• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 5,789 Views, 153 Comments

My Little Background Pony: Friendship is Magic - comicfan616

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New World, New Friends

The Doctor knew that it was only a few minutes at most since he lost consciousness, but it felt like hours. He saw the others getting up.

Bon Bon spoke first. “Everypony alright?” she said slowly

“I think so,” Lyra said.

“Did we win?” Derpy asked.

The Doctor looked at where Nightmare Moon had been standing. There was no sign of her, except perhaps for the pony that was lying on the floor a short distance away. Like Nightmare, the mare was an alicorn, except she was smaller and her coat was a much lighter shade between black and blue and her mane was now comparable to any pony in Equestria. Nightmare’s shattered armor was lying around the alicorn, like it had been hastily removed and discarded.

“Yes, Derpy,” the Doctor said. “I think we did.”

“Awesome!” Vinyl shouted. “Though, I think I could do without this necklace,” she added, looking at the object on her neck.

“What’s wrong with it?” Octavia asked.

“Well, me and jewelry have never gotten along,” Vinyl explained.

“If it makes you feel any better,” Octavia said, “the charm looks very much like your cutie mark.”

Vinyl looked down at her necklace; the blue charm did indeed look like a pair of eighth notes. “Hey, you’re right,” she said. She looked up again. “Yours does, too.” Octavia glanced down to see a black gem in the shape of a treble clef. The other ponies looked at their necklaces: Derpy’s had a silver set of circles combined to look like a stream of bubbles; Bon Bon’s was yellow and looked like a candy still in the wrapper; and Lyra had a light blue gem that easily looked like a lyre.

The Doctor looked more closely at his sonic screwdriver. He turned it in his hoof and saw that the button had become a set of two orange triangles with the points touching each other. Just like the hourglass on my rump, he thought.

“It’s like the Elements already knew who we were,” Lyra said.

“And here I thought the Doc was getting all sappy on us,” Vinyl stated.

“Come on, Vinyl,” Derpy chided. “He has a point. Maybe we are supposed to represent harmony.”

“You certainly are,” a new voice said. Everyone started looking for the speaker, but they were distracted by the sight of the sun peeking over the horizon. Upon appearing in the sky completely, a flash of light appeared and then quickly dissipated, leaving a large, white alicorn in its place. She was almost similar to Nightmare Moon in body structure, except her adornments were golden and her mane, while still carrying that ephemeral feel, was filled with a rainbow of bright colors. The Doctor needed no introduction as he and the others immediately bowed down to Princess Celestia.

“Rise, my little ponies,” she said. Her voice was commanding but gentle. The five mares slowly stood back up; the Doctor, however, stayed down. “You too, Doctor,” the princess added.

Surprised that she knew him, the Doctor rose, even more slowly than the others had. Octavia was the first to speak. “My apologies, Your Highness, but do you know him?”

“Only by reputation,” Celestia answered. “But all that I’ve heard has been nothing but good things, how his hearts are always in the right place, and how he risks his life for the sake of every pony and living creature in the universe, yet expects nothing in return.”

“I… I’m honored,” the Doctor stumbled, surprised he could speak; meeting someone of such great importance would have been enough to keep him quiet for days.

“Which is why I told the High Council to bring you here,” Celestia continued. The Doctor could only stare dumbfounded. The other mares seemed surprised by this as well. “I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return, but after our last encounter, I couldn’t use the Elements of Harmony as I had done before. But when I heard of your troubles, I figured I could lend a hoof for the benefit of everyone.”

“But how…?” the Doctor started.

“I am a being who can control the orbit of the sun and moon,” she answered. “The Council respects my authority. I ‘suggested’ that your exile be served here. Ponyville’s naturally friendly atmosphere would allow you to forge new friendships to make up for the ones you had lost. And those friendships would, in turn, allow you harness the Elements of Harmony and defeat Nightmare Moon.”

