• Published 26th Jun 2013
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New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Prologue (Rewritten)

New Life in Equestria


Deep in a laboratory of their own home, two scientists, Eric and Sarah, husband and wife, are hard at work building a special machine to prevent something tragic from happening in the near future. These two have worked hard on it for nearly three years and now they have almost finished.

These two met one day at a science fair during their final year of college. They hit it off, fell in love, and got married. A few years after their marriage, they had a child. A son named Joshua. They loved him very dearly and always spent time with him.

Then one day, on Joshua’s fourth birthday, the parents discovered something very shocking that would endanger them all. They quickly devised a plan to save their son and them if possible: a machine that would send others to a different dimension. But as they worked on it, it seemed that they would only be able to generate enough power in the machine for just Joshua.

Over the years of working on the machine, Joshua asked them what it was going to do from time to time. Sarah and Eric didn’t want to worry him, so they didn’t tell him much. They did let him help out in whenever he could, though. Then one day, the machine was near completion.

It was the eve of Joshua’s seventh birthday, and Joshua had just gone to sleep. Meanwhile, Eric and Sarah were busy putting the finishing touches on the dimension portal. At 10:05 P.M., the machine was finished. They connected it to a power generator they used whenever the neighborhood had blackouts and turned it on. The generator whirred and came to life instantly and slowly but surely, the dimension portal powered up.

But as it powered up, Sarah and Eric realized that there wouldn’t be enough power for all three of them to go through. But knowing their son would be safe, it eased their minds.

The next morning, it happened.

The minute the sun peaked over the horizon, the sky grew a darker shade of red. Meteors from space started raining down on the ground. Air raid sirens began going off, but they were quickly silenced when their power source was cut off or when they were hit by the meteors. Buildings exploded upon impact. Neighborhoods and cities were destroyed. People were running in a panic to escape the apocalypse that was happening, but it was all for naught. They eventually ended up being caught in explosions that were caused by the meteors.

The minute the first meteor hit the ground; it created a heavy quake that shook the house Sarah, Eric, and Joshua lived in. It also woke Joshua up instantly. He looked outside and saw what was happening. He grew scared. His neighborhood was nearly destroyed. Most of the houses where his friends lived were gone. He quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs to his parents’ basement laboratory, hoping that his mommy and daddy were still okay.

Eric and Sarah finished the final preparations for Joshua. Eric had just finished writing out a letter. He and his wife had just signed their names.

To whoever reads this letter,

This is our son, Joshua, and where he is from has met a tragic demise. He just turned seven years old today. We sent him to this place and we ask that whoever you are, make sure he is given a good home.
Eric and Sarah

They folded up the letter, placed it in an envelope, and sealed it up. Right when they finished, the door of their laboratory burst open. There stood Joshua with a terrified expression on his face.

"Mommy! Daddy!" he exclaimed running over to them, "What's going on?! Why are there rocks falling from the sky?!"

Eric and Sarah looked at each other, then at Joshua. It was then he noticed that they had pained expressions on their faces.

"Mommy? Daddy?" he ventured.

"Josh, sweetie," his mother said, "The end of the world is here."

"The end of the world?!" he asked even more scared, "Are we going to die?!"

Eric shook his head.

"Not you, son," he said kneeling down and placing a hand on Joshua's shoulder.

"Huh?" Joshua asked, "What do you mean?"

"We knew this day was coming,” Eric explained, “This is what this machine is for: it’ll send you someplace safe.”

“Why just me?” Joshua asked, “Can’t you two come with me?”

“Oh sweetie, we wish we could,” Sarah said tears starting to sting her eyes, “But we were only able to generate enough energy for just you. We tried our best to generate enough for all three of us, but our best efforts weren’t enough.”

“But...” Joshua began. It was too much for his young mind to handle at once. He began crying. “But I don’t want to go without you Mommy and Daddy!”

“Sorry, son,” Eric said bowing his head in sadness, “Your mother and I truly are sorry we can’t go with you, but you have to be brave and strong for us, okay?”

