• Published 29th Aug 2013
  • 824 Views, 31 Comments

Born of Sin: Descent to Madness - Not so New Brony

After 522's death,Stedson Cog realizes how attached to the clones he really was. This is the tale of his eventual descent to madness. Side story to The Koprulu Sector

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Letting go of the Light

Candy felt nervous as she walked along the empty hallway, she wasn’t afraid of the dimly lit corridors by any means, she got used to them long ago. What really made her nervous was that Stedson wanted to see her after not talking to each other in months.

When 36 was taken away, Stedson had become distant with everyone except for the Iron Feathers and herself. This isolated her from her colleagues but she couldn’t care less about them. She knew that Stedson really needed her to be there for him, and she gladly stayed by his side.

After some time passed, he had seemingly moved on, but she could tell that he was still bothered by 36’s ‘adoption and was simply distracting himself with work. She tried asking him about it, to see if she could be any help, but as usual, he avoided the subject altogether. Even the Iron Feathers wouldn’t say anything about the matter to her.

Then things started changing after the last inspection, she saw him talking to one of the inspectors, she didn’t know what they talked about but after that, Stedson started drifting away from her. They didn’t have their late night ‘dates’ as often as they used to. They saw each other less and less until they just stopped.

He explained to her that he needed to concentrate on his work since Happy Day would be here at the end of the year and that their dates were getting in the way. She knew that there must be another reason for this but forgot about it in the ensuing argument, which ended on a sour note...and a slap to the face.

They still saw each other on occasion during work; he was very professional with her during these encounters, she would sometimes try to start a conversation with him in an effort to be friendly but his obvious act of indifference made it difficult for her.

Over time, she noticed that he had been slowly wasting away as he ran himself ragged, working on something late into the night. She advised him to stop whatever he was doing and rest but he insisted that he was fine and carried on as usual despite her protests.

She wasn’t too surprised when he was brought to her medbay on a stretcher one day, but it still didn’t stop her from worrying about him. The guards had apparently found him collapsed from exhaustion in one of the hallways, covered in soot and grease. She immediately put him under her care, watching over him while he recovered.

When he finally woke up, she took the opportunity to question him about the his activities during his recovery but he suddenly had a fearful look in his eyes and bolted out of the medbay before she had a chance to say anything else. They haven’t seen or spoken to each other ever since…that is until now; he had sent one of the Iron Feathers with a note asking for her to see him in his room tonight.

The unicorn mare soon arrived herself at her destination; she lifted her hoof to access the intercom but stopped when the door opened up on its own. It was unlocked. This made her even more nervous since Stedson never leaves the door unlocked, even when he was in it. A number of reasons as to why he would leave the door unlocked crossed her mind

“Candy? Is that you?” she heard someone call out to her from behind, she let out an uncharacteristic squeak and jumped up in fright. She turned around to see Stedson giving her an apologetic grin.

“Don’t do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!” Candy said, scolding the stallion like one would a child.

“Sorry! I saw that you were a bit late so I stepped out to look for you…” the stallion said sheepishly.

Candy’s glare softened when she saw how sorry he was. “Alright Stedson, I forgive you. Now mind telling me why you wanted to see me?” she asked, hoping to get straight to the point.

“Right, there’s something I want to tell you…but first, would you care to join me in my room?” he asked, gesturing to the open door. Candy nodded and followed him inside. She stopped in the doorway when she saw that the room was completely dark.

“Stedson… why are the lights off?”

“Ah, you’re right, let me fix that.” She watched him as he walked further into the darkened room, and lit up some candles; lighting up part of the room, revealing the cloth-covered table the candleholder was on. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dim light before she realized what it was.

It was a candle-lit dinner.

“Come, let’s sit down.” he offered, pulling a chair out for her.

Candy sat down before Stedson took his own seat and looked at the food; it consisted mainly of sugary foods such as muffins, pies, and all other manner of baked goods she could think of…and probably a few she couldn’t.

She looked up from the dishes and asked, “Did you make all this by yourself?”

