• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 5,774 Views, 159 Comments

Chaos Next Door - Sketchy Changeling

You'd expect that having Discord as your neighbor would be a pain, and you're right.

  • ...

Final Chapter: Finally Friends [With New Author's Note!]

Discord and Eric continued to awkwardly look at each other, the situation getting more uncomfortable by the minute. With a gulp, Eric started to say something.

“So… you told Azure that I was telling the truth?” he asked.

“Yeah…” said Discord.

“Why?” Eric asked.

“Because I owed you,” Discord explained as he walked towards the couch and slumped into it. “It was my fault that you and Azure had that fight in the first place. What made me feel worse was that I was only trying to help.”

“Help?” Eric asked as he followed him to the couch and sat next to him.

“Well, yeah. I was telling you to be more assertive because I thought that Azure would grow bored of you and move on to someone else. I didn’t know that she preferred a non-aggressive relationship. In the end I just wanted you to be more confident.”

As Eric took in Discord’s words, he began to feel bad about lashing out at him. He sighed deeply and looked down at the floor. “I didn’t know that you were actually trying to help me,” he said, more to himself than to Discord “Luna was right; I am stubborn. I’m sorry for overreacting last night.”

“Don’t be,” the draconequus said with a raised hand. “I deserved ever bit of it. After tormenting you for over a year, I had it coming.”

“Even so, I can’t be too mad at you,” said the human. “I mean, you’re the embodiment of chaos. It’s in your nature. I guess it was just your way of having fun. I never thought of that until now because of how close-minded I was.”

“So I guess we both have flaws about ourselves that we need to work on,” Discord said, risking a smile. “I’ll try not to pester you so much.”

“And I’ll try not to be so uptight and blame all my problems on you,” Eric said, returning the smile.

“So… we’re cool?” Discord asked.

“Yeah,” said Eric. “We’re cool.”

They both chuckled and bumped fists, finally becoming friends. “So,” said the draconequus, “Looks like we’ll be taking our marefriends to dinner on Friday night. Did you catch the name of the restaurant?”

“Jack’s Bistro. It’s the one with the mountainside view,” the human answered.

“Wait… isn’t that the really expensive one?” Discord asked.

“Oh yeah… Looks like we’ll have to work overtime for the next few days,” said Eric.

“Why are you complaining? You’re assistant manager. Your salary is twice as big as mine.”

“If we’re gonna be eating at Jack’s Bistro, we’re both gonna need every bit we can get.”

“Hopefully, the mare’s will give us a reward after the date, if you catch my drift,” Discord said with a wink.

Eric smirked. “Well, according to Celestia, it’ll be the first time you’ve ever gotten a ‘reward’ from her,” he said.

Discord’s eyes shrunk to the size of pin pricks and he started to blush. “Wait, Celestia told you that I was a virgin!?” he asked in shock.

Eric let out a loud laugh. “No, she just told me that you never had sex with her. You told me that you were a virgin. You just snitched on yourself!”

“I’ll have to talk to Tia about that big mouth of hers,” Discord said with disdain.

Eric and Discord’s double date turned out to be a relative success. Celestia was able to get the table with the best view, and she got Luna to set up a beautiful night just for them.

Eric and Discord, didn’t get a “reward,” in case you were wondering.

As time went on, Discord and Eric became really good friends. Eric was finally able to have visitors over to his house without worrying about Discord spoiling anything. They even had their own guy’s night every week so they could spend time away from the mares.

Eric and Azure Gem’s relationship became stronger than when it first formed. Discord still offered advice from time to time, only this time in the form of flirting tips. When put into practice, Azure would always blush. He eventually made it a game to see how red he could make her face when he complimented her about how soft her mane felt of how nice her coat smelled. Eric had Azure Gem over to his house often so she could look over his writing and help him out with ideas, and he eventually submitted his work to a Canterlot publisher.

Discord and Celestia’s on-and-off routine finally ended, and they’ve maintained a steady relationship since making up. Learning from his past mistakes, Discord started to make an effort to spend more time with the princess, and with help from Eric and Azure, he finally cleaned up his pigsty of a house so Celestia could visit him if she wanted to. Discord still didn’t get to lose his virginity yet, but that was the least of his concerns.

As for Luna, she continued to follow her “living single” philosophy. The nobles of Canterlot still pined for her hand in marriage, and their squabbles amongst each other entertained the Princess of the Night to no end.


It was a relatively warm afternoon when Discord and Eric were walking home from work, with Azure and Luna tagging along.

“So, Lulu,” said Eric. “Whatever happened to that entrepreneur that kept harassing you for the past few weeks. I haven’t seen him all day.”

“Oh, I had two of my night guards pay him a visit,” she explained. “I asked them to intimidate him a little so that he wouldn’t hassle me anymore.”

“Actually, the word is…” Eric said, preparing to correct the princess, only to realize that she had actually gotten the word right “Wow, you actually got a modern phrase right for once. I guess you’re finally getting used to modern language.”

