• Published 13th Apr 2012
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My Little Heartbreak: Creativi-Tea - Jet_Black1980

It's a week later and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak about her first letter to Celestia.

  • ...

Come Together, Over Mi and Yu

Chapter 28

Come together, Over Mi and Yu.

Yu and Mi stared at each other with a panicked and frightened Ghost Writer on their monitor.

“I bet Yu are going to blame Mi for this then, right?” Mi shouted, pointing at the screen.

“I don’t see any other p-pony around here whose fault it could be!” Yu replied. “So, yeah! Impulsive Mi is the one to blame here!”

“First off, you’re the only pony I can see around here! And secondly, this has more to do with the tea that Yu just had to have! Yup! Yu just needed her tea!” he shouted back.

“Oh, We’re back to blaming Yu for the Tea! It’s all Yu and the Tea!” Yu screeched back. “Mi hates Yu! Big surprise! Mi has always hated Yu! What was that thing that Mi came up with when we were teens? Oh Yeah! Goth Bunny! Remember her? We acted like she was something outside of us that would tell us horrible things about ourselves so we would cry?! Remember that bit of mental masturbatory, guilt-tripping? An imaginary friend that tells us horrible things!”

“It wasn't like 'Goth Bunny' did any harm! But seriously?! Bringing that up, Yu? For real?! No wonder we hate ourselves sometimes! And really! There is so much I am hating about Yu! Like your voice!” Mi retorted.

“Well, get used to it, Mr. Mi! If we get out of this, then it’ll be the voice we use to talk to other ponies!” Yu cried out.
The lights in the room flickered. Yu was knocked off of her hooves, while Mi was knocked to his feet. The console started to spark and flicker about like it was on the fritz, the picture cutting in and out.

“Well, Miss Yu, what was that about? What’s wrong with the console?!” Mi asked.

“Why should I know, Mr Mi? You’re the know-it-all here!” Yu replied.

“And you’re the rational one here! Rationalize!” Mi said.

“I’m not sure what that was...” Yu said quietly.

That’s when the arcs of electrical discharge started pulling themselves from the monitor. A being emerged from the screen. Its movements were sporadic. Looking at Mi and Yu, it threw back its head and laughed. “Oh...you two have been so much fun...”

Yu was fascinated but confused. “Mi....you’re not doing this, are you?” she asked, Mi could only shake his head. “Who...are...you?”

The sparking humanoid creature smirked and shrugged. “Oh, me? I’m just the Spark inside your head. Remember the tea you were so eager to drink up?”

“Yu! The thing that was wrong with the Tea! That’s this thing!” Mi shouted.

“Oh, the Irrational side recognizes me. Then again,” it clawed the console behind him. Mi and Yu felt weakened and wobbled over. “Irrational things know irrational things. Allow me to introduce myself. Heart’s Obsession and Spark of Insanity, HOSI if you like.”

“What a dumb name...” Mi said, getting up to try and get his bearings.

“Mi...maybe it isn’t best that we insult something called ‘Spark of Insanity’?” Yu said.

“Mr Mi, it is best that you listen to your better half here. After all...” Hosi made arcs of lightning roll over the console behind him. As he did this, the both of them collapsed to the floor, twitching. “I’m the one who is in charge right now.”

Mi pushed himself up. “What? No! I’m in charge here.”

Yu glared at Mi and rolled over. “Pfffft Yeah right, in charge? That’s laughable!”

Hosi giggled and danced. “And that’s what made this so easy. Look at the two of you, arguing to no end. From what I can see in your memories, the both of you always loved a good argument. So much that, even now, when you are in blinding danger, neither of you can agree on anything. That is what is going to make this next delightful expression of Creativity, or perhaps insanity so.. wonderful. After all, you two are something special... It’s not everyday I get to play with something like the both of you...”

“What is it talking about, Mi?” Yu asks.

“How should I know, Yu?” Mi replies.

“Because you’re the irrational one here. And this thing isn’t talking any sense.” Yu replied.

Hosi just smiled and caused another bolt to go through the board behind him. The two halves shuddered in pain.
The screen behind Hosi flickered back into view. Twilight’s face was on the screen and something was shoved into Heartbreak’s mouth. The audio was cutting in and out. “Drink it now be-...is too late! .....a spark of Insanity in .... head that will .... your brain to fry! Drink it ....or you will Die!”

Mi blinked. “Yu...you were right, it’s killing us,” he finally said.

“Finally figured it out! But you figured it out a little too late!” Hosi shouted. “Within a few minute, this brain will fry...”

