• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,752 Views, 1,593 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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A New Day

Kingdom hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

A New Day

Canterlot Castle

Slowly but surely, the ponies of Canterlot would awake to a new day, setting up their shops and seeing to their morning errands as a new day started for them all. The air was alive with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly baked goods. The early birds could be seen, already entering their local coffee shop of choice, looking for their favorite pastries and a warm brew to start their day.

Within the confines of the castle that towered over the marble city, Sora awoke, lured from his sleep as the gentle warmth of the sun kissed the stallion's cheek. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he barely had time to get himself together before a gentle knock came upon his door. He blinked before rubbing his eyes with a hoof again before looking over towards the clock the wall, an early six O’clock greeting his still sleep deprived eyes.

"Uah...Rainbow? Is that you?" The stallion asked as he pulled the covers back over himself. “Do you have any idea what time it is? Why are you up so early?”

"Oh…um…no…I’m sorry," came a soft reply from the other side of the door. “…Did I…um… wake you?”

“F-FFluttershy?!” The stallion's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson at the sound of the timid mare’s voice from behind the door, thoughts of the night before, their confession to each other, swiftly coming to the forefront of his mind. With all the grace of a haphazard tornado, he attempted to extricate himself from the bedsheets. As he swung one of his hindlegs over the side of the bed and tried to stand up, said hoof quickly became tangled in the twisted fabric, causing him to lose his balance and fall off the bed and onto the floor with a loud “THUNK”.

Thankfully he only hit his head, and only a minor dizzy spell was in the cards for the caramel stallion. Still, even in his haze, he could hear a soft gasp as the door to his room opened, hoofsteps quickly making their way towards his side.

“Sora! Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy pulled at the covers until she saw the stallion’s head, upside down and looking up at her as best he could. “A-Are you okay?”

The stallion winced as he reached a hoof towards the spot on his head where he fell, feeling a soft bump form from the impact. It hurt, but he quickly nodded, trying to push himself up from the floor with a slightly embarrassed chuckle. "Yeah, I'm fine, Fluttershy," he reassured her, his cheeks still burning with embarrassment. "I’m used to it by now." Sitting up in an upright position, he rubbed the back of his head. “Hehe…didn’t mean to worry you…guess I’m already at a bad start as a coltfriend…”

The shy mare sighed softly at the stallion’s words, her worried expression softening, if only a little. Sitting beside the keyblade wielder, she began to help untangle him from the soft fabric. N-No….I'm the one who should be sorry for startling you, Sora. I…um… didn’t know you were…well…still asleep and…sorry…”

“Hey, no, it's fine, Shy.” The stallion quickly spoke, kicking the least dreg of the sheet from his body before giving it a scowl. “Sides, me and blankets go way back. Been hounding me since the day I got to Equestria. Still haven’t won against them honestly.”

Despite her earlier worry, the mare couldn’t stop the gentle giggle at the stallion’s attempt to lighten the mood, the sound of which was like a soft melody to Sora’s ringing ears. Not being able to help herself, she smiled softly at the stallion, playing along. “I…hehe…It seems like you two have quite the…um…rivalry then…”

The chuckle that escaped the stallion’s lips was sheepish, though his embarrassment faded away at the mare’s teasing jest. He gave her a bright, determined smile, puffing his chest. “Yeah, we do. But I’ll get my revenge on those sheets one day. You’ll see.”

The pair looked towards each other for only a second before laughter soon filled the room, unable to contain their mirth at the situation. When the fits were over Sora was the first to recover, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as he spoke, “Ah…morning by the way, Shy.” he scratched his cheek softly as he looked away from the mare. “Ah…Sleep well? Rarity didn’t keep you up all night did she?”

The timid mare shook her head, gently humming a soft no before looking away, a shy blush of her own creeping onto her face, “I mean…we did talk for a while…but…um…we went to bed right after. She let me stay in her room and I had a nice sleep,” She paused before smiling at the stallion “And...um...thank you for asking…did you sleep well?"

“Ha! Like a baby.” He smirked at the mare, letting his hooves fly behind his head in his signature gesture. “Guess that good night charm you gave me really helped with that.”

Pink cheeks turned an even brighter shade as the shy mare looked down at her hooves, fidgeting her fetlocks in embarrassment. “Oh! I…um…You’re welcome…Sora” the mare managed to squeak out between her studders. “I…um…I’m glad…it helped” especially when I just…well…I wanted to nuzzle you before you left last night…She spoke the last part internally, deciding to keep that a secret from the stallion.

