• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 2,313 Views, 197 Comments

A Compass for a Lost Dreamer - reflective vagrant

A tale following Lightning Dust's struggles outside the academy. She begins to remember things long forgotten as she tries to accomplish what nopony has done in generations: Rejoin the Wonderbolts after being disgraced.

  • ...

Chapter Eight: Mentors' Love

Author's Note:

I welcome constructive criticism from my readers, even on older chapters. Please feel free to comment.

Three weeks after the commotion with the Blood Witch Doctors. To keep their promise to Keen Wit while testifying, Iron Will and Lightning Dust were vague on exactly what it was that fought back against the mind manipulation. They said his desire to not harm the child was what held him back and Keen Wit simply went to the hospital from the combat fatigue of standing in a minotaur's path. They didn't mention his horn or him using his magic.

The elder Zebra brother, Tendaji, gave no effort to defend himself and was convicted of attempted murder of the first degree, use of mind affecting magic without the subject's informed consent, aiding in the delinquency of a minor, evading arrest, possession of restricted substances and assault. Tendaji was sentenced to life in prison. Against Zecora's plea he was granted a chance at parole in thirty years' time.

He smirked at Zecora when she dishearteningly translated the explanation of his possible parole. Zecora had to translate for the court, as he did not fluently know equestrain like his brother. As he was escorted out of the courtroom he gave his brother a deranged and malevolent smile.

After the elder zebra brother left the courtroom, the younger zebra brother Faraji pleaded guilty to use of mind affecting magic without the subject's informed consent, as well as a charge of assault reduced from attempted murder. He had assisted the magical division of forensic analysis in understanding what bits he knew about the art of blood voodoo as an apprentice with the condition his brother was not to be informed. With this assistance in his favor, Zecora's push towards rehabilitation for the young zebra and the fact he was a minor, the judge was lenient on him.

Faraji was placed in the custody of Steel Will, who agreed to act both as his parole officer and his legal guardian until the day he would come of age. Faraji was ordered to serve under him as his general assistant until the said date in substitution to community service. Faraji was warned that due to the nature of the magics used in his crimes if he violated the conditions of his parole his sentence will be changed to the maximum sentence for his convicted crimes and he would be sent to prison.

Faraji took his sentence without complaint, but with the way he sighed deeply upon hearing his sentence it was as if he had been sentenced to death.

"Are you sure about this, brother?" Iron Will asked his brother as he packed the last of his supplies in his travel bag.

"The boy needs guidance," Steel Will answered without turning back to his brother. "He can't stay in this community because of the rumors that have spread about him. They fear him and their fears aren't completely unjustified. If they send him off to a detention center he will be picked on for being the only zebra there among ponies and he will not learn anything good from the experience. I am the only one that can help him."

"You didn't answer my question."

Steel Will finished tying down the flap to the travel bag. "...No. No, I'm not sure about this, but Zecora is one of the wisest equines I have met in my travels and I trust her judgment. Now that he is away from his brother I think he can change if someone can give him the chance. I want to give him that chance." He started to turn towards his brother then quickly returned his gaze to his bag before he met eye contact. He took a moment to check if the bag's straps were secure.

"Here is where I would say it is too great a risk," Iron Will commented with his head tilted slightly, "and that he could pull the same trick again only we won't have a shaman to flush him out this time." He looked down and shook his head lightly. "But you gave me that same chance when you first found me stumbling into the village seeking answers. I was lost and confused and... needing guidance... just, like him, so..." Iron Will stumbled over his words and couldn't finish.

Steel Will finished for him, "I am both proud and grateful that you are taking the risk for him. It isn't something you would have done back then. You have been a difficult student but you have still learned much these last few months. With any luck, maybe he can do the same. Let us pray this risk pays off."

Faraji came up to them at the edge of town accompanied by two guards. Steel Will signed the release paperwork and the guards left.

As Faraji looked up at his new guardian and parole officer he asked with a sullen voice, "What do you wish of me? I understand we are to travel. Shall I carry your bag?"

