• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 17,193 Views, 1,530 Comments

Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hardworking student for many years, willingly deciding to stay two hooves tall after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. How will the rest of the mane six and Nightmare Moon react to her?

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Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary

“Hey Twilight! What are you doing?” Spike called up to his adoptive mother, as she perused a long row of books a few meters above him.

Twilight Sparkle, twenty years old and shrunken by Princess Celestia to barely the size of a large rat, could have easily taken a spot as one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria.

Well, if she ever decided to return to her original size, that is.

However, over her thirteen years under the tutelage of the princess, she discovered her love for the adventures and experiences from being tiny, and so wished to stay as she was, perfectly content at her current size.

Twilight picked out another book, adding it to the mountain of tomes levitating above her head as she checked off another item on the long checklist floating in front of her.


Spike stopped as Twilight turned suddenly towards him, jumping from the five meter height to land squarely on his nose. She wrapped her magic in a gentle embrace around his mouth to keep it closed even as she still kept the giant heap of books levitating behind her. “Shush, Spike, this is the Royal Library. One of the main rules is to keep quiet. That includes shouting and loud noises too. Understand?”

Spike tried to answer, but his mouth was still held in Twilight’s powerful grip, so he simply nodded his head. A moment later, Twilight loosened her hold on him, and her angry glare vanished.

“Twilight,” Spike mumbled, “you know that besides us, your mentor, your foalsitter, and your personal guards, nopony else uses this library, right? Why do you even bother with the rules, if there is nopony here to disturb?”

Twilight shook her head. “Rules are rules, Spike. What if some very famous and important scholars come here in search for knowledge, and the noise we make discourages them from their pursuit?” she replied, giving Spike a questioning look.

The little dragon sighed in defeat. “Fine, fine. I'll try not to be too loud, but could you please tell me what you're searching for?” Spike asked, pointing up at the books still being levitated in Twilight’s magic. “Are you still working on that spell to turn unicorns and earth ponies into pegasi, or is this some new project?”

“Nothing of the sort. I’m just preparing for an important assignment,” Twilight replied cheerfully, giving her assistant a smile.

Spike stared at her uncomprehendingly, and Twilight’s smile slowly turned into a frown. “Don’t tell me you forgot what day it is today.”

Spike blinked a few times as he continued to look up at the unicorn on his muzzle. “Umm... is today your birthday? No wait, you had that a few months ago. Maybe... or... okay, I got nothing.”

Twilight let out an exasperated groan. “Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration! It’s going to take place in a town not far from Canterlot—Ponyville, I think—but the point is that I’m responsible for overseeing the preparations for the celebration. Do you understand what this means?” she said, a mix of excitement and panic in her voice.

Twilight looked at Spike desperately as he tried his best to think of an appropriate response. “Umm... free food?” he replied hesitantly.

“No Spike,” Twilight said firmly, resisting the urge to facehoof. “It means that I am on my first royal assignment! Princess Celestia is entrusting me with a duty for the first time, and I cannot fail her trust. This day has to be perfect!” she said anxiously, taking a few agitated breaths as a few hairs of her mane sprung out of place.

“Twilight, calm down!” Spike said, as the little mare jumped down from his head to pace restlessly on the floor. “You are, once again, panicking over nothing. Also, didn’t Celestia assign you to the Wonderbolt Headquarters so you could learn about pegasus magic? You didn’t panic back then, so why is this any different?” he asked, giving Twilight a questioning look.

“No, no, and once again, no! My one month trip to the Wonderbolt Headquarters and the time I spent learning from Spitfire and Soarin’ were a part of my studies. Overseeing the Summer Sun Celebration is the first duty the princess has requested of me. For the first time since I became her apprentice, I can prove myself useful to her, and I must prove myself useful!” Twilight replied, shuddering from the images of a ruined celebration and a giant, disappointed princess glaring down at her as they flashed through her mind.

Before her assistant could reply, Twilight jumped onto the bookshelf and began climbing back up, her levitated books following her. Spike sighed and followed the little mare as she skimmed through the titles even quicker than before, once again five meters above him. “So let me guess, those books are about past Summer Sun Celebrations and this village we’re going to visit, right?” he asked quietly, not wanting to get another lecture from his over-energetic mother.

