• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 5,409 Views, 43 Comments

All's Fair in Love and Prank Wars - StarkyShy

A 2nd-person story starring you and pranking queen, Pinkie Pie.

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Chapter 3-She's Already Dead! She's Already Dead...

It was raining all day in Ponyville. But you didn’t care, your tears alone could flood a town.

“We are here to honor Pinkamena Diane Pie, who is sadly not here with us anymore...” You couldn’t hear the rest through your sobs. Your heart was heavy, and your head was low. How could she go like this? It was all too soon... You stood there in front of the engraved stone, and collapsed, your hooves buried in your face, never crying this hard in your entire life.


Wait, she’s still alive!

You snapped out of your horrifying nightmare fantasy to turn back to the waking pink pony, “Oh my goodness, are you ok?” You asked her as she came to.

“W-what happened?” she moaned, rubbing her head from the pain.

You checked the mare, her hair was all frizzled from the blast, her skin was covered in baking ingredients. And her eyes, she looked like she was about to cry. You just...wanted...to...

Lost in the moment, you grabbed her and held her tight against you. And for a moment there, everything was alright. You didn’t care that the kitchen was in a wreck, or that Pinkie might have serious injuries, or how much trouble you were going to be in if somepony arrived at the moment in time, or the fact that you left the lights on at home. Cripes... All that mattered to you was that she was ok, and you were there. And for that moment, you wished that all time stood still just for that moment.

But of course this wish couldn’t come true. As Pinkie opened her mouth to say...

“Um...who are you?” She asks.

Your heart skipped a beat and your embrace broke. Did she just ask who you were? Did she forget her friend and prank war rival? No, that’s impossible! I simply must have misheard that...yeah!

“Come to think of it, who am I?” Oh horseapples.

“Y-you mean, you don’t know who you are?” You asked, hoping that this wasn’t your mind going crazy.

She put a hoof to her chin, and cringed. “Sorry, I can’t remember...Ow...” Pinkie clutched the back of her head in pain.

You rushed to her side, holding her back up so she doesn’t fall. “Hold on, Let me help you.” With a grunt, you picked her up and carried her upstairs to her bedroom.

“Hup! Ahhh.” you plopped Pinkie on her bed, exhausted. For once since this entire fiasco, Pinkie smiled. “Well, thanks a lot; whoever you are...” Strangely, her smiling is calming to you. It made you feel reassured that something good came out of this, despite all that happened You sighed, you might as well try to jog her memory a bit in hopes that it works. You told her what her name was over and over again, you told her about herself, trying to get her memory back. But all you got was a shrug from the party loving pink pony, explaining that she had no idea who you were talking about. You tried to remind her of recent events that happened in your now postponed war, but to no avail. Now desperate, you tried to remind her about anything, you, the Cakes, her other 5 friends...ectetera ectetera...And all that lead to...”Can’t remember, sorry...”

You were about to slam your head into the wall in frustration when you heard “Ow... M-my head hurts...” Your ears perked up at this, “Hold on, let me get something...” you called out as you galloped downstairs to get a bag of ice.

Well, nice job, genius. You blew a girl up and now she has amnesia. Way. To. Go. Why does your life have to be so hard? Where’s the bag... I mean, look at your brother, he’s a freakin violin player! He’s got 2 front hooves, so do you, how come you can’t do the same? Huh? HUH? Wow this ice is really cold... Now she might have brain damage, the kitchen’s a wreck, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake won’t be here for a week to help! Ooh, almost tripped. Gah, I really want Pinkie to be ok...if she leaves, I don’t know what I’d do. It’s not even because of the war, it’s just...I really want her to stay...with...me...

“Pmmkmmph... Ahm Gomm smmp ummss frr ymmm...” You mumbled with your mouth full of a bag of cold ice.

You gently placed the bag on her forehead, and she sighed in relief. For some reason, the sound of her being happy was mellifluous to you...Well, I’m glad she’s not in pain anymore, and why the hay do I know what mellifluous means?

You started trotting downstairs, about to leave to get her medical help when... “W-wait! Where are you going?” You turned, and saw Pinkie with her hoof reached out towards you, as if she could grab you from there. You turned around, not wanting to be less of a gentlecolt for leaving her if she needed you. You sat on her bed.

“Pinkie, I’m just going to get help so you can get better...”

“Please stay...”

“Pinkie, I-”

“Pleeeeeease?” She looked into your eyes, a look of pure innocence and pleading in them. Your brain was fighting with your heart. Say no, darn it, say no! She needs help, and she’s not gonna get it by you staying he-

“Alright, I’ll stay.” Darn.

She grabbed your arm in a hug, like a small filly would with a plushie. her eyes now closed and resting on her pillow.

“T-thanks...” She yawned, and her breathing slowed down. You sat there, just watching her sleep for a good 5 minutes. You had to admit, you didn’t really want this to end. A small part of you wanted to stay and have her hold you. You shook your head. Why the hay am I doing this? I don’t get it. I haven’t felt this before...Maybe I’m in lo-

Your train of thought was interrupted when you moved your arm, and realized you didn’t feel Pinkie clutching it. You took that as your cue to quietly leave. It’s for her own good... You told yourself as you slowly tip-hoofed down the stairs to the Ponyville Medical Center.

“She’s upstairs, Doctor. I found her and she said she couldn’t remember anything. I put her in bed and gave her a bag of ice.” You fibbed to a brown earth pony with an hourglass adorning his flank, trying to ignore the mess still in the kitchen. You sat down near the stairs, hoping that nothing serious happened to Pinkie. You took this time to close your eyes and think...

I really hope she’s ok...I don’t know what I’d do if something bad happened to her. Jeez...why is it that now I care this much about her? I mean, it’s not like she hasn’t been injured before...like that time with the electric buzzer, and the time with the can of springs, and that time with the oatme-No! Never think of that moment again! ...Where was I? Oh yeah. She’s suffered worse, so why do I care so much for her now? Why is it that I care so much for her now? Why I just want to know that she’s happy? Maybe...Maybe I want her to be more than a friend to me...Maybe I-

You heard the sound of hoofsteps going down the stairs. You turned your head to see the doctor. “So, how is she? Does she have a concussion? Is she going to die?” You anxiously asked.

“Well, I woke her up and talked to her. She’s just got a mild case of post-traumatic amnesia. No serious injuries other than a few bruises at the back of the head, and very minor burns on her neck and chest. At the very most, she’ll regain her memory in about 1 week. She’s asleep, so try not to disturb her.” He gave you a note with a bill for his diagnosis and service.

One wallet sob later, you thanked the doctor as he left, and started up the stairs to see Pinkie. You silently made your way to her, looking over her as she was in slumberland. Her blanket covering everything except her forehooves and head. She was faintly smiling, probably dreaming of something wonderful. Sleeping as if nothing was wrong. If only. You wish you could join her being blissful, but you had to make sure she would recover soon. You backed away from her, doctor’s orders to not disturb her.

You felt something inside of you, a feeling of realization. Like you knew what would happen next, or that you knew something deep in your heart. Your brain made the click as you had your epiphany.

Dah! Lights are still on at home!