• Member Since 26th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 4th, 2019

Jelly Bean


When a new Long-Range teleportation spell goes haywire, Twilight Sparkle is torn away from everything she knows and loves, and left to fend for herself in an unfamiliar universe.

Or, at least, that's how it usually goes.

Twilight was lucky enough to be deposited in a universe very similar to that of Equestria. One where the inhabitants are just as varied, if not more so, than the ponies.
One where magic takes a different form. A fantastic form.
One where the very fate of the multiverse itself hangs in the balance.
Twilight Sparkle meets the wondrous world of Pokemon.

And the world will never be the same.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 43 )

Damn. Just damn. The way you described this phenomena will now make every weaponized country on Earth try to recreate this particular scenario.

[img] [url=http://lh6.ggpht.com/_YJ-Szx0fVM0/THr0bJXPAPI/AAAAAAAABOo/7h3LocdyLWc/shot0001.jpg?imgmax=576]null[/url][/img]

It's complexity is its strong point. Just keep doing what you're doing. The comedic somewhat comes out of nowhere, and, as unorthodox as it seems, is perfect for the way you're writing it.

Why, thank you. I will certainly continue. In my opinion, Writing is Magic.
So are Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream cones, but that's not important now. Even though I kind of want one.

I have to say, I love your the humor spread throughout the piece.

And can someone please keep the Doctor from blowing himself up?"

There was a large explosion from across the town, and a yell of "Bloody hell, my basement!"

Mayor Mare sighed. "Too late."

Keep up the good work!

Huh, I would have guessed that Twilight would know reflect because of all the magic shields she likes to throw up all the time but, eh, it is your story. (plus magic) :derpytongue2: It's great to see another mystery dungeon story that isn't just sitting on the site collecting dust so I'm all for this. Seems you've done a lot of world building too so this'll be a great longer story to read. Love the comedy portions that have no rhyme or reason but it still works wonderfully. Can't wait for the next update. :pinkiehappy:

what I was expecting was a Pokemon (insert color here) story what I got was the other type never played it so time to find another story

Sorry that it wasn't a Pokemon red/blue/green/emerald/ruby/sapphire/diamond/pearl/platinum/black/white story. I suggest you stick around, though, you may like it, Hawkx1

3081040 Oh. It is kind of purplish, isn't it? A lavender, or a lilac.
Well, that's a few edits to make, but it DOES suit Twilight.

Thanks for pointing that out! :twilightsmile:

A pegasus, a light grey pegasus with fury in her eyes and a sharp eating utensil as a cutie mark had hit Bon Bon.


The former Alicorn of friendship, currently Espeon of Panic attacks, screamed.



Well there's plot in there somewhere, just gotta look past the jokes (which admittedly is quite enjoyable). Yeah it's jumping around a lot and it's no master piece but it does bring a smile to my face even if it is just nonsense. Its unique and I can respect that. :pinkiesmile: Although it does seem to be getting out of hand just a wee bit, but it was an interlude chapter. Just a small little update of how it's going on the other side.

A little clean up for when shit hits the fan would be nice though, but that isn't for a little bit when Spoiler Alert to people who didn't play the game: Drowzee shows up.

3111305 I'm glad to hear that. Don't worry, I'll try and clear away a few jokes. The real problem for me is that I keep getting stumped finding ways to express Twilight's personality in this setting. Shy, friendly, smart, a bit insane, snarky, that's everyone's favorite purple pony. I can't really express that all too well. I can try and fix that though.

The shit does kind of hit the fan when Drowzee shows up, but it doesn't really start until a good deal later.

*Spoilers from here on out, you shouldn't read this unless you don't care*

The Dimensional Scream will show up in the story, but it'll have a different explanation than in the game, too.

Also, backstory. There's more to this *world is ending* stuff than was in the game too, even if it did get explained. I just hope I don't have to add the dark tag just because of the backstory, and the many unspoken implications.

Also, Spike is fine but unconscious. He'll play a part too.

I love this fix! it's soooo funny and that Star Trek reference really made me stick around. I'm a Trekkie as well as a Pegasister:heart:

I think I died laughing at the part where Luna goes to get Discord. I had to read it twice to find out if I had gone mad. 10/10:rainbowlaugh:

Wait...how will the story work with Twilight standing in as the game's protagonist? I don't know how the whole deal with Dusknoir and Grovyle will be able to happen, and that's basically the core of the game's plot.

