• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 8,880 Views, 27 Comments

My Name is Harmonic - CrackedInkWell

A violinist comes into Canterlot looking for work. While playing at a charity auction for Fancy Pants, it is discovered he's is an alicorn. Yet several questions arise from him. Among them, why is he hiding the fact he's an Alicorn?

  • ...

2nd Movement

Harmonic Trotivari was made into a citizen of Equestria a week ago. He still lived at the palace's suites and ate for free, where his employment was playing for the royal sisters after their evening meal, sometimes during.

At this time, Harmonic has learned a few spells as well as almost understanding the alphabet from Twilight. Rainbow pestered him to work on his wings. And he'd learn a few new scales to improvise on from Octavia.

It was one of these nights that Harmonic was playing that he was interrupted by a guard. This time, it was from Luna's Night Guards who entered, bowed and said, “Excuse me for interrupting your Highnesses, but Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor have arrived.”

“Ah good timing!” Luna said smiling. “They'll be here to listen to Harmonic’s performance.”

“Send them in,” Princess Celestia nodded to the guard, to which he bowed and left the room.

And not too long, they heard a voice: “Auntie Celestia, Auntie Luna, is it true that...”

Harmonic could see who was entering through the doors. The mare was pink, not as pink as Pinkie Pie, for she was a much softer kind who besides the tiny crown, has a mane and tale of pink, yellow and purple. To his surprise, she too had a horn and a pair of wings. He noticed something right away, she was pregnant, not heavily, but it still showed.

Behind her, was what he assumed to be the husband, he was a stallion who had a white coat and a blue mane that somehow reminded him of Octavia's friend in the pictures, but much finer.

Both of them stared at him for a moment. Even as they entered the room, they continued to gaze at him, circling around to examine him to make sure what they were seeing was real.

Finally, Celestia broke the tension, “I know exactly what the two of you are thinking: yes he's real, no he's not related to anypony, and no, he's not a threat to the crown.”

Cadence took Harmonic's free hoof and shook it.

“Hello there, my name's Cadence.”

Her husband took his turn to shake it, “Name's Shining Armor, yours?”

Harmonic looked away as he told them his name. Cadence raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

“So what brings you out from the Crystal Empire?” Celestia asked, taking Cadence's attention.

“We have some free time, and I thought that we might come see you guys since it has been a while.”

“It's so good to get away from those meetings and paperwork,” Shining added.

“And how's the baby coming along?” Luna asked. Cadence sat down and put a hoof over her engorged stomach.

“It's going fine.” She said, “It'll be another few months. Say, you wouldn't happen to have any pudding on you, do you?”

While Cadence was making her way over to the desert, Shining tried to make some small talk with the alicorn.

“So... Alicorn huh?”

“Yeah.” Harmonic said, he still wouldn't look at him. “You’re from the Crystal Empire?”


“And that's your wife, isn't it?”


“Does she rule over the Empire or you?”

“Both of us actually... So I guess what they said is true.”

“What is?”

“That there's a fifth alicorn.”

“Ponies already know that, don't they?”

“I live in the palace of the Crystal Empire, trust me it's the last place on earth to know what's going on.”


“So how are you adjusting?”


“I mean, with other ponies knowing that-”

“Oh, that. It's really weird to me. I know that I should feel comfortable to know that nopony is going to throw stones at me or anything for knowing that I'm... You know.”

Shining said nothing.

“But for whatever reason,” Continued Harmonic, “I don't. Maybe I'm so used to hiding that I don't know how to feel being out in the open.”

“Hey, it'll be okay.” Shining reached out a hoof over to Harmonic.

The moment he touched him, he jumped away from him, “What did you do that for?” He asked in alarm.

“Nothing,” Shining said, confused to someone reacting to a simple act of platonic affection, “It's just that I feel sorry for ya.”

Harmonic stared at Shining with a raised eyebrow. “I just-” he said once again looking away. “I’m just not used to being touched.”

By now, Shining had to move on to a new subject to drive away from that awkward moment. “So, we've heard that you can play the violin, right?”


“Oh, that's right,” said Celestia, who was just catching onto the conversation. “Do you still want to play for us Harmonic?”

He looked at Celestia and nodded. Taking up his violin and putting it under his chin, he resumed playing.

A few minutes and a small applause later, Harmonic was excused, which left the three princesses and a husband left in the room.

“So, what do you make of Harmonic?” Luna asked.

“He seems okay I guess.” Shining said shrugging.

“Hon, did you notice something interesting?” Cadence asked her husband, to which he asked what.

“Did you notice how he was acting?” she said.


“I don't quite think so,” Cadence said taking another spoonful of pudding, “I mean, yes, that too, but did you notice something else as well?”

"Um. Okay, I give up. What did you notice about 'em?”

“He hardly looked at you.”


“He was able to look at everypony in the room except for you. Did you notice that?”

Shining thought for a moment: “Now that you've mentioned it, yeah you’re right.”

“What are you insisting on Cadence?” Celestia asked.

Cadence shook her head, “I'm not insisting auntie, insisting means that I know for certain. This isn't one of them; I guess you might call it a theory given that he was giving a ghost of a blush.”

“Blush?” Shining asked with a raised eyebrow.

“From where I was, it was very faint but I did see it when you two were talking. Adding on top that he almost never looks at you, I couldn't help but wonder why.”

“Soo... Where are you going with this?”

“I think that Harmonic is hiding something.”

