• Member Since 14th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen April 22nd


favorite characters are as follows in no particular order. Zecora, Luna, Fluttershy, Spike, Berry Punch, Lyra & BonBon, Vinyl Scratch, & Discord, Oh and Big Mac (as long as he's gay).


Spike realizes Rarity isn't for him 10 years into the show's timeline. Deciding that he needs to get away from everything he decides to put his new wings to work as he searches for something to complete him. What he finds is not what he expected. Love never is what you expect it to be is it? But any sane person would definitely question his new romance if they saw his new lover.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 54 )

It took Spike ten years to find out he was gay, even though we know he has had crushes on mares before? :ajbemused:

3632097 two things: 1. there is such a thing as bisexual... and 2. he did eat from discord's strange fruit before arriving (you never know what discord's power is capeable of)

but regardless, I didn't read anything about romantic love... so far I only saw a friendly love between companions... and I'd much rather he spend his immortal life with a princess rather than a prince...

3632097 You can find your preference can change over time. I had girlfriends before I figured myself out & Spike is only 21 which is incredibly young for his species so is still finding himself. Plus being nearly immortal probably lowers some inhibitions.

3632242 first off, that sounded like innuendo. Secondly you can't just expect them to be instantly attracted to one another in chapter 3 after not seeing each other for years. it'll get there.


I had a friend who was 30, married with two kids, and flat out *told* me she wasn't into women except for Sigourney Weaver, when she fell in love with another woman, came out as gay and also as a submissive, and left her husband to become her new girlfriend's sub.

I had another friend who was in her 30s and married when she fooled around with another woman. She still identifies as straight.

My gay brother had girlfriends as late as college.

So yeah. It is totally normal for gay humans to not figure out that they are gay for some time. I've known plenty of humans who didn't realize it until they were much older than 21. Also, yeah. bisexuality exists. Also it's honestly weirder to want someone who is not your species than who is not the opposite gender from you; if Spike's xenophilic enough to want a female pony, falling in love with a male pony-dragon hybrid with weird extras is not that much of a stretch. Discord's closer to being Spike's species than Rarity is.

I'm not generally in favor of shipping Discord and Spike because of the lack of canon interaction and Spike's age, but having there be a jump in time where Spike and Discord haven't seen each other in years and now Spike has grown up fixes the age thing (since Discord is older than everybody, the issue with Spike's age is only that it's creepy to be with someone who you knew while they were growing up, and if it's been years since they saw each other that's not an issue), and the setup fixes the canon interaction thing by letting them re-meet each other and develop a friendship before it goes anywhere else. It does seem reasonably plausible that Discord and Spike might find mutual interests in that they were both parts of pony society without being ponies, and that Spike, while probably not immortal as Discord, is a lot more immortal than Fluttershy.

One thing I would like to see. Discord's a spirit of disharmony, but disharmony can in fact be channeled to produce a positive result. If the reason all the different species get along in Discord's city is that it's perfectly accepted that sometimes beings disagree with each other and even have arguments and it doesn't mean the end of the world, and it's commonly accepted that beings can be adversarial with one another without hating each other, they have a framework in their society for accepting disharmony and difference without society falling apart. It's not plausible for Discord to create a la-la everyone loves each other and gets along land; he's a lot more likely to create New York City, where everybody's different and whattya lookin' at? You talkin to me? Da hell's your problem, buddy? but regardless of how much conflict there may be in everyday interaction, they have a shared identity as citizens of the city and if you attack one of them you got a problem with all of them. Basically, a framework where not getting along doesn't actually mean you can't get along. :-) Seems to me that Discord's idea of a utopia would be where you can fight with your friends all day and then go out for beers with them and hang out at night, where conflict doesn't necessarily disrupt friendship.

This is a little overly melodramatic. I'm going to thumbs up this story because you're dealing with an interesting and original subject, your writing isn't terrible, and it looks to me like you got some haters on your hands unfairly downvoting you. But this particular chapter is weak. Spike didn't tell Discord he was leaving forever, he said he wanted to think about it, and then he comes back and Discord is trying to commit suicide? Um... that reaction is way over the top. Admittedly one can handwave a lot of things around Discord because he doesn't need to make sense... but his nonsense needs to make sense in a way. He has to be a consistent and comprehensible character, simply because he's a fictional character and they can't get away with being as weird as real people could. :-) Discord becoming depressed and deciding he doesn't want to talk to anyone, the magic failing and the castle covered with vines... that might make sense, but not with Spike gone for just a few days. Discord trying to kill himself? Doesn't seem plausible. He lived for millennia without love, he's not going to kill himself over someone not loving him... he *might* seriously contemplate turning back to the dark side because what's the point to being good if you're going to be alone anyway, and yes, he might possibly retreat into comfort eating and booze (and probably turn the inside of his castle completely insane), but suicide attempts seem way out there.

