• Published 29th Oct 2013
  • 11,883 Views, 585 Comments

Memoirs in Ink and Blood - Corah Il Cappo

She betrayed us. She mislead us. She imposed her rule upon us. We rose in defiance. Sequel to The Monster We Made

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I Am Prince Blueblood

What use did a pony like me have in this strange new world?

It was a question I'm sure everypony was asking nowadays, yet I had asked it of myself nearly every day since the incident.

What was the point of Princes anymore?

Before all this madness fell, I had been a diplomat. A representative of the Canterlot Royalty to the nations abroad. But now, what was I?

Most ponies here would say I was nothing.

Some in fact might say I always had been inconsequential, a mortal pawn in a game of gods.

But I wasn't raised to believe that. I had been bred as a Prince, told that one day in the future I would inherit Equestria as king. I had been told again and again that whatever I wanted, I could have. Provided you had a way to get it of course.

I was raised to believe that a lone pony could stand against insurmountable odds and still overcome. Well, now the odds were stacked against me, and the way I saw it, there was only one option remaining.

I had to do the impossible.

It was do or die time, not just for me, but for all equinity. Either we acted now , or we would sit quietly and slowly watch our world wither and die. It was the fundamental question that defined life. Flight, or fight?

I would rather fight for that last fading glimmer of hope than die sitting on my flank.

Shining Armor and I entered Ponyville around noon. At least I assumed it was noon. It was so hard to tell with the sun frozen in place, but I digress.

The town had been nearly leveled. Buildings had been reduced to rubble, houses had been shattered into splinters, and trees burnt to cinders. The ponies who had inhabited this town didn't look much better. A few were wailing over the death of loved ones, and some cried softly for their lost homes. Most however, were silent. They simply didn't know how to react, and so they didn't. They simply sat amid the crater that had once been Ponyville, trying to wrap their minds around the situation at hoof.

They were confused, heartbroken, and afraid. Their ruler, the very God they served, had just crushed their homes and slaughtered their families. And she did it all without a care in the world for them.

They needed somepony to take charge.

They needed a leader.

I strode quietly to the center of down, kicking aside dead changlings as I went. I ignited my horn, infusing my magic into my voice as I spoke.

"Citizens of Ponyville!"

In an instant, all eyes were on me.

"You and I have next to nothing in common. I am a prince, a noble, a stallion of wealth and class. You are...for lack of a better term, the proletariat. You are workers, artisans, teachers, and parents. However, we now have one tie that binds us. Both of us have lost everything. Each and every pony here had a dream; whether it was to rule Equestria or make enough bits to open a new sweet shop, we all had something we strove for. Now, all of us have felt the sting of seeing that dream wither and die before our very eyes. Now, we have nothing.

"So I ask you: If we have lost everything, then what have we left to lose? Some of you will answer that you still have your lives. But do we really? Is a life lived in fear, uncertainty, and in the shadow of a tyrant really a life worth living? Would you want your children to grow up in this sort of world? A world where at any moment, the very God they revere could crash down into the midst of their city, smashing their house and livelihood? Or worse, smiting their family with arcane flames from the heavens?

"No. That is not the sort of world I was brought up to believe in, and its not one that you ought to put up with. We have nothing to lose, yet everything to gain. We have a choice to make here. Either we can sit here amid the rubble and feel sorry for ourselves and sob about how much the world has changed, or we can journey to Canterlot and make our voices heard. We can hope for change, or we can get up and make that change happen. I've already made up my mind, what about you? Are you just going to sit around and hope I change things?"

A wave of approval rippled through the crowd. What began as murmurs had risen into shouts and cheers.

For one brief shining moment, I was the prince I had been bred to be.

"We will march on Canterlot, and perhaps we go to our death. But when history remembers this day, let them know that our march was not one of sorrow and despair. We will march will all the confidence and bravado we can muster. Beat drums, sing songs, and raise cheers as we walk. For we march not as lambs to the slaughter, but as ponies into a bright and glorious new future! Citizens of Ponyville, we march to freedom!"

And march we did.

Through fields, rivers, and hills we went. Music and song and laughter filling the air as we trekked. Ponies played flutes, drums, violins, and tambourines, joining together with a symphony of voices joined in anthems of joy. Ponies danced as they walked, stepping in time with the beat. Despite all that we had been through, there was still one last shred of hope buried deep inside of us, and having found that shred, we clung to it.

Perhaps we marched to our death. After all, mere mortals going up against a god was impossible.

I am Prince Blueblood.

And I believe in the impossible.

Author's Note:

Hacheshoch yashabor vashemesh ya'aloh.