• Published 7th Apr 2014
  • 13,091 Views, 96 Comments

Scotchtavia - 8_Bit

Octavia gets very drunk, and spills a very big secret.

  • ...

"What did you say, Octy?"

Look, let me be perfectly clear here; I am a very tolerant mare.

I just wanted you to know that, right from the start. And it’s true. But then again, I am a DJ, so, y’know, it kinda comes with the territory. You gotta be prepared to deal with all kinds of bullshit. I mean, I go up there night after night, blast some awesome tunes, spread the wubbage through the club, and make sure everypony has an amazing time. And, for the most part, everypony does. But for every fan, you gotta deal with a hater. And my haters just love to make sure they tell me every single aspect of every single reason why they think I’m absolute scum. All because they don’t like Dubstep. I mean, jeez, it’s not like I force them to listen to it.

My mom says that us Scratch mares are made of tough stuff. Lucky for me, huh? And then there's my marefriend, Octavia, she always asks me how I put up with it. And the truth is, as I said, I’m a very, very, very tolerant mare. It takes a lot to get under my pelt. In fact, the last time she asked me, the very words I replied to her with were: 'Octy, I ain’t one to let anything just piss me off.'

Famous. Last. Words.

So, let me paint the picture for ya: it’s Tuesday evening, and I get a call from the manager at Club Zero, one of my regular spots, asking me to do a last minute set. Now, I'm thinking I'm gonna say no, cause Tuesday night crowds aren’t exactly my scene. But then Octy decides that I should, seeing as we don’t have plans for the night. I’m not really one for all the smoochy woochy romantic stuff, but I’m happy enough cuddled up with her on the couch. So I say to her that I'm gonna say no.

But... then she insists. Ugh.

I don’t know how she does it, but I can’t seem to ever really say no to her. I swear to Luna, that fancy Dappleshire boarding school she went to as a filly? They must have taught her some kind of mind control power. I mean seriously, how else would an earth pony have magic power over a unicorn in a relationship?! I gotta look into that at some point. Maybe there’s a book in the library I can find about earth pony magic?

Oh jeez, now I know I’m getting desperate.

But back to the scene. We decided to make it a night out, seeing as we had a few hours to kill before I needed to perform. So we headed out, and luckily Tuesday nights are quiet, meaning we barely had to queue to get in anywhere. And y'know, the night actually started off alright. We went from club to club, getting steadily more and more wasted as we went. Now, don’t let Octy fool you by how she looks, ‘cause when she hits the town, she really knows how to party. And she holds her drink surprisingly well, but, by the time we staggered into Club Zero for my set, we were pretty messed up.

Well, one of us was.

I’m still a pretty good DJ when I’ve had something to drink, but it all depends on the day. Weekday sets, which I rarely do, have small crowds of the most dedicated ravers. The kinda ponies who’ll go out, get wasted, and dance to anything and everything that’s played to them. In the cases of these kinda gigs, I can afford to drink a bit, but I gotta be able to actually perform decently on the turntables. Being too shitfaced to turn a record, that's how you lose a client quicker than the speed of rainbooms. Weekends though, that's where the real parties are, and I go up sober. I can get wasted afterwards, but keeping the party going? If I'm at the DJ booth, that is my one and only priority.

So we turned up for my set, and Octy barely knew what date it was. But I still got us both a scotch from the bar. Just one more for luck, I know my limits. Little did I know what that one last drink was setting in motion. We toasted to an about-to-be-awesome set and I made my way over to the decks, with the last thing I heard from her being a loud request to the stallion at the bar, one for him to bring her another scotch. After that, her voice was drowned out by the music. ‘She’ll be okay’, I told myself.

Once again: Famous. Last. Words.

So now we arrive at the present. The set went… well, let’s just say that it didn’t go at all like I hoped, and we’ll end that discussion right there. At this point it’s just past two in the morning, and I’m walking home, very tipsy myself but sober enough to carry my marefriend home. Yeah that’s right. Carry. I’m a tolerant mare. But right now, I'm drunk, tired, frustrated, and carrying my half-conscious marefriend on my back. And I'm very pissed off.

