before Season 2. No more excuses!

... Anyway, I've only got one story planned. "Game Night", probably a winter story, and it involves the L!6 sitting around Trixie's house one night relaxing with a simple board game. Unfortunately, none of them notices the tag line on the back of the box, saying "Caution: Do not play this game with friends, or you will soon need new friends"...

1120391 Dammit...:trixieshiftleft:

Not a single one of my idea's in there...

Is he list subject to change or increase?

Group Admin

1122760: ? You haven't posted any ideas in this thread for inclusion. Or did I miss some?

1122773 Where do you do that? I thought they had to be done in Brainstorming

Group Admin

1122776: IN the second post, RDD asked for people to post ideas here that they are certain they are going to do. (Most of them were already discussed in brainstorming, near as I can tell).

Group Admin


Anyway. If you definitely have a Season 2 story planned, just let me know in this thread and let me know where to place it, and I'll add it to the list above.

1120451 I'd like to do a story that has Cheerilee helping out Scootaloo through her dead moms birth day, if you wouldn't mind

La Vallett1
Group Contributor

1122836 Are you certain that you can do it?

1122870 My blood is strong! Will not fail!

Besides, I gotta get into standard Lunaverse fare somehow, and this seems like as good a place as any

Group Contributor


No pressure, but I am very much looking forward to this, and I would be willing to help in any capacity I can.

La Vallett1
Group Contributor

1122874 Better you than I. I'm not a very good story writer and could only provide ideas. I'm more satisfied that someone took my camping idea.

Group Admin

1122874: What Blackbelt said. Looking forward to this as well, and also happy to help!

1122934 quick question, though...

Do Trixie's friends write to Luna yet or at all?

Group Admin

1122941: Hmm...

Bonbon used Trixie's hat in 'Dinner With The Folks' to send Luna a letter, but people in the comments argued that was likely to be a serious breach of protocol. I don't think we've ever seen any of the others do it, though I could be mistaken. So I'd say, in general, no.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Started drafting the first chapter for Sergeant-at-Hooves. In the process of setting up a page for it though, I bumped up against FiMfic's character tag limit. Winning a character tag for Raindrops was a great victory, but it now means that any fic featuring all of the L6 has to actually choose who to exclude.

Now, obviously getting a combo tag for all the L6 like the M6 and CMC have won't ever happen, nor should it. Still, given that various alt-sextets (EoH or not) are pretty common in this fandom, one might think the tag limit is oddly short.

1122944 Then is Trixie likely to punch Pokey in the arm if he starts to teasing her?

Group Admin

1123323: Well, ponies don't have arms, but beyond that, dunno.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Actually an equine's forelimbs can be accurately called arms.

Group Admin

Horse anatomy!

I know more about equine anatomy now then I ever thought I would.

"The Return of Tambelon"? SQUEAL
You referring to the G1 Tambelon by any chance? How exciting! :pinkiehappy:

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

1120391 Put me down for 'Bushel of Carrots' the story where Carrot Top uses the Mirror Pond to multiply and cause havoc.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

1123272 When the character tag limit was introduced I was one of the few voicing the idea that it should have been at SIX not five, for obviously thematic reasons. Sadly I went unheard :facehoof:

When all L6 are present I think the only ones we should consider excluding are Cheerilee and Carrot Top, mostly so we can still garner the attention of the many Trixie, Lyra and Derpy fans and because Raindrops needs more fics to her tag. Carrot Top and Cheerilee aren't quite as popular.

Liked to submit one for the spring part "The hasysian experience "

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