“Hiding what, dear niece?” asked Luna, now fully intrigued. Cadence went into a mini giggle fit.

“Shining,” Cadence said, still giggling, “Do you remember what you found out about Lieutenant Steel Plated while you were captain of the royal guard here?”

“Steel Plated? Yeah I remember him. But what does that got to do with Harm-” Shining's eyes widen. “Wait, Cade, are you saying... That Harmonic is... And he... Oh not again.” Shining face hoofed. His wife gave out to laughter.

“You’re never going to let that go are ya?” Shining asked.

“O-Oh no.” His wife said smiling, “That story is way too good. I'm never going to let that go.”

“Yes Cadence, what does Steel Plated have anything to do with Harmonic's actions?” Celestia asked.

“Let me give you a hint.” Said Cadence smiling, “Right now, who is Steel Plated married to?”

“Well he's married to...” Celestia trailed off, realizing what Cadence was talking about. “Oh. Now that you've pointed it out, it does explain a thing or two. Both to Harmonic's actions and why Shining Armor and Steel Plated didn't talk to each other for a week.”

“Can we just drop it!?” Shining said getting annoyed.

This got the princesses (except for Luna) giggling like mad. Luna asked what they were talking about, Celestia whispered it to Luna. Her eyes widen and blushed. “Oh, we – I-I see.”

“However, I'm not completely sure on it.” said Cadence. “I mean, there's very little to go off of. I could be wrong for all I know... Um. Has he ever mentioned about a special somepony?”

Both celestial sisters thought hard about it for a moment. “You know,” said Celestia. “I can't recall him mentioning about a special somepony at all. Have you?”

“Nay sister. He has not mentioned any to my knowledge.”

“He's seventeen and has never said a word about a special somepony?” Cadence questioned, “This is rather interesting when I think about it, even if I'm wrong with my theory, I still think something is going on with Harmonic that he's not telling us. But what?”

“Give him time Cadence,” said Celestia. “I'm sure the answer will appear in due time.”


The air was getting cooler as the days went by. It was autumn and Nightmare Night was right around the corner. Harmonic always found that the mornings this time of year were always too cold. Not to say he was thankful for the black and white scarf he found in his room one day. He still had no idea where it came from, other than he found it on his bed. So he assumed it might been from one of the princesses.

A few hop-scotch teleports later, and he was in Ponyville. At the library, he found one of Twilight's guards there. It was obvious that it was one of the very few guards Princess Twilight had judging on the armor he was wearing. The imperial purple with its silver edging along with his teacher’s cutie mark that was holding his armor together and a silver helmet was a dead giveaway that it was Twilight’s guards. He was saying that she wanted to teach him somewhere else this time.

Twilight's guard led him to the ruin castle that was in the Everfree Forest. The castle has been going under restoration/renovation to turn the abandoned ruin castle into a functioning building once more. Usually, there would be a few ponies working on the site, whether it might be stonework, art restoration or otherwise, but today was quiet. Other than a few guards here and there, the castle itself was almost abandoned.

As they drew further and further into the castle, Harmonic heard something that grew with every step they took, organ music. But he couldn't really tell where it was coming from.

Then the guard led him to a room of the castle that was the very source of the music. In a room that's twice the size of a house, was a huge pipe organ. He found his teacher not at the keys, but in the middle of the room with sheet music.


The music stopped when Twilight turned to see who it was, “Oh hey Harmonic! I’m glad you've come today.”

“Why are we here?”

“Since you've shown that you know the entire alphabet, I thought I'd give you a special treat. I'm going to teach you a spell that's right up your alley.”

“Music related?” Harmonic asked now interested.

“Of course. A spell that can play music on an instrument as you're thinking of it.”

Harmonic hummed in thought. “How is it done?”

Twilight explained the spell to him, the spell was to use one's magic to make the sounds of an instrument with careful concentration.

"Let's do an exercise," his teacher said. “I'll think of a tune, and you just repeat it. Okay?”

Her horn glowed, the organ played a children's song. It was simple to follow, but to Harmonic, it sounded as if it was missing something.

“Now you try,” she said.

A few tries later, he got the organ to play out the tune she played. He thought that he was able to take the song further - to improve on it. His eyes still closed, he lifted his forelegs up, pretending to play the invisible keys. To that simple song he added notes, rhythms and trills, scaling up and down each and every note that the pipes produced. In that moment, he thought he heard other instruments than the organ playing. He thought he heard a piano and a harpsichord playing alongside the organ. Not only that, he thought he heard the plucking strings of guitars, banjos, and mandolins; the harmonic singing of violins, violas, cellos and double basses; the light sounds of flutes, clarinets, and oboes; the triumphal sounds of brass; and the thunder of drums.

By the time the last note was played and finally opened his eyes, he found his teacher with a slack jaw and wide eyes. Harmonic was worried, did he do it wrong? Even so, why didn't she say something? He heard a clatter of metal behind him, he turned to find a huge group of guards leaning in the door frame. They seemed to be looking for something.

“Was there anything in here other than the organ?” One asked with a low voice.

“Where did the orchestra go?” asked another.

The guards talked to themselves like this until his teacher finally spoke: “How did you do that?” she asked.

“Um...” Harmonic said, growing worried, “Was it not good?”

“Not good? Harmonic, how did you make all those sounds?”

Harmonic tilted his head to the side, clearly confused. His teacher clarified her question: “I just heard a huge orchestra with a large range of instruments playing with the organ; just tell me how did you even do that? You somehow made it sound completely different than an organ is supposed to sound.”

