• Member Since 29th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen May 23rd


I like to write stories, and I love MLP, so I created this account in the hopes of combining the two. I am currently looking for a Beta Reader and an Editor, please message me if you are interested.


Upon the return of Princess Luna {Circa 0 AR} and the ascension of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle {Circa 4 AR}, Equestria experienced a technological boom the likes of which had never been seen before or have been seen in the 100 years since. The nation progressed from fossil fuels to self-sustaining Arcano-Antimatter reactors to power the country within the span of fifteen years. Within seventeen years Major Charging Dawn of the Celestial Air Brigade was the first pony to set foot on the moon through means non-related to the usage of the elements of Harmony. Within twenty-five years, the first warp drive was created.

Within a hundred years, where we stand now, the universe has expanded in a way that none could have predicted before the return of Princess Luna and the ascension of Princess Twilight. It is this author’s humble opinion that the Princesses exerted a kind of pressure on the creative and innovative sparks of the beings of the world, whilst Princess Twilight increased their predilection for working together in friendship and harmony. The two elements, when combined, resulted in the massive explosion of technology that has been observed over the last century.

And now, the Equestrian Interplanetary Alliance discovers the answer to the biggest question asked since ponykind first looked to the stars.

They are not alone.

[Star Trek/MLP crossover, with a bit of a twist. I sincerely hope you enjoy. Like, favorite, and comment if you enjoyed, and comment if you didn't. Tell me why!]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Okay, I'll bite. Let's do this. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

very good start i hope they don't go to war with the federation cause the bnxt episode sounds like it

4400504 if they did, it would be a very short fight...Equestria has gone to war before...and theyve never lost...

Seriously dude. Have you not watched star trek. If you did you might forget not only the tech level but also the alliances they made in their lifetimes. Overall if they do go to war equestria wouldn't last very long..

4401889 Equestria is not without her own allies, and powerful allies they are...should they wish it, the Sisters can easily weaponize their charges. the Dragons are amoung the fiercest of fighters. the Minotaurs are cunning and expert tool users. the Zebras, crafty in their Alchemy and unique magic. the Gryphons, warriors all, on land or on the wing. the Diamond Dogs also are not without their skills...and this is asuming that every race on Equis has united and schived a level of technology that rivals the Federation. the war would be swift...but like all things...it would be won, not through force of arms...

I'm guessing that the Federation has better ships and weapons correct?

This is the Federation circa Kirk. If the Federation and Ponies went to War, Ponies would be beaten by way of sheer numbers. And as far as technology goes, the Federation has better weaponry and shields, but the ponies have better engines and computer technology.

They've pissed of the Klingons....welp i wish them luck. Unless they join the federation they're not going to last very long.

That was fun. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

Hmm, no attempt at communication before firing at unknown ships in an unknown situation - doesn't seem like a very equestrian thing to do, or smart for that matter regardless of the species.

ok, what is with this part?

Emergency broadcast to any Federation ships in the area, this is the U.S.S. Gettysburg, IFF Zero Niner Niner dash Eta Five. We are under

this strike out thing makes no sense at all...

4434010 I think it means that the message is buried in static/background noise, at least, that's how I read it.:ajsmug:

>>kazenostigma Just then a formation of eight more ships exit warp, consisting of a large carrier, a heavy battleship, a heavy cruiser, three destroyers, and two Space Search and Rescue ships. Fighters swarm out of the carrier and the heavy battleship and cluster around the formation as one of the ships begins broadcasting a message, "To all ships in this sector, this is Fleet Commander Razor Wing aboard the R.W.S. Hammarr Strike. We have received a distress call originating in this sector, and are en route to assist in a Space Emergency. Any violent action taken against the distressed ship will be seen as an attack on this fleet and the offender will be dealt with."

As the message was broadcast, one of the ships slid forward with an escort of smaller ships. The larger ship was a Space Search and Rescue ship with a large red cross painted on the nose, top, sides and bottom, the smaller escort ships had blue wrenches painted on the nose, top, sides, and bottom. Four fighters escorted the SSaR wing halfway to the crippled ship and peeled off in pairs to slowly approach the other two ships in the system. The fighters traveling toward the Equestrian ship suddenly changed course and accelerated exponentially to intercept a small asteroid that was speeding toward the larger vessel. The asteroid was about fifty yards wide and seventy five yards long and still at extreme range for the Equestrian ship's defenses when a missile flashed out of one of the fighters. In seconds the asteroid was consumed in a large anti-matter explosion, and the fighters turned back toward the Equestrian ship. The fighters decelerated and slid into position flanking the large vessel, as their wing mates flanked the undamaged Federation vessel.