Silence soon fell between the two of them soon after, both mare and stallion lost in their own thoughts and unsure of what to say next. The Keyblade Wielder, with sure will, forced himself to glance at the timid mare beside him despite the butterflies in his belly. He couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness in his own chest, unsure of how to break the tension but knowing that he at least had to try.

Finally, he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke to yellow pegasus. "So, um... How-" All thoughts ceased as he heard his belly rumble loudly, the pink blush on his face spreading until he resembled a ripe tomato. All tension that was there was wiped away in that instant, the mare giggling softly before gently poking his side.

“I…um…guess you are hungry then?”

"Yeah, I guess I am," he admitted, his laughter easing some of the tension that had been lingering between them. "Barely ate dinner last night so…guess it's catching up to me." He scratched his cheek softly. “Hey…ah…wanna grab a bite to eat with me this morning…I mean if you are free after all.”

Fluttershy's gaze softened at Sora's invitation, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips despite her own embarrassment. "I-I'd love to, Sora," she replied softly, her voice as gentle as a breeze through the trees. "I don't have any plans for this morning, so…um… spending time with you sounds lovely."

Relief flooded through Sora at her acceptance, his smile widening into a grin. "Great! Just…ah…hang on!” Jumping to all four hooves, he grabbed his clothes and smiled at the mare. “You…don’t mind waiting on me while I get cleaned up, do you?”

"N-No, of course not, Sora," she stammered, her gaze flickering away from him. "Take your time. I'll be right here."

With a grateful smile, Sora hurried off to the bathroom to freshen up, leaving Fluttershy alone with her thoughts as he closed the door behind himself. The timid mare’s ears flicked upon hearing the soft sound of water from the door beyond cueing the mare in that he was more than likely taking a quick shower.

Carefully, she pulled herself up on bed in front of her before lying down, her turquoise eyes closing softly as she grasped at a nearby pillow, smiling softly. Seconds later, a soft blush quickly formed on the mare’s face as she thought where it was she was laying. The very place where the stallion she was…dating was sleeping prior.

Fluttershy's hooves gently grazed the smooth fabric of the pillow beneath her, still warm from Sora's body heat. The softness and warmth brought a sense of comfort to the mare as she waited for Sora to return.

The timid mare barely had time to relax in her dream-like state before a sudden knock on the door startled her. Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly sat up, adjusting her mane nervously before calling out to the one within the hallway. “I…um…Come in.”

From behind the door the mare couldn’t help but feel a hint of hesitation before it swung open forcefully, revealing Rainbow Dash of all ponies, dressed head to hoof in Rarity’s outfit she had given her when they were on their way to Trottingham. The rainbow maned mare took stock of all that was around her before her gaze fell on her timid yellow friend, her eyes widening by degrees at the sight of her.

“Fluttershy…so that was your voice.” It wasn’t a question but a statement.

They shy pegasus couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter with nerves, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she nodded shyly. "Um, yes, it's me," she responded quietly. “Good morning, Dashie…”

“And…” Rainbow looks around the room before peeking her head back outside the hallway, “This is Sora’s room…right?”

Fluttershy nodded timidly as her friend’s gaze fell back on her, her own shifting nervously after confirming Rainbow Dash's observation. "Y-Yes, it is," she replied softly, feeling a knot of anxiety tightening in her chest.

The blue pegasus frowned for only a moment before the biggest feather eating grin formed on her face. “Wow, Shy.” The blue mare closed the door as she entered into the room fully. “Didn’t know you and Sora had gone that far. Congrats.”

Turquoise eyes widened in shock at Rainbow Dash's teasing remark, and yellow cheeks flushed bright pink with embarrassment. "Oh, no, it's not like that at all!" she exclaimed quickly, her voice trembling with nervousness. "W-We haven’t…I mean…we just…It's not…We’re not at that point yet, Rainbow!"

The prismatic maned mare laughed softly, shaking her head. “Haha…come on. I’m only teasing ya, Shy. Already heard everything from Rare’s early this morning so…” She paused mid sentence before raising an eyebrow at her friend. “Wait…yet?”

Fluttershy's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink as she tried to stammer out an explanation. "I-I mean we’re just dating Rainbow! Nothing more than that... we..." Her voice trailed off at her friend’s scrutinizing gaze.