“And utter chaos, and whatever is in us will be unleashed on all of Equestria,” Yu finished. “There’s no hope...” she started to cry.

Mi glared at Hosi and then looked at his other side. “No! No! Shhhh, don’t cry, Yu! I'm the overly emotional one, remember? Come on! There’s always hope! I have hope!”

Yu shook her head. “But hope is nothing without willpower.”

Hosi smiled and rubbed his hands together. It was almost time. “That’s right, and while one has the other, neither one of you has what the other has! Oh this is going to be the best creative expression of insanity ever! And best of all, the both of you will die!”

Mi put his hand to the barrier that separated the two of them. “Yu... Come on, I can hope for the both of us. I don’t want to die... you don’t want to die either do you, Yu?”

Yu shook her head. “No, I don’t want to die either, Mi...I...don't want to die...” Yu looked at Mi. "Wait. Mi. Say that with me."

Mi blinked. “I don't want to die?” He looked at Yu.

Yu looked back at him. “Yes.” They looked at each other. "I don't want to die" they said quietly in unison. Their...no, My eyes met and we-I feel something.

That’s It.” they said together. “I don’t want to die.

Hosi was starting to bring his hands down. “Too bad. Almost time...”

No. I don’t want to die.” they said in unison. The both of them pushed themselves up off the ground. “We-...” they looked at one another, again and smile. “I am not going to die. And there is only one thing between me and life. And that’s you.” I say, looking at Hosi.

“Awww, that’s cute. You’re pulling yourself together? I told you, it’s too late!” Hosi shouted, waving his hands at them-me. I feel myself almost taking a tumble.

No!” I shout at him, both sides of myself running at him. “I am not going to die!” I feel Mi’s fist make contact with this being’s face. I can feel Yu’s back hoof in its gut. Hosi topples over and fumbles away from the computer screen. The being looks like it is about to say something more. “NO!” I shout at it. “I told you! I am not going to die! I refuse to give up!” Once again my fist and hoof make contact with this being, throwing it farther away from the console.

I glare at the Hosi. "NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!"

He starts laughing. I don’t get what’s so funny until I see the room around me. It’s glitching and twitching. Fading and going fuzzy. Suddenly I am beside myself again. How anti-climatic. I just pulled myself together...

“This can’t be how it ends, Yu.” Mi says rubbing his head. “Not even before our adventure even begins!”

“I’m afraid so, Mi....” Yu sniffs hard and rubs her nose.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” HoSi dances with glee, as the world around Mi and Yu starts to crumble.

“Hey, Yu, seeing that we are going to die..” Mi begins. “Do you think our crazy brain has any last thoughts?”

“What? Seriously?” Yu’s face scrunches up. “The last time we asked that-”

A powerful noise seems to come out of the background of this crashing world. “Chuga-Chuga-Chuga-Chuga!

“What...” Mi begins. “Is...” Yu answers back.

Looking to the source of the noise, the both of us are confused, horrified and at a loss. It’s a Brain, riding a train. A large, green, oddly shaped train. The Brain glows and screams a phrase that I can agree is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. Or maybe the most brilliant seeing that the train plows into HoSi, sending it flying and twinkling off into a dark corner of our mind.


Mi and Yu just look at each other. “F-Buck this. I need a drink. Now.” We-I race over to the console and start hitting the button as rapidly as we-I can. Every time I do, there is a gulping sound to accompany it.

“See yu on the other side,” Mi says, looking at the pony to his side.

“We should talk more often, just Mi and-” Yu begins. She doesn’t get to finish her sentence though. The world is fading to white...and then Twilight’s face comes into view.


Fluttershy was crying on Heartbreak’s shoulder. “Dr-dr-drink it, Heartbreak! Drink it!” she stammered out.

The Time Is 2:43, Twilight Sparkle!” the annoying little bug-watch chimed.

Twilight looked panicked and worried. If Heartbreak didn’t start drinking, it would mean her end. “And she’ll take us down with her...” A moment passed where Twilight thought that Heartbreak wouldn’t comply, where she thought that the poor pony was too far gone.

Then she saw her throat start to gulp down the tea. With every gulping, the glow in her eyes lessesned, the static in her mane and tail decreased, and her muscles started to relax. Heartbreak reached up with hooves and grasped the teapot in her mouth.

“That’s right, HB...Drink it down. Good...good...Drink it all down...come on, come back to us now...” Twilight choked out, not fighting against any tears. “Drink every last drop...” Twilight tilted the pot forward to ensure that Heartbreak was getting what she needed. Twilight removed the spout from Heartbreak’s mouth when the teapot was finally drained of its contents. She was coughing and gasping loudly, shaking and finally crying.

