• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XIII - Damon's Comeuppance. (Bonus)

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XIII - Damon’s Comeuppance (Bonus).

“I said I was sorry,” Damon said

“Drop dead, Damon,” Berry scowled.

“Already have done,” Damon replied.


Damon sighed as he rested his hand on his head as the three finished eating their dinner in silence as Pinchy looked between the two in worry. Berry had been surprisingly calm about the whole incident, but he figured she would rip into him after Pinchy was out of earshot. After the meal had been finished, Berry had given Pinchy her cupcake which had cheered her up a little bit but left Damon’s hidden. Not seeing his actions rewarding of a cupcake.

“Okay, sweeties. It’s time for bed,” Berry said

“Aww.. okay mum,” Pinchy pouted.

“Want me to tuck her in, Berry?” Damon asked with a weak smiled.


He sighed again as Berry picked up Pinchy and carried her in one hoof. She looked over to Damon and gave a small wave and smiled at him.

“Night, Uncle Bones…”

“G’night, Pinches…”

He watched them go before letting his head slam into the table with a loud groan and twirled a bony finger in the air slowly.

“Go into the forest, you thought. Nothing could go wrong, you thought…” he groaned again, “wonder if it is possible for a man to die twice.”

Berry smiled as she tucked Pinchy into bed. Pinchy was wearing a pair of light pink foal pyjamas complete with little pink socks and had a plush rabbit firmly in her grasp, smiling up to
her mother sleepily.

“Good night, Pinchy,” Berry said as she kissed her daughters head,

“Night mummy…” Pinchy murmured.

Berry turned and started heading out of the room. Just as she was about to turn of the light, she heard Pinchy stirr and looked back.


“Yes, sweetie?”

“Please don’t be mad at Uncle Bones… I was the one who wanted to go into the forest,” Pinchy yawned, “I really did had a great day… can I do it again?”

Berry tried to keep focused on being angry with Damon but watching her daughter made her heart melt a little and she sighed before smiling.

“Alright, sweetie… I won’t be too hard on him,”

“Make him wash the dishes with no magic!” Pinchy giggled before yawning again.

“Okay, I’ll make him do the dishes,” Berry chuckled, “Night night, I love you.”

“Love you too mummy…” Pinchy murmured before snuggling into the rabbit with a happy smile on her face.

Berry smiled as she turned the light off and closed the door quietly.

Damon heard the hoofsteps coming down the stairs and waited in silence. He stood up from the table as Berry entered and closed the door and slowly rubbed his arm.

“Look… I’m really sorry Berry, I just—”

“It’s fine,” Berry interrupted him, “I can’t be too mad at you… and Pinchy did seem to enjoy her day out with you,”

Damon blinked at her in confusion.

“Uhm… okay well, thanks I guess?” he replied.

“Oh, you're not getting off scott-free,” a mischievous smirk formed on her face.

“W-what are you going to do?”

“Lets just say… there are some ponies who want to speak with you…”

For the second time being in Equestria, Damon felt true fear.

Rarity was humming to herself as she floated the feather duster over various objects in her shop. She had received a call from Berry Punch that Damon was going to visit her and had decided to spruce up the place before he arrived, she hadn’t asked why Berry had insisted on the visit nor did she really care.

Berry had planned so that once Damon was done with whatever Rarity wanted him for, he would then have to go visit Twilight before finishing up by meeting Pinkie. A suitable punishment in her eyes and one he reluctantly had to agree with.

What Berry didn’t know, however, was that upon receiving their calls regarding Damon’s visits, the girls had decided to wait at Rarity’s for his arrival and get it over and done with once and for all. Pinkie had found out that Applejack also wanted to see Damon and had invited her over as well.

Applejack had already arrived at the boutique before the others and was in the kitchen laying out the table with dozens of various apple treats. She was planning to deliver some the previous night to Berry’s house but a family emergency had come up which was the disappearance of Applebloom, only to find her being escorted home by Damon. Had it not been for Pinchy and the remaining two crusaders with him, Applejack would have given him the food right there.

There was a knock on the door and Rarity went to answer it. She smiled as she was greeted with a very tired looking Twilight, he eye twitching and mane a complete mess.

“Darling what happened to your beautiful mane?” Rarity gasped.

“Oh just some late night studying that’s all,” she giggled, walking past Rarity.