“Um, you mean you heard that?”

“Judging by the number of guards here, I think the entire castle heard it.”

“I liked it,” said a guard, and in turn, the guards who were at the door agreed. Harmonic couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed for being complimented at such a level of creativity.

“I... Just thought that song was missing something.” He admitted, “But you still haven't answered my question, was it not good?”

“I admit, I'm impressed really,” said Twilight, “I was just shocked that you could do that. But let's continue, shall we?”


When it comes to lunch time, anytime anypony asked him to go to lunch with them, he accepts it. For they either made the lunch or paid for it.

Today was lunch over at the Apples. Since it was fall, the Apple family was in full swing wrapping up their harvest of apples. But just because they were working hard, doesn’t mean they couldn't eat.

There were two reasons as to why Harmonic was eating at Sweet Apple Acres for lunch. The first was that Twilight hadn't had time to see her friend Applejack for a while. The other was that he couldn't say "no" to their apple fritters.

By the time they approached the farm, they found the oldest and youngest members of the Apple clan there. They were still setting up lunch when Granny Smith asked them to go get the other two Apples from the field.

It took a while to figure out where exactly they were, but it made it all the easier once they heard the repetitive “thunk!” sounds. They at last found them, both Applejack and her older brother, a red earth pony that goes by the name of Big Mac.

When Twilight saw both of them bucking at their apple trees. She could have sworn that she saw Harmonic blush from the corner of her eye. She turned to him as he looked away from the Apple siblings.

“Oh. Sorry, I didn't know you were working.” He said. This got both siblings’ attention.

“Awe, no harm done sugarcube.” Applejack said, “Is it time for lunch already?”

“Uh, yeah.” Harmonic said. After taking a deep breath, he turned over to find his teacher, whom was staring with a raised eyebrow.


“Are you alright Harmonic?”

“Yeah yeah. So since we've found them, shall we go to the farmhouse?” Harmonic finished with a forced smile.

Even when suspicions rose, she along with the two Apples walked back to the house.

“Hey, sugarcube?” Applejack asked Harmonic.


“Mind if ah ask ya somethin'?”

“About what?”

“What just happened back there.”

Harmonic seemed to grow a little paler but still kept walking: “Uh. What about it?”

“If ya don't mind of me askin', and you don't have ta answer if ya don't want ta but, you seemed a little embarrassed back there. Why?”

He didn't turn around to face her, he just kept on walking and simply said: “I don't want to talk about it.”

“Oh come on, it can't be that bad.”

“I don't want to talk about it.” Hamonic said a little more aggressive.

“Awe really?”

“I don't want to talk about it.”

“Come on, what could so bad that you don't want-”

“I said,” Harmonic snapped at her, “I don't, want, to talk about it! What part, Applejack, do you not get!? You said that I didn't have to talk about if I didn't want to! And what do you keep doing!? You kept pressing it!”

At this point, Big Mac stamped a hoof down on the ground, hard. Giving Harmonic the kind of look that threatened him to snap him in half. This made Harmonic realize what just happened. Other than Big Mac's “I have a license to kill” look, Applejack and Twilight had only shock.

Harmonic backed away, realizing what he just did, once again, fear and regret settled right back in. Even tears began to form in his eyes.

“I'm so sorry.” He said softly. The wings on his back unfolded and he flew off. Even when they called after him, he still flew.

“Should we go after 'em?” Applejack asked.

“Well, two things: Applejack, that was rude of you!" Twilight said to her friend. "I heard you say that he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to. And even after he told you to stop, you still kept going."

"Look, Ah'm sorry, but ah didn't know he'd react like that. Ah thought it was nothin'."

"And second, I think I already know where he's going,” said Twilight, “He's going towards Rainbow's house.”

“But what in all the hay in the world would he be so upset about?” Big Mac asked, now a little calmer.

“Perhaps it has somethin' to do what happened back there, when he kinda turned red.”

“To which, I think you've touched a nerve Applejack.” Twilight said.

“Ah know, it has ta be. But ah still can't imagine why though.”

“Unless...” Big Mac ventured, but shook his head.

“What is it?” Asked his sister.


“Unless what?”

“Ah'm not so sure about it.”

“Not sure about what?”

“Alright. Ah could be wrong here, Ah thought ah saw that Harmonic feller was... lookn'... at... me.” As Big Macintosh realized what he was saying, the lights went on in all three of the ponies’ heads.

Then Big Mac ended his thoughts with: "Ah, don't know how ta feel about that.”

“Twi, do ya think that Harmonic feller is like my cousin Braeburn? That he's-”

“I think he might.” Twilight interrupted Applejack. “It’s like he's been hiding so much of his life back, that him hiding this, (not to mention that outburst,) makes it all the more believable.”

“But doesn't he know? That Equestria doesn't really care about what you like and what not?”

“He's not from Equestria. Maybe they view it differently over there than here.”

“Awe shucks. Ah just hope the poor guy's okay.”


The shrilling ring from Rainbow Dash’s alarm clock made her jolt out of bed, “Ugh! Stupid clock.” Dash took hold of the offending item lifting her hoof as well as her head to aim it out the window.

Yet, before she could throw out the ringing timepiece, she caught sight of something that was coming from the Apple’s farm towards her. It wasn’t fast, if anything, its flight pattern was all over the place. She saw the thing wavered left and right, fallen and raising in no logical order as if the pony was flying drunk.