Steel Will looked at his brother for a moment in bewilderment at the young zebra's glum mood then returned his gaze to the young zebra. "That won't be necessary. I can carry my own bag without trouble."

"As you wish," Faraji responded calmly and respectfully. "Will we be heading out now?"

"Not just yet, but soon," Steel Will answered with a shake of his head. "We need to wait for Zecora. She wanted to meet with you before we leave."

* * *

A little while later, Zecora arrived with a gimp, a wrapped back leg and Lightning Dust carrying a zebra style saddle bag behind her. As she came close enough to talk she spoke to Faraji in a foreign language for a few moments.

She switched to Equestrian a few moments later to let the minotaurs and Lightning Dust understand what she was saying. "Though the paths we walk bear different fruits, our arts share the same roots." She gave him a warm grin. "A true witch doctor is a healer at heart. So a gift from one to another as you depart."

"Take a look," Lightning Dust called out on cue to the word gift as she turned to let Faraji look inside the pack she carried.

As he looked inside the saddle bag on the pegasus's back he saw all sorts of herbs, dried berries, nuts, roots, pre-made potions that would keep well, medicinal muds stored in powder form in jars and moss packs along with other little ingredients and small tools of the healer's trade. There were even some items from the market that Zecora had found useful from her time volunteering at the hospital in there, though not many.

His eyes were wide and his jaw slack at the sight he saw inside the improvised medicine bag. "You know how to use these, right?" Lightning Dust asked. "Cause I sure don't."

"I do, but why would you waste this on me?" he asked in bewilderment, turning his attention to Zecora.

Zecora had a knowing look in her eyes. "Faraji, I know what you dread," she answered empathetically with the voice of a loving mentor. "Your teacher's wrath hangs above your head. Impending doom from his magics you feel, but never is it a waist to let a healer heal." Her voice shifted to a more cheerful tone. "If all that you accomplish with my wares be one pain eased, in knowing they helped I will be pleased."

Faraji looked back at the bag in confusion. "But, I have nothing to give you in return. This is far too much to be a gift."

Zecora sighed as she put her hoof on her muzzle just above the soft of her nose then shook it back and forth gently.

"I got this one Zecora," Lightning Dust said, giving Zecora a wink. Zecora responded back with a skeptical look as if she knew what she was going to say but let her say it anyway. "Ahem. In the words of a mare much wiser than myself: A healer helps those in need. Not those..." Lightning Dust began to quote Zecora from times past.

After repeating a nursery rhyme that Faraji already knew by heart from foal-hood, Lightning Dust was red with embarrassment as the two zebras broke into a giggling fit at her expense. Embarrassment aside, it had gotten the point across to him. He made no further protest.

"Oh! Ha! Ha!" she barked loudly with irritation. "Just take the darn bag already. Wayside wants be back in the sky helping the team out as soon as I'm done helping Zecora deliver it." She stood there, waiting for him to undo the zebra style strap that she wasn't used to.

As Faraji undid the strap for Lightning Dust, Iron Will spoke up, "Lightning Dust. About what I said in the hospital."

Lightning Dust remembered what Iron Will was talking about. "Oh, right! I, um." She gestured him over just as the strap was undone and the medicine bag was removed. Whispering in his ear she answered, "I don't mind you calling me a friend but don't you tell anypony I said that."

With a short but hearty laugh, Iron Will stands back up and gave her a small wink. He then threw his own pack on and returned to his brother's side.

"I am happy we could say our goodbyes," Steel will said to all of them, "but we have stayed in the area far too long already. We must travel quickly and cover much ground if we are to get back to our village on time." He exchanged a few unspoken words with Zecora through expression then threw his pack on as well.

"Why can't you use the train? It isn't like you're short on funds." Lightning Dust asked, recalling just how rich Iron Will was.

"Our pilgrimage has been on hoof for a reason," Steel Will answered. "Anywhere worth going is worth getting there the right way, especially when you are seeking enlightenment. To take the train now would make our entire journey pointless even with our delays here."