---Spoiler Alert---

Also, the whole Dimensional Scream. In the game, it was kept through the transformation, and I think Twilight would have noticed if she had it in Equestria (unless she attained it through her transformation); she certainly had plenty of trusted friends there. Of course, all this is assuming that Twilight is the one who ends up with the DS.

3152130 I suppose I can give a few spoilers.

The plot will function mostly the same, with Dusknoir being from the future, along with Grovyle. Twilight and Grovyle won't have been partners, though. That's mainly the main difference- All that needs to be done is a bunch of tweaks, and everything will be explained in time.

The DS, as you said, wasn't present in Equestria, and she didn't get it through her transformation. That's all I'll say on the matter, just because I feel like being enigmatic.


Well at any rate, I know the plot (including post-game) like the back of my hand, so it'll be fun to see how it's affected by this change in circumstance.

I apologize for the wait. I was...held up, let's put it that way, by a problem that I managed to solve with the use of copious amounts of fire. The next chapter should be up within next week.

3061087 Can't believe I just got around to replying to this.

Anyhoo (Anyhoo, fun word) Sorry that the next update hasn't come in yet. I was waylaid by something that I'm not going to speak of, because I'm afraid it'll find me again if I do.

Twilight doesn't know Reflect now, but there's nothing saying that she won't learn it LATER. And yes, there is quite a lot of world-building I've done for it. I have a fifty-to-sixty chapter story planned out.

Thanks for the comment! It really means a lot to me.

If you need OC's, filler characters, or Rescue/Exploration Teams, I have some you can use.

3870657 Sure! Let me just find some.

Hm...No, that's a centipede. Where did I put them? I'll get back to you in a day or so.

Okay, I'll say Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolconoconiosis!

But in all seriousness, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolconoconiosis is just the long name for the disease Silicosis.

Unfortunately, your story has been deemed as Flawed Quartz by The Gem Hunters.

The idea is great. However, the execution is not as good.

First off, your reasoning is very cliched. Twilight screwed up a spell. Because that is so totally canon, and has never been done before.

Your grammar leaves much to be desired, in particular around dialogue punctuation. I would recommend getting an editor.

In places, the dialogue felt...off to me. I can't describe it, but it didn't seem like something the characters would say.

Overall, it needs a bit of work, but I personally will be watching to see how you improve.

4082863 I am aware of the grammar and dialogue issues.


However, the spell mistake isn't quite all it appears to be. I won't reveal everything, but almost nothing that happened is her fault. At all.


That being said, I'm aware you're just giving me tips to improve, and I'm so, so thankful for that. Honestly.

If you can point out what happened with the dialogue, though, that would be great. Otherwise, I might just need a proofreader.

4084559 When punctuating dialogue, this is how it should be written:

"I found a great book," said Twilight.

You have it written, in most instances, like this:

"I found a great book." Said Twilight.

The full stop and capital S are highlighted because they are wrong. Dialogue that does not end with a question mark or exclamation mark should end in a comma, and all dialogue should be followed by a lower case letter.

The only exception is when the character's name directly follows the dialogue, where you are free to use a capital letter, and when you are using an action tag. (e.g "Whee!" She jumped and laughed.)

4085485 Ah, thanks. I'll edit those sentences, and look up some grammar guides.

4125941 Yes. I have been delayed for quite some time but the story will continue eventually, I promise

Ok then. If you need any help, you can ask me. Cause I really like your writing style.

"Let's just get out of here before I go insane."

That's assuming you aren't already, Twilight.
Also,about this:

She took a piano to the head

She also took an anvil to the head, which makes a much better point of what she can survive in my opinion. I mean, that's like several hundred pounds of solid iron or whatever.
Also, the doctor:pinkiecrazy: And, just to jinx things: What could possibly go wrong?

Discord juggled arms in his trees.

Lol, I realized that it was unusual when I took a second look; it made me guffaw.

Oh, and Blueblood Manor had exploded, but no one really gave a damn.

I had a good laugh with this one.

Right behind her, was a long, very pink, very split, very NOT PONY tail.

She gulped, and looked down.

Paws. Pink fur.

The former Alicorn of friendship, currently Espeon of Panic attacks, screamed.

And deeper in the forest, something heard her.

i cant get my taill to stop laughing XD :rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

"Yeah, your team name! You can't just be called Exploration Team, that would be boring! All the teams have it. It can be as simple as A.W.D or Charm, to Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolconoconiosis!"

The Oxford English Dictionary lists pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis as “a factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by inhalation of very fine silica dust usually found in volcanos' but occurring chiefly as an instance of a very long word”.


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