• Published 15th May 2014
  • 7,827 Views, 222 Comments

How a Pie Became a Cake - Never2muchpinkie

How did Pinkie Pie come to live at Sugarcube Corner? Fresh off the success of her first party she heads off to increase happiness in others, and finds a struggling shop to aid.

  • ...

A rocky relationship.

“Hmm mmm mmm mmm!” Pinkie Pie stood at the counter, gently humming to herself and going up and down on her hooves.

“Pinkie Pie,” said Mrs. Cake. “What are you doing? We’re leaving in a little while, remember? Why didn’t you put the closed sign up?”

“Because I’m waiting for someone special.” The bell rang as the door opened. “There he is! Gooooooood Mooorrrrnnniinnngg, Mr. Waddle!” she said brightly. “And you’re wearing my favorite tie. Red polka-dots really work on you.”

“Aw, shucks, Miss Pinkie,” said the elderly stallion, adjusting his tie with a little blush. “It’s nice to see you too.”

She lifted up a bag. “Eight thirty breakfast. One blueberry, one banana-nut, and one chocolate chip muffin.”

“Oh, you remember my breakfast order even better than I do.”

“That’s right. You can’t be friends with someone if you don’t remember their favorite things.” With a small frown she said hesitantly, “We… are friends, right?”

“Of course! You’re a great friend. Now turn that frown upside down just like you tell me to do.”

Pinkie complied, flashing her best smile. “Have a good day, Mr. Waddle.”

“You too, Miss Pinkie.”

“I AM going to have a good day! Me and my new family are closing up shop early today to go on a picnic. Mrs. Cake says she feels bad that I’m always working during the day, but I don’t see the problem. I just love meeting new people and making them smile. But she says I need to take some time off too to recharge or I’ll burn out.”

“Well, have fun on your trip.” He set a few bits on the table and left.

Mrs. Cake rang him up. She was still hesitant over letting a filly handle the money. Pinkie had the perfect personality to attract customers and keep them coming back, but she was still a little naïve. She could easily see a crafty pony trick Pinkie into giving back the wrong amount. Pinkie was so trusting she wouldn’t doubt it for a second.

Pinkie turned to Cup Cake and said, “Did you see that? We have regulars now! This store is gonna be in business a long time. Your dream isn’t ending any time soon. And even if it tried to end I’d be there to help again.”

Cup Cake gave Pinkie a tender smile. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie. I understand you want to be helpful, but you make me feel guilty by being on the clock so much. You’re still a kid. You should be out playing and having fun. That’s why I want us to go out today. Maybe you can meet some foals your own age to start hanging around with.”

“I’ll do my best. You know I’m great at making friends. I’ll go grab my saddlebag and then we can have the bestest day off ever!” She gave Cup Cake a quick hug and then ran upstairs to grab her stuff. While she was packing she heard her name being called. Heading to the door she said, “Yes? What is it?”

“You have a visitor. Someone wants to see you.”

Pinkie gasped with delight. “I’ll be right down!” She finished putting her stuff in her bag, running down both flights of stairs to the sales floor.

Pinkie walked into the room, seeing the gray earth pony standing there, and her eyes lit up. “MAUD!” she yelled out happily, racing toward her sister. Maud barely had time to react before she was tackled to the ground. They rolled on the floor a few times, and when they stopped Pinkie repeatedly nuzzled her sister. “I’m so happy to see you!”

If it had been anyone else but Pinkie Pie she would have gotten annoyed, but Maud had a soft spot for her sister. Using her hooves she gently pushed her sister away. “Okay, Pinkie. That’s enough.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie backed up, pulling Maud to her hooves. She nuzzled her sister one more time before saying, “You didn’t tell me you were coming, sis. I would have prepared something special for you.”

Maud reached into the pocket of her green frock and pulled out a small envelope. In her stoic way she said, “You said that you had something important to tell me when I saw you in person. I got up early to finish my work so I could come to Ponyville.”

Pinkie cocked her head. “I didn’t think the trains ran that early.”

Maud blinked and responded, “They don’t. I walked here.”

Pinkie gasped. “You walked? Why didn’t you just take the train?”

“…I missed you,” she responded simply. “I just got your letter yesterday, but I was busy on the farm so I couldn’t make it. I had trouble sleeping last night so I got up at about two o’clock and finished all my work. It was only a four hour walk. It’s not a big deal.”

Pinkie blushed a bit, tears coming to her eyes as she hugged her sister. “Aww, you missed me so bad you just couldn’t wait any longer to see me again, huh?”

Maud returned the hug, but quickly pulled away. She looked her sister up and down, and said, “You look like you’re doing well.”

“Yes, I am!”

Maud turned her gaze over to Mrs. Cake. “Are you the one who’s been housing my sister?”