With this said, the two minotaurs and the young zebra—with a medicine bag so big he almost had trouble carrying it—headed out of town. The young zebra still walked with his head down, despite the amazing gift.

As Zecora and Lightning Dust watch them depart, Lightning Dusts spoke up, "You didn't tell him about the thing you took from his brother. He would have loved to know about it."

Zecora continued to stare at the group fading in the distance. She answered Lightning Dust with such a smile on her face she looked like she was holding back the urge to either cry in joy or laugh—Lightning Dust couldn't tell which, "In good time, Faraji will find the cure to his despair, as he searches the bag to find his lost lock of hair. Likewise, Tendaji will find his brother untouchable through such magical tactic. As he uses his own hair by mistake, it will prove-" She paused ever so slightly with a mischievous grin on her face, not quite breaking rhythm. "-problematic."

A brief thought of what Tendaji might inflict on himself made Lightning Dust laugh softly. "So, are you sure you can get back to your hut on your own with that bad leg? Wayside said I can walk you back there again if you need me to. Now that I know the way I'm not so..." A small blush formed on her cheeks again. "...Prone to get lost. I can just fly up and out when we get there."

Zecora closed her eyes and gently shook her head briefly. "Back home safely on my own I can return. Bearing the gift in time was my concern. Your work calls now. So make haste and fly. Should you need counsel, you are welcome to stop by."

Lightning Dust cocked her head at this unexpected offer, then responded casually before leaving. "Ya. I might visit sometime. I'd love to learn more of those exercises you showed me at the hospital. They were cool."

After Lightning Dust took flight and headed over to where the weather team was working, Zecora took off the bandage from her back leg with a coy smile on her face. From the place they had met up with Steel Will and his two students, she trotted to the edge of the Everfree Forest to return home. She didn't gimp or show a single hint of pain as she trotted.

Before entering the forest, she looked back at the horizon where Lightning Dust had become but a speck in the distance. She hoped the pegasus managed to pay her a visit for counsel soon. It was plain as day to Zecora that the troubled soul could use some.

Lightning Dust was happy to be back in the air—truly in the air and not just fluttering over the ground to get her wings back up to strength like she had been doing for the last couple weeks. Her worries could wait.

It didn't matter right now that she had only one bit left in her bit bag to last until payday with almost no backup food. It didn't matter she still hadn't found a place to stay after she got paid and Wayside's charity rent ended. It didn't matter that she had gotten several ponies upset at her for walking out of the second surprise party Pinkie Pie threw for her a few days ago in celebration of recovering.

Ahh, what an interesting night that was. Pinkie Pie had managed to trick her into coming to sugar cube corner to pick up something with Keen Wit's help, probably slipping the colt a few bits to do it. When they all yelled surprise, she just gave a deadpan expression back. She could have heard a pin drop from the silence after the big reveal. She asked if the order was ready and when she confirmed that it was just a decoy to lure her in, she just backed out the door and flew off.

Rainbow Dash chased her down to confront her about leaving. She knew she couldn't out fly her having just recovered. So she stopped to hear her out. The sudden stop caused her rival to almost total out into a tree when she sped past her. That alone was worth it but there was more. Rainbow Dash gave her a long chewing out about how she was being rude. She halfheartedly listened to it while hovering. When she was able to get a word in she shut her up with driving one solid point home.

"I've already put up with one of her parties. She knows I don't like parties and she didn't even ask if I wanted one. I find that rude on her part. So I'm putting my hoof down on this. How would you like it if you were forced to go to the spa?" She remembered from the academy days in the mess hall when Rainbow Dash told her about how she hated hooficures.

Oh, the look on her rival's face when she was caught in her own double standard was priceless. Yes. Even if she had gotten half the weather team angry at her from the party, even that didn't matter right now. She had her wings back. She was one step closer to reclaiming her dream.

She was flying blissfully but still with purpose. She needed to get back to work. She had managed to perform well at work thanks to the lessons that Sunny Rays had given her. She still had a few advanced lessons to go but she had the basics down packed. She managed to impress a lot of her coworkers with her speed and precision in cloud placement during her first couple days on the job.

