• Member Since 16th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 13th, 2022


Will work on later


Life for the Great and Powerful Trixie may not be the wealthiest or most dignified one, but it's the lifestyle she chose, and everypony seems to love her for it.

Well, almost everypony. High up in the white marbled walls of Canterlot, a storm of intrigue and political upheaval is stirring with the recent return of Princess Luna, and the boastful and flashy magician is about to be paid a disapproving visit by the one antagonist who can and will threaten to sever all links and ties to her life and place in Manehattan, and just may be the Elements of Harmony's most powerful adversary yet.

Her mother.

Story set in the Manehattanverse

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 124 )

Dammit, now I got that song from Tangled stuck in my head!

Oh, well, might as well read this.

Octavia's so shocked by the revelations that she doesn't have a witty anecdote... :derpytongue2:

And so this is Trixie's mom. I just know that something is gonna happen at the Latigo event.

I'm also wondering if, and that's a big if, Moonlight will get better at the end of the story. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.:pinkiesmile:

New Skyheart Manehattanverse story?

I am totally there!
Trixie's mom is great. Trixie is doooooomed! I think Twilight may get a letter from her own family soon enough.

Good to see a new story up and about! Can't wait to see the rest of the story!
P.S. Are you going to add this to the universe folder?

Dangit, man, stop takin' cues from the Lunaverse. Trixie is a transmuter if anythin'.

Wait, the Night Court? Alright, see, this is exactly what ah'm talkin' about... stop doin' this to me.

Failed School...Charismatic and disgraced mentor...evil mom.

You're making Trixie the most complex character imaginable.

3766699 This times a dozen at least. Great setup... but Moonlight is really a rather large... Diamond Dog at the moment. As in I really wanna see her muzzle get kicked in.

And this whole hierarchy thing really does seem like something that wouldn't really be enforced nowadays.

Well, that sucked for poor Trixie.:fluttercry:

And the CMC will be shown in the next chapter? I wonder how they'll fit in this story.

That mare Moonlight is a monster...

At this point, I don't see a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Consider that the elements of harmony are a weapon, why can't they just say them being together is being in the interests of national security, which supersedes any inane law?

Moonlight, you selfish villainous moron, I shall not let you get away with all you have done!:flutterrage:

hey what position is Trixie's family in the night court as well as twilight's?

3842857 Probably because Moonlight would call them out on it, probably say 'Whether she is an element of Harmony or not doesn't matter, she is my daughter, and she has to do what I say.' Or something like that.

It's been discussed with LJP, there is no night court, just a royal court.


Will be further hashed out as the episode progresses.

So... Trixie is apparently related to Leonard Hofstadter. Who knew?

Wait, does that mean Twilight's stable can come and get her too?

It's interesting how in this universe being an Element gets you stuff. In the regular show they get jack.

With that one scene, Blosomforth is best pony in Manehatten-verse.

And just like that, her smirk was gone. "Gee, nice to know I played such a pivotal role in your skill as a motivational speaker."

Iron Will doesnĀ“t hold a candle next to Spike :moustache:

P.E: you know, I almost imagine Moonlight singing this to Trixie:

i wouldnt let my mother talk to me like that

The CMC is going to get lost in Canterlot.

Firecracker scares me.:rainbowderp:

I can tell that the CMC are going to somehow be partly the reason Trixie comes back. How that will happen, I don't know yet. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.:trixieshiftright:

I loved the begining, showing the crew try to cope with the loss of Trixie made the tone just right, and I love Twilight's assertiveness on the situation, and I'm curious on how Twilight's past plays out. Keep up the great work.

"Technically speaking, it was never officially interdicted. As power continued to decentralize, allowing for the rise of the bureaucratic class, the nobles' controlling influence shifted towards mayors, district attorneys, and federal unions rather than lesser members of the family, rendering the matricidal rules virtually obsolete. So the nobles just stopped enforcing them at some point. I'm pretty sure almost nopony even knows they still exist anymore."

Pretty sure you meant "matriarchal" there, but on the other hand, give it time. :raritywink:


Stupid spellcheck/autocorrect. :twilightangry2:

3854238 *laughs* No worries. I love your Life in Manehattan stories, and this one is looking to be as awesome as the others, so I typically don't harp on typos. That one just struck me as hilariously double-edged.

You know, I know I'm gonna get shouted down and told I 'don't see', but..

I really hope there's no reconciliation between Moonlight and Trixie. I really, really don't. Moonlight is an arrogant bitch who has no interest in Trixie other than a tool, possession and/or trophy. That's it. There's no maternal love, nothing there that can salvage her in my eyes. Send her packing, hopefully with a broken jaw.

Well, instant chaos, add the CMC!

Obviously, the solution is for Trixie to leverage her status as a national hero to go over Moonlight's head, and utterly crush that noxious viper. :twilightangry2:

3849328 Ha! Forget the Elements. Even being an alicorn princess can't get you a cab in the show's Manehattan. :rainbowlaugh:

I wonder what Trixie and her mother are up to next?:applejackunsure:

Ya might say they're gonna be a spanner in the works fer Moonlight.

An' yet a ticket to a lackluster high-society function will get someone ta do yer taxes for ya.

Solution is easy
Trixie just have to embarrass moonlight in fromt of the elite so much that she has too send trixie back so she can start on trying to fix her damaged reputation


After being humilliated in her own show , I donĀ“t think Trixie has the will to oppose her mother.

Ok, I am so making that Trixie's real name from now on! That is so awesome, though midsummer as a middle name...did you base that off of Pony POV?


Getting back on your hooves actually.

I want Moonlight DEAD, I want that cheating mare to go down.


On the other hand, think of how much other poinies are missing out because they are not heroes and how much its taking aways from their accomplishments outside of heroism because they are only seen as tools.


Sweet and yet another one of my favorite Trixie tales. By the way, nice cliffhanger.

If Checkered Monarch shows up, I'll be the first one out the door!

Oh, I always do love meeting Twilight's family, especially when we see the difference between Trixie's and a real family. Also, I did play the song as soon as Shining popped up. I couldn't help it, it was there. I was also expecting Orange to say to Velvet "Kids, they hit a certain age and think they know eveerything"

Yay for Shining being introduced earlier than in canon!

"Look, dad said, word for word, once we reach the end Clobbers Road, turn left onto Midnight Way, and it'll be impossible not to miss it."

"Yeah, that's another thing. Impossible not to miss it kinda implies we already know what to be looking for in the Lulamoon decor, when we clearly don't."

Good fluff chapter with Twilight's family, but you've got a double-negative here. You're saying they'd HAVE to miss it.

It's like someone saying "you never fail to disappoint."

Always tricky getting involved in politics. Damn useless nobility.

Nice setting up ground with Daring, Velvet, and Sandy in this story. I have plans for them in a future story. Also bringing Shining Armor into the picture instead of being introduced out of nowhere like in canon is a good place to set ground with Twilight's friend's knowing ahead of time.:pinkiehappy:

Lovely look into Twiley's family. Great having Velvet being the editor, here. :twilightsmile: Ah, the foals making foalish choices. And that estate... dang! :pinkiegasp:

And yes, as others have said, good to see Shiny a bit earlier than canon!

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Good call on introducing Shining earlier than canon.

I highly doubt that the CMC will stay put for long...

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