“Nope, the girls made this for us. You really should try this peach cobbler they made, it’s delicious.” He said as he hoofed her said pastry. She grasped it with her magic but placed it down on her plate instead of eating it.

“Is something wrong, Candy?”

“Stedson…what is all this?” she asked, gesturing to the food-laden table.

“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, playing dumb.

“The note you sent me, telling me to secretly meet you tonight, and this dinner you set up...you’re hiding something aren’t you?” she said accusingly as she watched him turn away, “What aren’t you telling me, Stedson?”

“It’s an apology.” He admitted.

“An apology?” she echoed as she quirked an eyebrow.

“Yes, I want to apologize for the way I’ve been treating you lately. I’ve been busy with…my work and I didn't want to burden you with my problems. I -” Candy had cut him off midsentence with a hard slap to the face. Stedson pressed his hoof to his stinging cheek as turned his head back and saw the angry look on her face.

“You idiot! Do you seriously think that this is going to make up for what what you put me through?!” Stedson looked away guiltily, as she vented out her anger and frustration at him. “Have you heard what the rumors they spread about us, have you? It's humiliating!”

Stedson flinched when she suddenly slammed a hoof down on the table.

“Do you know how worried I was when I saw you being brought into my medbay that day? Do you?! What could be so important that’d you couldn’t even bother to take care of yourself?”

“I-I can’t tell you…” The mare scowled at his words.

“It’s always secrets with you isn’t it Stedson?” she scoffed.

He didn’t answer her.

“I was worried when you suddenly ran out on me! Why did you run away from me…” she sighed and slumped back down into her seat. “I thought that you...”

“That I what?” he asked curiously as he turned his head up to look at her.

“That you hated me…that you didn’t love me anymore.” She said in admission, tears of frustration flowing down her cheek.

Stedson didn’t say anything at first as he watched her as she sniffled quietly in her seat. He then got up and went to her side. She looked at him before turning away but was surprised when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her. He felt her body tense up at the unexpected display of affection.

"Let me go!" she demanded weakly, as she tried pulling away from him but he refused to let her go.

Holding her close, he said to her, “I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through and for the secrets I’ve kept from you… but I still love you and I always will no matter what and that’s the truth.” The tension in her body slowly melted away when she heard him say those words and leaned into his chest. He let out a small sigh of relief, before he felt a hoof prod him sharply in the chest.

“You know that you’re not getting off the easy.” she said sternly. Stedson gulped a little and nodded.

“I-I know… but I promise that I will always stay by your side and do whatever it takes to make it up to you.” He said as he kissed the top of her head and whispered, “After all, you are my precious light in the dark.” hoping those words would appease the mare.

This drew a giggle from Candy.

“That was really corny you know.” she stated, poking him in the ribs.

“Sorry…” he muttered. Candy smiled before grabbing a hold of his head and pulled him closer.

“Don’t be…” she whispered, before kissing him on the lips, “…cause that’s just the way I like you...” she giggled at the dumbstruck expression he had before she turned around and flicked her tail suggestively at his face, bringing him out of his stupor. “ And as for making it up to me…” she then lit up her horn; Stedson suddenly felt a tug on his neck.

He looked down and saw that Candy had wrapped his tie in her magic, and she was pulling him along like a leash as she led him to the bed. Seeing where this was going, he offered no resistance whatsoever as he obediently followed her to the bed.

The food lay forgotten on the table and articles of clothing casually discarded on the floor, one after the other as the two ponies climbed into the bed and rekindled their love for each other.

Long after the candles had burned themselves out and the food turned cold, the two lovers basked in the afterglow of their love as they slept peacefully in each other’s embrace.

That is until one of them opened their eyes.

Stedson moved his hoof towards Candy’s face and caressed her cheek, she moaned as her lips curled up into a contented smile. He let out a sad sigh before he slipped out of her arms, taking care not to wake her up, and reached for the nightstand where he had hidden a pair of precision gloves and a syringe filled with sedatives. He had them prepared in case Candy didn’t eat the drugged pastry he had given her.