Another burst of laughter escaped Rainbow’s lips, “Oh wow you should see your face Flutters…haha.” the blue pegasus fluttered over towards her timd friend, sitting down right beside her. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to tease you so hard…well…okay I did but I took it a bit too far.” She smiled softly. “Anyway, guess you went to wake him up before I did then?”

The shy mare nodded sheepishly, still feeling the lingering embarrassment from Rainbow Dash's teasing. "Y-Yes, I did," she admitted quietly. "He’s getting ready in the bathroom right now and…I’m waiting for him." She fidgets with her hooves as she speaks. Her friend leaned towards the yellow mare, causing her to look at the blue pegasus.

“So…I mean I know I got the jist of it from Rares, but…is it really true?”

"U-Um, y-yes," she admitted softly, feeling a flutter of butterflies in her stomach. "We... We talked about it last night, and... and we both agreed that we w-wanted to give it a try."

The boisterous mare smacked the timid one’s back, not too roughly though it still stung the yellow mare, causing her to freeze up. “That’s awesome, Shy. And about time too.” Rainbow smirked. “Being the go between you two was beginning to be a bit of a drag after all.”

Fluttershy winced at her friend’s words but nodded and smiled all the same, "I…um…Thank you, Rainbow. And... and I'm sorry for any trouble we may have caused you."

Rainbow waved off her apology with a dismissive grin and a hoof. "Ah, don't worry about it, Fluttershy.” looked towards the closed bathroom door. “You got your stallion in the end right, so don’t sweat it.”

“I…um…I did…” the timid mare squeaked. “Even if it's just…dating.”

“Gotta start somewhere right?” Rainbow slipped from the bed before turning towards her friend. “I’ll leave you two to it then…Gotta go visit another friend of mine since she’s getting out of custody now.”

“Friend?” Fluttershy asked before gasping softly. “Oh! You mean Gilda? Is she okay?”

Rainbow Dash nodded solemnly, her expression softening as she confirmed Fluttershy's assumption. "Yeah, it's Gilda," she replied quietly. "And yeah…She's okay, still kinda shaken up by everything... and still kinda pissed at…you know who for what she did."

The timid mare frowned sympathetically, understanding just how the griffon felt. "I…um…i get it," she said softly. "Even if Sora saved her…I’m not sure I can forgive Starlight either…not right now at least…”

"Yeah," she agreed, her voice tinged with a hint of anger. "Starlight really messed things up for a lot of ponies... and griffons. Hard not to not give her a second chance after all of that…." The rainbow maned mare shook her head. “Well listen. I better get going or Gilda will get lost and beat up some poor schmuck that crossed her path. Say hi to Sora for me will ya?” She smirked. “And you two have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Fluttershy couldn’t stop her cheeks from, once again, burning brightly. Neither could she stop herself from grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it at her blue furred friend. The other pegasus yelped as she dodged the attack, deciding that flying out the balcony was the best way for her to avoid her shy friend’s quiet wrath.

Once again alone, Fluttershy took a deep breath, trying to calm the flutters of her heart as she watched Rainbow Dash disappear into the sky. She couldn't help but smile despite her friend's teasing and playful antics, her head shaking softly at the blue mare’s retreating form, “Rainbow you dummy…”

The sound of the bathroom door opening interrupted Fluttershy's thoughts, and she turned to see Sora stepping out, a towel on top of his head. His gaze met hers for only a moment before he looked around the room, a questioning look upon his face. “I thought I heard Dash’s voice before…Was she here?”

The shy mare nodded in confirmation, her cheeks still flushed from her interaction with her blue friend. "Yes, she was here," she replied softly. "She came to check on you, and we... we talked a bit." Her voice trailed off as she nervously tucked a strand of mane behind her ear. “She says hi.”

Sora nodded before tilting his head at the still pink cheeked mare. “You okay? You’re looking a little red.”

The shy mare felt her cheeks burn even brighter at Sora's observation, her heart fluttering nervously as she tried to compose herself. "Um... y-yes, I'm okay," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just... Rainbow Dash being...well, Rainbow Dash."

“Ah…I get it then.” The stallion rubbed the back of his head. “Guessing she knows about us?”

"Yes, she does," the timid mare admitted softly, "She... she was actually quite supportive... after the teasing, that is."