Mrs. Cake felt a strange sensation from the filly. Though the child’s tone was flat and her body was relaxed her stare was intense. She could see immediately how protective Maud was. It wasn’t that strange. Her sister was living with ponies who, to her, were complete strangers. It was only natural she’d want to know her sister was being taken care of properly.

“This is Mrs. Cake,” said Pinkie, gesturing with her hoof. “Their store was going to shut down, but I helped them make enough sales to keep it in business. They were so grateful to me that her and her husband offered to let me live at their house for as long as I’m in Ponyville. She’s been so kind to me while I’ve been here. She reads me stories at night when I go to sleep, and we play tickle games where she chases me around the house. It’s so awesome!” She let out a little happy squeal, hopping up and down joyously.

Maud’s eyes went to Pinkie, then back to her, and she could see the filly’s eyes had softened considerably. Mrs. Cake walked up to her and said, “I’m Cup Cake, and my husband is Carrot Cake. He’ll be along shortly. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Same here. If Pinkie is happy with you I can accept you too.”

Cup Cake raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t tell if Maud was being genuine with her. She just sounded bored.

Carrot Cake pushed open the swinging doors, saying, “There’s my daughter. Hard to mistake your voice.”

Maud’s eyes opened fully for a second, her mouth hanging open, before the moment passed and her face returned to its usual impassivity. “Daughter?” asked Maud.

“Oh, who’s this?” asked Carrot Cake.

Pinkie said, “This is my big sister Maud. She came all the way out from the rock farm to visit me.” Turning to Maud she said, “I know they’re not really my parents, but when I told them I didn’t have any family here they offered to make me a part of their family. And since they don’t have any kids themselves I thought it was spectacular having two sets of parents. Friends are good, but family is amazing. That’s why you’re my favorite sister!” She hugged Maud again, but this time her sister didn’t return it. Pinkie didn’t fail to note that. When she let go she tried to look her sister in the eyes, but Maud turned away towards the door. “What’s wrong?”

Still with a perfectly even voice she said, “I just came to check up on you. You’re obviously not having any difficulties, so I’m gonna go home.”

As she started to walk away Pinkie felt herself starting to tear up. She knew her sister well enough. Maud tended to walk away when she felt angry so she didn’t blow up. “Maud…” She gulped, her tears starting to run down her face. “You-you aren’t mad at me, are you?” She sniffed a few times, putting her hoof to her face to wipe her tears away.

Maud stopped. After a few seconds she tilted her head in her sister’s direction. She didn’t respond, and for a full minute the two just looked at each other without speaking.

Mrs. Cake looked between the two. Since it seemed that neither of them was going to be the first to start talking she decided to step in. “Maud, I think we all got off on the wrong hoof. I understand you’re a little upset that so much has been going on without your knowledge. You two seem to have been very close before she left, so I can get why it’s hard to imagine there are things Pinkie hasn’t told you.

“You just had a long walk, and you already said you completed your workload for the day. Surely you don’t have to return home right away. We were just about to go on a picnic, just the three of us. Why don’t you come along, and get to know us better? You don’t have to just take Pinkie’s word for it that we’ve been good caretakers of her. You can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears the way we treat your sister, and make your own decision about how you feel about us.”

Maud blinked, looking up at Mrs. Cake after about ten seconds. “…Sure.”

Pinkie ran over to her, hugging her again. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise. That was the good news I was planning to tell you all about when you came to visit. I’m sorry if it made you mad.”

Maud once again gave her a quick squeeze before letting go. “Don’t worry about it.”

Mr. Cake grabbed the picnic basket, while Mrs. Cake took the tablecloth and blanket.

Maud and Pinkie walked outside while Cup Cake put the closed sign up and locked the door.

Pinkie bounced with each step, a free spirit basking in the warmth of the sun. After just a few seconds she turned to a yellow pegasus colt and said, “Morning, Rising Flash! How are your flying lessons going?”

“Great!” he replied. “My dad is showing me a stunt today.”

They continued on their way. After a few more seconds she said cheerfully, “Good morning, Mayor Mare! Can’t wait to help cater the get-together you’re having with the delegates of Fillydelphia.”

The mare grinned back at her. “Good morning, Pinkie Pie. It’s nice to see you, too.”

Maud began to ask her a question, but Pinkie said, “Oh! Hold on a second!” She ran off, giving a hard tug to a gray pegasus stuck in a bush. With a rustle of branches the two of them fell backwards onto the ground. Pinkie giggled. “Derpy! You have to be more careful, you silly.”

“I just don’t know what went wrong,” the filly responded. “Thanks for your help, Pinkie!”

“No problem! Happy to help!”

“Hey, Pinkie!” a voice called out. Pinkie turned around to see a yellow earth pony filly wearing glasses. “You have to come to my family’s shop soon. We’re working on a new chocolate recipe, and we need a taste-tester. I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job than you.”

Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “That would be awesome, Bon Bon.”

“And look.” She turned to the side a little. “I even got my cutie mark for helping out.”


“Well, I’ve gotta go. I’m going to see my friend Lyra.”

“Tell her to play me another song some time. She plays the harp so beautifully.”

“I will.” Bon Bon ran off.

Every fifteen seconds or so Pinkie stopped and greeted the passing ponies on their way to Ponyville Park.

When it was finally clear of other ponies Maud asked, “So when are you moving back to the rock farm?”

Pinkie hesitated, then replied, “I’m not.” After a few seconds she turned and saw that Maud wasn’t beside her anymore. Pinkie backed up until they were side-by side again. “What’s wrong?”

Maud blinked, then began walking again without a change in expression. “Oh. I thought you were only visiting. You said that you wanted to go out on your own and visit another town for a little while and then you were coming home. I didn’t know you were planning to stay. Maybe you found someone better to stay with.”

Maud’s tone didn’t change, but Pinkie saw her eyes narrow a fraction as she looked at Mr. and Mrs. Cake. “It’s not like that!” she said quickly. “Cup Cake and Carrot Cake both took me in for helping them, but I’m not choosing them over my other family. I just really, really, REALLY love Ponyville. There are so many ponies here that I love. They’re all so friendly to me. They come to visit the shop and greet me and I can put a smile on all their faces.

“I never knew life could be this great. I never knew how happy I could feel until I moved here. Ponyville is the best place ever!”

Maud looked over at her sister, an impassive expression back on her face. “…I get it.”

Pinkie cocked her head a little. “Are you okay, Maud?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

“Are you crying?” Pinkie felt worried. She had never once seen Maud cry. Her sister was the toughest pony she knew. She worked hard every day, never complaining. She looked after her other sisters when their parents were busy. Maud was the oldest of the four of them, and she had never seen her sister falter before.

Maud stopped, lifting her hoof to her face. She hadn’t felt the moisture before but she could see it on her hoof. “I must have got some dust in my eyes. It’s nothing.”

Cup Cake turned to Pinkie and said, “Oh, Pinkie. I forgot something at the house. Would you mind getting it for me?”

“No problem!” she replied. “Whatcha need?”

“I think we need another blanket to sit on. Oh, and a few more treats since we now have an extra pony in our group.”

“Gotcha!” She gave a quick salute, and then raced off towards Sugarcube Corner.

Cup Cake saw Maud looking after her departing sister and said, “We don’t really need anything extra. I just wanted to talk with you for a minute.

“I can see that Pinkie Pie means the world to you. Me and my husband feel that way too, so we can understand your feelings, even if you don’t express them as openly as your sister does. Why don’t you tell her how you really feel? Even if we would miss Pinkie terribly she is your actual family.”

Maud looked up at her for a brief moment, then her eyes returned to Pinkie. She thought of how every pony around seemed to know who her sister was, despite it being only two weeks since her sister left. She thought of the smile on her sister’s face as she chatted with them, and how joyful everyone looked. “Because if I told her she might decide to move back home. That would make her miserable. That’s all. She’s growing up and finding her place in the world. It’s a good thing.” Maud let out an irritated grunt as she wiped her face again. She glared at the ground, her mouth a thin line. It was the most emotion she had shown the whole visit. “So why can’t I feel happy about it?”

Cup Cake felt her heart breaking. Though not a parent herself she’d heard stories of how difficult it was for mother’s to let their babies go. She felt a bit guilty at her relief that Maud didn’t want to push her sister to return home. Setting the blanket and tablecloth on the ground she gave Maud a hug. “I’m sorry,” she said gently. “I know that it hurts to think of your sister moving away from home. If it’s any consolation at all I give you my word that we will always house your sister and treat her like a member of the family. She saved our livelihood, so the least we can do to repay her is to ensure she’s safe, warm, and happy. We’ll always take good care of your sister, the best way we can. I know it’s not as good as having Pinkie come home, but I hope it can at least give you peace of mind that your sister isn’t going to be mistreated in any way while she lives in our home."

Maud looked up at Cup Cake, the annoyance gone. “Thank you.” She pulled out of Cup Cakes grip. “Sorry if I seemed jealous.”

“It’s okay.”

“HHEEEYYY!” screamed a voice in the distance.

As Maud saw Pinkie coming back her stoic demeanor returned. “Don’t tell her. She doesn’t need to know.”

“I won’t,” Cup Cake replied.

“I’m gonna hold you to your promise. I better not ever hear of you abusing my sister.”

“Never in a million years. All the bits in the world can’t replace a smile that precious. Anyone who tries to steal it away from her is scum.”

“…I agree with that.”