After getting up and sticking her head out, she blinked a few times to see what was coming towards her house. It was a pony, that was for sure, it also had a mostly black mane with an amber coat that also had a… “What is he doing here already?” Rainbow muttered as she let the screaming clock drop to the ground with a smash landing.

Yawning, she hopped through the window and flew up to the alicorn. The closer she got, the more she could sense something was wrong by the way his whole body shook. That and he also tried to keep his eyes shut tight like a leaky dam trying keeping back a river. Along with a shaky breath which he breathed heavily as if he was flying too fast.

“Hey kid,” Rainbow called out. Harmonic looked up, wiping whatever tears that escaped him. “What happened to you?”

He didn’t say anything; although Dash could tell from his reddened eyes that something was clearly wrong. By the looks of it, Harmonic was obviously tired and upset.

“Here, come with me,” Rainbow took Harmonic’s hoof and lead him to her cloud home. By the time he landed on the soft surface, he collapsed in exhaustion. Dash’s first thought was that he needs water. Grabbing up some of the cloud, she compressed it into a ball like snow before going over to the alicorn.

“Open wide,” she told him.

Harmonic craned his neck upward and opened his mouth. Rainbow Dash squeezed the cloud ball where rain fell onto his face. After coughing up some water and even shook his head around a few times, he finally said, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Dash sat down next to the colt, “You okay?”

Harmonic shook his head, “In that case, I have only two questions to ask,” Rainbow said, “What happened and whose flank needs whooping?”

He gave off a sad laugh, “It’s nothing.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, “Nothing? You look bluer than I am. So tell me, what’s going on really?”

“Dash,” Harmonic told her sternly, “Just… Don’t talk to me. I did something stupid okay. Just leave me alone.”

“In your state?” Rainbow questioned, “Do you really think that’s going to happen?”

The Violinist looked at her as if to warn her not to press the matter further. Before Harmonic could say anything, his stomach growled.

“I’m guessing you haven’t had lunch yet either, huh?” Dash asked. “Tell ya what, I’ll go fly over to grab some hay burgers while you take a breather here, ‘kay?”

Harmonic gave her a dismissive wave. Even after Dash flew off to get some lunch, her mind kept itching for answers as to what just happened. Because in a way, this was the first time she’s ever seen him to shed so much as a tear.

She promised to herself that she’ll go looking for answers, besides, she had a good idea where to look.

A few hours later, Rainbow Dash arrived at the farm. “Hey AJ?” she said when she found Applejack at the barn, separating the types of apples.

“Hey yourself. What brings ya here?”

“It's about Harmonic.”

Applejack put down her work. “How is he?”

“I found him tired and on the edge of tears when he came flying over to my house. Didn't take much of anything to tell ya that he was upset over something, but I couldn't get him to talk to me. And judging from the direction he flew from, I think it might have been from here. So what happened?”

“He was here all right,” said Applejack, then she went on explaining to her friend what happened. “All he said was ‘Ah'm so sorry.’ and flew off. Ah admit, Ah'm feelin' bad about it. And Ah think my brother is too.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah. You were always the stubborn type.”

“Oh shut up.” Applejack deadpanned.

“But then again, the whole idea that Harmonic secretly likes colts.” Rainbow chuckled a little. “Okay, even I would never guess that.”

“Says the pony that has rainbow as her natural mane color.”

“Oh shut up.” Rainbow Dash deadpanned.


It has been days since Harmonic's outburst at the Apple's. He tried the best he could to avoid them considering what just happened. Neither Twilight nor Rainbow asked him further about the incident, which to him was a relief.

For now, Harmonic was at Octavia's for his music lessons. She was teaching him to play a violin and piano duet.

“You’re off beat.”

“I know,” said Harmonic. “It’s rest two, three, then up bow, but when there's nothing there, it makes it hard for me to get the timing right.”

“I understand.” Octavia said, “You’re doing something you haven't done before, which is always frustrating. But please be patient with me, you'll get it in time.”

Then the door slammed opened.

“Hey Tavi!” Harmonic saw that right in the door was the very mare he's been seeing in the pictures in his music teacher's apartment.

“Vinyl! What are you doing here already?”

“I got out early, so I won't go anywhere for a while.” She lit her horn to lift her purple sunglasses to reveal her ruby red eyes. “Hey, is this that alicorn guy you've been teachin'?”

“Who are you?” Harmonic asked. The white unicorn went over to him with a raised a foreleg for a hoof shake, all the while wearing a cocky smile.

“Name's Vinyl. You?” Harmonic shook her hoof with a free one.


“Cool. So, has he been giving ya too much trouble Tavi?” Vinyl said, ended by giving his teacher a quick kiss on the muzzle. Even though it lasted for less than a second, Harmonic's eyes widen.

“Not really,” said Octavia as if nothing happened. “Although, he does have somewhat trouble with beats and time.”

“Oh really? Hey, I have an idea!”


“You guys play your music, I'll provide the beats.”

“Now Vinyl, it isn't like one of those dubstep or a remix, this is a...” His teacher stopped to think for a moment. “Come to think of it. It might not be that bad of an idea. Something like a metronome.”

“Ya see, I can have good ideas too. Now, let me get set up here.” Vinyl trotted over to the large stereo in the corner of the room. Octavia looked over to her student.

“Is something the matter Harmonic?” She asked.