“Well at least let me fix it up for you, he’s going to be here—”

She was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Ah that must be Pinkie,” Rarity smiled as she walked to the door and opened it, “Pinkie dear, you’re almost late for—”

She stopped mid sentence as she stared up at the irritated face of Damon. He crossed his arms and with a heavy sigh put on a forced smile.

“Morning, Rarity…” he said sadly.

“Hello, Damon…” she replied, a demented grin slowly forming on her face, “do come in.”

Damon slowly made his way in, all the while keeping his eye on Rarity. As she slowly closed the door and locked it, Damon heard a sound behind him and spun on the spot to see the other two waiting for him. Each grinning maniacally.

“Uhm… I think I’ll be going now,”

“Nonsense, you just got here. Please have a seat,” Twilight giggled, her eye twitching more.

As he was ushered to the chair Damon forgot all about his magic. And in that moment for the third time since arriving in Equestria, he felt true fear.

Berry trotted into the kitchen and hit the switch to the kettle. She smiled to herself as she got out a couple of plates for herself and Pinchy and set them up before going to get some bread and other food to make her and her daughter some lunch. As she was making the sandwiches Pinchy walked in with a confused look on her face.

“Mum, where’s Uncle Bones?” she asked.

“He’s just visiting the elements, sweetie,” Berry replied.

“Aww… I wanted to play with him today,” Pinchy pouted.

“None of that young filly,” Berry giggled, “or you don’t get a tasty sandwich!”

Pinchy grinned and clambered into a chair at the table and waited as Berry finished making their food and came over with the plates, before returning to fix up a cup of tea for herself.

“When will Uncle Bones be back mum?” Pinchy asked before taking a bite of food.

“Later, sweetie, later,” Berry smiled as she sipped her tea, a small smile on her face.

“What is the power of your magic?”

“How about this one, darling? It really brings out your… bones.”

“An this one has our secret sauce inside it, what ya think of that?”

“Do the mages have an Master or a figure head they all follow? Who are your gods?”

“Oh but this one would match those lovely flames in your eyes!”

“An Big Mac got some fresh apples to make this pie hoof likcing good!”

“PLEASE STOP!” Damon swallowed before wailing.

Damon struggled against the bonds holding him in place in a chair. When he had sat down he had felt a strange feeling come over him and realised Twilight had cast a curse on him, though she denied it was a curse and was a simple magic represent spell. He had tried to overpower it but his fear had gotten the better of him and he was unable to focus properly.

For the past twenty minutes, he had been listening to Twilight question him non-stop about every little thing she could think of to do with Cyrium, from what the seasons where to what the food was like. Rarity had been continuously dropping hoods onto his head that were attached to over the top designed cloaks trying to find ‘the one’ as Applejack kept shoveling apple related food into his mouth and forcing him to eat them. Determined to find something he would enjoy.

The three mares ignored his pleas however, and continued their relentless and merciless assault on him. Damon prayed to any deity that could hear him to save his sorry soul from the eternal nightmare.

“Muuuuum!” Pinchy called out, “I’m boooooored.”

“Why not go outside for a bit?” Berry suggested.

“I want to play hide and seek with you and Uncle Bones though…”

“Alright, let’s go and see if we can drag him away from his time with the Elements.”


‘He’s been there a good hour, that’s long enough I think.’

Pinchy raced out the door, followed by her mother who carefully closed it as they made their way over to the Carousel Boutique. As they walked they spotted Spike running towards them in the distant, clearly out of breath.

“Berry… Punch!” he gasped.

“What’s wrong Spike?” she asked.

“Twilight… Rarity’s… Damon… interrogation!”

“Wait, what?” Berry blinked.

Spike gasped for air as he held a note up for Berry. Scribbled on the note, from what she could actually make out, was the ramblings of Twilight telling spike that she was going to interrogate, the word being scribbled out and replaced with talk, to Damon at the boutique. Spike, who was asleep at the time, had only just found it and was concerned for Damon’s well being.

“I’m sure everything is fine, we’re heading over there now,” Berry tried to reassure him.

“We’re gunna play hide and seek!” Pinchy added with a delighted grin.

“Okay… well I guess I’ll come with you, make sure Twi’s doing alright.”

The three then carried on towards the boutique as Berry slowly grew more and more anxious about the whole situation. Just as they were getting close, Rainbow Dash landed beside them in a cloud of dirt with a concerned look on her face.

