• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 5,326 Views, 164 Comments

Unexpected Arrival - GlitchyProductions

When the Sparkle family falls apart, Twilight is thrown in the middle of the chaos by having to look after her baby brother Spike.

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Twilight got up to the Nursery door feeling rather stiff and cold. Her bones felt like jelly for some reason, she couldn't explain why, but her arms and legs began to shake at the thought of going back in to see Spike. The crying wasn't helping her gain the courage to settle this. She could have let Cup Cake come and do it but she didn't, she needed to do this on her own.

She put her hand around the door knob and twisted it and the door soon opened to greet Twilight with the source of the wailing and crying. The Librarian took her few steps into the room and noticed something strange about the crib and who was inside it.

Spike was awake, kicking and screaming as loud as his little lungs could let him. The infant was on his knees with both hands round the crib bars shaking them back and forth violently.

Without a single doubt, Twilight didn't even have to think of what to do, she rushed over to the crib and leaned in to scoop the wailing infant into her warm soft arms. She held him tightly only to be met with tight aggression and squirming beyond belief, but that didn't stop her from trying to calm him down.

"Spike. Calm down please, everything is okay now, don't worry I'm here to look after you please don't cry. I shouldn't have left you in the crib." Twilight kept her little brother close to her chest at the best of her ability, granted Spike wasn't making this easy but seeing him struggle so much.

She didn't loosen her grip on Spike at all, within a minute or so he was starting to calm down in her arms and his crying died down pretty quickly and the room slowly became silent.

"What's wrong Spike?" Twilight looked down. "Did you have a bad dream, Spike?"

Spike didn't respond to what Twilight said but he looked up, lips quivering and his grip on her chest was very tight.

"Boo-Boo-Ga-Gaa!" Spike made a noise from his mouth, a string of gibberish and slobber that made its way down his mouth along with a little smile growing side to side.

Twilight wasn't satisfied with the answer and the quick wrap up that Spike gave out. It felt like there was something more to this than there originally was, to delve deeper, she unlocked the side of the crib and opened up the bars and set them apart. Twilight sat down on the little matress and brushed some of the toys out of the way to sit down comfortably.

Spike was set down next to his big pillow and there he lay on his back, kicking his little legs up in the air randomly. Twilight leaned over a little and grabbed the end of Spikes toes and shook them a little, causing the baby boy to let out a little laugh.

"See? You aren't scared, you were just trying to get my attention, weren't you?" Twilight giggled. "You just wanted to see me, didn't you? You cheeky little monkey."

Twilight couldn't help it now, she wiggled her brothers toes a little more and then worked her way up to Spikes legs and then his hips. All while Spike's laughter began to get louder and louder and he wiggled a little more with every tickle.

"Who's a cheeky little monkey? You are! You are!" Twilight let go of Spike and watched him continue to laugh and wiggle around despite not being tickled anymore. But when she leaned back up she could smell a strange odor coming straight from Spike.

Twilight looked down at Spike again and noticed he was smiling ever so smug, he put his legs down and decided to put his fingers into his mouth.

"Eww." Twilight flinched. "Spike. You're stinky, and I'm not talking about your diapers either. I think you need a bath."

To make sure, Twilight slowly leaned closer to Spike and took a quick sniff of the air. Thankfully, it wasn't his diaper and she let out a sigh of relief.

"I think we need to head into the bathroom and get you scrubbed before we go downstairs for breakfast again, how about that?" Twilight grabbed Spike's toe again and wiggled it a little more. Spike put his arms up in the air and kicked his legs uncontrollably, Twilight dug her hands under his body and lifted him up where he rested on her chest.

She got up from her seat and walked out of the Nursery with a little smile on her face, also trying not to gag at the stench coming from Spike, despite him acting very happy.

Twilight walked down the hallway enroute to the bathroom, more than ready to clean up Spike and spend a little more time with him. But right before she managed to reach the bathroom door, she noticed Cup Cake coming up the stairs looking a little curious.

"Oh, I see you managed to take care of Spike." Cup Cake smiled. "That's excellent."

"Yeah. I think he wanted to get out. He was kicking and screaming the bars on the crib, but he calmed down after I came in and spent a little time with him." Twilight looked down at the infant and rubbed his back.

"That'd good to hear Twilight. How did you calm him down?" Cup Cake asked.

"Uh... I held him closely and then I played with him for a minute or so. He seemed very happy but he smells pretty bad, so I'm going to start a little bath for him." Twilight turned and reached for the bathroom door and opened it. But was stopped when she felt Cup Cake's hand on her shoulder.

"I don't think he needs a bath just yet." Cup Cake added, then proceeded to sniff the air. "I think he needs a diaper change more than anything. Luckily, he's just wet it and nothing else."

"How do you know that?" Twilight turned back round, slightly confused.

"Well. Let's just say when you've been around the Twins, or any pair of babies infact, you begin to learn the smells that they make. I know it sounds disgusting but it's just something you pick up." Cup Cake let out a little nervous chuckle, she walked back over to the Nursery door and went inside.

Twilight looked behind her and closed the bathroom door, she slowly walked over to the Nursery doorway.

"At least you didn't do the other one, I suppose." Twilight entered the Nursery again and set Spike down on the changing table, Cup Cake then took over and proceeded to change him. Twilight took a few steps back and leaned against the wall, letting out a big yawn.

"Oh my, aren't you the little stinker." Cup Cake cooed. Causing Spike to laugh.

Twilight crossed her arms and felt a space between the noise and managed to feel a certain silence, despite the fact that she could hear Spike and Cup Cake play and talk, her ability to block out their voices was kicking in and her eyes grew heavy. It felt like the energy she had before was starting to drain ever so quickly from her body, she wanted to flop over and rest but she kept herself awake no matter how heavy her eyes began to get.

"You're being a little fussy wussy, aren't you? I bet you can't wait to have some baby food and a nice cold bottle to finish it all off."

Thoughts and images of her relatives and loved ones popped up in her head like pictures from an album, ranging from different periods and times Twilight felt happiness with her family before the incident. But the words that were stuck in her mind from yesterdays letter had gone completely, pieces and bits were still stuck in her head but they were blocked out by thoughts about Spike.

"See? You have a new diaper on now. Now let's pop your onesie back on and we can get you downstairs."

Shining Armor and Cadance were the last to appear in her head, nothing bad at all came to mind, but she longed to see them knowing they hadn't seen Spike before. Twilight wondered their reactions now that she was looking after the youngest in the family and not only that, the more recent information from her family letters.

"Such a good boy. I didn't even have to tell you where to put your legs in, you're such a smart little bunny."

Now her friends were in her head, Twilight realized the consequences of isolation from being away from her friends for so long, her sadness that built up made her ponder whether they should know the truth. What's really going on is just the icing on the cake for her, but to her friends it possibly wouldn't seem that devestating.

Twilight felt a little delicate hand creep up on her shoulder for a split second, breaking her out of her thoughts, she turned round to see Spike reaching out for her. His reach was extended by Cup Cake who held him outwards slightly, both were smiling at what they done.

"Oops. Sorry." Cup Cake quickly pulled Spike back into her arms. "Did I startle you?"

"No. It's okay. I was just thinking of stuff." Twilight mumbled. "Y'know, things that me and Spike are gonna do today, stuff like that."

"Okay. Let's head downstairs, I've got a little something running in the microwave that I think should be finished by now. Spike should love it."

And with that, Twilight was the first to leave the Nusery and head downstairs with Cup Cake slowly following behind with Spike wrapped in her arms.