The Doctor listened intently to Celestia’s explanation. “I… don’t know what to say. Thank you, Princess.” He bowed again. “Were it not for you, I probably would have remained friendless for the rest of time.”

Celestia smiled. “I’m happy to be of service, Doctor. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some unfinished business to attend to.” She walked past the ponies and toward the unconscious alicorn.

“Princess Luna,” she called gently. As if by command, the blue alicorn’s eyes popped open and she gasped in surprise. She looked up at Celestia, her face filled with nervousness. “It has been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this,” Celestia continued. She knelt down and looked at Nightmare, now Luna, at eye level. “Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.”

“That’s what I was just telling her,” the Doctor whispered to Derpy.

Celestia stood up. “Will you accept my friendship?”

For a moment, no one said anything. The ponies looked on nervously, unsure of what Luna would do. In fact, it even looked like Luna herself had some indecision. Finally, she jumped to her hooves and pressed her head against Celestia’s body. She seemed to be crying, though her face contained a smile. “I’m so sorry!” she said. “I missed you so much, big sister!”

Celestia seemed surprised by Luna’s actions, but she quickly adjusted. Like her sister, tears began welling up in her eyes. “I’ve missed you too.”

As the alicorn sisters continued to enjoy their long-awaited reunion, the other ponies watched everything with a mix of curiosity, sadness, and pure joy. “Well, as they say,” the Doctor said: “All’s well that ends well.”

“Hey, um, Doc?” Vinyl said.

“What’s up, Vinyl?” the Doctor responded.

“Celestia said your hearts were in the right place,” Vinyl said. “That’s hearts as in plural. Any reason for that?” The Doctor just paused.

Celestia and Luna flew the six ponies, sans Derpy, who could already fly, out of the castle and the Everfree Forest and into Ponyville. The sight of the Princess of the Sun flying overhead was a welcome one for the townsponies. A few were curious and even apprehensive over the presence of Luna, whom nopony had ever seen before, but a few words of assurance by Celestia put their minds at ease.

With the sun and princess back, the Summer Sun Celebration was finally in full swing. If the Doctor had thought the party from the previous night had been fun, then this party was an absolute blast. Everything about it seemed to be bigger: the games were more numerous and allowed for more ponies at a time; the amount of food seemed to never end; and the Doctor swore there were more ponies than last night as well. Even when Octavia, Lyra, and Vinyl began playing their full concert (after Lyra repaired her lyre, of course), it seemed better than the rehearsal.

Celestia spent most of the day showing Luna a whole new world. The rechristened Princess of the Night was treated quite well considering the mysterious nature behind her appearance; she attributed this to the uplifting mood caused by the celebration. She was glad to see that even though the town had only expected playing host to one princess, everyone could easily accommodate for two.

The Doctor watched everything, from the party in general to the reunited princesses, feeling happier than he had for what seemed like a long time.

“So, what are you going to do now?” he heard. He turned to find a pair of inverted, golden irises staring at him.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, you saved the world,” Derpy said, “and it seems like that’s a normal thing for you.”

“Only on a good day,” he said. Derpy giggled at his frankness.

“So what do you do after you save the world?” she asked.

The Doctor thought for a bit. “Normally, I’d go back to the TARDIS and head off to the next adventure. But…” He paused almost teasing Derpy. “But I still can’t get it to run right. I mean, I only just got the computer working. It’ll take several weeks at best to get the global traveling systems up to full capacity, and then there’s the time manipulators, and of course, the biggest nail in the proverbial coffin, I’ll be mainly sticking to the Equestrian space-time continuum until the High Council says otherwise.”

“Just say what you mean, Doctor,” Bon Bon said, having walked up in the middle of his explanation. The other ponies had also finished their concert and seemed to be expecting an answer as well.

The Doctor smiled. “I’ll be staying for the foreseeable future, possibly beyond.”

“Awesome! Welcome to the DJ-PON3 groupies, Timey!”

“Groupies?” Octavia repeated.

