• Published 6th May 2014
  • 11,717 Views, 680 Comments

Shades of Night - Sketchy Changeling

When a friend tells you that they have a secret, your gut reaction is to say that it's no big deal, but what if it turns out to be just that? A big deal. A REALLY big deal. How does that affect the friendship?

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Chapter Nine - Breaking the News

The next morning, I woke up with the bed sheets covering me and a freshly fluffed pillow under my head. Surprisingly, Moon wasn’t sleeping next to me, for once, and I had to admit that it kinda missed it. I had gotten used to being held against her soft, velvety coat and-

Wait… what was that smell?

I climbed out of the bed and walked towards the door, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I did so. When I opened the door, the once faint scent hit me at full force.


I walked at a faster pace and made my way to the kitchen, where I saw something incredibly surprising…

Moon was cooking breakfast!

She had two plates of toasted bread in front of her, and she held a knife in one hand and a small tub of butter in the other. The alicorn hummed musically to herself as she spread butter over each slice of bread.

“Noah’s going to love this!” she said to herself. “What guy wouldn’t love a girl serving him breakfast in bed?”

Moon wanted to serve me breakfast in bed? Well, that explains why she was gone when I woke up.

“It’ll be so romantic! He’ll wake up to see his lovely mare serving him buttered toast, and he’ll feel like a king!”

I sighed. “She worked so hard to do this for me…” I thought. “I guess I oughta let her have this one. Besides, I can’t say no to a few extra minutes of sleep.”

I went back to my room and climbed into my bed, closing my eyes and getting comfortable under the covers, and tried to go back to sleep, but several minutes later, I felt a delicate hand nudging me.

“Noah…” a soft voice cooed. “Wake up, Noah…”

Wait, she was inside the room already? I didn’t even hear her make a sound. Even if she teleported inside, I would’ve heard the sound of her magic.

Then it hit me: I had left the door open. She probably hovered in with her wings.

I stirred out of my half-slumber and opened my eyes to see Moon standing at my bedside with a plate in her hand.
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” she greeted, apparently not noticing that I was only feigning sleep. “I made you some breakfast!”

“Oh, you did?” I asked as I let out a surprisingly genuine yawn.

Moon nodded her head enthusiastically with an ear-to-ear smile on her face. “I know it’s not much, but it was the first meal I’ve ever cooked, so I didn’t want to go overboard.”

“It’s fine. This is nice enough. The toast does look good. You didn’t burn it or anything.”

The alicorn let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good to know. I was worried that you wouldn’t like it.”

“You say that like I’m some kind of harsh food critic,” I said as I took a bite of the toasted bread. “Mmm… this tastes good, Moon.”

Her eyes immediately brightened up and she dove at me with a hug. “Oh, thank you, Noah! That really means a lot!” She squeezed me and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she nuzzled me.

“Don’t mention it,” I chuckled.

Moon and I continued to eat our breakfast in the bedroom, and once we were done, I saw that she was fidgeting in the chair that she pulled up beside the bed. Her eyes were cast off to the side, like there was something she wanted to say.

“Something on your mind?” I asked.

“Well, I was thinking… It’s Saturday, and there isn’t really anything that we’re doing today, so I was thinking that we could invite Klaus and Maud over so we can tell them.”

“Tell them? Tell them about what?”

She gave me a confused look, and then she laughed. “About us, silly! We are together now, and it wouldn’t be right of us to just keep it a secret from our closest friends!”

“But we’re-” I began to say, but then I caught myself. “Damn,” I thought. “She wants to go public already? I thought that she’d at least wait a couple of days before wanting to tell anyone, then I’d be able to figure out how I felt about her, but she’s taking things faster than I thought. Okay, think. Think, think, think, think, think… Maybe I can dissuade her a bit.”

Moon looked at me with concerned eyes. “Is something the matter, beloved?”

“Well, I just… Beloved?”

“Yeah, that’s one of my pet names for you.”

One of them?”

“Nevermind that. What were you trying to say?”

