
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

Number Three is Ready to Read. · 3:22am Oct 27th, 2015

All Edit's have been taken care of for the third chapter. Enjoy your read through.

Report Nasha Rei Kun · 172 views · #Renewal

Chapter four is done being edited. · 8:35pm Oct 27th, 2015

Enjoy your long chapter. Remember that if you wanted to know exactly what I might have changed and edited, just skip on down to the Author's Note and read the "Renewal" Overview Section.


REMINDER Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 2:23pm March 16th

Hello everyone! This is just a quick reminder that I'm running a writing contest where the winner can win a prepaid commission slot! You can find the contest's group here:

Contest ends on Saturday, March 30th at 11:59 PM EST. Please have your stories submitted before then!

Hope everyone has a good rest of your day!


Special thanks to WingRazor! · 2:34am Jan 6th, 2020

The artist WingRazor has been kind enough to have spent the last several weeks creating artwork for Renewal, and I would be remiss not to share with the class! Head on over to and take a peek!

Thank you again WingRazor for supercharging my motivational engines!!


It's No Use Going Back to Yesterday · 3:36pm Mar 31st, 2023

Hello again.

This is a followup to my previous blogpost where I detailed my immediate reäction to a sudden and (yet somehow not) total loss of my data to a hard drive crash.

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We must save it. And now. #Savelucifer · 5:08pm May 15th, 2018

Yeah, I know this isn't my usual blogging stuff but when I heard about this I had to let as many know as possible. It happened as much as I feared it wouldn't. Fans are so heartbroken and though the news had been out for a few days now, it's still disheartening for me to find out after the season finale. Lucifer got canceled... But we can still save it.

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Farewell, Infinity Train (for now) · 11:01am Apr 16th, 2021

I binge watched all 10 episodes of Book 4 and I can't believe it's already over. It was fairly good, though it didn't feel like a series finale as creator Owen Dennis said he didn't intend it to be the final season. I will tell you my thoughts about it and the series as a whole in a few days.


Reflections · 3:22am Jul 12th, 2020

Today is my birthday, and I have reflected a bit on what it means this day:

I am... satisfied with the life I've lived, and the choices I've made. Gods know they weren't always the right choices, but they were mine, and I am proud of all of them. Even the bad ones, because learning from them has made me a better person.

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State of the Pen · 7:45pm Sep 6th, 2021

So, I did take most of the month of August off. I did what I said I would do, including celebrating my son's 19th birthday, making arrangements to travel 1500km north in October for my grandfather's 100th, hit the local rivers and lakes and played a lot of video games. Just in case anyone is wondering what an old fart like me plays, my main games currently are:

- World of Warships (Mare_in_the_Moon)
- 7 Days to Die (highly recommended zombie killing, base builder)

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Recap of and thoughts on Infinity Train Book 4 and the series as a whole · 7:27am Apr 18th, 2021

As many fans speculated, Book 4 - Duet takes place in the past, specifically in the mid to late 1980s. While I'm excited when HBO Max announced a new season, I lowered my expectations since it focuses on a new set of characters. Usually, there's a guest character in the 7th episode of a season and the next will focus on that certain character. For Book 4, it's a totally different story and timeline.

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The Biggest My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fan Project Yet · 3:13pm May 26th, 2022

This may sound like A daunting task, - which it is.

I have been planning for A long time to create A story/anthology in which Anon forms A herd with every female on the entire Equestrian continent. This means every female character, - [Main, Majour, Supporting, Minour, Background, Referenced, [Protagonist, Antagonist, Neutral, Good-Hearted Villain, Anti-Hero]] to ever appear in the show, in Equestria Girls, or any related media, such as the picture books or I.D.W. comics.

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The Oldest View Part 1 - 2 [Renewal] and [Beneath The Earth] · 4:28pm May 15th, 2023


Out of the Finale Blues, back into Pony Writing: New Writing Plans, Old and Scrapped Writing Plans and Recent Developments · 12:51am Dec 2nd, 2019

I am back. A lot of you, especially my new followers I got in the last couple days (thank you for joining me here despite the inactivity!) are probably thinking I am dead and that I became a victim of the end of the show. That is not the case and I am now back and ready to tackle more writing than ever.

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Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results