“Where are we gooooooing, Vinyl?” Octavia asks me as I stagger towards the door, her singing the word ‘going’ for no apparent reason.

“Ugh... home, Octy.”

“You fuckin’ what? C’mon, I still... *hic* ...wanna party.”

“You’ve had way too much to drink already,” I reply, gritting my teeth as I heave her through the cloakroom.

You know in all those movies where they jump-cut to the drunk person slumped at the bar surrounded by hundreds of empty glasses? Yeah, that’s what just happened. Well, not exactly hundreds of glasses, but during my set Octavia had downed seven scotches. And now she’s sprawled out on my back, and I’m trying hard not to breathe through my nose, for one simple reason. Her. Breath. Stinks.

“I... know... my... limits!” she yells out, slurring each word brutally and drawing looks of surprise and amusement from the mare behind the desk at the cloak-check.

The bouncer shoots me a sympathetic look as he holds the door open for me. I should thank him, but I have bigger problems at the moment. Much bigger problems. Octy chooses the exact moment we step out into the cool night air to almost slide off the side of my back, and I have to stop to heave her back into place so she won't fall off. We both receive some perplexed stares from everypony still gathered near the doors of the club, and I scurry sheepishly away. Jeez, I hope I'm just blushing because of the alcohol...

“Yeah, you do know your limits,” I say eventually, when we’re out of earshot of all the ponies who'd walked a few doors down from the club to smoke or vape. “Problem is, you don’t know when you’ve overstepped them."

“Oh yeah, let’s... *hic* ...ask this mare if she thinks the same. Hey miss? Err... MIIIIIIISSSS?”

“That’s not a ‘Miss’, Octy.”

“Then what... *hic* ...izzit?”

“It’s a garbage can.”

She explodes with laughter as I round the corner off of Melody Boulevard. Home is just a five minute walk from the Club, but that’s without a full grown mare on my back. At this point, I’m still kinda drunk myself, and the muscles in my legs are beginning to burn like tartaurus.

“We should… should totally… like… get.. *hic* ...a dog… Vinyl,” she gasps through the breathlessness she brought on herself after her giggling fit. And right here, this is further proof as to how wasted she is: she's allergic to dogs. Can't even walk near one without sneezing herself into rigor mortis. But, for whatever reason, I decide to humour her.

“Should we?”

Big mistake.

“Yeahyeahyeah, we totally fuckin’ should,” she says, once again singing one of the words for no apparent reason. “And we can... *hic* ...name it Syndrome!”

Now, I gotta admit, she has me confused here. There was no way I was gonna guess what was coming. Just to hear her swearing is unusual. The first time we got wasted together, hearing her swear in that stuck up Trottingham accent had me collapsing with laughter on the floor, nightclub floors be damned. I didn't even care about the piña colada I'd accidentally spilled just a few minutes earlier. I always thought there was nothing that could top that, but she has this weird habit of always surprising me.

“So… so if it… wait, whatwaswegonnacallit?”

Ugh. Drunks. Okay, I’m a hypocrite. Sue me.

“Syndrome,” I reply, my back now starting to ache in protest under her weight.

“Oh right, yeahyeahyeah.”

If you’re easily offended, feel free to cover your ears for this part. I wish I had, but my hooves were occupied in the moment.

“So if it jumps up… we can... *hic* ...shout ‘Down Syndrome!’ and it’d be okay.”

My eyes widen in shock as her cackles fill the night air, and I quickly look all around to see if there was anypony nearby who may have heard her, and luckily, there isn’t. Granted, Octavia becomes a completely different pony when she drinks, but I never had her pegged for the ‘extremely offensive joke’ type. And, granted, in any other situation, I probably would have laughed along with her. But, at this point her gruff laughter is suddenly replaced by a retching noise, and a warm but wet feeling running down my back.

Oh, what a fun night this had turned out to be. Yep, really fun night... thanks for talking me into this, babe...