Putting on the gloves, he brushed aside her mane and held the syringe close to her neck. His felt his arm shake as he started having second thoughts about he was about to do but he knew the consequences if he didn’t go through with this, so he took a deep breath and stuck the needle into her neck. She gasped in shock before falling limp when the sedatives took hold.

“I’m sorry Candy…but this is for your own good.”

Candy slowly opened her eyes as she woke up with a moan, she smiled when she remembered the night she had spent with Stedson, and it had been so long since they’ve been together. She yawned as she got up from the bed and stretched her back but then she realized something.

She wasn’t in Stedson’s bedroom anymore…and she was dressed.

She wondered if everything that happened last night had just been a wishful dream but she could remember everything quite clearly; the candle-lit dinner, the things she said to him and the kiss that led them to his bed. It was too vivid to have been a dream and a certain part of her body definitely felt sore from last night.

She gave her surroundings a quick look over; she was inside a basic sleeping quarter similar to the ones she and the others slept in but the room itself was larger than what she was used to and the ceiling was evidently higher as if the room had been designed for someone bigger.

Hoping to get her bearings straight, she got out of bed and went out the door but instead of entering the hallways of the facility, she found herself in an unfamiliar location. Thinking that she must have ended up in a recently ‘reclaimed’ section of the station, she walked down the hallway, hoping to find a section of the station she was familiar with or to run into someone who could help her.

Her eyes widened when the door slid aside and saw the sea of stars moving outside a nearby window. She then realized that she was standing in the enclosed deck of a moving ship. She pinched herself with her magic, thinking that she would wake up in Stedson’s bed cuddling him while he slept.

She yelped at the unexpectedly real pain but still saw the stars moving outside

When the reality of where she was, sank in, her breathing became erratic as she started to panic but the rational side of her mind kicked in before she did anything stupid like running around screaming like a headless chicken.

“Alright…calm down...calm down.” She said to herself before taking a deep breath, “Let’s think… If I’m aboard a moving ship so someone must be piloting it!” she said to herself. Now calmed down and with a plan in mind, she set off to look for her abductor.

After stumbling upon the room she slept in twice, she eventually came across a door which she she hasn't been through before. She hoped that it would lead her to the cockpit and to whoever was piloting the ship. Getting lost had allowed her time to come up with a few choice words for her abductor when she meets them and pressed the button to open the door.

Unfortunately, her courage left her when the door slid aside with a hiss; revealing the cockpit interior which was unlit save for the glow from the monitors and instruments lining the sides, humming away as they performed their functions in the dark.

At the end was the pilot’s seat, its back turned to her. She gulped as she slowly approached it. When she was just a few steps away from the seat, she heard a beeping noise before a voice called out to her.

“Hello Candy.” It was Stedson! She used her magic to turn the chair, expecting him to be sitting in it, but was confused when she saw nopony in it, only a small metal block the size of her hoof.

“Stedson? Where are you?” she asked worriedly. She got a good scare when the block suddenly opened up and a wave of light came out of it as it scanned her from head to hoof. When the light did it's duty, it let out a beep before a holographic projection of Stedson appeared before her.

“If you’re hearing this Candy, it means that I was able to get you away from the station undetected. Don’t be alarmed, the ship you’re on is equipped with a cloaking device so you should be safe from the long range scanners until you’re out of their range.” Stedson then let out a deep sigh, “I know it’s really not the best time for this, but there is something you must know…”

The hologram then told her everything, all the secrets that Stedson has ever kept from her, the Iron Feather’s conditioning, and the details of Happy Day’s plans: the Short Leash Protocol and the Clean Slate Protocol as well as the deal he had made with Penny Pincher and the Diamond Dogs.

Candy fell to her haunches, unable to handle the gravity of what she just been told.

“I know it’s a lot to take in right now but you have to understand…I did this to protect you and the Iron Feathers. I had originally intended for you and 36 to take this ship and go somewhere safe to hide and wait for me to find you after the Diamond Dogs did their ‘work’. But with her gone...” he paused briefly before changing the subject.

