• Published 7th Mar 2014
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The Conversion Bureau: Setting Things Right - kildeez

When a portal to another world appears outside Canterlot, the ponies' initial reaction is of enthusiasm, hoping to greet these strange aliens with open hooves. Too bad this world was already visited by another Equestria...

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Chapter XXIII: The Heretic Princess

Twilight Sparkle was not an unstoppable badass. She had already established this firmly. She did not swoop onto the battlefield with a last minute charge to save the day, that wasn’t her, that wasn’t her, for the love of Celestia above, that wasn’t her! She was supposed to be a hoity-toity pony princess who just gained an even better excuse for spending her Friday nights reading in her library! So why, oh why, did the universe see fit to thrust her into these situations?

She swooped alongside her long-time friend and mentor. They’d made landfall hours before, but Celestia had never even slowed down. And good Sun and Moon above, could anypony blame her? If her intuition was right, what waited for them would be a straight-up warzone, if not a massacre. Still, the ache which had started between her shoulder blades just an hour before had grown into a pretty persistent pain, which was now steadily evolving from “muscle cramp” to “white hot needles.”

“P-princess…” she gasped, reaching out. That was all she needed to do. Celestia cut her speed in half and soared next to her former student, looking her over.

“We can rest if you wish, Twilight,” she said after a single glance, which probably told Twilight all she needed to know about how she looked.

Cursing herself over and over again for blowing off Rainbow Dash every time she offered flight training, Twilight pasted a smile on her face and pushed just an ounce more speed out of her aching wings. “That’s alright…princess…” she managed with only a couple faint pants. “Maybe we could just…slow down a little?”

Instead, Celestia arrowed downwards, settling in an empty hayfield. Thanking anypony that might be listening, Twilight followed suit. “We can rest and make up the distance when we take to the air,” Celestia insisted, trotting over to a hay bale. “In the meantime, let us hope this hay is more satisfying than that accursed grass from last night.”

Twilight furrowed her brow at the hoofful of wispy, dried, yellow stuff in Celestia’s hoof. “Isn’t this stealing?”

“Desperate times, Twilight,” she looked at her former student with a weak, little smile. “We will be of no good to anypony – or anybody – if we are doubled over in hunger by the time we reach our destination. For now, we will simply have to hope to come across this place again in better times, when we are more able to reimburse the owner.”

Twilight nodded, grateful for the Princess’s justification, and immediately feeling ashamed for such gratitude. Still, the last decent meal the pair had eaten had been on that megaship, since then it had been just scraps such as this. There was no way…

Twilight bit into her clump of hay, and heaven itself exploded in her mouth. Woody, yet not like woodchips, more like a breath somewhere deep in the Everfree just after a spring rainstorm, when the forest was still coming to life and that scent of moisture still hung in the air. Without even thinking, she bobbed forward and stuck her entire head into the bale, her jaw hanging slack to fill with the hay. It was even better, now it was reliving a summer picnic with her friends, yet with a sweet aftertaste: not candy sweet, more like a really ripe piece of fruit.

She was gently lifted up and placed on her hooves beside the bale, Celestia standing over her with a mouthful of that sweet, wonderful, succulent hay. She was still chewing, apparently unable to stop, and was only able to talk after swallowing every stalk in her mouth.

“When we improve relations with the humans,” she said. “I know the very first thing we’re going to negotiate a trade deal for.”


They allowed themselves a couple more mouthfuls each before sinking to the grass, finally content for the first time in days. Twilight perked up an ear, listening to the peaceful tweeting of birds that seemed to exist on every farm, even Sweet Apple Acres. Two radically different worlds, yet so alike.

Sitting up and clearing her throat, she returned to business mode with the sort of professionalism one would expect from royalty. “Do you have any idea what could be waiting for us, Princess?”

Celestia just shook her head, content with remaining where she was. “I only know the size and direction of the magical pulse, dearest Twilight,” she said, the content smile and closed eyes never leaving her face. “We crossed the border into a land called ‘Germany’ a while ago, but for all I know, we could still be hundreds of miles from our destination.”

Twilight was about to say something, when a deep thud resounded through the air. The sort of deep thumping sound that actually seemed to bounce your body with it, rattling the ribs as it passed by. Celestia was on her hooves in an instant, eyes scanning wildly. It didn’t take long for either of them to find the columns of thick, black smoke rising steadily into the air, and once they had that direction, they were able to make out the distant ‘ack-ack’ sounds of the humans’ weapons.

“Or we could be standing right on the precipice,” Celestia murmured before fanning her wings and taking off at a speed that would have impressed Rainbow Dash. Twilight nearly lost her then, but keeping track of a white streak trailing rainbows turned out to be an even easier task than she’d imagined. They darted just over the branches of trees across miles of farmland, approaching a small city in the distance.

