• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Hi. I'm Ficta. I enjoy writing silly comedies and soul-shattering tragedies. There is no in between. :)


(Based on canon events)

It was just one stupid mistake. I never meant to hurt anyone, least of all my friends. But Twilight found a solution, a way to put everything back to how it should be. How could I have predicted her actions? How could I have stopped her? Lives have been lost. None shall mourn them. None shall miss them. None shall even remember them. Except for me.

Twilight Sparkle is a murderer. And it's all my fault.

Art by MysteryEzekude

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

I was expecting it to be from Celestia's point of view. I was wrong.
And it was plenty deep from a character some reserve only for cheap jokes and such.

That was.. Different. But good.

I don't usually read dark, but...

1. Although Pinkie never really did get a definitive answer from Twilight, I suppose I could see her emotional state causing her to interpret Twilight's response as definitive.

2. How would the Elements of Harmony work if this story were to be extended and Pinkie went to Fillydelphia?


Regarding your second point, I do have some ideas for how a potential sequel could play out but I don't know whether or not to pursue them.

Not bad at all, This makes for an interested story, though I don't really approve of Pinkie blaming Twilight for everything. She was still the one who decided to mess with an ancient magical artifact that she knew next to nothing about :pinkiecrazy:

Then again, I would never trust anything that has instructions in rhyme :trollestia:

I enjoyed this, nice work

At least Pinkie won't kill herself...that's all that matters to me in this...:pinkiesad2:
Great read my friend! I'm still reading some of your works:pinkiecrazy:

I really enjoyed this story. Pinkie's POV has always intrigued me, and I loved this take on a confusing episode. But I don't understand the ending entirely: Was the story the letter to Celestia, or straight narration? The last three lines, with italics and quotation marks, made me question it. Could you explain it to me, please? :twilightsmile::pinkiegasp:


The story itself wasn't the letter. I did actually consider going down that route, but that would have led to some complications.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed this!

This story is going to give me nightmares. :pinkiesick:

1) While the prospect of fishing Pinkie's "Pattern Buffer" out of the Mirror would be enough to put Twilight into an emotional roller coaster, making the whole thing a misunderstanding could easily backfire from a literary perspective. It could go either way, really.
2) Moot point. Pink's relationship with Twilight has been severely broken, and as such the Elements are borked anyway. No, the interesting thing will be to watch Celestia's face once she finds out that her Most Faithful Student has committed an act of mass Pinkiecide. The fallout from that is going to be epic. Too bad 2577049 is rather non-committed to making that happen.


I was originally going to hit home the fact that it wasn't a misunderstanding with a scene where Pinkie travels to the Canterlot library for more information on the mirror pond. However, I felt it would have dragged things on for a bit too long.

Apologies for not being committed... :pinkiesad2: I already have 3 other ongoing fics and another one-shot in the works, so adding another project to the pile would be difficult to deal with.

Nice work. Emotions are a powerful thing :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, and I just have to link this...


Nice comic! :rainbowlaugh:

You know, I do wonder what the writers would have to say about the whole mirror pond thing. Either Twilight killed them, locked them away for eternity or... What? :rainbowderp: Either way, it's something that's always stuck at the back of my mind ever since I saw the episode. (Hence why I wrote this fic) I personally consider it the darkest event in the series thus far. I mean... Doesn't it make Twilight a canon murderer? :pinkiesad2:


Yeah, I too find the whole episode, especially the conclusion, extremely creepy. The fridge horror is something I wouldn't expect in a show aimed towards children :twilightoops:

Myself, I don't think it really makes Twi a murderer. She's just returning the clones to where they came from.


Returning the clones to where they came from.

So like, if a scientist invented a type of nutrient gel which could lump together to form a living creature. Then one day, after making numerous clones, he tosses the creatures back in with a biological supplement which makes their bodies dissolve into the gel that they once were. Maybe he could even make their bodies expand like balloons and explode, just like when Twilight did it. Is that what you mean? IS IT!? :flutterrage: *Huddles into a corner and cries*

You know, I'm really tempted to follow this fic up with events after Pinkie's departure, but I don't know if I'd have the time. :pinkiesad2:

By the way, I'm also working on another dark one-shot right now called 'Dirt Pony'. :pinkiehappy:


The way I see it, the clones were like parasites. They took something that didn't belong to them (Pinkie's form), and were sent back, now being in the form they previously had. Because the fake Pinkies also had very little capacity of actual thinking, I'm under the impression that they weren't truly sentient. Instead, their reactions were governed by the usual surface-thoughts and reflexive actions of Pinkie.