“Timey?” the Doctor added.

“I figured ‘fan club’ sounded too laid back,” Vinyl explained.

Derpy cleared her throat. “And we all talked it out a little bit ago; if you were going to stay, we’d like to go back to calling you Time Turner. After all, we made friends with him.”

“Indeed,” Octavia said. “The name ‘Doctor’ seems too formal for the relationship we have going.”

“It’s your choice, though,” Lyra said. “We’re not going to be like Vinyl here.” (“Hey!”)

The Doctor considered his new friends’ reasoning. He would still be on this world for a while, and he still needed to be discreet in who he really was. It would definitely be better for them to make it a habit in calling him Time Turner.

“Very well, then,” he said at last. “Time Turner it is!”

“Then Turner,” Derpy said, “let us be the first to welcome you to Equestria.”

Things could definitely be worse, the Doctor thought.

Author's Note:

And that's all she wrote, folks. Actually, that's all I wrote. But I've got more where this came from. Stay tuned.
This is CF signing out.

Comments ( 44 )

Time for the next story arc to be starred by the Background!

Awesome i can't wait for the next chapter

My favourite thing to do is to go around favouriting stories that were inspired/use the same picture as me. Unless they're bad. Which yours isn't.

Hey, you know what people like? Sequels and Doctor x Derpy romances! You should combine the two...:ajsmug:hint hint!

doctor x derpy is kind of over done. This person is making them original and I do not think doctor x derpy is original to him/her

This was a good fanfic:moustache:


I don't mean to insult but fimfic or not I cannot stand celestia.

4490313 I don't watch FiW. Or abridged series in general, for that matter.

4490811 I see. "I told you I don't like to brag." was the sentence from FiW. Lol

4494013 I couldn't agree more.

3938293 Don't you meen Trolestia?

4714748 nope just plain old celestia

4715377 quick question, What is your favorate Doctor Whooves companion, mine's Octavia.


noun: science
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
"the world of science and technology"
synonyms: branch of knowledge, body of knowledge/information, area of study, discipline, field More
a particular area of this.
plural noun: sciences
"veterinary science"
a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
"the science of criminology"
synonyms: physics, chemistry, biology; More
knowledge of any kind.

noun: magic
the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
"do you believe in magic?"
synonyms: sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry, necromancy, enchantment, the supernatural, occultism, the occult, black magic, the black arts, voodoo, hoodoo, mojo, shamanism; More
charm, hex, spell, jinx;
pixie dust, fairy dust
"do you believe in magic?"
mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
synonyms: conjuring tricks, sleight of hand, legerdemain, illusion, prestidigitation More
"he does magic at children's parties"
a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
"the magic of the theater"
synonyms: allure, attraction, excitement, fascination, charm, glamour More
"the magic of the stage"
something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
"their seaside town is pure magic"
adjective: magic
used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.
"a magic wand"
synonyms: supernatural, enchanted, occult More
"a magic spell"
very effective in producing results, especially desired ones.
"confidence is the magic ingredient needed to spark recovery"
wonderful; exciting.
"what a magic moment"
synonyms: fascinating, captivating, charming, glamorous, magical, enchanting, entrancing, spellbinding, magnetic, irresistible, hypnotic More
"a magic place"
marvelous, wonderful, excellent, admirable;
informalterrific, fabulous, brilliant
"we were magic together"
verb: magic; 3rd person present: magics; past tense: magicked; past participle: magicked; gerund or present participle: magicking
move, change, or create by or as if by magic.
"he must have been magicked out of the car at the precise second it exploded"

Wow, Gladdy, we didn't need the whole thing. :moustache:
Well too bad, Darkheart... :facehoof::trollestia:

gg no re
gg no re

Wow, you two say that all the time now that I think about it.
13 letters, 4 numbers.
o-x e-g
g h-u-n-t

4717090 By the way, if you were suddenly turned into a pony what would your Equestrian name be?
Mine would be Bubbling Beaker
(I :heart: science.)