“Are you quite alright?”

“Uh... She just kissed you.”


“And you’re not bothered?”

“Why should I?” That simple response hit him like a battering ram to the chest.

“Is that like a custom here or something?” he asked, trying to rationalize it.

“If you mean for a wife to kiss her special somepony, then I guess you might call it a custom.”

Wife? Special somepony?’ Harmonic thought, usually that would mean, “Are you saying you two are married or something?”

“Five years and still going strong,” said Vinyl, turning the large equipment on. Words left Harmonic completely.

“So is there a problem?” Octavia asked.

“I... I don't know. It's just...” He trailed off.

“It's just what?”

“I've... never met a, a-a couple who are both wives before,” he said softly. This even got Vinyl's attention.

“Seriously?” Vinyl asked. Harmonic nodded.

“Harmonic,” Octavia said, “Was there any kind of a couple where it's a stallion/stallion or a mare/mare relationship where you came from?”

“Not unless you wanted to get stoned to death by the entire town. Otherwise, no.”

The couple went silent for a moment. Vinyl spoke up what the both of them were thinking, “They kill ponies like us over there?”

“If anyone knew that is.”

“That's just... stupid.”

“Agreed,” said his teacher. “Horrifying yes. But stupid nonetheless. I assure you that's not the case here in this country. Doing something like that to anypony in Equestria is looked down upon.” Octavia shook her head with a grimace. “But I'm afraid time is running out though. Vinyl, could you start off some beats.”

“Uh. What kind?” His teacher's wife asked. Octavia pressed a key on the piano to a repetitive beat. Once Vinyl got it, Octavia turned to her student: “Now then, from the beginning then. One, two, three, four, one, two, three and go.”

Harmonic played again, this time, timing came better with the beats from the stereo. It wasn't exactly perfect, but at last it was much better than the last dozen attempts. During the violin, piano duet, Vinyl couldn't help but experiment a little. Still keeping the same beating time, she changed rhythms to find one that matches the song that was being played out. Even when she changed from rhythm to rhythm, her wife didn't object at all. But their song had to come to an end.

“Much better,” said Octavia, looking over at the clock on the wall. “Four o'clock. Keep working on that piece and a few scales, and I'll see you tomorrow.”

After packing up, Harmonic said his “Goodbye.” and teleported back to the castle. With him gone, Octavia asked, “I've forgotten to ask. What made you come home earlier than usual?”

“Celestia's orders.”

Octavia blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“Yeah, look see.” She levitated a letter from her bags with the royal seal. “It says for me not to work until later tonight. Saying that I should just go straight home. But hey, I'm not complaining. Free day right?”

“This is unexpected, yes. But why would she-” Octavia was interrupted when an unopened letter appeared in front of her. This one also had the royal seal. After a quick read through, Octavia told her wife that, “It seems that Princess Celestia wants to know what happened here when you came home. I'll tell you what, after I write up a response letter, we'll mail it and then go get some coffee. Sound good?”

“Yeah, coffee sounds good, besides, I'm going to need it for tonight's gig.”

Meanwhile, at Canterlot's castle, Harmonic was walking through the halls, heading back to his room. Around this time, he would have some time to rest, but now, he was thinking as to what just happened.

'Perhaps they're more accepting towards mares. After all, it's like there's more mares than stallions anyway. I wonder if Celestia knows about it, if so, how long has this been going on? Maybe I could ask... no. No I can't ask her directly, that would make her-'

“Excuse us sir.” A voice interrupted Harmonic's thoughts. He turned to find a solar and a lunar guard behind him. The Solar was a white unicorn, the Lunar was one of the bat ponies he'd seen at night. He asked them who they were.

“I am Sergeant Steel Plated of the Solar Guard sir,” he said with a salute.

“Who's the other one?”

“Lieutenant Cross Bow of the Lunar Guard sir,” he said giving a salute also.

“Uh, at ease? And what do you want?”

Both dropped their salutes. “We were told by Princess Celestia to escort you sir,” said Steel Plated.

“Escort me where? And stop calling me sir, I'm not that old.”

“Our apologies,” said Cross Bow, “We were told to escort you to the gardens.”

“Why there?”

“We're sorry but orders are orders.”

“Uh... Okay fine.”

Both of the guards stepped to both sides of Harmonic as they lead him away down to other hallways and stairs. Harmonic didn't look at either of them as they walked for a while, the three of them saying nothing as they passed by a few servants, butlers, maids, and the occasional noble.

They made their way to the outside. The gardens were no doubt huge. It had a private zoo, a stone garden, a flower garden, a tree garden, a sand garden, (Harmonic made a mental note to ask the princesses why they install a garden for sand) a hedge maze, and greenhouses. Just to name a few.

They took him into the famous hedge maze that has a spell over it, in which that it made it impossible to fly over the hedge to prevent cheating. Something that Harmonic learned the hard way when he tried to figure out where they were going. It was like hitting his head against an invisible ceiling. The maze also made it impossible to teleport while in the labyrinth as to, again, prevent cheating.

A while later, the three of them came to a part of the maze that not too many ponies know about, in a corner of the maze, there was a cast iron table with a set of chairs. The table was meant for games like chess, or a card game.

“Why are we here?” Harmonic asked the two guards, they ignored him and made their way to the table.

“Do you know any card games?” Cross Bow questioned. Taking out a pack of cards from a box on the table.

“Uh, I just know one. Why?”