Pinkie caught up to them, huffing a little. “I’ve got the stuff you asked for. Are you ready for the best picnic EVER?”

“You bet!” said Carrot Cake.

In the middle of Ponyville Park they set down the blankets near a lake, resting in the shade of a tree. “It’s such a beautiful day out,” said Cup Cake, looking up towards the sky. “Just the right kind of weather for a picnic. The breeze feels nice and the sun isn’t too strong.”

She took out some sandwiches from the picnic basket and asked, “So how old are you, Maud?”

“Fourteen,” she replied, before taking a bite of her sandwich.

“I’m eight!” Pinkie said right after. “I have two other sisters too: Marble Pie and Limestone Pie. They’re both nine. I’m the youngest of my siblings.”

The four of them chatted about their lives. Carrot Cake and Cup Cake told Maud about how they met and their shared dream of opening a sweet shop, then how Pinkie had saved them when they were at the brink of losing the shop for good.

When she finished Mrs. Cake felt that same dread she had felt earlier with Maud. Even though, just like before, there was seemingly no change in her demeanor. “Is something wrong, Maud?”

In a monotone she asked, “So are you just using my sister to get more customers?”

Mrs. Cake gasped. “Perish the thought! We would never, ever do that!”

“That’s right,” said Carrot. “Pinkie Pie is as dear to us as if she were our very own child. She spent the whole day helping us out because we were so sad we were about to lose the shop. Afterward, she seemed to feel as if she hadn’t done anything special at all. Because it was late enough the trains had stopped running and she didn’t have any family in Ponyville she said she was going to go sleep on a park bench. A park bench! We both felt horrible and there was no way we were going to be so ungrateful as to let her do that. Even though we offered her a place to stay for the night she was still hesitant, like she didn’t feel she deserved it.”

“So we both walked over to her and pointed out how much she had helped us. It was only with her help that we prevailed, so to help her get over her reluctance we told her she was a part of our family now, so she’d always have a place to stay in Ponyville. Like I told you before she helped to protect us, so we’re just doing all we can to protect her. Also like I said before we’re having this picnic because she was making us feel guilty. Pinkie is a social butterfly for sure, but she’s still just a kid. We didn’t feel she should be working so much, even if she didn’t consider it work.”

“Okay,” said Maud. “I just wanted to be sure.”

“So what about you and Pinkie? We’ve heard bits and pieces from her, but we hardly know anything about her family.”

Maud gave them a brief overview of life on the rock farm, and it was like talking with a whole new pony. Her voice was still very composed, but she talked a lot more than before. Her eyes almost seemed to sparkle as she talked about her love of rocks.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake listened politely, but they couldn’t help but drone out after a few minutes. Their smiles became strained, expecting her to be finished every few sentences, but she kept going on and on, still in a perfectly emotionless voice. The disconnect between her voice and her passion was a bit disconcerting, but it was clear that she did have some things that got her excited.

Pinkie gently bobbed her head as Maud spoke, listening intently all the while. Neither of them seemed to notice how bored Mr. and Mrs. Cake were getting.

After about fifteen minutes Carrot Cake finally said, “Well, I think you have a very, um, interesting life where you come from. But my legs are starting to fall asleep. What do you say we go walking? After all, we can’t just sit here the whole day. There’s more of Ponyville to see than just the park."

“Sounds like fun!” Pinkie said. “You up for it, Maud?”

“…Sure,” she said, getting up.

As they left the park Pinkie had to stop at a candy store. Taking out a few bits she bought four candy necklaces, placing them on each of their necks.

Just like always Pinkie was an endless ball of energy as they went through town, eating another piece of candy on her necklace every thirty seconds or so.

They stopped at a booth that allowed you to get a prize for knocking over three bottles with a ball. Pinkie eyed a cute stuffed dog. Going into her bag she placed a bit on the table. She was handed three balls. With a happy-go-lucky smile she threw all three balls at once, all of them completely missing the target. She frowned for a second, before going back into her bag and saying, “One more!”

Try as she might she was too excitable to really aim, so the balls always missed the target. Pinkie wasn’t daunted by her failures. She was still having a great time… at least until she reached into her saddle bag and saw she had no bits left to play. “Aww.” Pinkie let out a sad whimper. “But I really wanted the little doggy.”

Maud walked up to the counter, setting a bit down. Picking up the ball she wound up and threw it. It went dead center into the three bottles, broke through the wood at the back of the stand, and still went over five hundred feet before landing. “One stuffed dog, please.”

The pony in charge of the game gave her a bewildered look before quickly grabbing a stuffed dog and handing it to her.

“Here,” said Maud, giving it to Pinkie. “Now smile.”

Pinkie cheered right up as she held the dog close. She nuzzled her sister’s cheek, saying, “Thank you so much, Maud! You’re the best sister ever.”

