• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,210 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

  • ...

Chapter IX: Chaos & The Distant Past

"So, has the target been eliminated yet?” Xehanort asked. The three members had returned, and he hoped they brought good news.

"It turns out to be much more complicated. He has acquired the help of a Keyblade Wielder." Xemnas replied.

Xehanort looked over to the three. He felt that this should've been such a minor task for these three. "Oh well, I can guess that this certain Keyblade wielder is one of the three right, perhaps Sora?"

Xemnas shook his head. "No, this Keyblade wielder is unlike anyone we have ever seen, she controls this new form of Keyblade that none of us have seen.”

“She’s definitely different. A new type of Keyblade wielder and she doesn’t feel human at all.” Saix added.

"Plus, she can teleport everywhere at once and even hit us from afar without needing to be close to us, kinda wish she was with us though." Xigbar stated with a sly grin on his face. He then added, "So what do we do now? Should we call off the mission?" Xigbar asked.

"For now, we shall wait and see what transpires. I’m interested to see whether it is us that sets him off, or if the world and his friends do." Xehanort announced.

The three members disappeared in the darkness, Leaving Xehanort to contemplate his thoughts. Hmm. Xaniel sure is very different from any regular Nobody. It will be interesting to see what happens next. But in the meantime, I shall send him to keep watch over them.


Xaniel woke up, seeing the bright light as usual. He got out of bed and walked over to his window, he always loved to look out into the world of Equestria, this world almost reminded him of home, except for all the ponies that walked around the streets of this city. Xaniel put on his normal clothes and found his coat hidden inside the closet. He looked it over again and loved what Rarity did with it.

Xaniel slipped it on and felt much more normal than he did before. Xaniel then headed out the door. He looked both ways before walking downstairs. He heard some noises outside in the courtyard and was curious to see what it was. He walked over and saw that it was two guards having a practice session with their weapons, Xaniel saw that these ponies were capable of fighting, but it seemed like they rarely ever did any fighting before, so he decided to watch them practice.

He didn't notice Fluttershy and Twilight sneak up on him. "Hey, Xaniel."

He looked over to them. "Oh, hi Fluttershy, Twilight. How are you doing this morning?" Xaniel asked.

"Oh, fine, I was just wondering, why are you watching those guards practice down there?" Twilight stated.

"Well I just thought it might be interesting to see how ponies fought is all, I don't see you guys fight all that much anyway since your world is so peaceful."

Fluttershy then looked over to him. "Well, we’ve never had a need for violence before.” She paused, raising her hoof and pointing out to the world before them.

Twilight then added, “Our world has always been so peaceful, that we’ve never needed to use any type of action to get what we wanted. There are only a few times when it was needed, but those are still rare.”

He looked out to the world again and smiled. A world where violence was never really necessary. This world was truly special in its own way, and he was afraid for it. His stomach then interrupted their conversation by growling loudly. He looked down and then turned over to the girls, smiling nervously and rubbing the back of his head with his hand. Fluttershy and Twilight giggled. Fluttershy then said, “Come on Xaniel lets go get something from the dining hall, it is morning after all."

He looked back to her. "Yeah, why not."

They headed on over to the dining hall. There, they saw that Pinkie Pie and Rarity were already seated down. "Hello you three, how are we this lovely morning?" Rarity asked, her voice only raised up to a minor yell.

"I'm good." Fluttershy replied.

“Same for me Rarity.” Twilight announced.

"Same here, oh and thank you again for my coat Rarity, I think you did a wonderful job on it." Xaniel said.

"Oh it was nothing Xaniel, I was very happy to work with new material, I already have some new ideas about the style's of my new line of dresses." Rarity replied.

"And I'm still eating this super yummy chocolate chip muffin right now." Pinkie Pie stated randomly.

Everyone looked at her for a moment before returning to their conversations. Later on Applejack came through the doors, followed by Rainbow Dash.

Celestia and Luna, followed by Cadence and Shining Armor appeared, with Vera tagging behind. Soon after everyone got there, they began to eat their meals and talk about last night's incident. "You see, we have to be on alert at all times from now on, they could appear from anywhere, be careful everypony." Luna announced.