“First off, it’s Ponyville, and yes, you are correct. Just today, Silver Scroll informed me about my assignment and left a list of tasks to do and places I need to inspect. She said that I’ll be staying at the local library, but I need to be prepared," Twilight answered, taking a single solid jump to land on the edge of another bookshelf. "I’m trying to find as much literature as I can about this place.” She looked up at the sign posted on the shelf, proclaiming it to be the ‘History and Traditions’ section of the library. With a nod, she began skimming through the titles again, though her hasty search stopped when an interesting book caught her attention.

“Twilight, you’re going to visit a town near Canterlot, not some isolated island with an alien culture… Twilight, are you even listening to me?” Spike asked, as Twilight buried herself in her new find, a picture of the moon emblazoned on its cover.

“Your Highness, permission to report!” an armored, white unicorn said, his blue, multicolored mane tucked neatly into his helmet as he snapped a smart salute. The sparse light coming through the canopy of the Everfree Forest reflected off his polished armor and brightened the area slightly, though it ultimately did little to penetrate the dark, gloomy atmosphere. He wore a serious expression on his face as the princess turned towards him with graceful poise.

“Speak,” Celestia said firmly.

“Our forces have all been properly briefed and are currently in position with the enchanted camouflage. We had some minor troubles with monsters from the Everfree Forest, but we’ve managed to dissuade a few of them from interfering,” Shining Armor reported.

“And the specialized magic-restraining rings? Will they be able to restrain Nightmare Moon's power?” Celestia asked, levitating over a silver, spiraling ring with a few enchanted gems embedded in it.

“I believe so, Your Highness,” Shining Armor said as Celestia slid the ring over her own horn. “Once on the horn, it cannot be taken off without a special key. Just one ring is strong enough to keep me from using my more advanced spells, and I am confident that even your possessed sister could not—”

“Sir! Manticore incoming!”

Shining Armor turned around swiftly to find two of his pegasus soldiers in midair, keeping a manticore at bay with their spears. He lit his horn to trap the manticore inside his barrier, but he quickly lost focus when a beam of golden magic shot straight past him, carving a scorching crater in front of the beast, the dirt and soil melting into a blistering lava. The frightened manticore quickly turned tail and fled as Shining Armor and his guards stared wide-eyed at the sudden, new smouldering depression in the earth. They turned towards the source of the attack, the princess looking evenly at the results of her magic as small wisps of smoke trailed from her horn.

“Princess... but, the restraining ring...” he said hesitantly. The alicorn gestured towards the ground, and Shining Armor noticed a puddle of hot liquid that was most likely the melted restraining ring. He placed a hoof on the back of his neck awkwardly. “W-well, I certainly didn’t expect that.”

Celestia shook her head with a sigh of disappointment. “Please instruct your soldiers not to try and put those rings on Nightmare Moon until she is greatly weakened. We don’t need any unnecessary casualties because of this.”

Shining Armor nodded, turning to trot to the closest outpost of soldiers. These rings were the strongest version we could produce, and Princess Celestia overpowered one as if it was nothing. I pray that she will be able to weaken Nightmare Moon, or my soldiers won’t be able to see their homes and families ever again. He let out a deep sigh as he disappeared from Celestia’s view.


Celestia sat back down, taking a deep breath as she renewed her meditation and prepared herself for the confrontation against her sister. Her calm, however, was soon interrupted when she felt a hoof on her shoulder in an encouraging gesture. Concentration broken, she looked back, matching gazes with pink alicorn. “So, the day has finally come,” Cadence said. “Hasn’t it, Auntie Celestia?”

“Yes it has. It’s a day I have waited a thousand years for, the day when I finally confront my sister once again, but what about you Cadence?" Celestia asked, looking sympathetically into the eyes of her companion. "Luna and I took care of you from the day you lost your empire, and Luna was as close to you as I was. Are you also prepared to face her?”

Cadence gave a determined nod. “Yes, I am,” she said firmly, shedding a few involuntary tears. “Because I had tried to live among your subjects under an illusion spell in those days, I was not around when Luna gave herself up to the darkness. I was not there to raise her spirits when she needed it the most, but not today!”

“Cadence, Luna’s fall to darkness was not your fault, but mine. If only I—” Celestia was interrupted when a wave of green flames flared up in the air front of her, depositing a scroll onto the dark ground.

Celestia levitated it up with a concerned expression and unrolled it, the seconds passing mercilessly as she skimmed over the scroll intently. It wasn’t long before her eyes widened, the scroll dropping from her levitation as her legs began to tremble.

Cadence approached Celestia and grabbed her trembling hoof, massaging it as she looked at the white alicorn’s panicked eyes. “It was a message from Twilight. Did something happen? Did she hurt herself again? Please, tell me!”

