• Member Since 7th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



New to Ponyville, Shooting Star is asked to put his talent in Fireworks to use for the upcoming Hearts and Hooves day, but when he spots a familiar face in town, he's overcome with self-doubt. Can he rise to the occasion, and deliver the performance he promised? Can he win the heart of his special somepony? Only time will tell!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 11 )

This is a very interesting story, keep up the good work.
Remember, commander, we will be watching.

2837683 Thanks! I appreciate the comment, and can promise that it will go on. A bit of this encouragement goes a long well. ^_^ I'm hoping I can improve my writing as I go, too, so hopefully everyone can expect better of me. Thanks again!

For anyone following me, you can be expecting a new chapter either tonight, or tomorrow night at the latest, depending on how long it takes me to flesh it out; I'm minus an editor/proof reader right now, so it's taking me longer than usual to get the details right. I'm never sure of how well I'm doing on my own. ^_^

:twilightsmile: I like this story a lot, keep it up

2862487 I appreciate that complement. ^_^ Doncha worry, either, more will be coming soon. I love to write, after all!

2874936 Hehe...thank you for that. ^_^ I imagine my writing still needs work, but it's good to know the story came across as intended.

Good story keep up the good work.

2889940 Thanks! I appreciate that. ^_^ I fully intend to keep up and improve on the work as I go forward with more stories.

That was a sweet story. I think you did a great job. Good luck with future stories.

5456317 Well, thank you very much for your kind words. ^_^ It's very uplifting to get feedback, you know! Hopefully I can continue to do well in my soon to come projects.

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