Maud picked up another one of the balls. “Well, I still have two tries left. Maybe I can get you another one.”

As she began winding up again the pony in charge said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! It’s fine!” He picked out two more stuffed animals and handed them over, taking the other two balls from Maud before she made any more holes in his stand.

“Thank you,” said Maud. “Now you have three.”

“Yep!” Pinkie said joyfully, hugging them all close. “I got a dog, a cat, and a hamster. They’re all so cute! I love you, Maud!”

“So what do you want to do next?”

For the next few hours they walked around Ponyville, Mr. and Mrs. Cake pointing out various shops and landmarks until the sun was beginning its final descent on the horizon. “Well, Maud,” said Carrot Cake. “It was nice meeting you. Let us buy your ticket home.”

“Okay,” she replied.

“And don’t be a stranger,” said Cup Cake. “Like your sister you’re welcome to visit anytime. I know Pinkie wouldn’t mind sharing the room for a night with you.”

“Thank you.”

The four of them headed to the train station and bought Maud a ticket home. There was still about twenty minutes until the train was due to leave.

To Mrs. Cake Maud seemed irritated. As usual it didn’t manifest in tone of voice or facial expression but in body language. She seemed restless, which was unusual given what Cup Cake had seen of the filly.

Pinkie hugged her sister. “Thanks a lot for coming to visit. I had a lot of fun today. It was nice for my family to meet my other family. Now you know you don’t have to worry about me, right?”

It took a short while for Maud to respond. “You’re my sister. Of course I worry when you’re not around. But… I know I don’t have to worry about Cup Cake and Carrot Cake. I hope you continue to enjoy your time in Ponyville.”

“Hmm…” Pinkie gasped, jumping into the air. “I got it!” She ran off without another word.

“Got what?” asked Cup Cake. Carrot Cake just shrugged.

About fifteen minutes later Pinkie returned, holding a wrapped box. “Here, Maud. This is a gift for you. But you can’t open it right now. You have to wait until later.”

Maud took the box in her hooves, hugging her sister one last time. “I’ll see you later, Pinkie. Stay safe.”

“I will!” She gave her sister a kiss. “Goodbye, Maud!”

“Goodbye.” She got on the train as the whistle’s began to blow.

She waved a final goodbye to her sister as the train began to take off.

When Pinkie was no longer in sight she let out a small sigh. She went into her saddlebag and pulled out a notebook and quill. It was the book of her poems about rocks. Taking the quill in her mouth she began to write.

“My favorite rock.”

Rocks come in all shapes and sizes.

Some are big. Some are small.

They come in all sorts of colors as well.

I love every type of rock, but I love one rock most of all.

My favorite rock I’ve always kept at my side.

She lived in my heart day after day.

Now my rock has rolled away from me.

A rock is a rock until it crumbles away.

Sometimes it grows. Sometimes it shrinks.

And sometimes a rock becomes something else entirely.

My rock grew too big to stay nearby.

She can no longer fit in my pocket.

I can no longer keep my rock to myself.

Because she turned from a rock into a rainbow.

Bringing joy to all those who see her.

My rock has rolled away, never to return home.

Because I love my rock I must let her roll.

I want my rock to be happy.

And the place where she’s happiest is somewhere far away from me.

Even though I love my rock I won’t tell her to roll back home.

I have to live without my rock.

I have to let my rock continue to grow on its own.

Even though it hurts to see you growing up without me.

I’ll miss your sunshine over my cloudy skies.

The one that brings light over the horizon

Goodbye, my rock. My favorite rock. The one I love the most.

This time Maud felt them: the tears brimming in her eyes. She set down her notepad, letting out a small sigh as she wiped her eyes. She turned her head towards the package that Pinkie gave her. Looking at the tag attached to the box she read the scribbled words on it. “To Maud. Open this when you’re in need of a smile. With tons of love, Pinkie Pie.”

Maud stared at the box for a short time before pulling at the edge of the bow on the box. When it came loose she pulled off the top, revealing a card on top of some tissue paper. Picking up the card she opened it and began reading. “I’m sorry you have to go, but I didn’t want you to leave without something to remember me by, so I got you a pet. Don’t worry. He’s real easy to take care of. His name is Boulder.”

Maud’s eyebrow went up a fraction of an inch, and then she pulled away the tissue paper to reveal a small rock that had been shined to a near mirror finish. With a tender hoof she picked up the rock. To anyone else it was just a common rock, no different than one would find lying on the side of the road. To Maud, it was a precious gift from her dear sister.

She couldn’t help it. She smiled. A warm, tender smile. She looked down at her frock, and saw to her delight that Boulder fit perfectly inside. She pushed the rock against her, feeling her heart thumping with joy.

Picking up her notebook again she continued writing a few more lines.