“I’ve stocked the ship with enough supplies that should last you a year so you don’t have to worry about starving for a while. The ship is equipped with a warp engine so you are free to go wherever you wish; just set the coordinates and the ship’s auto-pilot will take you there…”

Hearing this, Candy immediately accessed the navigation computer as the monitor showed her a list of locations she could go to: Agria, Aiur, Braxis, Chau Sara, Dylar IV, Haven, Korhal IV, Mar Sara, Meinhoff, followed by the names of other worlds. She recognized some of the names but she didn’t care about them as she scrolled down the list of coordinates for the one she wanted.

“Come on! Where is it, where’s the station?” Candy muttered to herself as she looked through the list for the station’s coordinates but couldn’t find it no matter how long she tried. She slammed her hooves down on the console in frustration, which caused the block to beep in response before the hologram reappeared, this time it came with a different message.

“I thought that you might want to come back to the station but I can’t allow you to do that. That’s why I’ve erased the station’s coordinates from the computer. I know you must be angry with me and I’m sorry but it’s for your own good.” The hologram then looked at her, smiling sadly.

“So please, forget about me, move on, and live a happy life.” Tears streamed down the mare’s face when she heard this, “I love you… my light in the dark.” The hologram lingered on after it finished its message.

“Why?!” Candy cried angrily at the hologram, “You selfish bastard! You promised that you would stay by my side! How could you do this to me! I would’ve stayed with you! I would have stayed!” she screamed at the unresponsive hologram, which kept smiling sadly at her before it faded away.

Stedson had been sitting in the derelict hangar bay for some time now, staring past the asteroid field and into the stars where Candy’s ship had disappeared an hour ago. He hoped that she would find somewhere safe to settle down and live a happy life, far away from here.

A smile crept onto his face as he entertained the thought of her joining the Khalai. As a unicorn, she would almost be guaranteed a place in their society. And from what he understood, the unicorns of the Khalai lived forever, hopefully she’ll forget about him after he’s long gone.

On the other hoof, she might go to one of the fringe worlds, and settle down. She had confided in him once that one of her dreams when she started her training was to open up a clinic and put her talents to good use. He wondered if she’ll find a good stallion to settle down with there.

He shook his head of the countless possible futures Candy might have and let out a depressed sigh as he knew that he wasn’t in any of them. He truly wished he could have gone with her but he needed to stay to keep her and his daughters safe from Day…and from each other.

Despite his best efforts, only a small number of the Iron Feathers had been successfully reconditioned to not kill Candy. He just couldn’t take the risk that one of his daughters might kill Candy during the Diamond Dog’s attack or get caught in the crossfire of a firefight during the assault. There was no other choice but to send her away .

At least with her gone, he won’t have to worry about that anymore.

The stallion eventually got up and made his way for the exit, passing by several ancient Terran spacecraft in various states of disrepair and disassembly. He briefly considered repairing them as well so he and his daughters could join Candy but shook his head at the absurd idea. It took him over two years just to repair the one ship and the date of Happy Day’s arrival was fast approaching. There wasn’t enough time or working parts to make that plan a reality.

Once he was out of the door, he sealed it shut and started his way down one of the hallways but stopped when he heard the heavy footsteps of power armor. He pressed himself against the wall as far as possible, hoping the guards wouldn’t come this way.

His heart started beating wildly as heard the footsteps coming closer and closer to his position, his eyes grew wide when he saw a beam of light flash near his face. He saw the light growing brighter as he heard the footsteps coming closer.

“What are you going down there for Grim?” he heard one of the guards ask, the light shifted as ‘Grim’ turned to his fellow guard.

“I thought I heard something down here.” Stedson clamped his muzzle shut and held his breath, not wanting to give ‘Grim’ any more reason to come closer.

“Forget about it, there’s nothing down there but a dead end and a bunch of scrap metal. Come on, let’s go.” the unnamed guard said before he moved on with his patrol. ‘Grim’ grumbled to himself before he joined his partner, the sound of his footsteps soon grew faint until they were gone.