“Well, I was thinking that maybe we should take things a little slower, you know?” I explained. “A lot happened yesterday and I think we should take some time to really define our relationship before we go off telling the whole world about it. We don’t want to rush into things.”

“Rush into things?” the alicorn asked, tilting her head.

“Yeah! I mean, it hasn’t even been a day yet. Don’t you think we should take some time to see where this goes? Y’know, test the waters a bit?”

Moon continued to stare at me confusedly, but then she let out a laugh. “Oh! Now I get it! It’s okay, Noah. I understand that you’re nervous about admitting our love to Klaus and Maud, but they’re our best friends! I’m sure they won’t be judgmental. In fact, I think that they’ll be happy for us! You’ll see, they’ll be excited to hear that we’re a couple now!”

“But I don’t even know it we’re a couple yet," I thought.

“They’re probably awake by now,” said the mare, “I’ll call them and see if they can come over this afternoon.” She then got up and took out her phone, leaving the room so she could call our friends.

“She’s really serious about this. I can’t just crush her feelings now by saying that I’m not sure about our relationship. I’ll just wait until she’s calmed down from all her excitement.”

It was three in the afternoon. We had already eaten lunch, and we were waiting for Klaus and Maud to arrive.

“You didn’t have to cook lunch today, sweetie,” she told me as we watched TV. “I could’ve done it.”

“You’ve done enough, today, Moon. You’re my roommate, not my servant.”

The alicorn gave me yet another hug. “Aww! How sweet! You’re always thinking about me, honey-bun!”
Okay, that one made me cringe. I mean, “honey-bun”? Seriously? ANY other pet name would’ve been fine!

“Yeah, well, Klaus and Maud will be here any minute,” I chuckled as I gently pushed her off. “Best not to make them uncomfortable when they get here.”

Moon chuckled back and looked at me with lidded eyes. “I suppose you’re right. I guess I’ll just have to make up the deficit later.” She gave me a quick nuzzle and got up from the couch to stretch her arms. “Aah~ I can’t wait to tell them!”

Just then, the doorbell rang, and the ecstatic alicorn transformed into Nightshade and rushed over to the door.

“Coming!” she said as she pranced towards the door and looked through the peephole. I couldn’t see the reaction on her face, but I could tell from the way her tail swished back and forth in wild excitement that it was Klaus and Maud. Nightshade turned to look at me and excitedly mouthed the words “they’re here”. She opened the door and happily greeted our guests. “Klaus! Maud! We’ve been waiting for you!”

“You seem to be pretty excited, Nightshade,” Klaus laughed. “This “big news” that you’re planning to tell us must be something good.”

“Uh, Nightshade? What exactly did you tell them?” I asked.

“When she called, she was really jumpy and frantic, and she told us that the two of you have some ‘big news’ to share with us,” Maud explained.

“Pretty much what Maud said,” the unicorn added.

“Maud was so sure that she knew what this big news was, but when I asked her, she wouldn’t tell me,” said the griffon. “Whatever it is, I hope it’s good!”

The earth mare rolled her eyes. “It’s staring you right in the face, Klaus.”

I couldn’t really blame Klaus for not knowing. It kinda made sense that Maud had an idea of what Nightshade wanted to say since I had already talked about my suspicions about the unicorn the other day.

“I am a lot more perceptive than I let on, Noah.”

Those were the words she said to me that day, and from what I was seeing, they seemed to be very true.

Nightshade let our friends in with a barely contained grin on her muzzle, and they sat in the nearby chairs while she sat beside me on the couch.

“So, what do you two want to tell us?” Klaus asked.

“Mind if I tell them, Noah?” the unicorn asked me.

“I… um…” I hesitated. Was it really a good idea for me to let her tell them? If I did, she’d say that we were dating, and then there’d be two others that would have the wrong idea…

But if I was to tell them, and I said that I wasn’t sure about our relationship, there’s no telling how she’d react. She could burst into tears for all I knew, and it’d make me look like some kind of insensitive jerk.

I decided to let her tell them and save my feelings for when Nightshade and I were alone. The less witnesses there were the better.

“I guess you could tell them,” I told her.