“Nice, real nice, Octy,” I reply as I spot the sign pointing out our street, which gives my mind a temporary surge of relief. Then my nose wrinkles up as I try to ignore the stench of her vomit, which is now trickling down the side of my chest, and slowly dripping onto the sidewalk. “About as mature as a prepubescent colt.”

“I used to... *hic* ...be one, you know,” she slurs.


“Be a what?”

“A colt.”

I give a small chuckle. She’s definitely had too much to drink.

“No, seriously,” she insists. “I had a sex change when I was... *hic* ...seven.”

The smirk on my face disappears. She can’t be serious, can she? She’s gotta be joking. I mean she... she literally just told one of the most offensive jokes I’ve heard in a long time, she’s probably just playing another. But… I poke a little deeper.

“Why’s that then?”

She thinks for a while. “I guess… I guess I wasn’t ever... *hic* ...happy being a boy,” she says in a voice that’s barely louder than a moan. “Even when I was young, I... *hic* ...always preferred playing with dolls and stuff, and I hated... *hic* ...hoofball and all that boyish stuff I was supposed to like.”

She sounds serious. She’s drunk, yeah, but she really does sound like she’s telling the truth. I know her, and she literally can’t tell a convincing lie. Not if the fate of all of Equestria depended on it. I can read her voice just as easy as reading sheet music.

“So, my parents... *hic* ...agreed to let me have the operation to become a filly, and they sent me... *hic* ...to an all-girls boarding school in Dappleshire. They wanted to stay in our... *hic* ...old family home, but they were just really secretive about the whole thing…” She drifts off towards the end of that, and by the time I spot our house, she's snoring away peacefully, without a care in the world.

So... at this point, I’m still kinda in shock. Sure, every instinct in my body is telling me to laugh it off as a joke, pretend she never said it. I did still kinda hope she was joking too. In the state she's in, she’ll never remember telling me about it. But as I approach our front door, and step through into our living room, I just can't shake the feeling that this... this isn’t something I can ignore. If she was being serious just now, and telling the truth, then there was no way I could forget about this. Not with her. I care about her too much. I love her.

I love her...

I lower her gently onto the couch, and make sure she's laid out in a comfortable position. There’ll be all tartaurus to pay in the morning for all those scotches, but for now, I figure she can be as snug as possible. After a quick ten second shower, just to get all the vomit off my back, I wrap myself up in a towel and go upstairs to our bedroom, to get the duvet from our bed to cover her up.

As I pull it off our bed, I stop, remembering something. The photo album of her when she was younger, it's sat right there on the bookshelf. I have my doubts, of course, that she was telling the truth. But I figure if there's gonna be any way of getting a definite answer, it'll be right there in those pages. So, I fold up the duvet, put the album on top, and carry the bundle downstairs.

Octy's barely budged from her spot when I get back, so after I put the photo album on the coffee table, I drape the duvet over her, and tuck her in to keep her nice and warm. I move in to adjust her head position, but she chooses that exact moment to let out a small belch, and I end up with a faceful of her rancid breath. I don’t throw up, I promise. But I come pretty damn close.

It takes me a while to recover from that. I’ve seen my share of gross shit, believe me, I did some pretty crazy stuff at college, but this was just something else entirely. Once I finally shake off the feelings of queasiness, I ignite my horn and light the fireplace in the corner, illuminating the room in a soft orange glow. Being a unicorn has its advantages from time to time. Octavia doesn't seem to like the light shining in her face, so she rolls over and faces away from it. As she does, my eyes turn to the photo album. I levitate it and walk over to my chair, and as I settle down into the deep plush cushions, I place the album on my lap.

And… for a few minutes, I just stare at the cover. We’ve had this thing in our house for ages. Sure, we only became an ‘official’ couple a few months ago, but come August, we’ll have been sharing a house for six years. And for all of that time, I’ve never given this thing a second thought. Sure, she’s brought it out plenty of times, and I know what she looked like when she was younger, but…

Then it hits me.

I almost can’t believe it, but I immediately open the book. The baby photos go on for several pages; each one with a small note attached, written in neat hoofwriting. I look closely at each one, and… there’s smudges. Really faded smudges, ones that are hard to spot if you’re not looking for them. Right where her name is. As if an old name had been rubbed out, and a new one written above it.