After making sure that the guards were no longer around, Stedson decided to take another path through the facility’s maze-like halls back to his quarters.

The detour he took later brought him to the walkways above the currently unoccupied testing chambers; at least he thought it was unoccupied until he heard the familiar shrieks of a zergling. He moved cautiously on the walkways as he followed the angry shrieks to its source; he peeked down at one of the testing chambers below to see an unusual sight.

He saw a prototype generation Iron Feather cutting into the zergling’s flesh with a scalpel and then stitching it back up before repeating the process again. And judging by the amount of stitches covering the creature’s body, she has been at this for a while. It took him just a moment to recognize the filly.

“588?” the Iron Feather stopped what she was doing and looked up.


“What are you doing here?” he asked while taking a closer look at the zergling, as it struggled against the makeshift restraints made from its own severed limbs which had been stabbed through parts of its body and into the ground beneath. The only thing the creature was capable of right now was to lay there and snarl at the filly as she cut into its flesh.

“Just practicing for when Mr Day gets here…” she replied casually as she made another incision on the zergling’s exposed flesh before stitching it back up afterwards. Stedson then heard her mutter both 36 and 522's names as she worked, reminding him of how he had told her the truth about 522’s ‘adoption’. He remembered the tears they both shed when he told her the truth…

Stedson pursed his lips as he watched a number of the young clones from the second generation crying their eyes out while their sisters did their best to console them; he had just informed another group of Iron Feathers of 36’s ‘adoption’ a month ago.They did not take the news very well.

Due to her stunted growth, 36 had been considered a middle child of sorts by many of the first and second generation Iron Feathers; this made lying to them even worse. He hated himself for keeping the truth from them, but it was for the best, telling them the truth would devastate them even further.

He gave the fillies a few words of comfort before leaving the barracks to continue the daunting task of informing the others of the ‘adoption’. He slumped against the wall as he let out a tired sigh, he then felt someone nuzzling his cheek. He smiled softly and nuzzled Candy in return. At least he wasn’t alone.

“How are you holding up?” she asked softly.

“Horribly…” he muttered back, “I’m getting sick of lying to them.”

“Then tell them the truth.” Candy suggested. He gave Candy a questioning look.

“What? I can’t possibly tell them that! You know I can’t…it’d crush them.” The mare simply shook her head at his excuses.

“You have to tell them the truth…” Stedson turned his head away from her, unable to face her with all the other secrets he’s been keeping from her and his daughters. “…tell them before the guilt eats away at your sanity.”

“Heh, so you’re my psychologist now are you?” Stedson replied jokingly, trying to change the subject.

She rolled her eyes at this, “Don’t change the subject Stedson...” His ears wilted at being caught so easily, “…if you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me.” She placed a hoof on his shoulders and looked into his eyes pleadingly, “Please?”

“You…know that I…I can’t, I…” he sputtered out but he couldn’t resist her charms. He soon relented and said, “Fine, I’ll…think about it.” Candy then kissed him on the cheeks.

“That’s all I ask.” she said before going down the hall to the next barracks, he followed closely behind her, mulling over what she said to him. Maybe he could do it…maybe he could tell them the truth for once.

He couldn’t do it.

They had just informed the last of the Iron Feathers and Stedson couldn’t do it, he fed them all the same lie about 36’s ‘adoption’. He didn’t dare look at Candy and the disappointment he expected to see in her eyes as she comforted the fillies so he decided to quietly slip outside and wait for her.

He let out a sigh when the door closed but was disturbed from his self-loathing when he felt a tug on his coat; he turned his head and saw 588, standing there on her hind legs as she shuffled her hooves nervously.

“What’s wrong 588?”

“Mommy told me to check up on you…are you okay?”

Stedson looked at the door, he saw glimpse of Candy looking at him before the door closed itself. He then turned his attention back to the filly.

“I…I’m alright 588. I just-!” he was surprised when 588 suddenly wrapped her arms around his chest.

“I miss her daddy.”

Stedson’s eyes softened as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back, “I miss her too, 588.” He then remembered Candy’s words and realized she had just given him an opportunity to tell the truth to at least one of his daughters.