"But how do we protect Canterlot from an enemy that can just teleport anywhere?" Rainbow asked.

“I do not know, but we need to keep watch constantly from now on.” Celestia replied.

Twilight then looked over to Xaniel. “If it’s alright with you? I volunteered to keep watch over you for the first day.”

Xaniel simply nodded, happy that he’d be able to have a friend around to talk to. The group continued to eat in silence for a few moments before a strange cloud of mist appeared at the middle of the table. A new and strange looking being appeared from out of nowhere in a small explosion of lights. The being laughed as he slowly floated down onto one of the chairs. “Greetings my little ponies.” The being announced. “So what’s on today’s agenda? Meeting with special nobles, consorting about the magic of friendship, discussing about how wonderful I am?”

“Discord. What are you doing here?” Celestia asked, irritated that he had dropped in when they were discussing important matters.

“Oh don’t be such a drag Celestia. I was just getting done checking my calendar yesterday and noticed that some major chaos has been spreading out for the past month. Have you any idea why?” He smirked, smiling as he awaited his answer.

“Well we’ve been dealing with certain matters that cannot be shared with anypony else...but if you must know, we have learned of a certain group devoted to darkness and they have been causing some trouble in Equestria."

Xaniel zoned out of the conversation as he stared at this ‘Discord’ character. He was certainly different from any creatures he had ever seen around here. He looked like a toy that had all of it’s original pieces taken apart and new pieces from different toys were randomly put together. But that wasn’t the only thing that was off. He thought he felt something familiar about this being, something he had felt not too long ago.

Discord then noticed Xaniel out of the corner of his eye and grinned with mischief. “Say...who’s the new guy?” Discord observed, but he remembered who this was from yesterday’s tiny incident.

“This here is Xaniel.” Twilight cautiously answered. “He’s a new being we have discovered, as you have noticed and he is here to ask for our help.”

“Oh really. Surely this isn’t some new pet that Celestia just adopted?”

“Discord, that’s not nice to say.” Pinkie remarked.

“Discord, remember your manners. We have to treat guests with respect.” Fluttershy asserted, not happy with the way Discord was talking to Xaniel.

Xaniel couldn’t help but feel that this creature was similar to… “Wait...is this-”

The painful memory from yesterday played over in his head, as he heard the maniacal laughter of some being, who had taken away his necklace and almost killed him in the process of doing so. Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to keep it for...long.

The amount of anger inside himself began to build up. His right arm and hand began to shake. He knew that he needed to contain all of this, but the fact that someone had almost killed him did not sit well with him at all. In fact it made his anger worse and the feeling of hatred soon developed.

Twilight was laughing at something Applejack said, when she turned to look at Xaniel and noticed that he was shaking quite a bit. She got out of her chair and slowly walked over to him. She put her hoof on his shoulder and said, “Xaniel...are you alright?”

Everypony turned towards him and noticed the same thing. Something was wrong, and they were worried. Why was he shaking so much? Discord in turn, just smiled as he realized that Xaniel was finally remembering what he did to him.

Inside himself, Enial began to feel the dark energy rise within Xaniel. He quickly stopped contemplating about why he felt anger within him when he realized that he felt the negative energy from before. “It’s that being from before…oh no...no…Xaniel.”

Enial teleported himself to the glass tower and called out his other. “Xaniel! Please stop!” He didn’t reply. Enial had feared the worse. “Xaniel! Do not let your anger control you. Get away from him!” Xaniel still did not respond. “No...Xaniel.” Enial uttered fearfully.

Back into the world, Discord was snickering at Xaniel. Was he really this angry for what he had done? All he did was just joke with him, nothing more. He didn’t know what those yellow specks of light were and didn’t think of them as anything else.

“Xaniel...what’s wrong?” Twilight asked nervously. She was worried, for she never saw him like this before.