Twilight could make out more details in the city as they approached. A few minutes after discovering that amazing hay, she could see quaint, brick cottages that made her heart ache for Ponyville, despite the pillars of smoke rising from their midst. After that came the massive, gray fortress with little curls of wire running along the top of its fencing, and where more explosions and gunfire were erupting. Finally, she could see the smaller details: the scorch marks on rooftops, the faint pops and whistles of something exploding someplace nearby, the houses with rooftops that were totally caved-in or had perfectly round holes pounded into them.

“If that’s not it, I’m Discord’s mother,” she whispered to herself, the pain flaring between her shoulder blades long forgotten as she squeezed as much speed out of her wings as she could muster. She arrived on the outskirts of the village to find Celestia perched atop a human ‘automobile’ with a small crowd of Newfoals gathering around her. Her powerful figure was framed by the flames licking out of the storefront behind her. Many of the Newfoals at her hooves had their fur matted and bloodied noses, some even covered in blood, though judging by the way they walked without any difficulty, the blood probably wasn’t their own. She noticed one balanced precariously on three legs, his third just a charred stump of foreleg, and she had to suppress the urge to vomit.

“My dearest ponies,” Celestia said, her voice booming at Royal Canterlot Voice levels. “Your princess has arrived!”

Something was wrong. Something was deeply wrong. As Twilight settled on the nose of the automobile, she pieced it together: the Newfoals were just standing there. The stallion they’d cured in Bethlem had practically knelt at Celestia’s hooves, and had needed to be ordered directly to keep from proclaiming his eternal love and loyalty at the top of his lungs. These ponies were just…staring. Like they were confused. Was that all? Confusion that their Princess would show herself here and now? Twilight could only hope so.

“This…” Celestia spread her hoof out, motioning to the shattered glass and the flaming rubble around them. “This is not what we are meant to stand for, my little ponies. We are meant to be beacons of hope and friendship to those around us, not harbingers of destruction! I ask and appeal to the intelligent, loving minds that I know are in there: stand down, and join me in extending the hoof of friendship to humanity before it is too late!”

Celestia smiled reassuringly at the Newfoals around her, confident in their abilities to make the right decision. Except these weren’t her little ponies. Dear Sun above, these were something else! One look in those big, blank eyes told Twilight that much. Now, as one mare stepped forward with unbridled fury burning in her gaze, the lavender princess realized just how vastly removed from the ponies she knew these Newfoals were.

“This is not the Solar Lord,” the mare proclaimed, levelling a hateful glare at the Alicorns perched atop the ruined sedan. “This is the imposter we were warned about!”

“The Impostor!” A stallion slurred around a shattered muzzle, leaping down from a roof and clipping a small camera hooked to a utility pole, snarling like an animal. “It’s the Impostor! The Heretic of all!”

“Destroy her! Destroy the Impostor! Destroy the Heretics! Let them burn!” The crowd chanted as one, each pony flinging themselves against the car, gnashing their teeth, bashing at the sedan’s side with their foreheads.

Celestia barely had time to react, throwing a shield around herself and Twilight just in time to block the first attacking pony: a pegasus stallion who’s forehead bounced off the solid wall of pure magic and who’s neck snapped back unnaturally. He turned away as the tide of Newfoals broke out around him, stumbling away impossibly as his body tried to understand that he’d just broken his own neck.

Destroy her! Destroy the Heretic!” The first mare repeated, a makeshift general for a ragtag army of shambling, blank-eyed, hateful cretins. Twilight had a flash of a movie Rainbow had forced her to watch, Night of the Living Dead, and she forced the memory back upon recalling the ending. No time for memories, no time for recollection. She scurried up the sedan’s side, safe within her teacher’s bubble, but for how long?

She turned, saw the way Celestia strained with each physical blow and shuddering blast, and realized that despite all of Celestia’s power, she wouldn’t last a few more minutes. They couldn’t stay here, anyway. The humans would be along soon. They would have to be. What else could they be doing? “Princess!” Twilight gasped.

Celestia didn’t respond, and Twilight was about to repeat herself when she saw the way Celestia’s ear flicked. It wasn’t that she hadn’t heard. It’s just that she didn’t want to hear. The strain of maintaining the shield against the blood-soaked, slavering faces was plain on her face, and despite that, despite the beating hooves and the cries for her blood and the shattering bone as the Newfoals literally threw themselves against the shield, she didn’t want to accept that they might have to fight their way out. Twilight’s eyes widened in realization as she turned to the horde outside. Deep down inside those evil, stupid heads were mothers, fathers, grandsons, nieces, and uncles. How many would have to die for them? How many would the Princesses have to kill, extinguishing any hope of ever reuniting them with their loved ones?