He looked around to see if anyone else in the hallway; it would be a problem if one of the other Iron Feathers eavesdropped on them in the middle of their ‘talk’. Seeing that the hallway was completely empty, he pulled away from the embrace.

“588…” he began

“Yes daddy?”

He looked her directly in the eyes, placed a hoof on her shoulders, and said, “There’s something I need to tell you, but…you must promise me that you won’t tell anyone else, even your sisters, alright?”

She nodded her head, “I promise daddy.”

“Good…Do you remember when I told you and the others about 522?” She nodded her head sadly as old memories resurfaced.

“Yes…she was adopted by another mommy and daddy, right?” He shook his head.

“No my child, she wasn’t adopted.” She cocked her head curiously at the contradiction.

“But you told me that 522 was-”

“I lied, 588…,” he said, cutting her off, “…I lied to you, all of you.”

Her eyes widened as she took a step back, away from him, “Wh-what? Why?”

“To protect you from the truth, one that I’ve kept from you and your sisters for five long years…I think it’s time for you to know the truth…”

He then told 588 of how 522 had been maimed at the end of her test, how Happy Day had intended to sell her off as a guinea pig for experimentation in Consortium Space and finally the part where he ended her life with his own hoof.

When he was finished, he stepped away, and braced himself for whatever punishment 588 might deliver to him for what he had done. Her conditioning would stop her from killing him but it didn’t mean she couldn’t give him a sound beating. At the very least, he wanted the filly to yell at him, curse him, or even spit at him for his lies.

Either way, he felt that he deserved them all and much more.

However, instead of doing any of those things, she simply asked him, “What about 36? Is she going to the same place…” the words died in her mouth, unable to repeat the horrific fate 522 would have suffered had she lived.

“I-I don’t know 588, I don’t know…” he admitted.

The filly started shaking uncontrollably as she fought off her tears and losing badly. Despite all their training and conditioning, the Iron Feathers were still just children. His children.

Stedson quietly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and just like that night all those years ago, the filly buried her face into his chest and cried. He stroked her mane gently, just as he did before. Tears streamed down his own face as he held her, wishing he could do more for her…

He shook his head to rid himself of the sad memory; he was already depressed enough as it is.

“How long have you been here?” he asked curiously.

588 turned to the watch in her bag of scalpels and sutures, “It’s been nine hours now.” She answered back before letting out a long drawn out yawn.

“Nine hours?” Stedson exclaimed, “I think it’s time for you to turn in for the night young lady.”

“Ok daddy, just let me finish up.” She answered back before grabbing her rifle and shot a round into zergling’s head, it let out a death shriek before falling limp. She then gathered up her surgical tools and flew up to where Stedson was. The filly landed unsteadily and fell flat on her belly.

“Daddy…can you take me back to bed, I’m tired.” She said with a groan. He couldn’t help but chuckle at her antics.

“Alright, climb onto my back and I’ll take you back to the barracks.” The filly clambered up onto his back, and settled to lie down belly first, letting her legs dangle by her sides. Once he was sure his passenger was secured on his back, he made his way out of the chamber.

While walking down another hallway, Stedson felt 588 moving about fitfully on his back, “Is something wrong 588?” he asked softly.

“Is mommy safe now?” she suddenly asked. Stedson stopped when he heard this.

Unlike the other Iron Feathers, 588 had been privy to his plans, including the one to send Candy away. It was hard for the filly at first to willingly send Candy away since she had been very close to her but she knew what would happen to her ‘mommy’ had she stayed during the coming assault.

“Yes…mommy is safe.” He answered. He then heard the filly sniff, trying her hardest to hold back her tears. “It’s alright 588, just let it out.” he kept on walking as he felt his clothes getting wet from her tears as she quietly sobbed into his back.

By the time they reached the Iron Feather’s barracks, 588 had stopped crying. Stedson turned his head to see that she had cried herself to sleep. He smiled to himself and entered the barracks where he saw the other Iron Feathers fast asleep in their beds. He quietly walked past them to the empty bed that belonged to the filly on his back.

