• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 6,720 Views, 421 Comments

Augmented Love - Silentpegasus

After losing his right arm and eye, Crank Shaft, and his parents move to Ponyville to get away from the busy city and enroll him in the local high school.

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Chapter 5: Truth or Dare?

Chapter 5

Truth or Dare?

“For the last time Mire. The answer is no!” Vermillion yelled as he glared at a Pegasus with jet black wings and matching hair. His green eyes rolled behind a pair of wire rimmed spectacles.

“Think of the money we could make if we made a deal with them.” He said as he and the Unicorn marched down the hallways inside the Vanhoover branch of Blackhawk Industries.

“They’re a bunch of radical extremists and barbarians.” Vermillion said as he quickly checked his breath. “Besides we don’t have the resources for something like that.”

“Just get your cyborg to-” The man was cut off as the Unicorn grabbed him by the collar. The Pegasus felt himself being picked up and his back being slammed against the wall.

“Listen to me and listen to me good because I’m only going to say this once.” The Unicorn’s eyes were burning. “If you disrespect my family one more time then I’ll throw you to the hounds.” The Pegasus gulped. “I protected you from the board members when that business in Stalliongrad went South.”

The man shivered as he remembered the incident. “I did it for old times sake.” He said as he let the man go. “Thats your warning.” The Pegasus sighed and adjusted his glasses.

“Sorry.” He said in a half assed tone.

“Good, because next time,” The man gulped as he saw red electricity arcing from the Unicorn’s fingers. “your position on the board will be the least of your concerns.” He said before storming off.

Crank sat in his room with a pen in his mouth and a list of plays he had spent the last five hours making up. The man put the pen and pad down before getting to his feet and stretching. The small AI appeared next to him.

“Got a lot of plays?”

“Yeah, but if I put that pen back in my hand its gonna lock up.” He said as he flexed his left hand. “I need some air.” He said as he walked downstairs.

“Your mother is still at work and your father is in Vanhoover meeting with the board members.”

“Thank you D.” He said before leaving his home. The man cracked his neck and felt the cool fall wind whipped at his skin. The man made his way down the road and into the park. The man spied a book on a bench and walked over to it. He picked it up in his hand and read the cover to himself.

Daring Do and the Griffin’s Goblet. He looked at the book and shrugged.

“Look out!” The Unicorn turned around to see a rainbow blur rocketing towards him. He tried to teleport out of the way but the blur was too fast and he felt a hard skull slamming into his chest before feeling his back hit the ground. He felt his back dig into the dirt and his shoulder blades scrape against some rocks. Crank opened his eyes to see a tuff of rainbow hair and a pair of maroon colored eyes staring at him.

“Oops, sorry Crank.” She said as she got off him and helped him up. The man dusted himself off and cracked his shoulder.

“What were you doing?” He asked as he looked at the sweating flyer.

“I was trying out this new trick when a rouge breeze knocked me off course and I started falling.” She said as she cracked her back. “Luckily I landed on something soft.”

“Yeah, me.” He deadpanned.

“Heh-heh. Sorry.” She said as she scratched her head. “What are you doing out here anyway?”

“Well, I spent most of the day writing plays for Soarin and I didn’t feel like working so I decided to go for a walk.” He said as the two walked along the path. “Then I found this book.” He said as he held it up.

“Gah!” Dash yelled.

“What?” He said as the flyer ripped it out of his hands.

“That’s mine!” She said covering it with her arms. Crank spied a small blush forming on her face. “You didn’t see me with this got it?”

“So you read. Big deal.” He said with a shrug.

“Yes, it is!”

“I read all the time.”

“Yeah, but you’re smart. So it doesn’t count.”

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. There’s nothing wrong with reading.” He said as he face palmed. “Daring Do isn’t that bad.”

“You ever read her stuff?”

“Yeah, when I was eight.” He said with a shrug. “I eventually got bored of her.” Dash looked at him as though he had murdered someone.

“What? How can you get tired of daring Do?” The flyer yelled. “She’s only like the most awesomest Pegasus ever.”

“Really?” He said in a sarcastic tone.

“Well, besides me anyway.” She said in a cocky tone. “So what do you read if not that?”

“The Hobbit and other books like that.”

“Boring.” She said as she stuck her tongue out. “Speaking of boring, how was that game you played.”

“Don’t ask.” He grumbled.

“Told you it would suck.”

“The visuals were awesome and the combat was superb.” He said with a sigh. “But the story was just.....shit.”

“You should get Dead Rising 3.”