This goes for all the baby photos, and in each and every one of them, she is wearing a diaper. No nude photos at all.

All right, that sounds kinda weird, but in every baby album I’ve ever been shown, there is always at least one... err, well, let's just call them 'bathtime' photos. It's like some crazy unwritten rule of being a parent, to have embarrassing baby photos. When I was in college, I had a string of stallions that I dated, and, of course, there were summer breaks where I went to visit them at their respective family's house. Their mom’s always got out the albums, and there were the bathtime pictures. Every time.

Dammit, even my Mom does it. Me and Octy went to see her and my Dad when we got together, and guess what? Out came the baby photos. And guess what again? Bathtime. It’s like every parent actively wants to embarrass their child. It's one part of parenthood that I’ve never understood. So why aren’t Octavia’s pictures the same?

She's so adorable. But as well as looking cute as a baby, she also looks… gender neutral? Just looking at her as a baby, I can’t tell if she’s a boy or a girl. Then I turn the page. And there she is. Seven years old, getting on the train to head off to boarding school. No photos in-between this one and the ones of her when she was just a few days old. The photos are sorted chronologically, so there’s no chance of progressing further into the album to find the missing photos. And all the photos from this point onwards have similar notes attached, but none of them have the smudges by her name.

I lean back in my chair, not entirely sure what to think, or how to feel. I mean, the evidence isn't exactly damning. A time-gap, some smudges, and her alcohol-fuelled testimony. Adding them up, you could easily say it's not exactly conclusive. But I dunno... she's never exactly been an open book about her childhood. She has the photos, but any time I ask her specifics, her answers are always kinda vague. The feeling in my gut says that tonight, she finally let slip a truth she's been hiding for a long time.

Should I feel betrayed that she never told me? No. In fact, I can’t say I blame her. I mean, we live in progressive times and it’s nothing she should be scared of talking about, but I can kinda understand why it would be a touchy subject for her. And then I kinda start to feel guilty. How did I never notice this before? Six years. Nearly six years, we’ve lived in this house, and I’m only now noticing this huge gap in her childhood photos? She got the album out plenty of times, so it’s not like there weren’t any chances to notice it.

And then, it really starts to hit me. I feel scared. Very scared. I do love her. I love her so much, and I thought she felt the same about me. So why did she never tell me about this before? Maybe she doesn’t love me as much as she says she does. I mean, why else wouldn’t she tell me? Maybe she’s scared. Scared of what I might think.

Maybe she’s scared I might not love her any more, if she told me the truth about her past. But that’s ridiculous; she knows how much she means to me. Who she was in the past sure as hell ain't gonna change the mare I love right now. When I’m with her, I get this warmth, this tingle I never feel with anypony else. I dated a lot of stallions in college, but over the last few years, when I really started to explore my sexuality, I just found a new happiness I’d never felt until I was with her.

She must know that. Right?

Okay... okay, maybe I’ve beet a bit shy about my preferences, when it’s me and her around other ponies. Yeah, I said we’ve only been an ‘official’ couple for about six months, but we’ve been together much longer than that. I've been telling myself six months, but realistically? Oh, jeez. It’d have to be closer to two years...

Fuck, how can she put up with a marefriend like me?

Okay, maybe it took me a while to openly admit that I’m gay. But she’s got much more reason to be afraid than me. The things she’s probably been through... jeez, what if she thinks I’m ashamed of being her marefriend? It might explain why she's shied away from this subject for so long. If she thought I didn’t love her as much as I really do, that might explain… quite a lot actually.

Thinking about it, and I mean really stopping to think about it, my mind comes up with a lot of times I’ve been really shitty to her because I’ve been more concerned with my public image. When I actually came out, I got a lot of support from my fans, and Octy seemed to be really relieved. At the time I thought she was happy because we could openly say we were a couple, but thinking more realistically, she was probably just happy because I wouldn’t have to pretend any more that she didn’t mean as much to me as she really does.