Joshua sniffled a few times, but his father squeezed his shoulders reassuringly. He looked up and nodded.

“O-Okay,” he said sadly, “But I’m really going to miss you Mommy and Daddy.”

“Here,” Eric said handing Joshua the letter, “Give this to the first person you see. It will tell them what they need to know.”

“And take this too,” Sarah said handing Joshua a heart shaped locket. She opened it up and inside was a picture of all three of them that was taken on Joshua’s fourth birthday. “So you’ll remember us, and we’ll be with you in here,” she added pointing a finger at Joshua’s heart.

All of a sudden, the ground shook again. One meteor crashed very close to their house. Joshua put the letter in his pants pocket and the locket around his neck. He then wrapped his arms around his mother and hugged her for the last time. Sarah kissed his forehead as she returned the hug. Joshua then went over to hug his father. Eric returned the embrace as well. All three of them then joined together in one final family hug. When they released, Joshua walked up to the machine.

A swirl of colors was standing before him as his entryway. He took a deep breath and stepped in. He then turned around and looked back at his parents one final time. Tears falling out, he waved at them sadly.

“Goodbye, Mommy and Daddy!” he said, “I love you!”

“We love you too, Joshua,” Sarah said.

“Goodbye, son,” Eric said, “We love you too.”

The swirl started closing around Joshua, but just then, he witnessed the worst thing of his life. Just before the swirl closed, a meteor crashed through and collided with his parents. They screamed in agony from the impact, and their screams were cut off just as the swirl closed up.

“MOMMY!!! DADDY!!!” Joshua called reaching out to them, but it was too late. They were gone.

Joshua remained silent for a few seconds, and when he finally snapped out of his silence, he fell to his knees, hunched over, placed his head in his hands, and cried.


In the land of Equestria, the tall, white alicorn ruler, Princess Celestia had just woken up. It had been a few days since the Summer Sun Celebration. There was the rather hectic issue with the strange vines from the Everfree invading, and the Tree of Harmony losing power, but once again, thanks to the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends, things returned back to normal. Sadly, they had to give up the Elements of Harmony back to the tree, but things would be okay for the time being. Furthermore, Twilight and her friends were going to be restoring Celestia and Luna’s old castle in the Everfree where the tree resided.

Princess Celestia had strode out to the balcony just outside her chambers and was now raising the sun for the land she and Luna ruled together. She had just finished when her sister burst through the doors. She had a worried expression on her face.

“Sister!” she exclaimed, “Something tragic happened!”

Celestia turned around to face Luna. Celestia placed a wing over her younger sister’s back in an attempt to calm her down. After a few minutes, Luna was calm enough to talk normally.

“Now, what happened?” she asked.

“I could feel the lives of millions perish,” Luna said sadly, “I believe a world has met its end.”

Celestia gasped slightly at hearing that. She pulled Luna close to her side as they mourned for the ones that had died.

“But that’s not the only thing I felt,” Luna said a little bit later. The royal sisters got back on their hooves. “I could feel someone entering the Realm, and he is the only survivor of the world that has just ended.”

Celestia was even more surprised. The Realm was a place very few could enter. Twilight recently entered that place before becoming an alicorn princess.

“Come Luna,” Celestia said, “Let us go there and find him.”

Luna nodded and the two sisters touched their horns together. There was then a bright flash of light as they disappeared from Celestia’s chambers.


A little while ago, Joshua had been crying for a few minutes after witnessing the death of his parents. Just then, an opening appeared in front of him. The noise it made caught his attention. He lifted his head up from his hands and saw the other side. It led to a place where there were stars, galaxies, and small traces of cosmic dust. He walked slowly towards the opening and reached a hand through. He lowered his hand down and felt something hard underneath his palm. He then stepped through and was standing on invisible ground.

The opening closed behind him in a flash. He jumped suddenly from the noise and darted his head all around him.

“Hello?” he called out, “Is someone there?”

There was no response.

“Someone please help me?” he called again, “I’m lost.”