“Shhhh,” Fluttershy began. “It’s alright, we’re here for you...” Heartbreak didn’t say anything, her hoof just wrapped around Fluttershy’s shoulder the best it could.

Twilight sighed in relief, then she saw something terribly strange. As Heartbreak cried, colours started pouring from her eyes. First black, then red, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo violet and finally white. “Are you alright, HB?” Twilight asked softly.

The time is-” began the little bug-watch. Twilight snorted and grabbed it with her magic. Moments later, the small bug-watch found itself embedded in a tree.

Heartbreak took a deep breath through her nose. “I-I-I’m here...and back in one piece...” she replied, coughing. “So...I think...so...”

Zecora trotted over and took a look at Heartbreak. This was the pony that had caused the chaos that was still going on around her. This was the pony that she had harmed with a bit of carelessness. This was...Zecora paused. Something about this pony was...off. She bent down and looked at her in the eye.

“What is this? Something is amiss,” Zecora started, her voice dropping to a whisper. She pressed her ear to Heartbreak’s chest. “Do you hear it? Do I sense a kindred spirit?”

Heartbreak looked wide eyed and frightened for a moment. She pulled away from the zebra. “No..just a normal pony who got in a little too far over her head, Miss Zecora,” she replied. She let go of Fluttershy. “I’m all-” she shook her head.

“Heartbreak?” Twilight asked, worriedly.

Heartbreak looked up. “Ugh,” she blinked. “Oh, hey, Twilight.” Her lips smacked together. “Oh..Hay!?” she glared at Twilight. “Twiliiiight...” then her eyes rolled back. “Oooh...hey...Twili-” and she passed out back against Fluttershy.
Twilight quickly bent over the passed out pony. “Zecora! Is she going to be ok?”

Zecora once again took a look at Heartbreak. Her breathing was normal and her pulse steady.“She will be alright, but for her sake and yours, it is best that you watch her overnight.” Zecora looked at the chaos around her.

OH YEAAAAAH! THE TIME IS 2:48!” boomed Pepper Pocket’s monstrous creation. He was still sitting atop it as walked by.

Zecora sighed. “If you will excuse me, I still have to administer more Normali-Tea...” she took off after Pepper Pocket.

Twilight sighed. “Cleaning all of this up is going to be quite the job.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but I get the feeling that I’m forgetting something. Like something important...”

Twilight blinked. “Spike, why is there a hole in Heartbreak’s hoof?”

“Oh Yeah! Because she went to-” Spike began. He felt a tapping on his shoulder and he heard a voice that caused him to jump away. “Dr. Bright-White!”

“That’s me! Oh, I am terribly sorry about earlier! I was looking for Heartbreak! Ah, there she is!” Dr. Bright-White blinked. “Passed out. Well, that is quite the disappointment. I wanted to show her what she inspired me to do!” he motioned to five ponies who were looking rather nervous, their mouths firmly shut. “Come now! Don’t be shy! After all, I’m a doctor! Now you stand here, and you there. And Strawberry Sweets! Yes, right here!”

Spike looked over the five ponies. There didn’t seem to be anything that he could tell that was wrong with them. Other than the fact that they kept looking around nervously and keeping their mouths shut tightly. “Uhm... what’s wrong with all of you?”

“Alright, ponies! Big Smiles!” Bright-White shouted. “Come on! Let’s see those pearly whites!”

The five ponies swallowed hard and then flashed their new, brilliant smiles. Twilight and Spike were taken back at what they saw next. Projected from their smiles was a message in white lettering that hovered in the air.

Strawberry Sweets eyed her mother who was also smiling from ear to ear. “Go to the Dentist, you said! You need your teeth looked at, you said! He’s not a scary evil doctor, you said!” she groaned through her teeth.

“I. Get. It. Sweetie,” her mother replied.

“And best of all, all of you won’t have cavities for the next five years! Isn’t that wonderful!?” Bright-White chimed as Zecora slipped up.

“As wonderful as that will be, tell me good Doctor, would you like a drink of tea?” Zecora asked, offering him a cup.

“Don’t mind if I do!” he replied.

Twilight sighed again. “Fluttershy, would you mind helping me get Heartbreak back to the library? I have a feeling when she wakes up,” Twilight cringed as she heard somepony crash into something while being chased by a fluttering of clocks. “She is going to have one terrible hangover...”