“Really?” The stallion asked with a soft smile, his cheeks burning brightly along side the mare’s own. “Well can’t say that doesn’t sound like Rainbow Dash. Though still a surprise since she seemed kinda angry with…well…everything before with us.”

“She can be a really a good friend like that. Even if she is angry with you sometimes.” Turning to face the stallion she looked towards the door. “I…um…Shall we get going then? I…um…don’t want you to go hungry after all.”

Sora smiled as he placed both hooves behind his head. “You got it. Follow me.”


Twilight Sparkle looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting the collar to her cape she was wearing before running a hoof down the black and purple vest to smooth out any wrinkles, admiring the gold trim the lined along the edges of her vest. Her magic deftly adjusted the bow beneath her folded collar, ensuring everything was just right. Though she was a Canterlot native, Twilight wasn't accustomed to wearing clothes every day. Yet, today was different; Rarity's creation was both practical and stylish, a perfect blend of function and fashion.

“This is something I can honestly see myself wearing everyday…even if I don’t.”

To say she was surprised when she had first received her gift later last night upon visiting Rarity’s room would be quite the understatement, even though she knew the white mare had been working on something in her off time. She was even more surprised, that same night, upon hearing the news about Fluttershy’s and Sora’s new relationship from the butter yellow mare herself.


Last night in Rarity's room In Canterlot Castle

“I honestly don’t know what else to say but congratulations, Fluttershy.” Twilight spoke, gently hugging her yellow friend. “Honestly, even after both Applejack and Cadance told me that you had a thing for him, I still had a bit of doubt but…well…”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Applejack? Wait, Applejack knew about Sora and Fluttershy?”

“Well…I wouldn’t say knew.” Twilight corrected. “It's like she had a bit of a feeling. Though she did provide context clues so I can understand why she came to that conclusion.” She gave the blushing yellow mare an apologetic smile as she saw her whine and hide her face with her wings. “I mean…at least to Applejack, you really weren’t exactly subtle in your infatuation with Sora.”

“Oh…Oh my…” The timid mare flushed a deep red behind the yellow curtain of feathers. “I…I mean…oh dear…”

Rarity chuckled softly, patting the timid mare’s back comfortingly. "Oh darling, there's no need to be embarrassed. It is not like you were trying to hide it after all.” She turned away and huffed. “Though the fact that Applejack found out before I did does make me a little miffed.”

“Awww. Don’t be too mad Rarity.” The lavender mare spoke up. “I had no Idea until AJ told me as well. I cannot say I wasn’t shocked by the news though.” She turned to Fluttershy, gently grasping her hoof. “And after everything I learned about Trottingham, I was worried about Sora and you and most. Speaking of…Are you sure you are alright? Sora too.”

The shy mare nodded, squeezing her friend's hoof in return. "Sora and I... Um…we're still figuring things out, and we barely even started dating but…I can’t say I’m not happy…even after everything." She shivered softly. “Still…I…I can’t help but feel like a bad pony being happy while those who suffered are still hurting…”

“You can’t think like that Fluttershy.” Twilight told her, frowning softly. “You being happy is just as important as everypony else.” She paused and closed her eyes. “And… I know it's the worst feeling not being able to save them right now but we will.” Opening them again, she smiled with determination only a friend could give. “Princess Celestia told me to believe and I’ll ask you to do the same, okay?”

Fluttershy sniffled softly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she took in her friend's words of comfort. She nodded shakily, feeling the warmth of her friend's support enveloping her like a comforting blanket. "I'll try, Twilight," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll try to believe... for them, for us, for everypony.”

“Good. We need to focus on the here and now, and right now,” Twilight told them both, “I think we should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow after all.”


Twilight sighed softly, the ending of last night’s conversation replaying within her mind. Despite everything I told them, I still can’t help but worry about the ponies that were captured. Hopefully, the princess gets some kind of lead on Grogar.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock upon her bedroom door. Using her magic to open it, should find a guard in golden armor, saluting the mare smartly.

“Good morning Ma'am. Sorry if I am interrupting you.”

Twilight returned the guard's salute with a warm smile, her eyes curious as she spoke. "No need to apologize Mister Guard, what can I do for you today?" She inquired politely, her tone friendly and inviting as she gestured for the guard to enter.

The guard pony stepped inside the room, standing at attention as he delivered his message. "Princess Celestia requests your presence in her study, Miss Sparkle.”

