
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Question · 11:55pm Oct 11th, 2015

I have this really, really long story that will take place in equestria, but not until a long time from the beginning.

Rules stipulate that i cannot publish unless it has something to do with pony

What if i was to write it on a gdoc and release it through my blog, and publish it once it reaches to the equestria point.

Would you guys read it ?

Report Chelis · 370 views · #story idea #gdoc

FimFiction formatting attempted to destroy my latest chapter of TD&HD · 4:50pm Feb 8th, 2016

Apologies to anyone who slogged through the latest chapter of The Destroyer and Her Doctor. You're a champ for putting up with all that. That'll teach me to update something right before I go to bed.

I cleared out the weird bold and centering woes. Just the joys of importing from GDocs. Also cleared up some name confusion.

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Free story ideas for you · 10:01pm Apr 18th, 2019

It took me years to come to this realization, but the fact is, I come up with more stories than I can write. The end result will be that some of my ideas won't get written. That saddens me.

This is why I'm opening up My GDoc of ideas to the public.

If you have a hard time coming up with ideas, feel free to take any of them.


How to use Google Docs · 12:43am Mar 1st, 2019

Ok, so an author I'm working for needed a bit of instruction on how to use Google Docs, and I thought, why not blog a tutorial? That'll help him, plus offer a reference for anyone what needs a quick guide.

So, once you've gone to Google Docs, you need to create a new file. This is an easy matter of choosing a new blank document from the templates at the top of the screen:

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Switch · 6:16pm Sep 14th, 2015

So, I've been using Word to type out the fic. So, I've only been able to work on the fic while I'm at work, with one exception. I've been using my phone to remote access my computer and work on the fic. The draw back is that it drains my battery and my data. So, I can only do it sparingly. So, I decided to just use Google Doc and get the app for my phone. Hopefully, I can work on the fic more with that while I'm at work. It'll also help for when I get an editor...if I get one. I'm still looking

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Report Li_Time · 200 views · #update #fanfic #twilight #dash #harry #gdoc

Gdoc extension things. · 1:54pm Jul 11th, 2022

Had a convo recently about google docs, and I'm surprised at the amount of people that don't use grammar/writing extensions. Unless I'm mistaken, it is the primary writing platform used by authors on here. Likely even fanfiction as whole. As per recommendation by a fellow respected author, I am inclined to post the ones I use, although I don't expect this blog to actually be seen.

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All my stories in one document · 8:04pm Aug 13th, 2019

Don't you hate downloading stories to your e-reader? So much work.

If such is your situation, you'll be happy to know that you can access all my stories in a Single large Gdoc document.

You could also transform it into *.mp3 format and you'd have dozens of hours of listening time available.

Do with it what you will. I just wanted to make it easier.


GDocs of my stories · 4:29pm Feb 8th, 2017

I've reread most of my fics yet again and made some edits to them. This blog is mostly for my own needs so I have a central index of my stories for my ease of access. Anypony else is, of course, also free to read them and even make edits to them if they so desire. They're all public access.

Published stories:

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Exactly What I'd Planned to Spend My Night Doing. · 7:50am Jan 23rd, 2016

Needless to say, the title of this blog post is almost entirely facetious.

One way or another, though, I will get the next chapter of Desert Spice up tonight.

Demonstration of the crap I have to deal with in order to do so below the break.

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o rite i meant to mention a post on tumblr that's supposed to help u write · 4:51pm Sep 21st, 2017

A quick tip for writers out there, who use Microsoft Words:

Change the background colour of the pages to a mint green shade.

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Commission Information · 6:45am Sep 28th, 2016

So I've been getting requests for commissions lately and I think it's about time I updated my commission information. So, without all the hullabaloo, I present to you...



Help wanted; Versus Jet · 11:49am Feb 10th, 2020

Hello folks. It's me. Again.

I'm currently writing two stories for two separate contests, one of which is due at the end of this month; Versus Jet is the current working (likely final) title of a story being written for the current AppleDash contest (Go Big or Go Home). Predictably, it's approaching 30K words, and I fully expect it to exceed that amount as I continue to work on the story.

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Summer Writing Plans, Part 2 · 7:31pm Jun 1st, 2020

Here's part one. Please read it here. After the break, you'll find the status of all my stories below. Let's get to that!

EOnly Every Time
Every dress Luna owns is a gift she had no say in. Every dress Luna owns was given to her by Celestia. Every time Celestia gives one is a way she tries to understand her sister.
Ice Star · 6.5k words  ·  128  7 · 2.3k views

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The Comedy (is Serious Business) Contest Results! · 3:43am Mar 10th, 2018

Aaaand we’re finally here.

What can I say, folks – it’s been a journey. I almost feel emotional writing this announcement.

This contest literally started as me idly muttering “would be cool to make one of those m’self one day” in a public chat. And now look at this! Forty-seven entries, more than four thousand views in the original announcement, we took over the featured box, and overall? I’m sure we all had a lot of fun.

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Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results