• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,462 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 6 - Two Powers Meet

A sigh of relief escaped Celestia's lips as the last petitioner exited her throne room, signaling the end of court. She had been anxious to meet Twilight now that she was awake; but meetings and court had eaten into her time. Celestia had thought about cancelling Day Court once more, but three days in a row was slightly excessive and no doubt questions would be raised if it had happened.

Celestia set off for the hospital at once, stretching her hooves and enjoying the cool air within the castle. From what Cadance had told her in the morning, Twilight was aware of the circumstances behind both her parent's death and her injuries; she was unable to remember the specific memories though. Hopefully she'll not have to deal with it until she's much older and better able to handle such an event.

Not only that, but apparently her meeting Cadance had gone over better than Celestia had hoped. The young filly took to her brother's fillyfriend in an instant; Cadance was utterly smitten with Twilight as well. This bodes well for the future, as Twilight is still unaware of who will be in charge of looking after her... I'm glad I made the decision to have Cadance do so, this will greatly help her when it reappears.

Guards snapped to attention and smartly saluted her as Celestia continued through the corriors on her way to the hospital. Underneath their military bearing, each guard seemed more cheerful than normal, as if today were a special day, Celestia noted. Unknown to her, a smile was shining brightly from her face; her typical mask gone.

As she entered the reception area, a unicorn stallion dressed in a doctor's coat greeted her. "Welcome back, Princess. I presume you're here to see Twilight?" He politely inquired.

"Yes, I finally had some free time in my schedule to stop by and hopefully speak with her." Celestia paused, another thought coming to her mind. "Tell me, Doctor..." she trailed off, realizing that his name was unknown to her.

"It's Doctor Stable, Princess. She is awake and able to take visitors, although her brother is with her. He hasn't really left since he arrived; that's one dedicated brother." Stable spoke admiringly of Shining, rather impressed with his attitude and devotion shown to Twilight.

"Thank you, Doctor Stable. I would like to know, how are her injuries healing? I need to schedule something that is important to them both; it relies heavily upon whether Twilight will be capable of leaving the hospital." After all, one cannot have a funeral without family in attendance. The dead can wait for the living. It may hurt up front, but it will go a long way to hopefully letting them both heal. Cadance needs a strong individual by her side, and this will make an important life lesson.

Stable pulled one of the files from behind the desk and began to look through the hooffull of pages present. "Well, Princess, it would appear that the lacerations she suffered are healing up well, the stitches should be coming out tomorrow morning it seems. Her coat will still have to regrow from where we had to remove it to treat her; that's easily remedied with a spell however. The only real thing of note is the damage to her horn. That is some cause for concern, as there's a chance that it won't heal properly and will partially block her magic flow when she begins casting." Stable finished referencing the charts, returning them back to their place behind the desk.

"I see. Can I correctly assume that once the stitches are removed, she'll be well enough to leave inpatient care? I know that her horn's condition will require regular check-ups, but that's easily accomplished with frequent visits." Celestia confidently spoke, drawing upon her vast knowledge to come to the same assessment Stable would have given her.

"Correct, Princess, if I didn't know any better I'd say you've had your fair share of experience in this field." Stable paused as Celestia gave him a deadpan look, causing him to lightly chuckle to himself. "We'll probably release her early afternoon, just to be on the safe side of things."

"Thank you for the information, Doctor." Celestia slightly nodded her head as she turned towards the patient wing. "I'll be heading to her room now, good day." Stable acknowledged her dismissal with a quick bow of his head before returning to work.

Celestia quickly trotted her way through the hallway, coming to a halt before a door that stood ajar, voices coming from within. She quietly heard a male's voice talking and decided to listen in so as to not interrupt anything.

"I'm so glad that you like Cadance, Twily. She's really a nice mare, and even promised to keep an eye on you while I'm training to be a guard!" Shining's voice reached Celestia's ears, his voice filled with happiness.

Deciding that nothing too important was being discussed, Celestia firmly rapped a hoof against the doorframe. Twilight's eyes caught hers and considerably widened as Shining simply called out to her. "Come on in, Doc."

Celestia let out a small laugh, causing Shining's head to violently whip around to see who had entered the room. Stuttering, he tried jumping off the chair to his hooves to bow before her, but only ended up in a heap on the floor. "Please, relax and take your seat, I'm only here to see how your sister is doing." Celestia said, keeping the laughter within her.

"Y-You're Princess Celestia!" Twilight gushed, a hoof pointed towards her and a wide smile on her face. "I get to meet the princess, yes! Yes! Yes!" Celestia couldn't help but laugh as Shining looked on, mortified.

"Why yes, I do believe I am Princess Celestia, little one. You're Twilight, right?" Celestia gently spoke; and she used a small amount of magic to help Shining to his hooves. Twilight excitedly nodded her head up and down in confirmation. "It's nice to meet you, little one. Your brother has told me a few things about you."

Shining, thoroughly humiliated, quietly regained his seat and faced the newest arrival to the room. "Good afternoon, Princess." He respectfully spoke, cheeks thoroughly flushed crimson.

"A good afternoon to you as well, Shining." Celestia returned her focus to Twilight, "I'm truly sorry for your loss, Twilight. It's always a shame when somepony, especially parents, are taken from us before their time." she pulled the chair from the corner of the room and brought it before the bed next to Shining and took a seat.

Twilight's head sunk a little after Celestia's words, her initial shock of meeting the princess overwritten by her depression. "I miss them..." she muttered, tears forming in her eyes. Celestia looked on, hesitating slightly before reaching out with a hoof and resting it on Twilight's withers.