Now more than ever my rock captures my soul.

Like the best rocks do she didn’t just leave.

She didn’t just forget those she rolled away from.

She leaves a piece of herself behind for us to remember.

Forever beside my heart.

She patted Boulder a few more times, feeling content. She began to think of more ways the two of them could stay connected even though they were apart.

Looking down she saw the candy necklace still around her neck. She thought of the special rocks she had discovered back home, and she began to get an idea…

Comments ( 81 )

5096595 So you got your wish. A chapter with Maud. I feel she's a difficult character to write. People might complain she showed too much emotion in the chapter, but she's still young and I feel there' more to her personality than nothingness.

Hey! New chapter! Woohoo! Now this is the end. Hopefully. The only other thing I can do with this is have her meet the other mane 4, but I still have other stories to work on, so I'm gonna let this one be done for now.

Wow. That was a beautiful chapter, and Maud's poem about Pinkie as "her favorite rock" put a whole new spin on her view of the world. I love it!


The four of them chatted about their lives. Carrot Cake and Cup Cake told Maud about how they met and their shared dream of opening a sweat shop, then how Pinkie had saved them when they were at the brink of losing the shop for good.

Please tell me that's a typo!

ROCK CANDY NECKLACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Oh yeah!!!!:yay:

That was awesome and great poem!!!:twilightsmile:

It was very....sweet

Another chapter and it has Maud
By the way this just got a little more heartwarming after this chapter, thank you

I love the poem. This is a great story, and you did a great job with Maud.

Pinkie turned around to see a yellow earth pony filly wearing glasses. “You have to come to my family’s shop soon. We’re working on a new chocolate recipe, and we need a taste-tester. I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job than you.”

Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “That would be awesome, Bon Bon.”

You got me thinking that was Cheese Sandwich! :ajsmug:

I had the impression Pinkie was older than Marble and Limestone. Could be wrong. I never did read that book. Anyway, this chapter was really nice, though it would benefit from another round of proofreading.

The four of them chatted about their lives. Carrot Cake and Cup Cake told Maud about how they met and their shared dream of opening a sweat shop, then how Pinkie had saved them when they were at the brink of losing the shop for good.

Oh that's a good typo right there. :rainbowlaugh:

The story is coming along well. :twilightsmile:

Gosh darn it! I thought this was gonna be a standalone-one-shotty sort of sequel, not a new chapter! Now I can't fav it again XP

But it was great! Loved what you did with Maud! Also I don't think even in the canon she was "emotionless", she just was very flat in her speaking/facial expressions. I think I've heard of people like that. Besides Ben Stein XD

Also, I love her super strength. It's awesome.

Another great story from NTP *claps*

5262475 :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof: Just pretend there's a thousand more of these.

That is the best backstory for Boulder there could ever be! Its just so perfect!

5267280 Huh?:rainbowhuh:

for one second i thought it would be maybe to Pinkie Pie, to really get a feeling for the story

Two words: Amazing Cute NO THREEE ADORKABLE!

I almost forgot, that Maud is the best Pony, and best big Sister perhaps. :pinkiehappy:

Good Ole' reliable Rock named Boulder! Why is it that I found Maud both terror inducing and cute at same time?

5271719 Someone who can pulverize rocks with her bare hooves can surely turn a pony to mush if she needed to. Someone taking advantage or using her sister isn't gonna fly. So I can see the terror part.

And Maud walking all the way to Ponyville because she missed her sister, winning the puppy to make her sister smile, and her joy at getting Boulder is cute.

Without being outwardly emotional she still feels a wide range of things. That's why it's one of my fav episodes.

I got a little teary eyed at the end there. Bravo, good sir. Bravo.

You can’t be friends someone if you don’t remember their favorite things.

I think you mean ou can’t be friends with someone if you don’t remember their favorite things.

also, meet new people? They're ponies, last i checked

going back to reading the fic now, just had to get that out of the way

I’m the youngest of my siblings

i feel it would have sounded more pinkie if she'd just said I'm the youngest of my sisters. siblings makes it sound just a little not-pinkie, especially filly pinkie

three all three

i think ya mean threw all three

other than that, a very good end. i do like how you explained to us why boulder is Maud's pet and why she cares so much about him.

though, it does kinda not work when you put it to the Maud in rainbow rocks, since pinkie is clearly still living with her sister in that movie, but that's not headcannon here, so meh.

5314685 Well, I feel your pain, but more in regards to my dad. My parents got divorced when I was only a year old because he had a drug addiction. He did clean himself up when he lost visitation rights, but he later got remarried to "the wicked stepmother" and had two more kids, and whenever I'd go to visit it was more like I played the role of babysitter and didn't actually get to spend much time with my dad.