“Hey, you guys seen Applejack at all? We were meant to be hoof wrestling but she didn’t turn up and her family said she’s in town. They said she was going to give Damon something.”

Berry gulped as she bit her lip, her concern growing more and more as Rainbow joined their group. Spike quickly brought Rainbow up to speed who was now more curious than ever about what was going on with Damon, they all turned the corner and saw Fluttershy just ahead of them

“Hey, Flutters,” Rainbow called out.

“O-oh hello everypony, how are you?” she replied.

“We’re just on our way to the Boutique,” Spike said.

“Can I come with you? I was meant to be meeting Rarity at the spa but she didn’t show up, and some ponies have been saying she’s not left the boutique since yesterday.”

Berry’s eyes went wide as she remembered what Rarity had asked her to do for her regarding Damon and was now regretting her decision to send Damon to the girls as punishment.

“We need to get to the Boutique, now!” Berry said quickly.

“I agree, something ain’t right here,” Spike added.

As quickly as they could, they all made their way to the Boutique and could hear the sounds of raised voices inside. Three of the sounded impatient and demanding whilst the fourth sounded like they were terrified.

Damon’s voice.

Rainbow wasted no time and bucked open the door, and as the group rushed in they gasped at what they saw inside. Damon was tied to a chair with crumbs all around his body and robes, Twilight was sitting beside him with several scrolls all writing at one with a demented stare fixed onto his face. Rarity was standing in front of him with a large number of multi coloured robes floating behind her with some of them behind Damon, a couple on his head and Applejack was opposite Twilight holding a slice of apple pie.

The room went silent as both groups stared at each other. The tension so high, a knife could cut it.

“What… the hay… is going on?” Rainbow asked.

“N-nothing!” Twilight replied, “we were just talking to Damon that’s all!”

“Help… me,” Damon whispered.

“Why hasn’t he just used his magic to get free?” Spike asked.

“I think he’s too terrified to do anything…” Berry muttered.

“That… makes no sense!” Spike groaned.

“Would you be so kind as to come back later? I’m awfully sorry but we must be getting back to our conversation.”

“But… I want to play with Uncle Bones,” Pinchy said.

“Yes, playing is good, let the bone guy go play—”

Applejack shoved the pie into his mouth and effectively shut him up.

“Hey don’t be mean!” Pinchy glared at her.

“Please girls, this is really important to me, I mean Equestria!” Twilight said walking over to them.

Soon the room broke into an argument between Berry, Rainbow and Spike against Twilight, Rarity and Applejack. Pinchy stood close to Fluttershy who held her close as she watched the argument with worry. During this time, Damon started to breath slowly and calm himself down now that he saw he had a chance to get away.

He couldn’t focus hard enough to cast a teleportation spell but muttered under his breath and in a quick flash, the robes holding him down were burnt to ashes. Damon then quietly got up and tried to sneak his way out the back, reaching the door to find it was locked. He took a step back to consider the possibility of just destroying the door, but saw some stairs and decided to head up them, planning to climb out of a second story window as opening the window in the room he was in would have alerted the arguing group.

Damon creeped his way up the stairs and was about to take the final step when he heard a sudden silence downstairs, followed by Rarity’s voice.

“Where did Damon go?”

In a panic, he brought his foot down too quickly and the stair beneath it creaked loudly.

“He’s upstairs! Get him!” Applejack shouted.

“Leave him alone!” Rainbow shouted back.

Damon heard the sounds of rushing hoofsteps and a blind panic took over his body as he ran as fast as he could towards one of the windows. With a forceful leap, he jumped through the glass and flailed as he soared to the ground with a loud thud. With a pained groan he began to crawl his way forward and saw a pink leg in front of him. With a grunt he grabbed it and pulled himself up, believing it was Berry who must run outside to see if he was okay after the smash.

“Help!” he cried.

“Hello Damon…” a cold voice replied.

His pupils shrunk as he looked up into the cold eyes of Pinkie Pie. Her mane was completely flat and she had a demented grin on her face that send shivers down his spine, her own pupils were shrunk to the point that Damon could have sworn they were shaking.

“So… how did you like my cupcake?”

“I-I haven’t,” he swallowed, “had one yet…”

“No matter… we can remedy that…” she giggled manically.

For the fourth time since arriving in Equestria, Damon Lipton felt true fear.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

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