Everypony was nervous. Nopony had ever seen Xaniel shake like this before and none of them realized why. Xaniel then raised his right hand outwards, his breathing became heavy and ragged. Light and darkness soon converged into his palm, but what freaked everypony out was that they noticed that he wasn’t just shaking, but tears began to run freely down his face.

Xaniel was enraged, to see the same being from yesterday here. Twilight was anxious and scared for him now. She then looked to where he was staring at, and noticed that he was looking directly at Discord. Her anger rose too, as she began to think that Discord may have done something to him. “Discord!” She yelled out, furious at him. “What the hay did you do?!”

He raised his hands in the air, acting as if he was being blamed for something he didn’t do. “What? I didn’t do anything to him.”

Xaniel’s raged worsened. His staff appeared and he slowly stood up from his seat. “Xaniel please, calm down. Whatever Discord did to you, we’ll handle it.” Twilight pleaded with him.

“Discord what did you do?” Celestia asked. Whatever he did, it had really set Xaniel off.

“I swear I didn’t do anything. All I did was take his necklace away for about two minutes. That’s all.”

“Why did you tease him? He didn’t deserve it.” Cadence questioned him.

Discord was about to reply, but he was cut off when Xaniel began to say, “You...how...how could you...do that?” Xaniel uttered angrily.

“I...I thought it was a simple joke, nothing more.”

A forest green aura slowly formed around Xaniel, which began to darken until it was completely flowing black and purple. “A...a simple joke?” Xaniel stopped for a moment, gaining his voice for what he was trying to say. “You, you almost KILLED ME!” Xaniel yelled.

A dark ball of energy was forming within his other palm as he was talking, which he then threw it at Discord who got out of the way just in time before it crashed into him. It hit the wall behind him, making Discord look at the spot that was darkened by the blast. He turned at Xaniel, who had separated his staff into his two swords. “Okay small fry. You think you can handle me, Discord, The Master of Chaos?”

Xaniel didn’t reply, but just readied himself. Discord attacked first, by throwing balls of fire at him. He quickly dodged them and rushed Discord, who wasn’t prepared for the strength that Xaniel had stored away. He slashed his chest and stomach and sent him skidding across the ground and into the wall. Dazed, he shook it off and noticed that Xaniel was walking over to him. All he could see in his eyes was a hatred that he had never seen before.

“Xaniel stop! Think about what you're doing.” Twilight pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. Xaniel turned one of his swords into the chain weapon and swung it at Discord.

He quickly dodged the swipe and raised his right hand up. Pillars of ice exploded from the floor below Xaniel, but he just simply teleported before they could pierce his body. This opponent, Discord thought, was completely different from anyone else he had fought before. Luna’s power was drowned out compared to him, but it seemed he was short of reaching Celestia’s.

Discord quickly got up and threw more fireballs at him, but Xaniel just kept teleporting around them. Discord, frantic that Xaniel was closing in, summoned a dark energy ball and slammed it into the ground, causing a wave of darkness to head right towards Xaniel. He wasn’t ready for that and was knocked back, flying into the wall himself. He slid down the wall, but his anger had not dissipated, but the time to finish him was now.

Before he could do that, Discord snapped his fingers and a prison cell appeared around him. “How about you take a few moments to calm down in my little cage there and maybe we can talk about this later.” Discord told Xaniel, irritated that this shrimp could possibly hurt him.

Xaniel grabbed his weapons from the floor and tried to teleport, but when he did, the magic of the cage pulled him back into it. “Oh and if you’re thinking of trying to escape, good luck. I enchanted it with a spell that blocks and absorbs all types of teleportation magic.”

Twilight ran around the table and headed towards Discord. She stopped a few feet away from him and yelled, “Discord! Let him out of there!”

“But you saw what he was trying to do. If I let him out, he’s just going to keep trying to fight me. Besides, you know how that will end for him.”

As this conversation was going on, Xaniel was repeatedly trying to teleport out of the cage. When this failed, he switched to his swords and swung at the bars, not making a single dent in them. Discord called out to him, “Oh, I forgot to mention that the metal on the cage is a very strong material, even I don’t know what it's made of.”