“I plan to.” He said as he cracked his neck. “Well, see ya later Dash.” A thought suddenly came to the flyer and she zoomed in front of him.

“Hey are you doing anything tonight?” Crank gulped and for some reason felt hot under the collar.

“N-no, why?”

“Twilight, the girls and I are going over to the library tonight.”

“Isn’t it closed?”

“No, Twilight is the librarian there and has the keys.”

“So you guys are having a slumber party?” He said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Nah, we’re just gonna hang out and I need someone else there who isn’t all...girly.” She said with a shiver. “I mean, AJ is cool, but we usually get outnumbered.”

“I don’t know Dash. Six girls one guy? Kinda out of my comfort zone.” He said with a sigh. The girl then put on her best puppy dog eyes and pouted.

Damn you Dash. Damn you to hell!

“Fine, I’ll go. But if things get too girly then I am O-U-T out!”

“Awesome! I’ll tell Twi to make room for one more.” She said before zooming away. Crank shook his head and continued to make his way through the small town. The man yawned and cracked his back. He looked at his phone and gulped as he saw the date.

The man looked around and eyed a nearby flower shop. Crank went inside and saw several assortments of flowers. The Unicorn looked around and started to browse the different types of flowers.

“Can I help you?” Crank looked to his left and saw the red haired girl from his English class.

“Yeah. Rose right?” He said as he scratched the back of his head.

“Yup, Roseluck. You can just call me Rose.” She said with a smile. “You’re Crank right?”

“Yeah.” He said with a nervous grin. Rose giggled at his awkwardness.

“You said you needed help with something?”

“Right sorry, I tend to space out. I need a dozen cut roses.” He said as the girl giggled.

“Sure, do you want the thorns removed?” She asked as she grabbed a glove and slipped it over her slender arm.

“No thanks, they’re fine as they are.” He said in a flat tone.

“So who’s the lucky lady?”


“I’m assuming you’ve got a date.” She said with a snide smile.

“No, I’m just picking them up cause my mom needed them for a vase.” He lied.

“Oh sorry. I just assumed. I can’t tell you how many times a guy forgets an anniversary or birthday and go with the quick flower card.” She said as she finished cutting the plants.

“So you work here?” The girl gave a nod.

“Yup, I love gardening.” She said as she handed him the flowers. Crank reached into his pocket and withdrew the money.

“Thanks.” He said as he paid the woman.

“Cool see ya around.” She said with a smile. The man nodded and made his way out of the store. The man walked over to a pay phone that was on the corner of the bakery and stepped inside. He put a few coins inside and dialed a number.

“Hello?” A masculine voice said.

“This 119, Grimm Avenue, Manehattan?”

“Yeah why?”

“You’re gonna want to stand back.” Crank’s horn flared and the man vanished from the booth with the flowers.

It was around eight o’clock at night when the friends gathered at the library. Twilight opened the door and the group made their way inside the library. Twilight quickly set up a few bean bag chairs in a circle and started to cook some popcorn. The fashionista then noticed that they had seven chairs.

“Um Twilight, why is there another one? Is Spike coming?”

“No, he’s having some tournament with Snips and Snails on his game box seven.”

“X-box One.” Dash corrected as she face palmed.

“Right that thing.” She said as she poured some drinks. “Crank is joining us.” The other girls except for Rainbow looked at her in surprise.

“I invited him.” Dash said with a shrug.

“Sound like a hoot.” The farmer said with a nod. The girls then heard the library’s phone ring. Twilight shrugged and walked over to it.

“Hello?” She said as she held the receiver in her hand.


“Who is this?”

“Its Crank.”

“Oh good, everyone just got here.” She said with a smile. “Where are you?”



“I had some business for my dad here. Don’t worry I’ll be right there.”

“How? Manehattan is a full day’s trip by train.”

“Hold the receiver away from you.”


“Humor me.” Twilight shrugged as the other girls looked at her.

“Okay.” She said as she held her arm out. The receiver started to crackle with electricity and a bolt of grey lightning shot out of the end and struck the wooden floor of the library. The girls shielded their eyes as they heard a familiar voice grunt.

“Okay, ow.” Crank said as he cracked his back.

“What in tarnation?” The farmer said as she looked at the man. “Where’d you come from?”

“Manehattan.” He said as he rotated his shoulder. “I can travel through phone lines with my magic.” He said was grey sparks arced between his fingers. "Just uses a lot of magic."

“Cool!” Pinkie said. The friends sat down and started to small talk. Crank kept silent most of the time as the girls bantered. Applejack managed to bring some of her family’s hard cider. Twilight and Rarity opted out. Crank only had one glass. Dash’s crazy thinking mixed with the alcohol formed an idea.