*Sticks fingers in ears* La la la la! I can't hear you over the sound of my head canon! :rainbowwild:

Although, nice theory.

I'll just leave this here:


Also, great story. I mean it's been done before numerous times but still a fun trope to explore.


Oh, man! That picture was dark. :twilightoops:

Thanks for reading my story. :twilightsmile: It's not that often people read more than one of my fics.

well then... one of the best stories i have read so far. :derpytongue2:

I think I broke my tear glands. :fluttershysad:

Oh look, it's this stupid headcanon again.


I'm failing to understand what the point of that comment even was. :ajbemused:

Firstly, did you even read the fic? I wouldn't mind a critical post about my writing, but simply lambasting the concept doesn't really achieve anything. It's the equivalent of simply hating on a fic for including a pairing that you don't like.

Secondly, this isn't my head canon. I know I made this 2582569 comment, but that was mostly a joke. I don't have a concrete belief about the event in actual fact. And even if this was my head canon, who are you to insult me for it? The whole Pinkie event wasn't really explained, so it's an explorable trope to play with.

In another of my fics I explore the idea that Celestia and Luna aren't capable of raising the sun and moon at all, but merely made that up to seem all powerful. The same goes for Luna's supposed ability to enter dreams. I don't watch the show with this belief, but it's an idea that I toyed with to invent the story that I wanted. Just like this one.

So... what was the point in your comment again?


I read it. It sucked. I'm not going through the effort of legitimately criticizing a 6k word oneshot.
In short - expanding on a dumb concept like this is HARD. You weren't up to the task.


In short - expanding on a dumb concept like this is HARD. You weren't up to the task.

Fair enough. I'm not going to argue against your opinion considering you actually read it, and I do agree that it could have been a lot better. Maybe my scope was too small? Characterisation too flimsy?:applejackunsure:

Whatever the case, I thank you for giving my fic a chance despite your dislike of the concept and apologise for it not being up to your standards. And quite frankly, I'd prefer to get a down-vote from someone who actually has the balls to post a comment than anonymous ones, so you deserve some kudos at least. :pinkiesmile:

OK - I have to admit - this story didn't do it for me and I gave it a thumbs down. And since I try not to be an anonymous coward...

Part of it was core idea of the story - Pinkie dealing with Twi "murdering" her "clones". To be honest - I found the trope that "Twilight was murdering Pinkies" to be tired even as people complained about it immediately after the episode. The "Pinkie clones" were crude magical constructs - nothing more. They had limited to no sentience, and they were an actual danger to the environment. (And I'd go into my diatribe about how folks "in-universe" will do appropriate actions "in-universe" - even if they seem odd to us; but meh... I'll just leave with the thought that Twilight is a master magician - and she didn't blink an eye at destroying the "clones". And I gotta figure that she took an "Spellcasting Ethics 101" class at some point that dealt with similar ideas.) But anyways - once I realized that was what the story was about - I figured i would finish the thing and see if this was one of those gems you occasionally find - even if the well is a bit tapped out...

Let me say that I really can't complain about the writing mechanically - I didn't notice any glaring errors. So kudos for that.
You also didn't go the "cupcakes-esque" vendetta route I've seen done before either. Your story did go in an interesting direction- being a pure character piece for Pinkie. Thank you for that.

But ultimately though - that's where it failed for me. The characterization just felt slightly off to me. I honestly don't see Pinkie letting animals starve to death, or Twilight NOT having thought about the situation herself after the fact. Pinkie suicidal? meh - i guess i can see that but... Overall the actions of the characters just didn't feel organic to the story - so the story itself never drew me past my base dislike of the trope.

I simply didn't like the story - and that's why i gave it a thumbs down. It wasn't a thumbs down for "OMG - this story sucks", or "this writing is terrible". It was neither of those. This is pretty much one of those rare thumbs down strictly because "I honestly didn't like this story."

Just my two cents...


Fair enough. Thanks for leaving a comment, anyway. :twilightsmile:

Interesting. That was very interesting. It does touch on the one thing people have always thought of since that episode.

I....wow. I absolutely love this story.:pinkiesad2:
You did such an amazing job...such a great job conveying the emotions.
Now, I'm not so sure how happy I have with the ending, her moving away and all, but...it was a really wonderful story :pinkiesad2:

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