• Member Since 19th May, 2013
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I'm still alive, probably.


Two years after the Canterlot invasion, Queen Chrysalis is the last of her kind. However, she is confident that the Changelings will survive. They always have.

The Ponies' help may be the only thing that will keep the Changelings from falling into extinction, but Chrysalis refuses to ask.

She does not need it.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by Huussii on Deviantart.

Extremely helpful editing done by Wahnsinniger,Derpator, & Doccular42.

Special thanks to Pascoite for approving the fic for Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading by Crafty Arts!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 164 )

Why are there so many stories about Chrysalis getting hurt?:raritydespair:

Well written but man I should've seen that coming with the tragedy tag. At least I can hold out hope that Celestia helps her with the feather...

TGM #2 · Aug 6th, 2014 · · 4 ·


Ah, but was it the feather of a pegasus/alicorn or a vulture? :ajsmug:

4809505 You just had to make me even sadder, didn't you?:fluttercry:

Lo! how the mighty have fallen! And what pride beheld by the fallen. Long live Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings! :duck:

TGM #5 · Aug 6th, 2014 · · 1 ·


Interpret it how you want, I left it open ended for a reason.

Damn you, that was good oneshot sadly that ending is best left without any continuation.

Seriously that was good show how she couldn't accept it.

Oh, this was glorious. Chrysalis being the character I despise the most, seeing her get her just reward in such a beautifully, masterfully cruel way was simply glorious to behold. I loved it, great story!

Well you may say I'm a devil
Ha, and I wouldn't say no
But out here on the dark side
Hey! On with the show!


Well, if it was an Alicorn...She might still be saved...maybe...

4809722 I feel as though Chrysalis has gotten her just rewards already. I mean, she failed, most likely lost the respect from her hive, been, quite literally, blasted from Canterlot, and can you imagine the injuries she's sustain from falling from that distance? If don't know, I just think this is just getting excessive punishment.

~ Michael A.

This got me man, this really got me... :applecry:
...GNARLY! :trollestia:

To see such pride lay waste to such a proud queen. Very well done. I think (if you aren't interested) someone should do a follow-up. What say Celestia recieves the letter? What say she responds, following it to its origins, wondering who sent it? It was not signed. What would she do if she saw the remnants of the changelings and a fallen queen barely clinging to the shredded threads of life? Or would she even be alive?

Excellent story!:moustache:



I made this to sort of show what happened to the changelings when they were denied (in my head) their only source of food. I made it to sort of show what the ponies did to the changelings (unintentional or no), whether the changelings deserved it or not. How you feel about it is entirely up to you :scootangel:



I honestly would prefer if this stayed with no continuation, but if someone wants to make a non-canon sequel as a 'what if' scenario I would have no problem with that.

Just make sure you ask me first.

4809722 Adding insult to injury is dishonorable of you sir.

4809918 The consequences of her actions are punishment enough. Remeding them should also bear similar things.

4810083 Hahahahah i read this before you jajajajajajajajajajaj :P Still i think it will be hard to get past her madness.

4810153 Eh, the fight with the diamond dogs broke her madness enough for her to have a moment of clarity.

Your opinion was noted and subsequently dismissed.

4810262 In other words you are an ass. We are done here.

4810162 Yea and about your letter question a simple Divination spell will do.

What, did you expect me to change my mind about Chrissy because you didn't like what I had to say about her? Please, get over yourself. Indeed, we are done here. I have little to say to people who immediately jump to personal insults.

4810363 What part of "We are done here" dont you get? No its not that i want you to change your mind. Mindless revenge is stupid. Same shit with all the Blueblood and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hate.

A flat, uninteresting, boring character is a flat, uninteresting and boring character and there is nothing "mindless" about that. Chrysalis is a flat, two-dimentional villain with no redeeming qualities about her whatsoever, and she deserved every bit of the punishment she got here for her stupidity, her pettiness and her lust for power.

You say you don't want me to change my mind, and yet you berate me for thinking as I do, acting in disapproval and disdain of my reasons for liking a story and disliking a character, as if they are somehow invalid or shameful to have. You dismiss my reasons for disliking Chrysalis as mindless hate, (even throwing it in with hate for other characters you do not even know my opinion of,) as if one could not have valid reasons to dislike that character. All actions to cast my opinion in a negative light, to make me feel bad about it so I would feel guilty and conform to your views.

If it was not to change my mind, why respond to me in the first place? If you don't care what I think, then why not just ignore my comment and leave me to my own preferences?

Chyssi :fluttercry:
I reeeeeeally hope that's Celestia, for once.
Now I want to see what happens from here...
Someone PLEASE make a story off of this, though I would prefer if the author did so.