She belches loudly again, snapping me out of my train of thought. I look over to her, curled up in her duvet, smelling of booze and vomit and likely to have the mother of all hangovers when she wakes up in the morning. And I realize I don’t care about any of that. I’ve been a terrible marefriend up to this point, when she’s been nothing but supportive of me. I stand up and walk over to her, giving her a long and tender kiss on the cheek. She gives what sounds like a contented groan, but other than that she barely stirs.

Tonight’s given me a lot to think about. Things have been put into perspective. Earlier I was mad that I had to carry her home, but now... I’m just glad that she’s a part of my life. She’s put up with so much crap from me, and it ends now. She means the absolute world to me, and it’s about damn time I started to show it. Sure, her past is troubled, and I’ll have to talk to her about it some time in the future, but that’s another story.

I love her, and even if it takes the rest of my life, I’m going to make sure she knows it.

Author's Note:

For the character and personality of Vinyl in this story, I drew inspiration from Ramona Flowers from the Scott Pilgrim comic books. She is a character that, to truly understand, you need to have actually read the comics rather than watched the film. On the surface is a ‘tough-girl’ façade, but scratch beneath that just a little bit and you find someone who is really quite sweet and caring. Though Vinyl is a background character, and we may never find out what she’s like in a canonical sense, this is the headcanon that I like to draw in terms of her personality. What do you guys think? Feel free to comment with your thoughts.

As for the relationship between Vinyl and Octavia, it is indeed a popular shipping, but what I’ve found is that most people look at the two of them and see something very simple: a party animal and a rich girl. Beyond that, there’s not much. What I tried to do here is create a backstory for Octavia that is more complex and sensitive that most people would think, and a new layer of Vinyl’s personality that you might not expect.

As of late, I’ve had a number of issues that have kept me from writing, namely the fact that I really haven’t had the time, and whenever I have had time, my PC will (5 times out of 10) blue screen before I’ve had the chance to even load Word. I literally have the worst PC ever built, so I really needed a good chunk of inspiration to get back into writing, and this little one-shot may be just the key to doing this. This is also my first ever first-person fic, so, any good?

If you enjoyed this story, please do rate it, favorite it, comment away, it all means a lot to me, and if you really enjoy my work, follow me for more stories in the (hopefully near) future.


Comments ( 96 )

It is a travesty that I got to give this its first like. Shame, shame on the person who gave it a dislike. :applecry:

Really though, this was a delightful story. Is this the whole of it? It says incomplete but it also says it's a one-shot :s


Eheheheh.... Didn't notice that... :twilightsheepish:
Fixed now!

And thank you kindly, but some people just don't like. It's irritating that the people who disliked it haven't commented saying exactly why, but, what can you do?

I liked this. It was, in her own brand, a very introspective viewpoint from Vinyl on a multitude of subjects. Regardless of my positive bias for these types of stories, I think you pulled Vinyl's first person off really well. Her voice is distinct, it's complex, and it's believable. It's your spin, of course, but I didn't have much of a problem disregarding my own headcanon and going with what you wrote.

There is a continuity error, and that is Vinyl completely forgetting about the vomit on her back and chest. I know she loves her marefriend and wants to make sure she's alright, but I would've figured Vinyl would wash up after putting Octavia down. Please, correct me if I misread, but that's something that stuck out to me.

Also, seventeen drinks of scotch, after hitting a few clubs... I mean, I have no way of knowing the alcohol tolerance of these ponies, but I'd estimate that being around twenty-two, twenty-five drinks. Unless they've been drinking for half the day, Octavia is either the heaviest of heavyweights or using some sort of voodoo magic to not be dead on the floor.

This was damn good work. You get a heart thumbs up from me.


Thank you kindly, and I corrected those errors you pointed out to me. She hops in and out of the shower before heading upstairs now, and Octavia drank a much more manageable seven scotches.

As for the pre-clubbing, recall I said that she holds her drink very well, so she wasn't that much more drunk than Vinyl at the time that they entered Club Zero. T'was the scotch that pushed her over the edge.