The calm mask that normally graced Celestia had slipped momentarily, revealing the depths of the fear and confusion that swept over her. "Twilight found the story of Nightmare Moon."

Cadence shook her head in disbelief. “What? But there isn’t a copy of the story in all of Equestria save for in your possession! How could your student have found it?”

Celestia looked down in contemplation, her eyes darting back and forth. The only pony I ever entrusted it to was my secretary, Silver Scroll, but I told her that sending Twilight to Ponyville was no longer part of the plan. Did she disobey me?.


A group of soldiers flew towards the princess and saluted. “Yes, Your Highness?”

“Bring me a scroll, pen, and ink. Immediately!”

The guards bowed slightly, sending one of their number off at high speeds through the Everfree Forest towards the nearest town before they returned to their posts. Behind them, Celestia sat down with Cadence as she tried to regain her composure, her legs still trembling uncontrollably.

“Auntie,” Cadence said calmly as she put a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder, “I know that you are worried about your student, but she’s away from danger in Canterlot, behind walls guarded by hundreds of royal guards. She’s safe.”

Celestia took a deep breath to calm herself before she looked at Cadence worriedly. “I know, but the very idea that she may get involved... it terrifies me." She paused and closed her eyes, giving herself a few seconds to regain her composure. "A thousand years ago, I lost Luna because of my own blindness, and a thousand years since, I’ve lived without the sister I had loved so dearly, but Twilight... when I took her in as my student and she almost drowned in my own bathtub after I had promised her parents I’d take care of her...”

She shuddered. The idea that the Twilight she had cared so much for would no longer be alive was unimaginable. “Do you remember when I had accidentally stepped on her in a silly game of tag? It was a little bit before you came in as her foalsitter. I thought I’d killed my adopted daughter then, and just a few months ago, I actually ate her inside a piece of cake during her own birthday party.” Celestia let out a mournful sigh, looking intently at the ground even as she continued to talk. “Cadence, I love Twilight as much as I love my own sister. The idea that the two ponies I love would fight each other… No, I won’t let that happen.”

Cadence nodded in understanding. “I understand your worries, Auntie,” she said reassuringly as she moved closer to Celestia. “Every time I see her getting herself into adventure after adventure, so small and so vulnerable, I worry about her too, but...”

She smiled at the sun alicorn. “You must understand that all the training and the bad experiences she’s endured have also made her stronger. Every time you thought that you’d lost her, she has proved to you exactly how resilient she is.”

Celestia sighed. “I know, Cadence, I know. She may, in fact, be able to unite the Element Bearers and pass the trials that Nightmare Moon would set up for them, no doubt activating the Elements soon after, but just as many potential candidates died before Luna and I became the Element Bearers so long ago, Twilight may die as well."

Celestia spread her wings proudly, straightening up into a regal posture. "The Elements are powerful. They may have been able to change me and my sister into alicorns, but it has always been a gamble, and the fact that Twilight wants to remain so tiny… I fear that it will reduce her chances to befriend the other potential bearers in Ponyville, let alone the possibility that she will be able to survive an attack by even a weakened Nightmare Moon.”

“Come on, Auntie. You can’t possibly think that your student’s size would get in the way. I still remember when you asked me to foalsit Twilight without, may I remind you, telling me that you had shrunk her,” Cadence said, shooting her aunt an annoyed glare. “I may have made myself look younger with a spell to make myself more approachable to young ponies, but I couldn’t prepare myself for when I first saw your student, so tiny compared to me, even when I was the size of a filly.

She looked up with a wistful, affectionate smile on her face, filled with the soft glow of nostalgia. “You should have seen my face when I first saw her, curled up into an adorable ball on top of your pillow like a kitten. When she woke up and looked at me with those bright eyes, I was all ready for an inevitable scream of fright and panic.”

Celestia chuckled, her mood improving. “Let me guess. She wasn’t afraid at all?”

“Nope. Despite my assumptions, she acted very courteously, not at all intimidated by our huge size difference. She even questioned me about why I was smaller and younger than I should’ve been, considering that you told her about me,” Cadence said. “And yes, she did eventually ask about my age-changing spell. I’m the reason she knows so much about illusion, love, and self-altering spells, and though we are the only ones strong and experienced enough to use the age spell now, Twilight may eventually be able to use it one day, if she can’t already.”

