• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 3,724 Views, 218 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Birth of the Doctor - LightOfTriumph

Time Turner is just a watchmaker, until he comes across a Madman with a box.

  • ...

The Two Doctors

"What?" the Tenth Doctor said. "What?!"

"Doctor," said the new Doctor. "I understand your very confused, but right now so are the Daleks. So-"

"Right!" The tenth broke for the TARDIS.

There were several calls of "Exterminate!" as the Doctor ran past. Energy weapons fired off in all directions. All of them missing, some of them hitting other Daleks.

And then something peculiar happened.

The new Doctor watched as an energy weapon sailed by, narrowly missing the tenth, and hit a nearby Dalek. With the Dalek's destruction, several of its compatriots turned into energy and sailed into the pool. The new Doctor knew what had happened immediately.

"Oh," he said, bursting into the first of what would be many excited grins. "Oh, fantastic!"

The Tenth made it to the TARDIS. He and the new Doctor, the one that used to be Time Turner, shut and locked the door


"Alright!" said the Horse Doctor as he entered the TARDIS control room. "We have a lot to do, and less time to do it in. Oh, what is this? Cravings? Have we ever had cravings before? Hold on... What am I craving? What am I craving? Ah!" He dived under the console and pulled out a small white paper bag filled with baby shaped jelly candies. "There we are! I thought these were here somewhere!"

"Wait a minute," the Tenth Doctor demanded. "Before you start taking my Jelly Babies, I for one what to know what the hell just happened back there!"

"Second!" called the Cutie Mark Crusaders

"Your Jelly Babies?!" the new Doctor said indignantly. "What's yours is mine, Doctor. Ohhhh.... Your going to be wanting the TARDIS aren't you.... Well that puts a bit of a damper on things doesn't it? Oh well! We'll sort it out later! Wait a minute, mirror!"

"Ugh..." Applejack was beginning to come to. "What happened?"

"We don't know!" Sweetie Belle said desperately.

"First Turner got shot by a Dalek, and then he went all glowey..." Scootaloo's eyes began to cross.

"Good," the new Doctor smiled, checking his reflection in a monitor. "Same face. Just like they promised. Better enjoy it while I can, I'm not sure if I'll be able to pick and choose again."

"Who are they?!" The Tenth insisted. "How did you just regenerate?!"

"Regene-what now?!" Apple Bloom asked.

"They is you," the new Doctor explained. "Well, us. Well- You know what, Doctor? Just look at my face and think."

There was a moment of silence as the two Doctors stared into each other's eyes. Eventually, the Tenth Doctor's jaw dropped.

"No..." said the Tenth.

"Yes," smiled the new Doctor.

"Then you-"


"So I-"

"Yes you were."

"Then we-"

"Since the beginning!"



"Doctor!" the Tenth Doctor held out his hand.

"Doctor!" It started as a hoofshake and then turned into a brotherly hug.

"Will somepony please explain to me what's goin' on?!" Applejack insisted.

The two Doctors paused for a moment to consider how to explain this to the four. "Ah..." The Tenth thought for a moment. "Well, you see... I am he....and he is...me."

"We are all together koo koo kachoo?" Sweetie Belle looked like she was going to pass out.

"No, Sweetie Belle," the New Doctor kneeled next to the three fillies. "I am the Doctor. This universe's Doctor. It just took me a little jolt to realize that. What I just did out there.... Well it's a Time Lord way of cheating death. It sort of shifts around who I am a bit."

"But..." Apple Bloom seemed nervous. "Are you still Turner? I know you look like him but..."

"Everything that was Time Turner is me now," the New Doctor said gently. "And I will still keep every promise I made to you."

The new Doctor brought the three in for a hug. The three hugged him back.

"Um, Doctor?" the Tenth prodded. "Not to break up the moment, but..."

"Right!" The New Doctor snapped up and helped the Tenth pilot the TARDIS. "We have three things left to do. Can anypony tell me what they are?"

"Beat the Daleks!" said Scootaloo.

"Defeat Davros!" said Apple Bloom.

"Save Equestria!" Sweetie Belle said proudly.

"Very good!" the New Doctor smiled. "And the better news is, it's easier than we first thought..."

"How do you figure that?" Applejack asked.

"So glad you asked!" The New and the Tenth began to activate the TARDIS. "When Ten was breaking for the TARDIS something odd happened. One of the Daleks got caught in the crossfire and blew up. When it did, a lot of the Daleks around it got sucked into the pool. Now I think that what happened was that we hit one of the original three Daleks that all the mirror pond's copies were made out of. When the original died..."

"I get it!" Scootaloo brightened up. "So all we have to do is find the original Daleks, then all of the copies will go back to the Mirror Pond!"

The New Doctor nodded. "We're not hunting hundreds of Daleks, we're hunting two." He began to rumage through the Tenth Doctor's belongings.

"Yeah," the Tenth frowned. "But how do we tell the originals out from all the others..."

The New Doctor came out wearing a pair of cardboard glasses. One lens red. The other blue. "Come now, Doctor. I thought I'd know the answer to that one!"

"Of course! Void Stuff!" The Tenth smiled.

"Void Stuff!" The New Doctor beamed back.

"What 'stuff'?" Apple Bloom asked.

"The void is the space between universes," the Tenth explained. "Only thing that exists there is background radiation. A kind of residue that sticks to anything that passes through it. The three Daleks that Davros brought over are STEEPED in void stuff! however, all the Daleks that were made here..."

"Won't be!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"That's correct!" the two Doctors said simultaneously.

"Now it's time for the bad news..." the new Doctor said worriedly. "Davros is on the move. He and The Daleks are moving for Ponyville."

Author's Note:

Whoever can find the gag I cribbed DIRECTLY from the 1973 classic serial "The Three Doctors" gets the climax chapter dedicated to them.

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