The clouds she placed weren't meant for rain. These clouds were dry clouds to give shade to the ground. They didn't carry much water and were practically useless for making rain. However, the shade they provided protected crops from the heat of the late summer sun and slowed moisture loss. That reduction of moisture loss alone made them pay for themselves if placed right.

But the clouds needed to go away to allow for some clear sunlight through for a while. That meant cloud busting. For community celebrations only the sky above town needed to be cleared. A single pony could be assigned to it for half a day and still get it done thoroughly, but for a normal day of cloud busting it required a full squad of five or so to clear the entire area surrounding Ponyville on schedule.

'Clearing them up with a tornado would be fast,' Lightning Dust thought to herself as she flew through the air. A smirk found its way to her face but faded as quickly as it formed. 'But Sunny Rays was prudent on making sure I knew that we're responsible for any private property damaged from-' her front hooves shifted from their standard flight position slightly and moved in a gesture of quotation, while her face showed slight disgust. '-"preventable causes". I can't afford to mess up like that right now. If I do something that reckless Wayside might still fire me "On. The. Spot." Whether something got hurt or not...' Her face grew grim as her eyes watered and closed for a brief moment. 'Just like aunt Spitfire did.'

When she got to the area that the weather squad was supposed to be working on at that hour, she saw the area was completely cleared already. That meant only one thing. Rainbow Dash was showing her up. She was the only one that could.

Lightning Dust bolted as fast as her still recovering stamina would allow to the next area and the next after that. Finding both of them cleared, she went to the next and found the team wrapping up the area with Rainbow Dash taking over half the area herself.

"Look who finally showed up!" Rainbow Dash declared as she finished her section of the area.

"Hey! Wayside authorized Zecora to borrow me and you know it!" Lightning Dust retorted back, irritated.

"So? She could have had anypony do that. It's not like her little errand was actually helping with the weather!" she called out in an effort to belittle her. "Did the boss's pet enjoy her break?" she taunted.

"That is enough!" Sunny Rays called loudly as she flew closer. She was angry yet somehow her voice was not all that scary. Her mind was brilliant but she lacked presence.

"You might be the best cloud buster we have Rainbow Dash but you are not in charge today. I am!" She reprimanded Rainbow Dash as best she could. Judging by the way her words seemed rehearsed, Lightning Dust figured that she probably saw the situation forming before she even came back.

While lowering her voice but trying to keep her tone of authority with limited success, Sunny Rays continued, "Wayside has a good reason for everything he does, this included. Zecora has helped the weather team with injuries and ailments countless times and has never asked for so much as a bit in return. Her efforts has saved the weather team countless insurance claims, time and resources.

"You of all ponies should understand how valued Zecora has become to Ponyville Rainbow Dash. You were among her first patients. If it wasn't for her you would still be stuck flying upside down. So I don't think you should be complaining that our boss decided to repay a little of that kindness."

Rainbow Dash glared at Sunny Rays like she had just crossed an unspoken line when she mentioned flying upside down.

"Besides, she's back early," she added, her feeble tone of authority breaking completely as she gestured to Lightning Dust.

Just staring at Sunny Rays for a moment longer, Rainbow Dash went from flustered to outright angry. "Fine. Requesting permission to work solo from the other end and meet in the middle miss 'squad leader'," Rainbow Dash asked Sunny Rays, mocking her authority.

In a mentality more fitting a puzzle solver than a leader, Sunny Rays looked around at each of her squad members, sizing them up then looked around to do an abstract mental mapping of what areas had and hadn't been done. "Go ahead," she said, returning her gaze to Rainbow Dash.

As soon as Rainbow Dash flew off, Sunny Rays exhaled in exhaustion as if she had dodged a dozen lightning bolts. "I hope she gets the kink out of her gears soon so Wayside can put her back in charge. I'm not cut out for this leadership stuff."

* * *

When work was over, Lighting Dust had found that Rainbow Dash had flown off to the academy early, instead of staying to spend her days off in Ponyville. Sunny Rays said it was just her trying to clear her head and that she was happy Rainbow Dash was finally trying to do so.