"Of course, I'll head there right away. Thank you for informing me, sir." She nodded to the guard with a smile, appreciating the efficiency of Canterlot's guards.

After a quick check to ensure she was presentable, the lavender mare adjusted her vest one last time before making her way out of her room and towards Princess Celestia's study. As she walked through the familiar halls of the castle, the weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders like a heavy cloak once again. She figured the time was coming for her and her friends to get back into the heat of it. They had a few days to rest and it was more then well deserved, but she knew good things did not least, no matter how much she wanted them to.

Twilight climbed the spiral staircase leading to Princess Celestia's study, her mind racing with anticipation. She couldn't help but wonder what urgent matters the Princess needed to discuss with her. As she reached her destination, she gently knocked upon the ornate door, announcing herself as she did so.

“Princess Celestia?”

The door opened slowly, revealing Princess Celestia's serene expression as she gazed at the lavender furred unicorn. "Come in, my faithful student," she beckoned, her voice gentle yet commanding.

Twilight entered the study, the familiar scent of old tomes and parchment filling her senses. The room was bathed in a warm golden glow, courtesy of the magical sun tapestries that adorned the walls.

Princess Celestia gestured for her to take a seat across from her as she settled herself behind her desk. "Twilight, I'm glad you could join me. I trust you had a good rest under Luna’s moon?”

The unicorn nodded, a small smile gracing her features. "Yes, Princess. Even had a chance to visit my mother yesterday evening.”

Princess Celestia returned the smile, her eyes kind and understanding. "I'm glad to hear that, Twilight. Family is important, especially in times like these." She paused for a moment, her expression growing serious as she continued. "I have called you here because Blueblood says the Queens will be here tomorrow. I’ve seen a letter to Spike to let the other Elements of Harmony know to meet us at the castle today. Time is short and we must prepare our case to them. Did you retain everything you learned from Cadance and myself about them?”

The lavender mare quickly recalled the information she had learned from both Princess Cadance and Princess Celestia about the Diamond Dog sisters. "Yes, Princess. I remember everything.” She frowned slightly. “I still find it hard to believe that they would split their country so easily…all because of some superstition in a cave.”

"Sometimes fear can drive ponies to make choices they wouldn't otherwise, Twilight. It is crucial that we approach this situation with understanding and empathy, but also with a firm resolve to protect Equestria and its inhabitants." Celestia sighed softly. “And the fact that one of their princess sisters saw something strange within the cave itself is nothing to write off. That and the Diamond dog disappearances. The Heartless may very well be at work here. And if the Heartless are involved. So is Grogar.”

The lavender mare’s eyes widened at the mention of Grogar, the name sending a shiver down her spine. “That…I know. Trust me princess.”

“I do, that is why I will be leaving this investigation to you and your friends. You have proven time and time again that you are capable of handling such matters,” Princess Celestia stated, her gaze unwavering as she locked eyes with Twilight. “Remember, the power of friendship will guide you through any darkness you may face.” She smiled. “That is all. I’m sure you are eager to meet back with your friends that are already here, right?”

“Y-Yeah. I mean I did see most of them…but…I never really got a chance to talk to Sora and see how he’s doing.” She laughed softly. “Though it has to be good since he and Fluttershy are together now.”

Celestia’s eyes widened at that. “Together? Is that true?”

Twilight nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Princess. It's true. I wasn’t there for it but from what I’m told it happened last night. Honestly, even after Cadance and Applejack told me plain as day, I still couldn’t help but be in shock at the news. But I am happy for the both of them."

Celestia smiled softly as she leaned back in her chair. “I see. Good for them then. May their love blossom like a flower in spring and never wilt like a strong pine in winter.”

“That’s…A very beautiful prayer, Princess.”

“And one I hope remains true, even in the darkest of times for them.” The princess sighed. “Do give him and Fluttershy my best regards when you see them again.”

Twilight nodded, her heart warmed by Princess Celestia's words. "Of course, Princess. I'll be sure to pass along your regards to Sora and Fluttershy."

With a final respectful nod, the unicorn turned to leave the study, closing the door and leaving the princess alone within her study. white mare turned to look out her window, her smile, hesitant as it was, growing ever so slightly. “I see…you heeded my words Sora…good for you.” She lowered her head. “If only I…”


Sweet Apple Acres

It was the third and last day of the Apple family reunion, and the mood at Sweet Apple Acres was nothing short of jubilant. Applejack stood off towards the side revelry, beaming with pride at the success of yet another reunion and the bonds rekindled between her family members, despite the growing troubles she knew was happening. She couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her as she watched Granny Smith regale the younger Apple foals with tales of their ancestors' adventures and grown ups laughing it up with mugs of cider in their hooves.