“Discord, would you kindly let Xaniel out of there. Please?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m not letting him out of there until he cools down in there.”

They heard a new sound and turned towards Xaniel. The sound was his weapon changing into something new. The staff became a longsword, with a weird type of attachment at the bottom. He looked at it and inspected the newly made weapon. How did I summon this one?

He then got a weird flash in his mind, someone new showing him how to use this version. This is how you use it. Make sure to make that thing suffer.

Who's there? But the voice didn't come back. Then as if on instinct, he pointed it at the cage and a dark purple and black light glowed from inside the hole. A loud bang came out from the new weapon and the dark energy ball quickly shot out and exploded against the inside of the cage. The three shielded themselves from the blast, when they opened their eyes, there was Xaniel, standing there. He looked at Discord with a bland expression. He then, in his right hand, swung the sword to the right and charged. Before he could get any closer, someone teleported between him and Discord.

When he looked up, he noticed that it was Vera who intervened in his fight. She then summoned her keyblade, charging her strike and sent multiple energy slashes at him, hitting him in the chest one after another. As Xaniel flew back, he lifted the weapon and shot out at Discord, the ball of energy quickly rushed past Vera and slammed into Discord. He flew back from the explosion and into the wall. Xaniel hit the wall head-first and was knocked unconscious.

“Xaniel!” Twilight yelled, as she ran over to the unmoving body of Xaniel. She looked at him and noticed that his chest was slowly moving up and down. She looked over to Discord and noticed a red mark where the ball of energy hit. It was bleeding only a little from what she saw. This fight didn’t need to happen, she thought. This fight could’ve gotten a lot worse.


What had taken place, was very interesting. A figure in a black cloak had witnessed the fight below him go on and he was surprised by Xaniel’s strength. Of course that’s only when he gathered the aura around him, without it he was much weaker than the tall white pony and the smaller dark blue pony.

“Hmm, he does show much promise. Xehanort was right about that. However, he was also right that the time for Nobodies like him is over.” The being then teleported away, satisfied that he had seen all he needed to.


Time had passed, and the sun was higher up in the sky. But the mood wasn’t so pleasant, for a fight had occurred, and it had hurt Discord some.

Twilight was walking down the hallway, trying to think about what made Xaniel lose his temper. Discord was obviously involved in this, but she didn’t know why. Whatever he did to Xaniel, it was serious. “Why did he say that Discord almost killed him? I mean, Discord was never so friendly to others, but he would never kill others...I think.”

None of this made sense, but she had just hoped that both of them were okay. She was on her way to where Xaniel was at for the time being, and Twilight had just gotten done talking to the others about what had just happened. What surprised her most was that Rainbow Dash didn’t side with Shining this time, even though the other times she was around him, Rainbow blamed him for lying and not being truthful. Yet it seemed something changed in her.

She then found her way to the hallway where the rooms were located. The Sun’s ray’s lit the hall, making it brighter than usual. Twilight did appreciate the suns warmth on her coat though.

She found his room and slowly opened his door. Xaniel was still there, in his bed sleeping. Twilight walked up to the right side and then moved her hoof to his heart, she could still not feel it move, and yet when she moved her ears towards the area, she could hear only the slight pulse. She had hoped that what he said before, about him not being alive wasn’t true, but no matter how many times she checked, there was no sound of the heart pumping at all.

She sighed sadly and walked over to one of the chairs in his room. She sat down, and thought that she could at least begin her watch over him. But it was scary, to see him become so enraged like that. Twilight never did see anything like that before, where one being is completely filled up with such rage that he or she took it out on the nearest pony to them.

The bed shifted slightly, creaking as Xaniel moved slowly. She had hoped that he would wake up and tell them why he had freaked out like that, but she didn’t know how long it would take him to awaken. Deciding that she needed to get her mind off of him, she walked over to the window. She rested her forelegs on the windowsill and looked out into the world before her. Everything seemed so peaceful, yet she knew that they were dealing with problems that faced them, instead of threatening the whole entire nation.