4717144 Darkheart's already a (Ender)pony, I was turned into a robotic alicorn and Conflict is Discord's Brother.

Comment posted by salmoncolor deleted Jul 19th, 2014

4717169 I see, so I was turned into a bat pony (thestral) and I will help you out with the conflict if possible.

4717197 Oh, those two were born thestral and draconequus.

EDIT: Nice pun with Conflict's name.

4717217 I am a part time comedian. Oh by the way I just made up a joke.
What did Applejack do when she realized she loved both Dashie and Skittles?
She tasted the Rainbow.:rainbowlaugh:
(and I'm not just talking about the skittles)

What it is: Yup, insects again. In your food. When it comes to food, insects are handy for other things besides their shine. They’re good for color too, especially red. Carmine is a red food-coloring that comes from boiled cochineal bugs, which are a type of beetle.

There have been reports that the bug-based coloring can cause severe allergic reactions in some people, including potentially life-threatening ANAPHYLACTIC REACTIONS, so the FDA now requires that the ingredient be listed clearly on food and cosmetic labels.

Where you’ll find it: Carmine can be found in ice cream, Skittles, Good n’ Plenty, lemonade, and grapefruit juice.

Gross-out factor: High if you're a vegan, medium for the rest of us.

4717313 Have you ever had boiled spiders on spaghetti.
Also medium-low, I have a strong stomach.

4717313 I think we will be fast friends.
On a side note, I dare you to guess my age.

ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your age is your age.

4747725 I meant that in the context of this story. And as of series 8, he's on number 12.

.. ok ya you are right in a way when Daved tenents docter regenerated two time but made a human one heart version of him self. Then the 9th dotcer was actulay the 10th docter becaese of the war docter 9th as seen in the 50th special The day of docter. But ther ar only 13 docters out there. So 14 regenaragins 13 docter. But the docter you are using is based on daved tenents docter.(the way i see it)but love it all the same :twilightblush:

4780185 Did you see the Beat It PMV on YouTube, if not you really should.

Hi there my name is Rob Royale. I hope you don't mind but I'm doing a reading of this fanfic on youtube.

I haven't seen any other dramatic readers do this so I really wanted to try it myself. I hope its alright.

5397944 Not too bad. You could use a little work on not tripping up your lines, but like you said, it's your first time, so I don't expect you to be perfect. Your voice is very clear, and I liked the music and sound effects; I wasn't expecting that, to be honest (although the last track you used felt a little out of place). Overall, I look forward to hearing the rest.

5398595 Oh I'm glad you like it and approve ^^ I should have the next chapter up by tomorrow.

5397944 Just watched your second chapter reading. For future reference, I'm a guy.

5403088 ._. *facehoof * Derp, I'm sorry! ^^" I thought because of the mare avatar icon you may have been a girl plus I didn't see anything on your page that said otherwise ^^" Sorry about that! I will correct that for the future!

BEST EPISODE EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
needs to be a real mlp episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5970216 Against my better judgment, I'm going to assume you haven't read the whole thing yet and tell you to just keep reading. It'll make sense soon enough.
(And for the record, I have watched DW&A. And "Adventures" and "The Great" and even some more obscure ones, so I'm more than versed in Doctor Whooves lore at this point.)

Dear 7237267
What I mean is if they do a criminal act, not as a hostage, ransom, other form of illegal inprisonment . So it does not mean anything for Celestia till she comments a serious crime.

But good observation all in all.

Delivered:derpytongue2: with a grin
Thanks for reading my last comment

Well it looks like they finally stopped Nightmare Moon and she's back to Princess Luna once again and looks like they got the self a necklace except for the doctor looking at a screwdriver and had his own cutie mark imprinted on the device and Princess Celestia appear to them and it looks like she knows who he is and and she even Grant him to stay in this world since he was exiled from his homeland and after that it looks like he decided to stay with Derby and the others well this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

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