He gently lifted the filly off his back and placed her back in her bed. He bit down on the covers and pulled them over her body, tucking her in for the night. He turned to leave but felt a tug at his lab coat; he turned to see the filly holding on the end of his coat with her precision gloves. He knew he forgot something.

“Daddy…” 588 called out to him sleepily.

“Yes my child?” he asked while taking off the precision gloves off the filly’s hooves.

“After Mr Day is gone…can we go look for mommy and 36?” caught off guard by the filly’s request, Stedson didn’t immediately answer her, “Daddy?” she asked again.

“O-of course 588, we’ll look for them together. Now go to sleep, you need your rest.” the filly nodded and pulled the covers over herself, her purple eyes peeking over the sheets.

“Good night daddy, I love you.” she whispered before falling asleep.

Stedson nuzzled the filly, “Good night my child, I love you too.” he said and walked out the door. He took one last look at the sleeping fillies before closing the door.

“Excellent work Doctor Cog, I do believe this concludes our inspection of the facility. It is good to see that you’ve learned from your ‘mistakes’.” Peace Keeper said, turning to Stedson but saw that the pegasus wasn’t answering him, his head was bobbing up and down slowly as he struggled to stay awake.

“Doctor Cog are you alright?” Peace Keeper asked but Stedson didn’t answer, “Doctor Cog!” he shouted. Stedson’s eyes shot wide open and looked around in brief panic before calming down when he remembered where he was.

“Huh? Oh, my apologies inspectors …” Stedson answered before letting out a long drawn out yawn. “…I guess my mind was elsewhere.”

“Not enough sleep I take it?” the unicorn inquired. Stedson simply nodded in reply.

After sending Candy away, he started having nightmares again. Sometimes he would dream of Candy dying due to some critical flaw he made in repairing the ship. Watching her suffocate in his dream as she called out to him with her dying breath was the latest in the long line of nightmares that woke him up last night; it’s been ages since he had a good night’s sleep.

“You must take better care of yourself…” Stedson arched his eyebrow at the unexpected advice from the normally aloof inspector, “…I’ve read the report on Doctor Striper’s unfortunate accident and I heard that you were close…you have my condolences, but it’s no reason to waste away like this.” He cautioned.

Stedson lowered his head, hiding the scowl on his face, ‘Where was your sympathy when 36 was taken from me!’ he mentally grumbled. He was surprised when he felt the unicorn’s hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw the gentle smile on the unicorn’s face.

“I understand what it’s like to lose a loved one, Doctor Cog… I’ve been there myself.” The unicorn added sadly before he left, leaving Stedson with a newfound inkling of respect for the unicorn inspector.

Still, it won’t change his fate in the end.

“I’m keeping an eye on you, doctor. So watch yourself!” Steel Gaze said sternly before following his colleague down the walkway.

As for Steel Gaze, he wanted the inspector to suffer before he dies.

He turned around to face Spend Thrift. “Sorry to hear of what happened to your girl Cog, she was one mighty fine looking mare.” He said before a smile grew on his face, “What I wouldn’t give to have a-”

Stedson cleared his throat harshly while giving the earth pony a withering glare that could have rivaled Steel Gaze’s own, “-er right, sorry. Got a bit off topic didn’t I?”

“Yes you did… was there anything else?” he asked with a disgruntled snort.

“Yeah, I got a message for ya: Boss says that they’ll ready for when Day arrives. All ya need to do is keep your head low when the attack starts. You and the IF units have been cleared as friendlies so the grunts will leave ya alone, everyone else is fair game.”

“How am I supposed to know when the attack starts?”

“Oh you’ll know when it does, boss said they’re gonna start with a bang. So how are things on your end?”

“As smooth as can be Mr Thrift, my daughters will be ready when the time comes but I do have two requests for Penny Pincher.”

“Sure Cog, what is it?” Stedson hoofed him a small data drive.

“Tell him to play the file on it when he starts the assault.”

Spend Thrift looked at the drive curiously, trying to figure out the vague request, “Okay…sure, so what’s the second thing ya wanted?”