Lyra was a free spirit that loved to just enjoy life. She had all sorts of hobbies she would pick up and set down. She didn't mind having very little money. She loved having the freedom to do what she wanted more. She hated the idea of constantly working somewhere and pretty much had to have four to five days a week off or she would go nuts. Though some ponies thought she already was. After Pinkie Pie, she was the most eccentric pony in Ponyville.

Today however, Lyra was having a hard time managing to find the money to pay rent to BonBon this month, not that rent was a lot with BonBon. Few ponies could tolerate living with the quirks of BonBon's personality. So renting out the spare room was not as expensive as one would expect. Yet Lyra loved BonBon's quirk and the low rent was just what she needed so they were a perfect match up. Nevertheless, BonBon was usually adamant about rent being on time.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem. She would usually make enough money after what she earned at her part time job at Quills and Sofas by doing her life passion of street performing or selling her other artistic work as she performed. Right now though it was getting to the lean season where ponies had little change for extras. She hated to admit it but she needed some way of getting the rent money for next month. Which meant either finding a roommate to split the rent or getting a loan from Money Bags.

Problem was, Money Bags said she didn't work enough for any kind of loan. He ran a business, not a charity. He said she would need to have more 'real' work before he loaned her anything.

Though she didn't mind the idea of a roommate, it pretty much wasn't going to happen. So she decided to get started on finding a second job.

Lightning Dust was enjoying her practice session. It was the first one she had since getting the clearance from the doctor to do them. Every time she had tried to practice before, she was interrupted by Rainbow Dash cutting her off or sending her into a spin. When she asked what her problem was her rival just said, "No problem. This is what we do in practice, isn't it?"

Lightning Dust knew what she was talking about. She had done this to the other cadets without a second thought back in the academy. Because of this, Rainbow Dash wasn't about to let Lightning Dust practice unbothered on her watch. But since Rainbow Dash had went back to the academy early, Lightning Dust finally was able to practice in peace.

Coming down from practice, Lightning Dust landed in front of the inn.

"That was a whole lot better than when I first saw you kid. You really are something up there. I'd expect no less from a soon to be Wonderbolt," Wayside called from the bench.

"Yay Lightnin' Dust! Woo-Hoo!" Lightning Dust heard the gray pegasus mare next to Wayside cheer.

When Lightning Dust got a good look at the pony that just cheered, she suddenly had a very strong feeling of Déjà vu. Which was strange because she knew she had never met her before. The wall eyes and childishly cheerful face were definitely unforgettable. Normally she would be asking what was up with this weird freak of a pony, but something she just couldn't place made her feel jealous of her instead.

"I've done a lot better before, but it will take time for me to get back into the full swing," she responded, unsure of what else to say.

Before the silence got too awkward, Keen Wit came down the street with an adult sized double saddle bag full of stuff draped over his back. "Hey Ditsy Doo. I got the stuff you wanted from Sugar Cube Corner for muffin night."

"Thanks!" The grey pegasus said as she took the saddle bag from him and put it on her own back.

Slipping his hoof in the pocket of his own practically empty saddle bag, which had been hidden underneath hers, he reached in and pulled out a few bits. "Here's your change."

"Keep it! It was worth it to see the show! You should have seen her. She was amazing!" she said enthusiastically, gesturing over to Lightning Dust.

With a grin suddenly appearing on his face, he gave no argument. "OK!" He slipped the change back to where it came from.

As Lightning Dust overheard the 'sly business colt' doing this thing, she decided to go to her room to get cleaned up. She needed to find a way to get some more money herself before payday or she would go hungry. Her food stores wouldn't last that long and her bit bag was finally empty. Being covered in sweat wasn't going to help fill it.

She needed the money fast and didn't have the time to fiddle around finding work. She knew one thing that could get it. Though the Idea of it was disgusting, she had to work on getting it set up soon or she still wouldn't earn it in time. It was getting late today. She would do it tomorrow morning since she was scheduled to work in the afternoon. She would have plenty of time to set it up tomorrow.