“It's our little way of talking Mr. Trotivari,” said Steel Plated, “There's no need to be afraid of us, put down your violin and come take a seat with us.”

“That’s it? You dragged me out here to play cards?” Harmonic raised an eyebrow.

“Her Highness told us to socialize with you,” Steel answered, “We don’t question why, that’s not our job as Royal Guards. So, are you going to sit down with us?”

The Violinist hesitated for a moment before deciding to sit down with the two guards.

And so, Harmonic taught them the only card game he knew, Saddle Arabian Rat Tail. A game, he thought, was perfectly thought up of to be a huge waste of time.

Harmonic sat there, listening to the guards talk as the three of them played, he noted that besides the guards talking, a bird or two chirping and the buzzing of a few bugs, the maze was quiet. As time went by, the Violinist thought it was also rather odd that Celestia had ordered these two guards to play cards with him. But why? Are they here to distract him for some odd reason?

“And then what happened?” Cross Bow asked Steel Plated that was telling a story.

“The private said, 'Sir, no sir! I put this armor on properly sir!' Ha. That didn't set well and with a small tug that set the whole thing come crashing down.”

“Oh-ho-ho! Now that's a bad first day for ya. So what did you make him do?”

“I told him to pick up his armor, put it back on properly, and then run ten laps around the castle.”

“Should have gone for fifteen.”

Steel Plated shook his head. “Fifteen is a little too much for a private on the first day... Hey, Harmonic?”


“You've been very quiet since we've got here? Is everything alright?”

“Uh, yeah yeah. I guess so.”

Both of the guards looked to each other for a moment.

“Say, how old are you again?” Cross Bow asked.


Cross gave a cocky smile when he asked: “So, in all of those seventeen years, has there been any filly out there that caught your eye?”

Steel Plated gave Cross a deadpanned stare, “What?” Cross shrugged, “Just curious.”

Harmonic only looked at his cards as he muttered, “Not really.”

“Shy?” Bow asked.


“Hm... Shame. I guess somepony's gotta teach ya how to be more assertive. Like Steel here.”

Steel Plated raised an eyebrow. “Me? Assertive?”

“Oh come on, I already know your history of dating, you’re always known to be the assertive type.”

“Not all the time.”

“Oh yeah? Like the time you tried to woo Shi-” Before Cross Bow could say anything further, he found that one of Steel Plated hooves was in his mouth.

“Try finishing that sentence, and you're sleeping on the floor for a week.” Cross Bow grunted in disappointment, yet this left Harmonic in confusion.

“Wait,” said Harmonic, “Why would he sleep on the floor? I thought all guards have their own bed.”

“They do.” Steel said, “But with the benefits come a decent size apartment in the castle, since Canterlot is expensive on everything you know. A looser schedule but still have some duties to do. And a big bed to sleep on.”

“Benefits for what?” Harmonic asked.

At the same time, both guards said in unison without looking up from their cards. “Married.”

“You two are married.”

“Yes,” they both said.

“Who are you two married to?”

They didn't say anything, the only response was they pointed a hoof towards each other. They only looked up when they heard Harmonic letting his levitated cards drop to the floor. They saw Harmonic was in shock, head shaking and wings were ruffling.
'This has to be a trap.' Harmonic thought. 'There's no way they-'

“Mr. Trotivari?” Cross Bow asked, “Are you alrigh-?”

“O-Of course.” Harmonic said, a little too quickly, “Why do you ask?”

Both guards looked at each other for a second before turning back to the alicorn. Steel asked, “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

“N-no.” But his shifting eyes betray him along with a blush that refused to go away.

“Mr. Harmonic Trotivari,” said Steel Plated with a sigh, “Why are you lying to us?”

Harmonic, without even picking up his violin case, ran into the maze, even if it meant getting lost, he ran.

The guards called out for him to stop but he kept on going through the twists, turns and dead ends of the confusing maze. His only thought was just to get away.

But then he began to get paranoid when all went quiet. He couldn't hear them calling him. Why? Where were they? He knew he was being hunted, but where are they? Every turn, he carefully stuck his head out, but saw no one.

Then he saw the exit. All he had to do, is head towards the exit and he'll be out of here... But before he could even get out of the maze, Cross Bow blocked the exit, he turned around and saw Steel Plated behind him. His only option was a turn towards his right. Several turns later he realized it was a spiral that lead him to a dead end. And the two guards were behind him.

He even tried to make a break for it, in which it failed miserably. Steel Plated, using his horn, lifted Harmonic off the ground and held him in place.

“Harmonic! Stop it!” the unicorn guard shouted.

“No! Let me go!” Harmonic said, still frozen in the air, trying to move, to get away. Even using his wings did nothing.

“That's enough!” Cross Bow flew right up to the terrified alicorn. “Why did you run like that?”

“I can't tell you! I don't want to die again!”

This took both of the guards aback.

“Die, again?” Cross bow asked with a raised eyebrow. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Just let me go. Please. I've been killed too many times over this.” Harmonic pleaded with tears in his eyes.

“We don't understand? Killed over what?”

“Please, I've suffered too much already, just let me go.” Now he was crying.

“But you’re not even dead,” Steel pointed out.

“I know. I can't die, and it hurts every time.”

“But if you can't die, why do you fear it?”