“Twilight.” She heard a voice behind her and noticed that Fluttershy had come in through the door.

“Hey Fluttershy. How’s Discord doing?”

“He’s recovering, and should be okay.” She paused for a moment, before adding in a sadder tone. “But what did Discord do to...to set Xaniel off like that?”

“I...I don’t know, but I know that whatever Discord did wasn’t good. Seeing Xaniel hurting like that, and to see him so angry. I...I wonder if Discord deserved that, or not.”

A small shuffling sound came from behind the two and they looked, only to see that Xaniel was up, he was staring at them, before looking away from them, facing down. Twilight walked over to him, followed by Fluttershy. “Hey Xaniel, how are you feeling?”

He just looked up at her, with such a somber expression. “I...I can’t believe I let it happen again.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Letting my anger get control of me again. This is just like last night when Xigbar made a unwelcomed visit.”

“Xaniel, what did Discord do to make you so angry at him?” Twilight questioned. She was curious, but was also worried for him.

“Well...it started yesterday morning. Celestia had assigned my own personal guard and I sort’ve lost him when I was walking through the hallways. When I was just about to get to the courtyard, some voice began to echo throughout the hallway and then my necklace suddenly disappeared.”

He paused for a moment, as his voice began to falter. “I...I didn’t realize something that was very vital to my life. My necklace as Twilight and I guessed was my heart, and when he took it off…” Tears began to roll down his face as he recalled the pain he had felt. “I...I was told by Enial that...if my necklace were to be taken away from me…that if ten minutes had passed...that I would no longer exist.”

Twilight and Fluttershy felt extremely sad for him. Fluttershy began to tear up, and Twilight did as well. How could Discord do such a thing? But yet he too didn’t realize that the necklace was Xaniel’s life line, that it was what kept him here.

Twilight walked up to him and put her right hoof on his shoulder. “Xaniel...don’t worry. You’ll be fine. We’ll all make sure that nothing bad happens to you anymore.” Twilight promised, but this was the fourth time they had again almost lost him. Once from the timberwolf, to the Organization, and almost to Roxas. Now this counted four, for Discord had almost killed him on accident.

Twilight then wrapped her left hoof around him and pulled him closer for a hug. Fluttershy walked up to them and joined in as well. They stayed like that for a long while, until Celestia and Luna came up, to see the saddening scene before them. “Girls, how is he?” Celestia asked.

They pulled apart and Twilight answered, “He’s doing alright, but I believe we figured out why Xaniel attacked Discord.”

So Xaniel again recalled the events as the two princesses listened in. This was indeed something horrible, yet they felt bad for Discord because he didn’t realize what he was doing.

More hoofsteps were heard and then unexpectedly, Rainbow appeared in the doorway. She walked in and stopped at the front of Xaniel’s bed. She sighed, swallowing her pride and said, “Hey Xaniel...I just wanted to say that...I’m sorry for accusing you of all the things I said.”

Xaniel smiled, “It’s alright Rainbow Dash. I know why you didn’t like me...and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry too for scaring everyone like that.”

Then Vera appeared through the doorway as well. “I see you're awake. I just wanted to say, that I’m sorry for throwing you against the wall like that.”

In truth, Xaniel was glad that she intervened when she did, otherwise he could've caused a lot more damage to Discord, even probably injure him, and he would’ve really put himself down if he did. “It’s okay...in truth though, I was glad that you knocked me out.” Xaniel smiled sadly. He then added in a more happier tone, “Just...don’t go making a habit of it alright?”

Vera chuckled, “Don’t worry, I won’t be doing that again anytime soon.”

Maybe today wasn’t the best of days, Xaniel thought, but he hoped that things would take a brighter turn soon. But that’s all he could really hope for, but no matter what, he would stick by them, and they would do the same.


Sometime Ago

The sun lit this world with a bright yet soft glow as the waves of the salty ocean rose up and down the coastline, roaring as it did for many years. A few hundred meters from the ocean lay a city with many buildings both small and tall. The sounds of cars, sirens and all the such echoed throughout the city.