Not too far away was a very jovial Pinkie Pie, twirling around in circles with a group of foals, her laughter ringing through the orchard. The foals giggled and tried to mimic her dance moves, their faces filled with pure delight. Pinkie's energy was infectious, spreading a sense of happiness throughout the gathering to young and old alike. Even the Cakes decided to join in, having taken the day off the spend time with new and old friends and give the the Cake twins a chance to enjoy themselves without the confines of the bakery.

The farm mare tilted her hat before making hey way though the crowd, nodding to everyone she met as she did so. Reaching her destination, her barnyard home, the mare couldn’t help but fall onto a nearby couch, happy but exhausted from the past few days' events. She closed her eyes for a moment, relishing the brief solitude before a familiar voice interrupted her peaceful moment.

“Taking a bit of a break I see.” the gruff voice commented, “Not that I blame ya sis.”

Applejack opened her eyes to see Big Macintosh standing before her, his usual stoic expression softened by a rare smile. She chuckled softly, sitting up and patting the space next to her on the couch. “Can't be goin' at full speed all day," She chuckled softly. “I ain’t Pinkie Pie after all.”

Big Macintosh chuckled, taking a seat beside Applejack on the couch. "True enough, sis. That girl’s got enough energy for all of us combined and then some." He leaned back, his gaze scanning the bustling scene outside the window. "But it's good to see everypony havin' such a good time. Family reunions sure do bring out the best in us."

“I like ta think so.” Applejack mused softly, looking out a nearby window. “Always seems like our family gets bigger by the year, huh Mac?”

Big Macintosh nodded, a fond glint in his eye as he watched their extended family enjoying themselves. "Eeyup, it's a mighty fine thing to see. Makes all the hard work worth it," he said, his voice filled with pride. “I’ll even say ma and pa would be proud of ya ten fold for keepin’ the tradition goin' strong all these years. Reckon they're lookin' down on us now with smiles as wide as the barn door.”

Applejack's expression softened at the mention of their parents, a pang of nostalgia tugging at her heart. She nodded slowly, her gaze following a pair of fillies chasing after each other with glee. "I like to think so too, Mac. I reckon Ma and Pa are up there watchin' over us, proud as can be." She sighed. “Wanted ta make this years one the best it can be…after all…another year isn’t promised to anypony…” She shook her head. “Listen, Big Mac…my leg is itching something fierce. Usual a sign…And what with the Heartless running about…just…if something were to…”

Big Macintosh placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, silencing the mare. “Now, Applejack, don't you go worryin' yourself over what-ifs and maybes. Ah hate to admit it, you’ve faced plenty of challenges before and come out the other side stronger for it,” he said, his voice calm and steady. “So…like ya said, somepony needs to do it and…well…my little sister saving the world makes for a pretty good drinking story…Still. Remember you can always call on the Apples. We’ll come a-running.”

A knock upon the door caused both siblings to turn just as it opened, revealing Spike the Dragon, panting heavily and holding a scroll with Celestia’s sun upon it. “There you are! I…ah…got a letter for you and Pinks!”

Applejack and Big Macintosh exchanged a curious glance before Applejack reached out to take the scroll from Spike, unrolling it with a hoof. As she read the message, her expression shifted from curiosity to concern, her brows furrowing slightly. “The princess…she wants us to come to Canterlot…something about an important meeting…Heartless may be involved.” She sighed, handing the scroll over to Spike, "Thank you for bringin' this to us, Sugarcube. Can you let Pinkie know as well?"

Spike nodded quickly. "Of course, Applejack. I'll go find Pinkie right away," he said before rushing off to deliver the message.

Applejack turned to her brother, her mind already racing with thoughts of what could be happening in Canterlot. "Guess the Vacation’s over. Mind cleaning up, Mac?"

"Not a problem, sis. You go on ahead to Canterlot. I'll make sure everything's squared away here," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. “Just kick a few of those creatures for me, will ya?”

The farm mare chuckled softly at her bother’s request, appreciating the light-hearted approach. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to kick one for each of the Apple Family before we’re through with them.”

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