“Just because I can't die doesn't mean I can't feel pain!” Harmonic snapped at Steel Plated. “Do you have any idea what it's like to be stoned? Stabbed? Hanged? Burned? Crushed? Decapitated? Gutted out? Pulled apart? Drowned? Beaten to death? Only to wake up remembering you've felt all that pain, to be tortured like that all because...” They both went silent for a few moments after the alicorn ranted and continued to sob.

“Harmonic Trotivari,” said Cross Bow, who by now both guards had put the pieces of the puzzle together, “Forgive me for even asking this but, did the ponies who kept killing you do so not only because you were an alicorn? Are you... Are you gay? ”

Harmonic didn't respond at all. Cross Bow looked at the other guard then said: “Steel, put him down.”

“But Bow, what if he starts running?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Course I do-”

“Then drop him, let me handle this.”

Steel hesitated but did lower Harmonic down. As soon as the aura was off of Harmonic or before he could make a move, Cross Bow hugged the sobbing Alicorn.

“Kid, I want you to listen to me, and listen to me very carefully at what I'm about to say. Got it?” Harmonic nodded. “Now, I don't know what happened to you, where you've been, who you've been with, what anypony did or said to you to force you to hide from yourself. Nor do I know who tried to kill you or how many times. What you need to know right now is that none of it matters anymore. The very moment you stepped into Equestria, when we found out you're an alicorn, that nightmare of fearing of being yourself, the fear of being rejected, the fear of additional scars to you mentally or emotionally, or physically, the fear somepony would find out about the real you - Harmonic, that nightmare is over. It's over. You are no longer alone, now you have us, the Princesses, your teachers, and the whole of Equestria to help you. Realize this. You. Are not. Alone.”

Even with a blurred vision, Harmonic can make out Steel whipping a hoof over his eye.

“Now you see why I married him?” he joked. Even Harmonic couldn't help but chuckle.

Suddenly, at the moment when the alicorn was wiping away the tears from his eyes, a question popped into Harmonic’s mind. It was a question that bugged him now that his mind was becoming clear. It was a question that caught the guards off guard.

“Say, what was it that you’re going to say before all this? Something about who he tried to date?”

“Huh? What are you-” Cross Bow begin to ask, quickly realizing what he was talking about. “Oh yeah, Shining Armor!”

“You’re sleeping on the floor for the week!” Steel snapped. But it left Harmonic stunned.

“Oh no, you don't!” Cross retorted. “He asked, I'm innocent!”

“You what!?” Harmonic said in surprise.

“Yes, tell him,” said Cross.

“No,” Steel responded, crossing his forelegs.

“Why not?”

“It's embarrassing.”


“I didn't know what I was doing back then!”

“And you're married now, why does it matter?”

“Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!” Harmonic interjected getting both of their attention. “Shining Armor? As in that one Prince guy from the Crystal Empire with his wife?”

With a grunted sigh, Steel Plated said, “Yes.”

“So, you went on a date with him?”

Steel shook his head, “More like asking him.”

Cross laughed, “Ha, asking? Didn't you do a little bit more than just asking?”

Steel, despite his blush, stared daggers at him. “Don't remind me.”

“What? You confessed your crush and kissed the guy,” Cross teased.

“What?!” was all Harmonic could muster to say.

“Yeah, that's exactly what Shining kept saying,” Cross joked.

“I already knew that, because that's exactly what he kept on saying!” Steel said through his teeth.

“Like how Shining already had a filly friend?”

“I didn't know!” Steel shouted throwing his forelegs into the air. “How was I supposed to know he was dating Cadence at the time? It's the Royal Guard! It's not like we talk very often!”

It was about here, that Harmonic couldn't hold his laughter in. Not only was he laughing, but he was also laughing hard. Even the guards who were arguing laughed, for that moment of happiness was contagious to them.

“Phew, that was good,” Bow commented, “But for now, I think we’re pretty much done socializing here.” After helping the alicorn up, he added, “Come on, let’s get your violin and return you to your living quarters.”

After fetching the violin case, the guards took him back to his room. The way back was a quiet one, but for Harmonic, his mind was at peace.

"Excuse us, sir," Steel Patted spoke up as soon they entered the palace. "If you don't mind of me asking, can I ask you a personal question?"


"Back in the maze, when you said that you've died multiple times. Does this still bother you?"

"Oh. Well... yeah, in a way. But it's not as much as you think."

The Lunar Guard raised an eyebrow, "I don't understand Mr. Trotivari, how are you alright from something like this? Why, if I were in your horseshoes and if I were to die not just horribly, but were able to come back and remember what had happened, I think I would go insane after a while."

"You'd be right," Harmonic patted the case on his back with a forehoof. "But even after all of that pain, I always had my violin to turn to for comfort. I... I know this might not make sense to either of you, that this piece of wood with strings is like a faithful friend to me. But even on the worst of days, when I needed something as a... what was it that Octavia called again...? Counterpoint? Yeah. When I needed something to counterpoint the ugliness of other ponies, I turned to improvising to make me feel safe for a while. The sound that this violin makes is stronger then any medicine to dim the agony of loneliness, pain, and tears. Although he never said a word, my instrument sings to me that somehow, everything is going to be alright." He looked over to the guards who had a look of worry on their faces. "Uh... Sorry if I'm not making any sense."

"Oh no," the Solar Guard shook his head. "We understand perfectly. But are you going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine. Neither of you has to worry about me. And you're right, compare to the other places I've been, this place is almost like heaven to me."

Cross Bow nodded, "We see sir. Still, if there's anything we could do to help-"

"Look," the alicorn interrupted, "there's nothing you can do. So long as there is music to hear, that's all the comfort I need."