Twilight’s mind raced, weighing her options. Stun spells might work. Might. Of course, with this bunch all riled up, it could take three or four hits to get each mare and stallion down, and in that time they could be overwhelmed. Or, even worse, forced to open fire with spells that did more permanent damage. Her wide, fear-filled eyes watched the horde outside, the tide of stupid, angry faces glaring back at her, yet still the rational side of her brain worked away, approaching the problem from every angle. The solution was on her at once.

We don’t have to incapacitate them, she realized, her horn already charging with the spell. She would kick herself later for not seeing the way out immediately, but one could forgive her that if one took into account that terrible horde of awful, yelling faces. We just have to get away…

She finished the spell, there was a blinding flash, and both princesses disappeared, along with the top half of a VW Jetta compact.

There was the rush of magic, the same light-headedness she’d always know, and then reality hit the pair like a speeding semi. Twilight’s head reeled as she snapped back into existence, standing atop a single-story apartment building a couple hundred yards down the street. The horde still gathered around the remains of the sedan, pushing and shoving and jostling each other, apparently unable to believe their prey had just escaped. The former unicorn collapsed out of relief, a few shingles peeling away under her. “Thank Celestia that worked,” she whispered.

Celestia, finally snapping out of her daze, ran a hoof along her former student’s shoulders. “I had nothing to do with that,” she said, wrapping her wings around Twilight’s withers. “That was all you, my dearest former student.”

Twilight was about to say something else, or at least point out they should probably start running, when the roof creaked and groaned. It occurred to both mares that these decrepit structures probably weren’t designed to support the weight of two pony princesses and half a family four-door sedan, especially after having a good portion of their load-bearing walls blown out. Before either could react, there was a loud crash, a creak of splintering wood, and they smashed through into a bedroom.

Twilight coughed, pushing herself to her hooves, ignoring the filth caked into her coat. “Princess!?” She gasped, unable to disguise the raw panic in her voice.

Celestia’s unmistakable silhouette rose to its hooves somewhere amidst the dust, her filth-covered muzzle contrasting with her bright, magenta eyes. “Please don’t mention this to Luna,” she said between hacking coughs. “She’s been trying to put me on a diet ever since she got back, and this might be the final straw.”

Unable to help herself, Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Celestia’s shoulders, squeezing tight, her chest heaving. But she wasn’t in tears. Not yet, anyway. Celestia, for her part, wrapped a foreleg around Twilight’s shoulders, knowing that sometimes the best support to offer was just a shoulder to cry on, even if the other pony was fighting it with all the strength in their little body. One thing they had in common: in that moment, both wished to stay that way forever. Both wished for this moment to remain as it was, because Twilight hadn’t felt so safe in days, and Celestia had never felt closer to simpler times, when the most pressing matter on her mind was what book she would read with her dearest student after they’d finished up their current one.

“Come, Twilight,” she whispered, motioning to the stairs. “We can’t stay here.”

“Yeah, though that’d be nice,” Twilight sighed, following the princess out the door and into the hallway. They both gawped as the door creaked open. The building had been hit by something large and explosive, the large, charred hole in the ceiling made that much obvious. Where the apartment had been untouched, however, the hall was littered with fallen timbers, burnt plaster, and chunks of assorted rubble charred beyond recognition. Just outside the door, a blood-stained pants leg poked out from under a large timber, and Twilight gasped as she realized someone was under there.

“Oh my…” she gasped, a hoof going to her mouth. Her wide eyes scanned the apartment, finding the cold bowl of soup on the kitchen table. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. “He barely even made it past his door…”

“Oh Maker above,” Celestia murmured, shaking her head. “What are we even doing here?”


“T-Twilight…” Celestia turned to her former student, and to her horror Twilight saw fear in those eyes, the same sort of fear as a filly lost in the dark. “I don’t think we should have come here.” She whispered, her voice small and terrified.

And then someone shifted around in the rubble just outside. Twilight thought for a moment it might have been her imagination, and then a few coughs added themselves to the noise.

There was a single moment of processing what was going on, of not understanding, and then both ponies leapt to the air and bounded past the body in the hallway, leaping upon the shattered piles of wood and discarded shingles left by a scorched, gaping hole in the roof. They searched frantically for whoever might be trapped, throwing wood and plaster aside without a moment’s consideration. They found him under a plank of plywood, pinned down by the remains of a support beam: a man in the camouflage clothing they knew all too well, wearing the flag of the human nation they had sneaked into. He stirred and groaned as they lifted the wood off, coughing up a spurt of blood from a mouth covered in filth and dirt.

“Oh no,” Twilight gasped, her shoulders already tensing for hyperventilation.