“Tell Mr Pincher to leave Happy Day alive. He’s mine, is that clear?”

“I’ll make sure the boss gets the message.” He assured as he placed the data drive into his suit, “So, I guess this is the last time we’ll see each other huh, Cog?”

Stedson nodded to him, “Yes, I guess it is. Can’t say I’ll miss you...”

“Ouch Cog, you wound me.” Spend Thrift mocked while placing a metal hand over his chest in dramatic fashion.

Stedson rolled his eyes at the earth pony’s behavior, “…though I am bit curious.” He continued “What will you do after Day is dealt with, stay with Dominion Intelligence?”

Spend Thrift chuckled and shook his head, “Nah, I go where the money is, and right now the Diamond Dogs got that in spades. Might become a freelancer again after that... what about you, Cog?”

“What about me?”

“Your future, like what’s the first thing ya want to do after all this?”

Stedson grew quiet as he scratched his chin and thought about it.

He knew he had promised 588 that they would go look for Candy and 36 but it was a daunting task in and of itself. He doubted he could ever find Candy, let alone face her again after what he did to her but 36 was another matter altogether.

From what Spend Thrift had told him half a year ago, he had learned that 36 had been enslaved by a crooked space trader named Fed Ex in the Consortium so locating her would only be a matter of time.

However, he remembered that Spend Thrift had also told him that 36 had been resocialized so even if they did see each other again, she probably wouldn’t even recognize him at all. Still, this would give her a chance to lead a normal life once he freed her from her captors. It was the very least he could do for her.

As for the rest of his daughters however, he highly doubted that they would be able to ‘disappear’ and live normal lives. The Iron Feathers had trained from ‘birth’ to be merciless killers. No matter what they did, his daughters would never be able to live normally with other ponies.

There was only one option left for them now, but before he could think about it any further, he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Spend Thrift calling out to him.

“Hey Cog, ya alright?” the earth pony asked. Stedson blinked his eyes and saw the earth pony waving a hand in his face, “You kind of spaced out on me for a while there.”

“Er…yes, my apologies Mr Thrift…so where was I?” Spend Thrift gave him an odd look.

“Ya were going to tell me about your plans for the future, remember?” Stedson let out a soft sigh before answering.

“All I want is to do is take care of my girls and get them ready.”

“Ready? Ready for what?” the earth pony asked.

“Ready for their life as soldiers, it’s the only thing they know and understand.” Stedson explained “Penny Pincher has promised me that the Diamond Dogs are willing take them on after their training is done.”

“And what about after that?”

“I…I don’t know.” Stedson admitted after some thought.

An uncomfortable silence settled between the two, a silence that was broken when Spend Thrift’s communicator went off.

“Yeah?” Spend Thrift said, answering the call.

“Inspector Thrift, you’re late! Get back to the shuttle or we’re leaving without you!” Steel Gaze voice said impatiently before he ended the call.

“Well Cog, guess this is goodbye…” Stedson nodded in agreement.

“I do believe it is, I do suggest not keeping Inspector Gaze waiting lest he carries out his threat. Now if you’ll excuse me…” he said before turning away to leave.

“Wait.” Stedson stopped and faced him.

“What is it Mr Thrift, was there something else?”

“Hey look, if you’re ever in Consortium Space, look me up. I know a great little bar where we can have a drink, my treat.” He said, offering his hand to Stedson. He hadn’t expected such a gesture from him but after some hesitation, he accepted the hand and shook it.

“Yes, I’d like that…Take care of yourself, Mr Thrift.” he said, genuinely smiling.

“You too Cog.” The earth pony answered back before turning to leave. Stedson soon left as well. He still had some preparations to make for Day’s arrival.

Author's Note:

Well, after some thinking followed by more thinking, I've decided to finish this story since Unholy had already given me enough of his notes to do so but I'll need a proofreader to check my writing for subsequent chapters.

So if any of you feel up to the task, send me a PM. It'd also be brilliant if you are knowledgeable in all things Starcraft.