“That’s right!” Luna said with a satisfied smile. “I’m finally getting the hangar!”

“I think you spoke too soon, Eric,” Azure said with a chuckle.

“Oh, Luna, when will you ever get the hang of this?” Discord laughed, receiving a roll of the eyes from the princess.

When the group finally reached Eric’s house, Eric checked the mail and found one letter in the mailbox. He didn’t bother to look at who it was from, and he unlocked the front door to let everypony in. Once Eric entered the house and closed the door behind him, he finally took a look at the letter, and his eyes widened in surprise.

“What is it, Eric?” Azure asked, immediately noticed the look on his face.

“It’s from Canterlot Publishing,” he said, unsure of whether he’s supposed to be surprised or worried. “They finally wrote back to me…”

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Luna said. She felt excited despite the fact that she knew the letter wasn’t for her. “Open it!”

Eric took a deep breath and nervously tore the envelope open. He unfolded the letter inside and began to read what was on the paper.

Dear Mr. Quincy,

I apologize for the long wait, but I was finally able to look over the writing samples you sent me. I have given it much thought, and I must admit that your writing is very solid. There is a unique style that you have, and you have a talent for writing in a broad range of genres. I was particularly impressed with the one pilot chapter you wrote, and I have decided to offer you a five-year publishing contract with that story being your first novel publication. We can meet later to discuss the details, so please reply back soon with a list of dates when you will be available for a meeting. I look forward to hearing back from you.

First Edition
Editor, Canterlot Publishing

Eric was speechless when he finished reading the letter, and Discord, Azure, and Luna began to congratulate him.

“What did I tell you?” said Discord. “You had nothing to worry about.”

“I look forward to reading your first novel!” said Luna.

Azure ran up to Eric and wrapped him up in a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you, sweetie!” she said excitedly. “I knew you could do it!”

“Thanks, Azzy,” he said. “You know, this could be a good time to tell Discord and Luna about you-know-what.”

The alicorn and the draconequus gave looks of confusion and curiosity. “What do you mean?” asked Luna.

“Well, Az and I have been dating for over a year now,” Eric explained, “and we decided to move in together.”

“Really?” asked Discord. “That’s excellent news!”

“Since Eric has the house with more room, I’ll be moving here with him,” said Azure. “We’ll be moving all my stuff out of my place this weekend.”

“Aww, that’s so romantic!” Luna swooned.

“Says the mare that wants to stay single for the next nineteen years,” Discord snickered.

“Hush, you. Just because I’m not interested in a relationship doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate romance,” the princess huffed.

After lounging around and chatting for a while, Luna and Azure Gem, left Eric’s house, leaving him and Discord alone.

“So, Eric,” said the draconequus. “You’re still going to help me with that thing today, right?”

“Yeah,” he said. “You’ve made all the preparations, right.”

Discord snapped his fingers and a tuxedo appeared on him. “Of course,” he said.

As Eric and Discord walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle, Discord started to shiver.

“I don’t know if I can do this…” he said.

“Will you relax?” Eric said. “After two years of telling me how much of a pussy I was, you can’t back out now.”

“I’m not afraid to look like a hypocrite, Eric,” Discord retorted. “I will jump out that window right now!”


“I needed that,” he said.

“You’re welcome,” Eric said, shaking that stinging feeling out of his hand. “Now you have the flowers?”

“Yes,” the draconequus said, holding out the bouquet of roses he was carrying.

“You got the you-know-what?”

“Yes,” he said, taking a small black box from his tuxedo pocket.

“Okay, then you just go in and do your thing,” Eric assured. “You and Celestia haven’t fought once since you’ve made up a year ago, and you’ve been putting a lot of effort into strengthening your relationship. If you ask me, she’d be crazy to say no.”

Discord chuckled. “This is coming from the guy that used to hate my guts.”

“Well, after you helped me and Az get back together, I realized how loyal you can be,” said Eric. “Plus, I was being kind of an asshole myself, so it’s not like I wasn’t at fault either.”

Discord chuckled again. “That’s for sure,” he said. “Oh, before I forget, when you said that your pilot chapter got greenlighted as a novel, what was that story about?”

Eric looked away from him for a second, as if he was embarrassed about something. “Well, it’s about a guy that moves to a new place and finds out that he has a new neighbor. They don’t start off on good terms, but they soon come together as good friends.”

The draconequus smiled softly and asked “Do you have a title?”

The human smiled back and answered. “Yeah, Chaos Next Door.”

Discord put his hand on his chin in a thinking pose. “Meh, I’m not really feeling it. You should keep experimenting.”

“Screw you,” Eric said jokingly. “That’s an awesome title, and you know it!”

“You can do better than Chaos Next Door,” Discord said teasingly.

“Don’t you have a princess to see?” Eric asked.

Discord chuckled and made his way to Celestia’s office. Once he knocked on the door, he turned back to look at Eric, who gave him a thumbs up. Discord returned the gesture, and then he heard Celestia’s voice from inside saying “Come in.” The draconequus gulped and entered the office hesitantly, leaving Eric outside.