When they finally reached his room, neither guard said a word. But before the Violinist closed the doors, he turned to them and said: “Say, thanks for that.”

“It was not a problem sir-,” said Steel but quickly corrected himself. “I mean, Harmonic.”

“Um, wait... Before you two go, can you promise me you won't tell anypony about me?”

The two Guards looked to each other then back at him. Without saying anything, they quietly nodded. Harmonic said his,“Thank you,” and closed the doors.

A few minutes later, the Guards walked down the hall to meet up where Princess Celestia was waiting.

“Well gentlecolts, what is your verdict?” she asked.

“Your Majesty,” Steel said, “Your suspicions about Mr. Trotivari was correct. It was difficult for him to open up, but he is, without question, a class A closet case.”

“He has revealed that he was, indeed, harmed because he’s a homosexual, your grace,” Cross Bow added. “Harmonic is, at this time, not ready to admit to the world that he is attracted to stallions. But we think that with a little patience and kindness, he may open up a little more.”

"I see," she nodded. "Is there anything else?"

Both guards looked at one another before the unicorn said, "There is. While we were confronting him, he had a bit of a mental breakdown where we've learned that he had suffered in the past."

This got the Sun Princess's attention, "Define 'suffered.'"

"In it that he apparently has a history of being tortured and even died several times that goes beyond plain abuse. Apparently, whenever those who have found out what Mr. Trotivari was, alicorn or gay, they would have him killed."

Celestia's eyes widen, "Oh dear... Please don't tell me that he remembers being harmed too."

"It seems so, Your Majesty," Cross told her. "However, he has found comfort in playing his violin. While I'm not entirely sure if he's over these traumatic experiences, I think it would be best not to mention this sort of thing around him."

After humming thoughtfully, Celestia thanked the guards for their service and excuse them with a day off. The guards thanked her and went their way.

“Now then, since that’s out of the way,” Celestia said to herself. “It looks like we have some work to do.”

She made her way to the private dining room and waited for her sister. Sure enough at 6:50 on the dot, Luna, who just woke up, made her way over to the table. Celestia waited until her sister had her first cup of coffee because she knows that she's not quite awake until she had her morning caffeine.

Celestia only spoke up until her sister was filling up her second cup, “So, how are you?”

“Have you ever woken up, and you have no idea what day, month, or year it is?”

“Didn't sleep too well?”

“Oh, I slept, I just had trouble getting to sleep. I think there must be something wrong with that bed in our room.”

Celestia hummed, taking a sip of her tea. “Are you better now?”

“I will be, how are you this evening?”

“Well, before Harmonic gets here, I have a proposition for you.”


“About Harmonic. You see, I have an idea, but I think I want to talk to you first before I can do anything. Luna, how would you feel about adding Harmonic to the family?”

Her sister looked up from her cup. “Are you saying you want to adopt him?”

“He is an Equestrian citizen now. And by law, a pony who is without parents can be adopted if they are under the age of eighteen, as well as give their consent along with their signature to be legally adopted by a family.”

“Maybe it's because I'm not quite fully awake yet, but if he does give consent for us to adopt him, would that mean he will be Prince?”

“By technicality, yes. A Prince over what exactly, I'm not too sure. Of music maybe?”

“But what are your reasons to adopt him?”

“Because he's lonely. Going for so long without having a real friend or family, and has a history of... being on the receiving end of a strain of abuse, is something that nopony should endure. You and I know this. He has undergone some good progress yes, such as no longer hiding his wings and learning the alphabet. But adopting him sends a message to him that he is indeed wanted here with ponies that care for his wellbeing.”

Luna took a bite out of a piece of toast. She chewed and nodded, “We understand. But is that the only reason?”

“Well, there's one more. Remember Cadence's suspicion about him? I have just gained some… intelligence, that she was right.”

Luna's ears perked up, “Oh?”

“He is one, there's no doubt about it. However, he's not open about it so to speak. Perhaps growing up in such a hostile environment had shaped him to see that way. So if he chooses to be adopted or not, we've also got to teach him that he has no need to hide himself. But we must do it gently though.”

“Like telling him of our past marriages?” Luna asked.

Celestia nodded, “Yes, but not right away.”

“So when do you expect to ask him to be adopted?”

“Well, from what Twilight has told me, he hasn't quite mastered writing out his own name, so until then, we will not ask him.”

After thinking hard for a moment, Luna said, “He is a good stallion at heart. If he wishes to join our insane family, I will welcome him.”

A few minutes later, Harmonic came to dinner.

“So Harmonic,” Celestia said, “How was your day?”

“It's okay I guess. Say, what were the guards for?”


“They said something about socializing with them. But was there any other reason why you have to take me into the gardens?”

“Well, a pipe in your bathroom broke.” Technically, this was half true, there was a pipe broken, but to Celestia, it was no accident.

“Oh, I guess that explains the smell of mildew.”

“Very sorry about that. Just wait for a day or two with the windows open and the smell will be gone. But since this is autumn, I guess I’ll let you sleep in another room until then.” Celestia finished the rest of her tea and remarked, “Nevertheless, with you being inside the castle all day, I suppose it was a good idea for you to get some fresh air. Wondering around our wide range of gardens probably did some good.”

“Oh, speaking of gardens,” said Harmonic, his mental note coming back to him. “What's the reason for having a garden that's made out of sand?”