“Hey guys, lets play truth or dare.” She said with a smirk. Crank face palmed with his right hand and groaned.

“Ohh! I love that game!” Pinkie chimed.

“Only this time there are rules.” Dash said. “If you can’t perform the dare or back out then you have to face a penalty that the person who dared you gets to choose. Sound fair?” Fluttershy and Twilight both had nervous looks on their faces. Crank rolled his eyes and nodded. “Sweet. Who should go first?”

“Me!” Pinkie chimed. The group looked towards the pastry chef. “Dashie, truth or dare?”

“Dare!” She said in a cocky tone.

“I dare you to...stand on her head.”

“That all?” Dash said as she rolled on her back and did a hand stand. The woman slowly put her head on the floor and balanced herself. Crank was impressed by her athleticism. “See, no problem.” She said as she forced a smile. The flyer then went back to sitting. “My turn.” The flyer scanned the room and looked at her potential victims.

As the game continued the truth’s got more embarrassing and the dares were bolder. Applejack locked eyes with Rarity and grinned.

“Okay Rarity, truth or dare.”

“Dare.” She said with a proud tone.

“Ah dare ya to actually try in shop class.” The group let out a collective ‘ohh’ sound.

“I try!”

“No, no you don’t.” Crank said. “You complain about everything we do. Even during shop clean up.”

“Well, excuse me for caring about my appearance.” She scoffed.

“Well, if ya don’t stop being so dang fussy then Copper will fail ya and you’ll get held back.” The farmer said as she sipped her drink. The seamstress pouted.

“Seriously Rarity,” Dash started. “I had to take that last year and it was kinda fun. Mr Copper is cool. Not cool like me he’s like.” The flyer scratched her chin trying to find the right words.

“Old man cool?” Crank said.

“Yeah, like that.”

“My turn.” Rarity said as she narrowed her eyes on the man. “Crank, truth or dare?”

“Truth.” He said as he sipped is drink.

“What was your first kiss like?” The man almost choked on his drink.

“C’mon Rarity, isn’t that a tad bit personal?” The yellow flyer said. The man thought for a moment and sighed.

“I’ll take a penalty for that one.” He said. Rarity smirked and an idea came to her.

“You have to give Rainbow Dash a wing massage.” The flyer and the Unicorn’s faces turned bright red. The others’ jaws dropped.

“C’mon Rarity, that’s going a bit far isn’t it?” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“It’s a penalty.” She shrugged. The two frowned at each other and sighed.

“Fine.” They both breathed out. Dash got to her feet and sat in front of the Unicorn. Crank was blushing profusely as Dash spread her wings.

“Just don’t hurt them.”

“Relax. My mom is a scalpel jockey. I know how to handle these things.” He said as he put his hand on the delicate appendages. Dash flinched as she felt his hands on her wings. The man slowly started to rub them. Dash was biting her lip in an effort to calm herself down.

The man then went to where her wings connected with her back and applied a little bit of pressure. Both wings were now standing on end. Crank ran some magic into his hands and a small electric current started to work at the nerves of the wings. Dash’s eyes were rolling in the back of her head as she felt the magic lightly shocking the wings.

Her face was bright red and she was clenching her hands as the pleasure washed through her wings. Dash looked up at the ceiling and her tongue was hanging out as she felt her wings stiffen for a final time before falling limp. The cyan flyer was panting heavily and Crank’s face was red as a tomato.

“Happy?” Dash said as she glared the fashionista.

“Very.” She giggled. Crank then got to feet.

“I’m heading out.”


“I have to got to practice tomorrow and teach the team a few plays.” He said as his face returned to its normal color. “The homecoming game is Friday and we need to work our asses off.” He said as he walked towards the door. “See ya tomorrow.” He said with a wave.

The other girls glared at Rarity. Dash’s face was still blushing as she bore daggers through her.

“Rarity, ya just crossed the line.” The farmer said. “Ya just embarrassed him and Dash in front of everyone here.”

“Yeah Rarity, you went over board.” Pinkie added.

“How would you feel if someone rubbed your horn?” Twilight said with a sigh. Rarity hung her head and let out a sigh.

“Fine.” She groaned. “I’ll apologize to him tomorrow.” A long silence fell over the group.

“Maybe we should call it a night.” Twilight said as she started to clean up. The friends departed and made their way home. Rainbow Dash flew into her room’s open window and quickly hoped into bed. The cyan flyer’s face was still bright red as she started to fall asleep.