The unicorn squeed and then she jubilantly looked at our guests. “Okay, well, over the past week or so, I’ve been getting these strange feelings around Noah, like butterflies in my stomach, only more intense. I wanted to spend more time with him, and I almost felt… incomplete without him around, and after thinking about it, I realized that this was all because I loved him!” Nightshade leaned towards me and wrapped me in yet another hug. “So when I decided to tell him how I felt last night, he told me that he felt the same way about me, too!”

Wait, I never said that! I didn’t even answer her when she asked me how I felt!

“So, long story short, I called you here so that Noah and I could tell you that we were a couple, now!”

While Maud stared at the two of us blankly, Klaus’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. “A couple! No way!”

Nightshade merely nodded her head and smiled. “Yes way. Noah’s my precious little sweetheart!”

Klaus stared at us for a few more seconds, and then he began to laugh louder than he had ever laughed before.

“Bwahahahaha! That was hilarious! 'Her little sweetheart', she said! Whoo!”

“It wasn’t that funny Klaus,” Maud told him, shaking her head.

“It sure was embarrassing, though,” I muttered.

“Oh, don’t be like that, Noah,” Nightshade cooed as she held my face with her hand. “There’s nothing embarrassing about admitting your love for someone.”

“In all seriousness, though, I’m really happy for you two,” Klaus told us. I found it ironic that he said “in all seriousness” when he was still holding back fits of laughter. “You guys always did seem right for each other, anyway.”

I had to raise an eyebrow at that. “How so?” I asked him.

“Well, you’re both always looking out for each other, especially you, Noah. You buy stuff for her, you defend her when she can’t defend herself, hell, you let her move into your apartment. It takes more than just any old friend to do that.”

“How sweet of you to say that Klaus!” Nightshade smiled.

While Klaus did make a valid point, he didn't know how valid it was. I really had been doing a lot for Nightshade when I really didn’t have to. I didn’t have to stay when she revealed her true self to me, I didn’t have to listen to her story, I didn’t have to offer my home to her, I didn’t have cheer her up when she felt sad, and I certainly didn’t have to keep her identity as Nightmare Moon a secret.

And yet, I did all those things and more, and most, if not all of those things were done without her having to ask me.

Despite all that, though, I didn’t know if my actions were fueled by a sense of loyalty to her as a friend, or by a sense of affection for her as a lover.

“So, I guess you two will be sharing a bed from now on?” Klaus joked.

“Actually,” said Nightshade, “we’ve been sharing a bed for almost a week now.”

“Well, you two were already practically a couple then!” he laughed. “Oh, God! I sound like my grandmother!”

“You’re so silly,” the unicorn giggled.

“Best of luck to both of you,” Maud said with a slight smile, but then she looked at me with her usual neutral expression. “Noah, can I talk to you for a moment?”

I blinked, looking at the mare with a curious face. “Okay, sure,” I answered as I got up and the two of us walked towards the apartment door. “You don’t mind, do you, Nightshade?”

“Oh, no! Take all the time you need,” she answered with a dismissive wave. “While they talk, would you like something to drink, Klaus?”

“Sure,” he said before I closed the door, leaving me and Maud outside.

“Call me crazy,” she began, “but you don’t seem too ecstatic about your newfound love.”

“What are you talking about,” I lied, sweat dripping down the back of my neck. I knew she said that she was perceptive, but I wasn’t expecting her to figure this out!

“I’m talking about how you looked so uncomfortable when Nightshade was talking about your relationship. Is there something wrong?”

As hard as it was to tell from her tone, I noticed her concern.

“I don’t know if you’d understand.”

“Regardless of whether or not I understand, it’s not a good idea to just not talk about it. You obviously don’t want to tell Nightshade, so I’m giving you a chance to tell me, and I won’t speak a word of it to anyone.”

I gave her an unsure look. “You promise?”

She nodded. “I promise.”