Meanwhile, the SSaR ship slid up to the side of the damaged Federation ship, activated it's tractor beam, deployed its' gravity anchors, and slowly winched the crippled ship into line with it's docking port. The smaller escort ships slid close and began disgorging robots, repair technicians and materials to repair the Federation ship's damaged hull. Inside the damaged ship, medical personnel and repair technicians practically swarmed onto the crippled ship; the medical personnel began transporting the seriously wounded back to their ship for advanced treatment and the repair technicians began repairing damaged components and checking bulkheads. The newcomers worked with a speed and confidence that spoke of incredible amounts of practice and experience. Within fifteen minutes, the last of the wounded had been treated; and within two hours,the communications array was online, the engines, warp drive, shield generators, life support were back online, all decks were accessible to personnel without space suits, the bulkheads repaired, and the outer hull armor was well on it's way to being fully repaired. Within three hours of docking, the once damaged Federation ship was space worthy once again.

The undamaged Federation ship had not been idle during those three hours, it had moved closer to its sister ship, and it's Captain was conversing with the Equestrian ship's and its sister ship's Captains....

*After 2 hours of typing* Aaaaannnd... Brainfart.:ajsleepy:

4476254 that effect could be accived just by leaving that part out entirely, thus the strike out makes no sense...

4478137 Possibly, but then it (the message) would seem crystal clear unless otherwise stated that the beginning of the message was filled with either explosions, static, crew and ship status updates, alarms and battle sounds...:rainbowhuh:

Still, I eagerly await more updates, Derrrr Great!:rainbowkiss::ajsmug::yay:

:Edit: 4476254 With the repairs completed and the previously wounded crew back on board the Federation ship, the SSaR ship and repair vessels undocked and slid smoothly away from from the repaired ship, they angled toward the mysterious fleet. Once they were under acceleration, the four fighters broke off their escort and accelerated to escort the repair wing back to the fleet.

With the fleet once again whole, all the fighters and repair vessels landed on their home ships while Razor Hailed the three ships in front of the fleet, "I would advise that you find a friendly shipyard as soon as you can, and get a proper refit, it was a pleasure to assist you, but we must be on our way. Good luck to you, and good hunting! Razor Wing out." On that note the whole fleet turned and accelerated into warp, leaving the three ships and their crew to ponder the Fleet commander and his ludicrous generosity, because while the repair techs were on the damaged vessel they had left some significant upgrades to the warp drive and the sickbay, complete with ribbons and a note to please call again.:trollestia:

4478625 again, easily done...and as u can see, the first line is perfectly writen while when the message is repeated, suddenly the translator has problems with 'proper names'. like i said, it makes no sense...

This is something that I will keep an eye on for sure.

The episode preview is a nice touch.:ajsmug:

4403968 did you take your third chapter down because I thought it was already up

an update to this story would be appreciated...

I believe the striked out part of text is the actual message while the unstriked part is the message the ship received as they do say that the translation program still had some problems.
I too would like very much to see an update to this fascinating story.

This is actually very captivating!
The first decent fic I've read where the Federation is encountered as equals to Equestria.

interesting, let's see where this goes

It is this author’s humble opinion that the Princesses exerted a kind of pressure on the creative and innovative sparks of the beings of the world, whilst Princess Twilight increased their predilection for working together in friendship and harmony. The two elements, when combined, resulted in the massive explosion of technology that has been observed over the last century.

No, it's totally because they can use magic to study nature in a completely cheating manner and thereby make use of the laws of nature without understanding them. Thus, technological development. It was rapid for this reason alone. Luna likely was disgusted at the lack of advancement in a freaking thousand years so she put her hoof down and Twilight is a genius among genii and also an extremely powerful unicorn who likely became the most powerful Alicorn in terms of raw power (not necessarily skill, though she likely soon surpassed even Celestia in magical ability after awhile).

It looks to be at least the equal of our own ship in terms of firepower

Oh, believe me, little pony, you have no idea how screwed you are if you piss them off.

I take it this is during Kirk's time since the Federation and Klingon Empire don't appear to be allies. Also before the Organians since the Klingons were firing on the ship. I hope too see an update soon.^_^

I noticed that the captain's name changed from Storm Rider to Star Rider in chapter 2 was that intentional? Also good story so far looking forward to the next chapter whenever that may be.

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