Thanks very much for the support! :heart:

You, my friend, have earned a mustache. :moustache:
I hope you continue on with this concept in a sequel. Seems like it has potential. :raritystarry:

I'm not really a fan of every single pony from snails to now, Octavia, being transgender.

Simple and sweet, points out priorities in a relationship, is rather introspective, well written and has glorious octa- scratch with a more realistic and deeper personality and character for vinyl, beyond a stupid obnoxious trope character she's often shown as.

I approve

This has many lolz but a lot of feels as well. Consider it approved as well as featured in the group


There's not enough stories with transgender ponies. As a trams woman myself, this is a delightful read, and I would love to see more of your Tavi in the future.

I wondered if this would be about a Scottish Octavia...

A fresh new idea in the OctyScratch field, I enjoyed the read. You said that this is your second one shot, is there any chance that you will keep writing these? Thanks for the fun read and keep at it! :twilightsmile:

This awesomeness needs a sequel...

A nice story. The TG came as a surprise.

It stopped a little short, though. Would've been nice to see what Octavia had to say.


What in the name of sweet baby jesus did I just read :rainbowlaugh: I loved this story and it really felt deep despite the weird topic xP


I was... perturbed when the whole transgender thing was first mentioned. But it was actually handled much more sweetly than I expected- because I expected it to be played off for laughs- and so, I applaud you, my man/woman/llama. This was quite a heartfelt story.

You've earned yourself a seal of approval.

Very interesting story, I liked it

Not bad. Could use an additional "the next morning" scene, though - it would be cute to see Tavi's reaction if Vinyl confronts her about this.

Comment posted by Blazing Cat deleted Apr 9th, 2014

Continue this please


Your support means a great deal, but if you all refer to the final few paragraphs, you will see that Vinyl says the following:

"Sure, her past is troubled, and I’ll have to talk to her about it some time in the future, but that’s another story."

I hope that answers that particular question :heart:


Ermagerd! :heart:

Interesting. And a good deviation from the normal Vinyl and Octavia fics. Rather enjoyable

I may take a lot of flak for saying this, but do we really think 7 year olds are up to the task of deciding what gender they're going to be for the rest of their lives?

My only complaint is the same one everyone else has: why is there no "next morning" scene?

Sweet Jesus I love you 8_Bit. This has so much Ramona in it I had flashbacks to the books.

I love the VinylxOctavia ship as it stands and I have to say I really enjoyed reading this :twilightsmile: I would love to see a second part to this, to see how things turn out. Although this story does hold some sentiment for me because (ignoring the feels from the story and my love of the ship) I actually sympathise very well with Octavia in this as I am actually preparing to become a girl myself. So I have put a lot of thought into when the "right" time to come out to someone about this is, but there is no good answer for this. I am glad to see Vinyl being so accepting of Octavia's past.Overall a very nice story, well done. :twilightsmile:

That's a debate for somewhere else bucko, probably not one to have on fimfiction.

Wow, never thought of that. It was a great story, if I wasn't in school right now, I'd have cried!

Also I want more of this, you could make a whole novel with Vinyl's newly found care for her marefriend. ^^

4212293 I think you replied to the wrong person. I didn't say anything that could cause a massive debate, all I said was that the story felt incomplete.

This was an incredible read, nice job. :twilightsmile:

Also, i feel horrible for this, but i completely lost it when i read that "down syndrome" part.

If this was an ordinary story that would be good to end a chapter. But to end a story? I feel cheated to be honest. It had a good start, a good amount of drama in the middle, but the ending was horrible. Not that it was a bad ending, if it was part of a fuller story. But as an ending to a story, it leaves so much unfinished.

What happens with Tavi and Vinyl's talk the next day? What else does Vinyl learn? How does it change / enhance their relationship? How embarassed does Tavi get when she learns that she made a horribly saucy joke? Does Vinyl learn more about her past? Do we learn more about Vinyl's as they share their pasts? What about where they go from here? There are so many unanswered questions, so many open ended threads that need closure. This story has no real ending and it'd be best if you made this incomplete and give it the love it needs to be the story it could be. As is good chapter, well written, but incomplete as a story.