Thanks for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

At this point in time I have no plans to continue this story. But hey! I originally intended this as a one shot and it took six months before I got the idea for the second chapter, so maybe eventually I will. However, the only real things left that I can do is show Pinkie meeting the other mane 4.

5314948 At the end of the last chapter it said at the bottom that Maud had an idea when she had the rock candy necklace around her neck, that's where I think that a new chapter should be written of how Maud started the tradition of trading candy necklaces every year(as shown in the episode "Maud Pie").

Pinkie also meeting her future friends is also a great idea and should either be included in the same chapter as the rock candy necklaces or seperate.

5316318 Well, the issue with making more chapters is because of the title. The story was originally a standalone chapter, ending with Pinkie getting accepted into their family. The second chapter shows them bonding. The third chapter focuses mainly on Maud, but the Cakes also play a prominent role in it, All her future friends are total strangers at this point in time, unlike Maud, so the Cakes aren't likely to play mucxh of a part in it. "How a Pie became a Cake" is a bit of a punny title which is about Pinkie PIE becoming a member of the Cake family, so to move the focus away from them would negate the plot of the story, because it's not about the mane 6 and how she formed relationships with them. It's about how she former her relationship with the Cakes. The Maud chapter was kind of a bonus

Besides that is that I don't want this story to become super long. I like it as just a short and cute story about little filly Pinkie, the kind you can come back and read when you're feeling down. A few people got turned off by how overwhelming sweet chapter two was, so I turned down the cuteness for chapter 3.

Right. I'll drop ya a message.

Huh, whaddya know, Maud really is a poet

5490854 Maud is good like that. :heart:

A story on here called "The collected poems of Maud Pie" gave me the inspiration for her poem. In one of them she talked about how rocks could change. At it' surface it seems like just about rocks, but when applied to her family it seemed like she was referring to her sister. I really liked it, so I made my own version of it for my story.

5831097 Well, we saw how not living up to your cutie mark affects other ponies, so Pinkie saving their livelihood and stopping them from being homeless is a good enough reason to me for them to love her and take her in.

I had quite a few people say "Should be an episode" and "I can picture this being the way Pinkie came to live them"But there will always be a differing opinion sometimes. I hope you warm up to it in the coming chapters. :pinkiehappy:The next chapter is about the Cakes bonding, and the final chapter has Maud come visit to meet the ponies housing her sister.

On a side note: This story was initially just a one shot. It wasn't meant to be anything complicated, but then I got a few more idea's, so it is a little lacking in the detail. Most of my stories are a lot more in-depth and have character development.

My very first story is a perfect example of that. It follows Scootaloo from her babyhood to her marehood, as she goes from a weakling to a town protector, struggling all the while to make something great of herself.

Site Blogger

Well, I'll be adding one of your other stories to my RiL just in case, but to be frank this one didn't do much for me. I will say that the third chapter was the best one, but I still can't reconcile the Cakes 'loving' Pinkie in less than a day. There is no realistic excuse for it.

Now, beyond that one major flop, the story itself isn't bad. What I don't like is the delivery of said story. I'd go into details, but the fact is I'll be writing a review for it later that will say all of those things anyway, so there's no need ATM.

5834839 Well, no one likes negative comments on their works, but at the same time it's always nice to see an opposing viewpoint. So hit me. :pinkiesmile:

I still can't reconcile the Cakes 'loving' Pinkie in less than a day. There is no realistic excuse for it.

Well, than I'd recommend you rewatch episode 2 of season 1. Twilight became besties with 5 ponies in the course of 2-3 hours. This is Equestria, where Friendship is easily made when one's heart is open to it. :rainbowkiss:

I see you picked my Discord story as your second pick. That one is a good choice, but maybe not the best choice as one person said they thought it went a little too quickly. However, it is also a very interesting thing, because reader comments hugely influenced the direction the story went in, and I never had that happen. There were some things set from the beginning, but I kept shifting things to make Discord more like his show self. But, trying to write DISCORD, you can't expect anything to be that easy. :raritywink:

So I'm interested to hear your review of the story.

I'd recommend "You are normal too." It focuses on Derpy and Dinky. Derpy is a single mom who was abandoned by her lover, and is now struggling to find love again. It was my first attempt at a shipping fic and it went over very well.

If you're not a Derpy fan or just want a more canon character I'd go with the story I told you about earlier "Scootaloo's growth: from baby to champion." It explains Scootaloo's backstory, why we don't see her family, why she has so much trouble learning to fly, how she came to meet Rainbow Dash and why she admires Dash so much. As she grows she eventually does learn to fly, saves the life of a baby in danger, and protects the town from a calamity. Even as my first work on this site, I think it best exemplifies my writing skills.

Site Blogger

I'll take the Derpy one, since shipping is one of my two specialties (the other apparently being 'sad/dark' stories). I couldn't decide which one to pick in the first place, so it's good to have at least some guidance.