There were a few more moments of silence, until Joshua decided to walk forward for a few minutes. Later, two figures started to fade in from nothingness in front of him. When they fully appeared in front of him, he was standing in front of two enormous horse-like creatures. They were both about the height of his late parents, but a little taller than them, had wings on their backs, a horn on their heads, and each had a mane and tail that flowed through a non-existent breeze.

The white one to his left had pink eyes, its mane and tail were striped with pink, blue, purple, and green colors in a rainbow manner, a picture of an orange sun on its flank, gold shoes on all four of its hooves, a gold necklace with a purple gem in the center, and a gold tiara on its head behind its horn.

The blue one to his right had blue eyes accented with light blue eye shadow, its mane and tail was dotted with countless stars and was joined with galaxies and nebulae, a black blotch with a white crescent moon on its flank, silver shoes on all four of its hooves, a black necklace with the same white crescent moon from its flank, and a black tiara behind its horn.

Joshua’s eyes were wide at the sight before him. The blue one leaned its mouth towards the white one’s ears. He then heard hushed whispers coming from the blue one’s mouth into the white one’s ears. His eyes widened even more.

They were talking to each other. He couldn’t hear every word, but he was able to recognize one.



When Celestia and Luna entered the Realm, they immediately spotted something they hadn’t seen for centuries: a human. He was a very small one though. Standing at his full height, he only came to about the top of a normal sized pony’s forelegs. He had light tan colored skin, brown hair, blue-green eyes, was wearing a blue shirt, darker blue pants, and black shoes.

Luna brought her mouth closer to Celestia’s ear to whisper.

“A human, sister,” she whispered quietly.

“Indeed, Luna,” Celestia whispered back, “But how he entered this place is a mystery. He doesn’t appear to possess any control over magic.”

“Perhaps he had some form of assistance before his world was destroyed,” Luna replied. It was then they noticed tears stains on his cheeks. He had appeared to have been crying for a while. “Let us approach him carefully, sister,” Luna advised, “As I expected, he appears to be upset over what happened. He most likely lost loved ones.”

Celestia nodded. The two sisters looked back at the young human child in front of them. They slowly walked up to him. The child stood still as he looked at them approaching.


Joshua looked warily at the two winged and horned horses as they approached him. He began trembling under their gaze as they stood in front of him. Just then, the blue one lowered itself down and tucked its legs underneath it so as not to appear so intimidating. It then opened its mouth and spoke in a female voice.

“Greetings, young human,” she said. She then looked and saw him trembling. “Calm yourself, we are not here to hurt you.”

Joshua, still feeling nervous in front of these two, stopped his trembling and looked at them.

“Allow me to introduce ourselves. My name is Princess Luna, the Night Princess of Equestria and Regent of the Moon.” She then motioned a foreleg towards the white one. “This is my dear, older sister, Princess Celestia, the Day Princess of Equestria and Regent of the Sun.”

Joshua bowed his head in respect when he heard the one called “Luna” introduced herself and her sister, “Celestia”, as princesses.

“No need to be formal, little one,” Celestia said. Joshua raised his head up when he heard that. “If I may ask, how did you end up in the Realm?”

“The Realm?” Joshua asked, “Is that what this place is? I thought I was in outer-space.”

“Yes,” Luna answered, “This place is called the Realm. You can only enter here through special means. So to repeat my sister’s question, how did you arrive here?”

Not sure if it would give answers or not, Joshua pulled the letter his father, Eric, wrote and held it up to the princesses.

Luna lit her horn up and levitated the letter from Joshua’s hands. Joshua flinched a little in surprise when the letter floated from his hands.

“Is that magic?” he asked.

“Yes, it is,” Celestia answered. She leaned down to read the letter with her sister. When they finished reading, they looked at the child with saddened expressions. "We are deeply sorry for your loss, Joshua," Celestia said.

Joshua wiped his tears away from his eyes, sniffled, and looked up at the princesses. "Can you please help me?"

"Of course we will," Luna said. She wrapped a wing around him and gently pulled him closer for a hug. "Come with us. We'll give you a good home."

With that, the sisters lit up their horns and teleported out of the Realm, taking Joshua with them to Equestria.


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