Celestia smiled. “You’re right… Size never really was an issue with Twilight. She could make friends so easily, unintimidated by the size of the ponies around her.” She paused, looking at Cadence with renewed concern. “But keep in mind that I told those ponies who have befriended Twilight about her condition in advance. Ponyville is full of ponies who have never seen or heard about a pony such as Twilight, and there is a risk that she will not try to befriend anypony who doesn’t try to start the friendship first. I just can’t take that risk.”

“Your Highness! You wished for writing materials?” a pegasus guard said as he approached the two alicorns, snapping a salute as he handed over the requested items.

“Thank you. You may return to your post,” Celestia said kindly as she levitated a scroll in front of herself, dipping her quill into the bottle of ink.

Twilight trotted circles around Spike nervously as the baby dragon sat with a bored expression on his face. It had been several minutes since they had sent the letter and Princess Celestia still hasn’t replied.

“What’s taking her so long?” Twilight said in exasperation as she unconsciously quickened her pacing. “Princess Celestia has never delayed in replying to my messages, especially for an emergency such as this!”

“What happened with the ‘no-noise-in-the-library’ rule?” Spike asked in a teasing tone, looking at Twilight amusedly as she stopped herself and put her tiny hooves over her mouth. “Twilight, this book you read about is some old fairy tale. You can’t expect the princess to take it seriously.”

Twilight stamped her hooves down firmly, leveling a serious stare at the baby dragon. “Spike, this is the tale of Nightmare Moon we’re talking about. Princess Celestia banished her to the moon one thousand years ago, and tonight is the night when the stars will aid in her escape! Equestria is in impending danger, and I’m certain that my mentor will listen to me,” she said confidently, before jumping back as Spike suddenly burped up a scroll in a burst of green flames.

Twilight quickly jumped to catch the big scroll with her forelegs before it could fall to the floor and, not wasting a moment, unrolled it and began reading intently.

My dearest faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

I have read your warning about your recent discovery, and, while I value your diligence and trust you completely, you simply must stop reading those dusty old books and fairy tales! Understand that not everything written in a book is the accurate truth.

Your mentor, Princess Celestia

Twilight dropped the scroll, her mouth wide open as Spike took Celestia’s letter and read it himself. He smirked at Twilight and crossed his arms. “Called it.”

Twilight hung her head low in defeat as she began walking towards the exit of the Royal Library, Spike right behind her. “Come on, Twilight, the princess is right. Just because something is written in a book doesn’t mean it has to be true. That’s what fantasies and fairy tales are for: to entertain us.”

Twilight sped up to a trot, turning her head back to look at Spike with a worried expression. “And what if it is the truth? What if Equestria is in danger? What if Princess Celestia’s sister is coming back from her banishment looking for vengeance after spending a thousand years on the moon?" She gasped, her eyes widening in realization. "Now that I think about it, does being an alicorn mean that you don’t need to breathe, eat, or drink water? After all—”

Twilight let out a soft ‘oof’ as she collided into something, which, upon a second glance, turned out to be somepony’s foreleg. She shook her head blearily before looking up at the face of the pony she had crashed into. “S-sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and—”

She paused, her ears straightening up and a smile spreading across her face. “Oh, hello Silver Scroll, Brave Blade! What brings you here to the library?”

Silver Scroll looked down at her with a serious expression. “I have arrived only to remind you that your chariot is prepared and waiting for you. The Royal Guards have already been informed about your departure and your destination." She gave Twilight a sly smile before adding, "And I am sure that a punctual pony such as yourself would hate the very idea of being late on your first royal assignment.”

“And I came to wish you farewell,” Brave Blade said with a friendly smile. “After all, you’ve spent many years safely behind the walls of this castle. Well, at least until you accidentally teleported yourself from the princess’s tower and crashed onto the stone streets of Canterlot,” the former Captain of the Royal Guard continued, chuckling.

Twilight shuddered at the memory. If she hadn’t had a protection spell cast on her so often that its effect had become permanent, she might not have survived the fall when she began experimenting with teleportation. As it was, it was still a terrifying experience, even if it did make her realize that the added durability and strength from the protection spell meant she didn’t have to be afraid of heights.

“Anyways,” the captain said firmly as he lowered his head down to Twilight’s level, “the point I am trying to make is that you have spent many years in the castle, and for the past few years you’ve been walking around Canterlot freely again. But are you ready to visit a completely different town? A town where nopony knows you and nopony has even seen or heard of a shrunken unicorn?”