Celestia eased herself down alongside the man, resting her face gently against his while studying his body. “Burn marks. He was attacked by a unicorn,” she sighed, looking up at the scorched hole in the ceiling. “Just one. Please, after all that’s happened today, let me save one.”

“Wha-wha-wha…” Twilight stammered and swallowed, unable to contain her shaking. Her wings, now frazzled and unkempt, tensed and flexed against her body. “What do we do?”

“First thing’s first, we remain calm,” Celestia said, eyeing her student. All traces of shock and horror were gone from that eye. Twilight visibly paused, then held a hoof to her chest, breathing in and then out, just as Cadence had shown her so long ago. Nodding her approval, Celestia studied the man, her horn igniting. “I will most likely require your aid with this, Twilight.”

Nodding, Twilight leapt to the man’s side. “Do you suppose our healing spells function the same with humans as they do with ponies?”

“We can only try, and hope,” Celestia replied, her horn humming with power. “Are you ready?”

“Ready,” Twilight whispered, their magic humming and coalescing as a small, white orb over the human’s chest. The orb hummed over the human’s body, little arcs of light reaching out across his wounds, sealing them over through the burnt holes in his clothing as he winced in pain. Once or twice, his back arched and he let out a quick gasp, only to settle again.

When it was done, the pair settled back. “Not quite the perfect process we know with most ponies, but manageable for now,” Celestia remarked, rising to her hooves. “Stay with him, Twilight, I wish to poke my head out, see if there are some human forces we can drop him off near.”

“Of course, Princess,” Twilight watched Celestia soar over her head, smiling to herself. Perhaps finally, things were going to start working out for them. Perhaps today they were going to take a step towards convincing humanity that not all ponies were like the wicked demon that had attacked them.

Her gaze drifted back down to the human. His eyes were open wide. “H-hi,” she offered with a little smile and a wave of her hoof.

The man’s boot lashed out, catching her upside the chin and sending her sprawling on her back. Her gaze wavered in and out for only a second, more than enough time for the man to jump to his feet and sprint to the door, screaming the entire way in the strange language of the land. He already had his hand on the doorknob by the time Twilight regained her marbles enough to hop back on her hooves and realize what was happening.

“No, wait!” She cried, running after him and wrapping her hooves around his pants leg. “They’re out there!”

Still screaming frantically, his eyes wide and his teeth bared, the man kicked her off and threw the door open. Twilight still reached for him despite the pain in her forelegs. Too little. Too slow. Too late. No matter what it was, her efforts weren’t enough to stop the panicked human. It only occurred to her to use her magic when he was already halfway out the door, and she reached out, grasping his ankle tripping him up.

The human fell to his hands on the sidewalk just outside the door. A split-second later, his head vanished in a cyan blur and a sudden explosion of gore, bits of skull and droplets of blood blanketing the cheap throw rug proclaiming “welcome” to anyone on the doorstep. His body twitched for a second on the doorstep, then fell limp. Twilight’s mouth gaped open in abject horror, her magic still holding the human’s rapidly-stiffening ankle. She backed away, accidentally dragging the body back into the house, the arms catching on the doorframe and splaying out behind it, soaking the uniform’s sleeves in the blood trail left on the sidewalk. Finally regaining some presence of mind, Twilight released the human, letting the boot drop to the floor with a loud thud.

“That didn’t happen,” she mumbled in a voice that sounded like a timid filly on the verge of breaking down, perhaps like Fluttershy sounded on that first day of Flight School when she was told she would have to learn to step off the clouds and fly under her own power. “That couldn’t have just happened.”

She reached up, a hoof covering her mouth to hold back a scream, only to draw her hoof back at the moisture she felt. Red. It was covered in red. She wondered if she’d scratched herself while plummeting through the roof. Then she realized the blood wasn’t hers.

This time, she did scream. It rose from her throat unbidden, totally out of control, reaching a high-pitched shriek that strained her vocal chords and hurt her ears but she couldn’t stop because if she stopped she might have to look at herself and maybe find a mirror and maybe find a chunk of brain in her hair and oh Celestia oh Luna she didn’t want to see she didn’t want to see that so she just kept screaming, even as a pegasus covered in blood with bits of grey matter in her feathers poked her cyan head in and glared at Twilight.

“Death to the heretics,” she whispered before rushing in, trampling the human’s body. Twilight stood there, still screaming, still paralyzed even as the pegasus rushed her. Her only saving grace was the powerful stun spell that lanced into the back of the mare’s head, dropping her on the run to crash at Twilight’s hooves and now she could feel the blood in her mane oh Celestia it was in her bucking mane…

Twilight didn’t remember much afterwards, and for that she would always be grateful.

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