As Lightning Dust went into the inn, the pony named Ditzy Doo talked to Wayside, "So she's on the team now?"

"Yes, and she is pretty good considering her inexperience. Sunny Rays taught her well," he responded with admiration.

"I see..." she said as she looked down in a glum mood.

Knowing what was getting her down, he tried to cheer her up. "Hey don't be like that. I had to let you go. You couldn't keep your scheduling straight but you always put in your full effort. Besides, you're a great mail mare now." He recalled nights she would stay up late at town hall triple and quadruple checking the planned schedule to make sure she had it right.

Seeing this didn't quite do the trick he added some more to it. "And it was nice of you to help the ground crew get ready for the storm even after I had to fire you for missing the sprinkle. You have a heart of gold, Ditzy Doo. I can't trust your hooves with storm clouds any more, but I am proud to have met you and call you a friend."

"Ya, I guess so." she said with her mood picking up just a little. "Thanks again for giving me a good reference with the post office Mr. Wayside. I was pretty down when I had to leave. When I got fired from the delivery company, I didn't think I'd ever get another job."

Seeing a golden opportunity Wayside interjected, "I didn't 'give' anything. You earned that reference yourself."

That perked her face right up. "Really?"


"Gee thanks! You're the best Mr. Wayside."

"Now you had better get home and get those muffins made before Dinky gets hungry."

"Gah!" was all she could say before jumping into the air to hurry home, realizing she was late.

As Ditzy flew home, Wayside couldn't help but smile inside. When he stuck to his talents and didn't pull stupid stunts like he did with Lightning Dust at the interview, he was good at what he did.

Spitfire was in the Rec Center of the Wonderbolt academy off duty. The disappearance of her niece was bothering her. Her brother and sister in law said she never made it home. Spitfire was the last family member to see her and they were bugging her about it, asking what she did with their daughter.

Spitfire didn't know where she was but she knew what happened. Lightning Dust had ran off after being discharged. Whether it was from pride or shame the end result was the same. Spitfire wanted to go find her but she couldn't go absent without leave to just search randomly. It had been months and her family was worried sick about her. Some feared the worst.

Spitfire was sitting at the bar, sipping her drink when Rainbow Dash came up beside her.

"Requesting permission to-"

"Just sit down already Rainbow Dash," Spitfire interrupted. "I'm not on duty."

As Rainbow Dash sat down, Spitfire asked her, "What brings you back so early? Your squad isn't due back for another two days."

"Trouble at home," Rainbow Dash said with a huff.

"I should have guessed," Spitfire responded blandly.

Rainbow Dash started rambling without any particular direction, making Spitfire suffer through it, "Nopony will listen to me. I keep telling them she is no good and she will cause trouble but every pony keeps defending her."

Not really wanting to concern herself about her cadet's problems, she only listened halfheartedly while sipping her sports drink.

"She is one of the most reckless and uncaring ponies I have ever met but nopony believes me. They all keep giving excuses for her."

About to order another drink, Spitfire shifted her weight so that she could use her hoof to flag down the barkeep. 'Maybe something a little on the hard side this time.'

"I mean really, Lightning Dust has all of Ponyville fooled into thinking she is some goody two shoes. My boss has even been paying for her room at the inn for the last month."

Spitfire's hoof stopped in mid extension and her feathers stood on end when she heard her niece's name being mentioned. Rainbow Dash was too busy with her ranting to notice.

The barkeep, responding to Spitfire's half raised hoof, asked what she wanted. She thought hard for a moment. "Get Rainbow Dash any cadet approved drink she wants and put it on my tab with this." She pushed her empty glass to him then put a few bits on the bar. "I remembered something I need to take care of. Finish up for me here would you?" She tossed her head in Rainbow Dash's direction.

The barkeep took the tip and watched her hurry out the door.

When Rainbow Dash showed up for drills two days later, she was surprised to see First Lieutenant Fire Streak on the runway. He stated Captain Spitfire had taken a leave of absence for a family emergency and he would be taking over for the week.