"I can imagine, Twilight. However, I do have some good news to share with you, if you'd like to hear it." Celestia reassuringly spoke, doing her best to deal with what was an awkward situation to her.

Twilight sniffed even as Shining grasped her hoof with his, nodding her head. Tears were now matting her face, and he brought a cloth to her face and dabbed them away.

"Well, I understand you've already met my niece, Cadance." Twilight quickly nodded her head, her mood lightening a little.

"She's very nice, we even made up a little ditty between each other!" she exuberantly exclaimed, the faintest hint of a smile turning her frown around.

"Yes, she is, isn't she? Well, what if I told you that, instead of having to go to an orphanage, you could stay in the castle? With Cadance watching you most of the time?" Twilight's eyes widened at every sentence, joy returning to them even as the tears continued to pour forth.

"Yup, she means it, Twily," Shining chimed in, "I'd be around as much as I can, but I want to join the guard even more, now..." he trailed off, a distant look in his eyes for a moment, "Cadance would be there anytime I couldn't be though." Shining grunted slightly as Twilight nearly crushed his hoof with her smaller one.

"Really? That'd be awesome, and I'd get to spend time with Cadance!" Twilight was positively beaming now, her earlier sadness all but forgotten for the moment. "What about if she wouldn't be around, though? And where's the closest library at?"

A library? Now that's somewhat unexpected... She's also fairly mature, given her young age. I wonder just how much reading she does... Celestia quietly thought to herself, a smile on her face. "Well, we actually have a library here in the castle. And if Cadance was busy, I might be the one to watch over you for awhile."

If Twilight's earlier reactions had been considered slightly over the top, at the notion of Celestia being the one watching her, she positively exploded. "Yes yes yes yes! I gotta keep reading if I wanna be just like you, Princess!"

Celestia arched an eyebrow and looked at Twilight. "Just like me? You really flatter me, I must say!" Celestia exaggerated her words, doing her best to ensure the good mood continued. "Might I ask what would inspire such a great filly to want to be just like me?"

"Uh huh! Mommy," her voice momentarily dropped as she continued speaking, "brought me to the Summer Sun Festival last year! When you raised the sun, I decided to be just like you! So, I gotta read as much as I can so that when I can do magic I can work towards being as strong as you are!"

Shining laughed, adding in his own tidbit. "I remember that day. Not minutes after getting home, dad had to pull her out of a pile of books. She'd somehow managed to knock down a few shelves trying to find a book on how to raise the sun." Twilight glared at Shining and began to pout.

"I did not knock them down, they just fell!"

"Sure, Twily, whatever you say." He reached out with a hoof and mussed her mane, keeping in mind her injuries.

Celestia watched the exchange between the siblings, happy with her choice of making them wards. With her potential and apparent drive towards magic, no doubt it's going to start getting rather interesting in the castle once more... Somehow, I look forward and welcome the occasion.

Another knock at the door drew their attention to Cadance, who looked at everypony in the room with a smile. "Hi, Auntie!" she waved her hoof before looking to Shining and Twilight. "Hi you two!"

Shining got up and wrapped his forehooves around Cadance in a quick hug, thankful for her presence. He quietly whispered into her ear. "Thanks for coming, things were feeling a bit awkward... I kinda face-planted the floor when she walked in..." Cadance quietly giggled as she broke off the hug and moved to Twilight's side.

"Hi, Cadance! Thanks for coming by again..." Twilight trailed off, looking at her expectantly. Cadance laughed and nuzzled her for a moment before singing.

"Sunshine, sunshine," Twilight joined Cadance, the two voices blending together. "Ladybug's awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" The two of them giggled together at the end, Cadance moving to hug her.

"A most cute display, niece. I believe that you will do a most excellent job in helping to raise Twilight. Speaking of," Celestia paused, taking a quick moment to clear her throat, "I was informed that your stitches will be removed tomorrow, Twilight. That means you'll be leaving here sometime in the afternoon with Cadance and your brother."

"That's good to hear, Princess." Shining spoke, ready for Twilight to be out of the hospital at last. He directed his next words to Twilight as he caught her eyes. "You'll love your room, Twily. It's right next to Cadance's and mine, and there's a surprise for you inside it." he widely smiled, glad to continue distracting her from her grief.

Celestia stood up and moved towards the door. "I'm most glad that you are quickly recovering, Twilight, and that soon you'll be out of the hospital. However, I'm afraid that there are things that I must take care of that can't wait any longer. I'll also be here when you are released tomorrow." Celestia waved to Cadance and Shining, having words for them as well. "You two, take care, I'll see you both tomorrow too."

The three remaining ponies quietly began talking amongst themselves about the future; and how surely things were looking up for them all.

Author's Note:

Let's see how the quality holds up when written between 2 and 4 am, shall we? Celestia finally gets her chance to talk with the young filly, and now Cadance has a much more prominent role. Figured I would go ahead and establish their exchange here, at least the words. The dance part can come later. I am also still trying to carefully juggle that balance between calculating and distant and trying to close that gap. I apologize if it does seem a bit odd, but I'd like to think I managed to do a decent enough job getting across what I wanted to here.

Next chapter sees Twilight finally out of the hospital. Also, we see the finality of her parent's passing, and moving forward to a hopefully brighter future. Fair warning, unless I mess this up, you might wanna have tissues on hand.

As always, thanks for reading, and I'll see you next update.