Twilight didn't 'fall in love' in Episode 2, she just gained some new friends. That's a huge difference from finding and falling in love with a child. In your defense, my view is heavily biased towards realism and my own experience writing about foal adoption.

Anyway, it'll be some time before the review comes out. I only do five reviews a week so that the backlog can provide some insurance when I get stuck on a huge, 250k+ story for a week or two, and you've got several stories ahead of yours in the queue. But don't worry, I always provide a link to the reviewee once the appropriate blog comes out, so you won't miss it. If I'm reading my schedule correctly, yours should be out on the 20th.

And yes, I know I cling way too tightly to my schedule. I'm told it's an 'engineer thing.'

5835665 Oh, I didn't know it was a public review. I thought it was just gonna be in a PM. Hey, any additional attention for my stories is good, even if filtered through your own perspective of it.

Since you like shipping I'll give you a little more info. It's Derpy/Doctor Hooves, because that seems to be her popular fanon ship. However, it's only Doctor Hooves because it's the more well known name. It would be more accurate to call him Time Turner, since there's no Doctor Who references and he's just an ordinary pony like everyone else.

Derpy's first love was a rich jock who was only using her for his own ego. A good portion of the story is her trying to get over those past feelings, and be happy with who she is. After finally telling Dinky the story of her father Derpy feels she's ready to begin again. Luckily the Doctor already had feelings for her and was a friend of hers for a while. :scootangel: After Derpy finally lets him in he becomes determined to keep her in his life any way he can.

The inspiration for the story was a tumblr ask pony blog called "Out of work" Derpy, which shows her trying out new jobs after getting "fired" from MLP for her controversial speaking appearance in season 2. There was a flashback arc where she talks about how Dinky was conceived, and there was one scene of Derpy covered in bruises from her abusive husband that just really got to me and got the juices flowing.

5854284 Glad you liked it. :ajsmug: Thanks for the watch.

5999414 A lot of people agree with you. This is my most popular story, garnering twice the views as my other popular stories.

Pinkie going all out to help save the Cakes from going bankrupt simple for the chance to see them smile and expecting nothing in return just captures her nature. I also wanted to show her insecurities by having her be reluctant.

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for the watch and fave, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :pinkiehappy:

6009620 Sounds good, I am enjoying your stories

*smiles* excellent read, you have truly, in my mind, captured the Cakes, Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie and Rock, even Rock itself now makes sense and comes to life, thank you.

6009836 Thank you again for the compliments and the comments. I'm glad you enjoyed this story.

If you're planning to read more of my works I have a few to recommend.

"You are normal too." is a shipping fic between Derpy and Doctor Hooves.
"Deal with the Draconeques." focuses on Sweetie Belle struggling to make a choice whether to hand over Rarity's Element of Generosity to Discord in exchange for him curing her very sick sister.
"Pound and Pumpkin tales" is a series of short stories dealing with the six year old Cake twins and the love/hate relationship they have with each other. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they're at each others throats.
"My little Dashie: the cruelty of man" is a spin off of the popular fanfic wherein Dash is transported as is, with her adult body and memories intact, and runs afoul of a hunter who seeks to sell her off to the highest bidder. After barely escaping she is helped by a farmer that replaces the brony character from the fic.

And, finally, last but not least, my very first MLP fic, my favorite, and in my opinion, my best fanfic of all
"Scootaloo's growth: from baby to champion." is a first-person story focusing on Scootaloo losing her parents as a baby, getting adopted, meeting Rainbow Dash, struggling with a wing condition, mastering her scooter, learning to fly, helping to save a life, and growing all the while.

The book is good and interesting.

6187881 It gets cuter next chapter. Thanks for the comment. :rainbowkiss:

AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! This is one of the most adorable fan fictions I've ever read on here! :pinkiehappy: I love how you wrote Pinkie Pie, Maud, and the Cakes!

6235497 Thank you for the compliment. :twilightsmile:

Younger Maud was a blast to write.

If you're interested, I recently posted another "Filly Pinkie meets..." story, and it's in first-person. She gets to be a little "Pinkie" in that one. (in other words, more random)

http://www.fimfiction.net/story/278188/the-lost-pegasus Here's the link.

And here's the cover art my friend drew for me. cdn-img.fimfiction.net/story/yl6e-1437115934-278188-full

6235624 I am interested! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for the recommendation and I just know that story will be great too!

Ooohh, I cried reading Maud's poem. But what a great chapter it was. So sweet. :')

The origin thing made me tear up.

The site has specific ways of handling sequels now. You could do it as a sequel and set it up so that people would see it from the cover of the story... or even put a link in the last author's note too.

5262655 Cheese Sandwich was a filly? :rainbowderp:


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