I took a deep breath and told her as much as I could without telling her about Nightshade’s true self.
“Well, it’s just that… I’m not sure how I feel about her yet. She had been dropping more and more hints lately, so last night I decided to ask her if she had feelings for me, and when she said yes, she told me that she was scared to tell me up front and was dropping hints on purpose so that I would ask her myself and take the pressure off of her. She practically poured her heart out to me, and I would’ve felt bad if I told her that I wasn’t quite sure about my feelings for her, so I decided to just, you know… roll with it. I’m just seeing where this relationship goes so I can better understand how I feel about her. Maybe I’ll end up realizing that I do like her.”

Maud took in what I told her, and then she let out a sigh. “While I can understand not wanting to hurt her, there’s a flipside to that coin, Noah. While there’s a possibility that you will feel the same for her, there’s also a possibility that you won’t, and if that ends up being the case, the longer you lead her on, the worse things will be for you. It'll get to the point where it becomes more of a problem than it had to be.”

Shit… she had a point there. “So either I keep her happy now and risk hurting her later, or tell her now and hurt her, but keep her from a relationship where she isn’t getting what she’s giving… What do you think I should do?”

“What you should do is for you to decide. I don’t have any right to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I just want you to know what you’re getting yourself into, and it’s not like either choice is right or wrong. Feelings are going to be hurt either way, so it’s all a matter of whether you want to hurt them now or later. The only advice I can give is not to wait too long, because that won't be good for anyone.”

There it was, plain and simple. Now or later, it was all up to me.

“I don’t think you realize how much she values you, Noah,” Maud continued.

I looked up at her, surprised at what she had said. “How much she values me?” I asked.

“When I was hanging out with her the other day while you were in class, she seemed… out of it. It was like a part of her was missing. It got to the point where she wouldn’t stop talking about you. She was totally different from her usual self.”

“Really?” I asked in awe.

“Really. You have a stabilizing influence on her. When she’s around you, she’s her normal self, but when you’re separated, she falls off a little, like she doesn’t know what to do without you around.”

“I had no idea. I knew that she didn’t like to be away from me, but I didn’t think it’d be this serious.”

“Don’t think that it’s your fault. She’s just come to value and admire you. She’s always been an odd one to me, like something about her was never quite right, but I digress. Just be aware that your feelings aren’t the only ones that you should be considering.”

I let out a long sigh. “I get it… Thanks for talking to me about this, Maud.”

“Don’t mention it. I want the both of you to be happy, after all.”

I heard a variation in her tone, and when I looked at her, I saw a warm smile on her face, which made me smile, too.

Klaus and Maud left later that evening, and with them gone, Nightshade transformed back into Nightmare Moon.

“That went well, don’t you think, Noah?” she asked.

“Did you think that it wouldn’t go well?” I asked back.

“No, but I’m just glad that they were so accepting of our relationship. I didn’t want the fact that we were dating to mess up our dynamic, so I was a little nervous.”

“You could’ve fooled me,” I chuckled. “You must be really good at hiding your nerves.”

“I guess I am,” she boasted as we entered my room, and then she lifted my chin with her finger, “but you know that I’d never hide anything from you, my love.” She stared right at me with those cat-like eyes of hers, and they were filled with nothing but passion. The sight of them was rather disarming, and I gave her an awkward smile before moving towards my bed. “Tired already?” she asked.

“I know, but with what’s happened today, I think I need my rest,” I answered.

“I suppose my man needs his rest.”

I gulped a little when she called me “her man”, but I kept it cool and crawled under the covers. Not too long after that, Moon climbed into the bed as well, taking her usual position right beside me. Instead of pulling me close so that my back was against her front, however, she instead pulled me in so that I was facing her. She then wrapped her legs around me and planted a quick, three-second kiss on my lips.

“Goodnight, my beloved,” she crooned with a soft voice.

I was caught up in the warmth of her coat and allowed her to pull me in. The feeling of her bosom made me drift away as if into a dark and peaceful void of peace and forget all about my dilemma.

“Yeah… Goodnight.”

Author's Note:

Moon is starting to act a little clingy, don't you think?

I hope you guys liked this chapter. This is my first time writing this kind of romance, so I don't want to mess this up. Give me your thougts in the comments, as usual, and I'll catch you guys later.

I'm gone!