Over on the beach, two beings were walking down the sandy floor, discussing about certain issues. “Did you see the look on his face when I told him about the buses leaving him like that, that was just too rich.” Said the first being, chuckling as they walked along. The voice sounded male, as he had short hair which was a dark blue. His clothes consisted of a bright blue and scarlet red mix.

The other being, chuckled along as well. “Yeah, I kind of felt bad for him though. He’s always on time and I think he didn’t like to know that they had just left him.” Replied the other being. He too sounded like a boy, but had a little more pitch instead of a deep voice. He had brown hair that went down to his shoulders, and a coloring of red and black on his clothes. Both beings looked the same as Xaniel, or in this case, they were the same species.

“Pfttt, he’ll be fine once he gets over it. Besides, not everyone has to make it on time every day.”

“Well it was important for him. He is the leader of our student council after all.” The second boy pointed out.

“Yeah I guess your right. Say, have you seen Nira lately?” The first boy asked.

“Umm, if you consider me seeing her yesterday, then yeah.” The second boy then paused for a moment before asking, “Wait, why are you asking me?”

“Oh, it’s not a big deal, but I think someone’s checking you out.” The first boy told the other with a little mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Wha...wait what?”

The first boy chuckled, “Dude, you mean you haven’t seen her staring at you for the past week now. I think you have an admirer.”

“Kiowa that is not funny dude. You know how I get around girls.”

“Oh please, shes just like you man. Kind, sweet, caring. Perfect matching personality traits, and she has cute body. You do admit that right?” Kiowa asked.

The first boy thought to himself, Well, yeah she is cute, but I get so nervous around girls sometimes. I mean if I know them well then I’m fine but I barely know Nira. As he contemplated, stopping for a moment before having Kiowa pass him. His friend yelled out, “Hey, Enial! Are you coming or what?!”

He looked back up to see that his friend was a few meters away from him. “Oh, sorry Kiowa.” Enial replied. He ran off, catching up to his friend, which then they proceeded to walk on for a longer time. Days like this, were always the best, Enial thought, and he wished they could last forever.

Author's Note:

Hey there everypony, sorry about the long wait. I hope you like this and can't wait to bring out more.

(Oh and on a side note, I thought about adding some past scenes into the remainder of the chapters now. Hopefully you'll like this and I also will be revisiting the earlier chapters with my new editor Steel Souls. Be sure to be on the lookout for that and so I shall say, have a good morning, afternoon, evening, night or whatever and I shall see you all in the next Author's Notes).

Comments ( 14 )

Great chapter! I enjoyed reading it!

4285855 Thanks, what did you find that was great? (Just curious). :twilightblush:

4285918 Well, I liked how you added Xaniel's past! I look forward to seeing more of that.

:heart: Another great part my friend...

...I still feel bad for what Xaniel has to go through.

4290075 Getting closer to revealing you know who. Don't worry. (And of course it shall be exciting)! :yay:

Hmm...well, lets see here...never delete another chapter again. That was a very stupid mistake! :flutterrage:

4495611 Don't worry, I'm going to reedit this story. I realized this sometime after making it and having help from another of my proofreaders, was too late to realize that and so, I'm going to put it on hiatus and return with a newer version of this story. So, until then, story shall be on hiatus.

4518221 As someone who was just getting into the thick of the lore of the series 22 WEEKS AGO, I can safely say that I was young and stupid.

4518668 No prob. I went and used an anagram decoder myself and still missed. Oh well.
On a side note, $20 says the mysterious figure is Vanitas!

You've fucked up big time Discord.

This Main characters' gave off a perfect mach of the story :ajsmug:, the weapon design and function is compatible with 'Weapon Shift' and even gives him more strength and weakness for each W.S. design:pinkiehappy: and the girl 'Keyblade Wielder', OOHHH :pinkiegasp: I :heart: this character is so perfect , her passion to be nice, but has a revenge purpose to, and lastly the story itself for how their placed their, sometime I thought this story was SO REAL!!! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: :heart: :heart:

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