You may want to tone down the melodrama a bit. Also, if I were you, I'd give Discord more of a bitter, sarcastic tone and less of a miserable, sad one... it's not that he's not miserable and sad, it's that he'd react to being left alone *again* with bitterness and humor, because humor seems to be his defense mechanism against pretty much everything.

Spike seems pretty well on, though. I think you're handling him pretty well. The scenes where he goes home and ponies who don't know him (and even some that do) are scared of him is just the right kind of sad -- Spike is level headed enough to handle it and not blame anypony for it, but we can feel that it hurts him. And basically telling Discord to quit being a drama llama is good too. But Discord is acting like a teenager who got stood up for prom. At his age, given that he told Fluttershy he had no friends before, he has almost certainly been rejected a *lot*, and falling to pieces over it *now* when he actually has a useful outlet for his talents and beings that respect and like him and look up to him doesn't seem realistic.

Personally not a fan of mpreg but if by MAGIC you mean something like "poof, here's a baby" or Discord brings a statue of a baby to life or something like that then I am cool with it. Bring on the kidlets!

Or I guess an egg... given that Spike is a dragon maybe no mpreg need apply anyway. They could do quasi-natural if there was an egg; in nature many species have both the male and the female guarding and brooding over the eggs, so two guys could easily take turns brooding an egg until it's ready for magic to hatch it, and it wouldn't look half as weird as mpreg does. Still prefer "Discord magically poofs an egg into existence" than either of them laying one, though; I love genderswap but I prefer male-bodied creatures to not randomly turn out to have female reproductive systems for no good reason.

Honestly, this ship is kinda cute. I'm glad you didn't go the same way I've seen others go and have Discord doing the dirty with a young Spike...
I look forward to seeing where this goes :twilightsmile:

3647163 Nah no pregnancy I was gonna take a Spike scale & a Discord feather & make them into an egg with chaos magic & hatch it with dragon fire. That way it'd be both of theirs equally and not be creepy.

3647968 I know right? Every story I've seen has been clop.

you can please make another story about him and ok

Well done! I really like the pairing and will be looking for more.:twilightsmile:

OMGOMGOMG!! That story was cute and perfect on so many levels! I love the Spike x Discord shipping, and it was such a cute story and it was amazing!!!

I would love to see you write more about Spike and Discord! I will be adding this to my top five Spike stories of ALL TIME!!

You may have earned yourself a follower.

A pretty nice fic for an underrated shipping I do indeed enjoy.

Typos were a bit much but that's ok.

The pacing also was sorta rushed in some places but perfect in others so I'd say you did a good job. :twilightsmile:

Since everypony is being so supportive I'll share some info about my next story. It will be Shining Armor X Spike (aged up). My Coltfriend suggested it & I liked the idea since I had never seen it.

You make me fan girl over this story so badly I agate to see it end. It's my number one fan fiction of all time. Hope too see more amazing story's.
P.s. I almost cried through out the whole thing.

love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I absolutely loved this story, thank you so much for writing it.

3743005 Indeed, probably one of my favorite crack ships.

It's really weird to think about... I'll read this and see how it goes. Interesting concept, I wouldn't have thought of it.

Ya, they should have a magic kid:derpytongue2:

just as I would with both of mine

...AUDIBLE GASP!! DRACONEQUUI ARE ACTUALLY TIMELORDS!! And That Would Mean That Discord Is The Master!

I agree, Discord needs someone. :raritywink:

Good chapter! And I agree with the author's note. I think Discord is a very tragic character.

So just finished reading this today. Really enjoyed it and can't wait to see more! Little Draco is so cute! :pinkiehappy:

*waves with you*
My name is rejected scratches, and I approve this message

Nice chapter, not much more to say

Not yet read but the first thing I read was twilight had to drug him out of the bed

I know it was a misspelling but it's pretty funny :scootangel:

The trees sound like their from Toriko

What the hell? I didn't read this before...

I think I read way to much fanfiction.

Author's Note:
Ok so Discord's rules a utopian underground city with tons of diversity & subjects that like him. Who saw that coming?

For the record, I saw that coming

Was going good, then the random happened.

Can someone share a link of how spick looks like now

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