Twilight walked towards Brave Blade, looking into the old eyes of the former captain. “I understand your concern, and honestly, I feel a bit nervous about leaving Canterlot. But Princess Celestia trusted me to ensure that the preparation of this celebration goes smoothly, and I am not going to fail her now,” Twilight said with determination.

“But won’t your small size get in the way of your duty? Won’t it distract the villagers?” Brave Blade asked in a serious tone. “I think the best course of action for you to take is to dispel the effect of the shrinking spell that Her Highness cast on you thirteen years ago.”

Twilight took a few steps back with an awkward smile. “Heh heh, oh, look what time it is. I must be going. Can’t be late on my first royal assignment and all...” she said, before taking off in a dash towards the exit, galloping directly between Silver Scroll’s hooves.

“Wait for me!” Spike shouted as he ran after her, leaving the two adults behind as he tried to catch up to the tiny unicorn.


Silver Scroll looked at Brave Blade, her face doubtful and concerned. “So, she’s still afraid of returning to her normal size. I hope that sending Twilight to Ponyville against the princess’s wishes doesn’t turn out to be a bad idea. Do you think that Twilight will finally remove the shrinking spell when she faces Nightmare Moon?”

Brave Blade shook his head. “I am not confident she will dispel it when the time comes. I may not know Twilight very well, but my son Steel Blade is one of Twilight’s personal guards and he’s spent a lot of time with her over the past years. He told me that Twilight has gotten so used to being tiny that she no longer wants to live as a normal-sized pony. The very idea of everything not being bigger than her, or perhaps that she may accidently hurt somepony with her powerful magic, terrifies her.”

He let out a sigh as he looked up at the ceiling, smiling warmly. “Twilight lives in a world where she can get hurt very easily, where every small task is a challenge, and it’s a world she desperately wants to live in.”

“But will she succeed? Will any pony, especially the potential Element Bearers, take her seriously?”

“They will. Princess Celestia may have lost faith in her because Twilight has decided to stay small, but I haven’t. Whatever her size, I’m certain she’ll succeed,” Brave Blade replied.

“Whatever the outcome, you and I will be arrested for treason,” Silver Scroll said evenly.

“If Twilight unlocks the Elements of Harmony and frees Luna from the influence of Nightmare Moon, not only will the guards who were once under my command survive, but Equestria will gain one more powerful alicorn and six of the most powerful artifacts in the world. I will accept the consequences of my actions as long as Equestria pulls through as a stronger nation in the end.”

“Twilight, slow down!” Spike shouted as Twilight continued to gallop ahead of him. Despite her tiny size, she had incredible reserves of stamina for a unicorn. Spike kept following until they reached a chariot with two pegasi guards waiting for them, where Twilight finally stopped to take a few deep breaths after her non-stop gallop.

A charcoal-black unicorn guard slumped over the side of the chariot to raise an eyebrow at Twilight, using her scarf as a cushion as she swept her amber mane out of her eyes. “Oh, look who finally arrived,” she said, smiling faintly.

“Overwatch!” Twilight said as she jumped into the chariot and climbed up on the royal guard’s back. “So I take it that you and Steelie will accompany me to Ponyville as well?”

“Of course we will. We are your personal guards, after all,” Overwatch said, a sly smile spreading across her face as she levitated a tiny pair of saddlebags over to Twilight. “And besides, the last time we left you alone, you were almost foalnapped and ransomed. I mean, sure, we had a good spot of vacation time while you were off studying pegasus magic under Spitfire and Soarin’, but Steelie’s been a bit antsy about taking any more time off from watching you, especially at the rate you’ve been getting yourself in trouble.”

Twilight blushed, an awkward smile on her face. “I-I suppose so. Where is Steelie by the way?” she asked as she looked around, perched comfortably on her guard’s back.

“Over here!” one of the pegasi who were attached to the chariot said. Overwatch turned slightly to the side to give Twilight a better view of her friend, who was easily recognizable despite the enchanted armour that made every pegasus guard look the same. Upon seeing his little charge, Steel Blade waved his hoof cheerfully and added, “Since I’m flying with you to Ponyville anyways, I thought I might as well be useful. Corporal Cumulus can fly the empty chariot back himself this afternoon, and we can return with Princess Celestia after the ceremony tomorrow.”

Twilight nodded, giving him a happy smile as Spike joined them in the chariot headed towards Ponyville. She may have been moving from one life of hardships and adventures as the princess’s little student into yet another, but the checklist of duties she needed to go through as the Summer Sun Celebration’s Royal Inspector wasn’t nearly the most prominent problem plaguing her thoughts at the moment.