It does feel incomplete.

That was really good. I didn't expect the big secret, and I almost wanted it to continue into the morning after to see Vinyl confront Octavia, but I think it ended well. Have a fav and a like!

This may be a quickly banged out (aside from editing) one-shot, but you sure got my attention. I enjoy it when people dare to add some depth to the OctaScratch relationship, and adding some mystery to Octavia's background is quite an interesting way to do this. I hope to see more new stories from you in the future.

When I first saw this story, I didn't realize it was gonna be drunk Octavia, and I just thought you were trying to do a Vinyl/Tavi ship. I was like 'they know it's OctaScratch, right?' :derpytongue2::derpytongue2:


Fear not fine peoples, though this story may end where it does, that doesn't necessarily mean that there is no more of this story to tell! As you may see by reading this blog post here! :heart:

I honestly thought this would be funny. I was wrong.
This was glorious.:applecry:

You handled the subject matter wonderfully. I love how Vinyl's worries were about what it meant to their relationship that Octavia hadn't confided in her, instead of having some internal debate over whether once being a male or not makes a difference in how Vinyl feels for her (which is what I've generally seen in stories with transgender characters. It's sweet and fulfilling as a reader to find a character whose priorities are on the actually important issue at hoof).

Damn! If I knew what this was about, I would have read as soon as I saw it. Good thing it was added to the group.

You've done a damn good job.

And yeah, that's pretty much it. You've created a wonderfully heartwarming TG story, (The ones on Bigcloset topshelf can get kinda butt and be full of unfortunate stuff) an excellent love story, and my favorite background pony (Okay... maybe second favorite, I do loves me some Button Mash, but I really like Vinyl too) is perfectly in character. Or at least, she's written in a way that works perfectly with how most of us see her.
Well done, 8-bit. Well done.

This is pretty good. The way you wrote Vinyl was just wonderful. She she felt a bit more "real" if you know what I mean. Plus it's a great new take on TaviScratch with some nice depth which is admirable.
No one is trying to do or say that, and stories about these ponies aren't exactly the most common thing around. Do you think having characters with this kind of backstory is offensive or something?
Maybe it's a lot easier in Equestria.

4227600 Oh no, no, I don't think it's offensive, I just don't like it. It's not to my taste, and looking at my comment, it seems everyone hates me for what I don't like. The internet ladies and gentlemen! Where disagreeing makes you WORSE than Hitler!

By all means, People can write what the fuck they want. I just don't see how "Octavia used to be a boy" is grounds for anything too amazing in a story.
I mean, what would happen next? Everyone finds out, cliche douchebags bully Octavia about it, and she runs off to Vinyl and either she gets some friends to beat them up, they have sex, something just... Furry Fandom in it's originality. Then what? The story ends because any ideas on where to go in this shocking character development is non-existent or too difficult to write.
The story itself was good, it's just that part that made me roll my eyes and go "Okay, whatever, this shit again".

Why does a character simply being trans make you do that?

It's good not because "Octavia used to be a boy", but because the subject at hand was handled pretty well and the story was done well anyways, and adding more depth to Vinyl's character. And you're being presumptuous, as the sequel hasn't even been posted yet. :trixieshiftleft:

No one is making every character be this way either. That's absurd.

I liked this story. A very different take on the accidentally coming out to your SO type story.

Your story had just been added to the comprehensive list of transpony stories I keep on my CyborgPony. It includes stories both on fimfiction, and off; for those who are interested. There are only a couple that I know of that I still need to add to the list (been very busy), but I believe I have all the SFW ones out there. Obviously, if anyone finds one not on the list, let me know.

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Check out my userpage (link above) for more stories.


I am in agreement.


That was my initial worry too.


Not really, though, generally, one doesn't get any sort of operations till age 16, 18 or later in humans. But there is no reason someone so young can't start living as their gender and then when it is puberty time, actually go through the right one as opposed to the wrong one first.


I also thought that this was a good turn. Vinyl introspecting on their relationship and what they have kept from each other, been afraid of in each other, etc. made for a very good story.

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