Eric promised Discord that he’d wait outside to either congratulate him if things went well, or console him if things didn’t go so well, but Eric was sure that there was nothing to worry about. He turned around and looked outside the window in the hallway, which had a great view of Canterlot.

He could see the bookstore, where he had gotten his first job in Equestria.

He could see the coffee shop, where Azure Gem worked.

He could see the diner where he, Luna, Azure, and Discord would go to lunch.

He could see Azure’s house, where he had his first kiss with her.

And lastly, he could see his house and Discord’s where they’ve lived for a good two years. All the memories, good and bad, but mostly good, came back to him, and he thought to himself that even if he could have changed anything, he wouldn’t, because he’d miss out on having a worthwhile friend.

Eric’s train of thought was interrupted by a squeal of joy coming from Celestia’s office. A smile adorned his face when he realized what had just happened.

“I told you, Discord,” he thought. “You had nothing to worry about.”


Author's Note:

I want to thank everyone that's liked, commented on, and favorited this story. Be sure to look out for my next story, Fleeting Romance, coming later this week.

Comments ( 26 )

That was...AWESOME :pinkiehappy: I have never i said NEVER read something like this :pinkiehappy: Yout made realy good job especialy with the ending :twilightsmile: keep on good work dude

Eric smirked. “Well, according to Celestia, it’ll be the first time you’ve ever gotten a ‘reward’ from her,” he said.

Discord’s eyes shrunk to the size of pin pricks and he started to blush. “Wait, Celestia told you that I was a virgin!?” he asked in shock.

Eric let out a loud laugh. “No, she just told me that you never had sex with her. You told me that you were a virgin. You just snitched on yourself!”

Ha! Called it! :rainbowlaugh:

This has been one of the best fics I've read in a long time, even though my eventual debut will be epic. :moustache: I'll miss looking forward to the updates, but you ended it well. You have made a good simple story and taken a character we all love in an interesting direction whilst still keeping him true to himself. You're a damn fine author my friend. Keep on writing.

Vivas Noctus! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks. I have another story coming later this week.

Actually, it's just me that wrote this. My partner and I split after our first story.

And cue post story sadness.

That was nice. Eric is way more tolerant than I could be of Discord. I think after the first few month's I'd rig some sort of trap to get back at Discord. Maybe mixing salt with the pancake mix, or replace Discord's shampoo with some sort of condiment, like ranch dressing...
But still, great story, with a full ending. Sad it's over, but now that means I can look forward to new stories!

This was a great fanfic :D. I gotta say, Ive been looking for a fanfic where a human and Discord become friends, rather then being enemies like in the majority of fics that Ive read. You've reached, and gone beyond my expectations. Well done ^_^

Nice, well written save for a truck load of typos. The anthro tag was really only a slight thing, and I kinda forgot about it, which is nice to not have anthro shoved down your throat in an anthro tagged story. Also you made me want to punch my favorite character on more than one occasion. Luna was a good touch. In all honesty this is one of the best fics I've read.

That has got to be one of the best stories and endings I have ever read in a long time. It is practical GENIUS to think of this concept and doing it so well. I've read good stories and also bad ones. But this one takes the cake for the most awesome slice-of-life ending... as of now. Well, it's been a good (and short :rainbowlaugh:) run we did with this awesome story, and I bid thee adieu.:moustache:


I know that feeling all too much.

Thanks, I write stories and comics with anthro characters all the time (and not just MLP), and over time, I've learned that the fact that the story contains anthro characters doesn't need to be pushed into the reader's face every chapter. It's just there. The anthro tag is explanation enough that there's anthros in the story.

Good ending well done you made Eric look like a badass in the end

Oh man, I totally forgot about that. Derp.

Woah I'm a day late for the farewell party. stupid fave thing didn't tell me. Can't wait for the next installment in your story list. :twilightsmile:

Would you two mind explaining to me how an anthro story shoves "anthro" down people's throats?

This was the best chapter ever! :pinkiehappy:

YAY! It's a happy ending!!

YAY! It's a happy ending!!

Oh no this story's over! Whatever ehall I do?!:raritydespair:

Oh yeah, more of your stories await!:pinkiehappy:

I was going to read one chapter before going to bed but I end up reading the whole thing. Nice Story., now I have to wait for your updates on your other stories.:scootangel:

wow man, it's a very good story, congratulation :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I think Eric broke the wall....cuz of the actual story title!

Maybe that's because this is the book he wrote... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

No hard feelings, man. I pretty much have the same sentiments that you do. This is one of my earlier stories that I made before I really started to develop my skills, so the storytelling is definitely a bit rocky here.


Ah okie well you've definitely improved drastically since this story I have to say though it's actually like a zergling morphing into a bootiful overseer (starcraft references abound)

I really feel like the last chapter of that story was rushed, it seemed like there was a good setup for a much longer fic.

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