4810421 First of all it is not about Chrysalis it is about revenge and gloating because of someone's suffering. Thats what adding insult to injury is.

Regardless you only just now mentioned why you despise her and while i may debate whether she is redeemable or not the fact remains that her changelings didnt deserve it so much.

If it makes you feel any better i have myself considered her judgement and punishment by ancient changeling rulers' spirits inducing her purgatorial levels of punishment.

The point is your vengeance whatever the reason isnt something that bodes well with mlp fim. It also is almost never justified.

As for the other three i just mentioned three targets to which bronies tend to show hate like yours or mindless hate wishing them dead even.

Revenge? Hardly. Chrysalis comitted crimes and she got her punishment for it. There is nothing insulting about being glad a criminal got punished in the exact measure she deserved. If that stings, maybe she should have thought twice about what she did. She only has herself to blame.

the fact remains that her changelings didnt deserve it so much

I never argued otherwise. I've ever only said this is what Chrysalis deserved. Her subjects deserved better, yes, but in terms of just reward, seeing them die was just what Chrysalis deserved to see and suffer through, as she would have done just the same with all ponies and have laughed as she did so.

The point is your vengeance whatever the reason isnt something that bodes well with mlp fim.

There's a great number of things that don't bode well for MLP:FiM in this fandom, so you really don't want to go down that road, unless you really do want me to open the can of worms that is the TCB, Xenolestia, Molestia, Fall of Equestria, anti-TCB, cupcakes and all its gore relatives... Need I go on? Compared to that, what is bad about being happy a despicable creature was punished for her misdeeds?

If I truly wanted to be vengeful, I would have said that I hoped Celestia never got the letter and that the feathers at the end were of the vultures and that Chrysalis died miserably with her whole world collapsed around her, her failure swallowing her whole. Yet I did not. Were Celestia to arrive in time and save her, I would not have complained.

As for the other three i just mentioned three targets to which bronies tend to show hate like yours or mindless hate wishing them dead even.

If you get this upset by people disliking or even hating characters for whatever reason and saying so, I really don't think the internet is the best place for you.

4810596 Actually this is more like consequences of her own actions than punishment. As for if its righteous well since changelings paid rather than her its actually not. A righteous kind of punishment would be one brought by a court.

As for the last thing i have the right to dislike mindless people all i want. You seemed like them at the time.

4809564 Not to be Captain Obvious or anything, but you meant speculation purposes, right?



I already said I didn't want to make a sequel to this, but if someone else wants to make a non-canon sequel I would not have a problem with that. I am happy with how this ended, and I feel like continuing it would just be unnecessary.

...however, if this fic reacher over 100 likes, and enough people yell for a sequel, I'll consider it.


4810421 The vagueness of her characterization in the show only adds to her greatness! We, the community, were given a villain that only had her powers and appearance set in stone. Because of this, we are allowed to create our own backstory, motives, and anything we want! She is kinda like clay. You get the color and amount, but it is up to you to do the rest.

And as for her being power hungry...well, I can't deny that she is. But! You can think of her as only a queen trying to do what's best for her subjects.

I would love to yell at you and say that you're wrong and I'm write, but that would be a lie. Truth is: we are both wrong. Chrysalis isn't developed enough to say for sure who she truly is as a character. Only the creators can really say for sure.

~ Michael A.

4810781 You're askin' for it bud.


A flat, uninteresting, boring character is a flat, uninteresting and boring character

>be you
>be screaming about how flat, boring characters suck
>have a fic with Derpy as one of the main characters

Comment posted by Dr_X--Raven deleted Aug 6th, 2014

Raven: You can expect Celestia to not forsake Chrysalis in that final moment, 'cause she's a very kind and benevolent ruler. Don't think I'd leave Chrysalis to die, if she asked me for help....

Dr. X: What have we learned?

Raven: .... Oh, alright! Nobody has the right to wipe out an entire race....

Dr. X: Marvellous.

Raven: Except something like the Daleks.


Raven: Because she's evil!! EEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!!!!!!

On the one hand.. Chrysalis' madness and the death of her society is saddening.

On the other hand, they are a race of parasites and their destruction is probably a boon to the rest of the world

Exept they aren't really parasites, they feed on emotions and can do so passively.


Got a reference to substantiate that?

Well, they feed on emotions, and they can be freely givin to them...soooo.......yea.

Shining in season 2 was being mind controlled by a spell so feeding doesn't do that.

4810781 Well, just dropping by to say your story was great.

Oh, and to cry for a sequel :raritywink:

4810781 ...So all it takes is 100 upvotes for you to make a sequel?

Chop-chop fimfiction, times a' waistin'. :moustache:


Does it say anywhere that they can feed on ambient emotion or emotions naturally directed towards them? So far, we've just seen aggressive emotional vampirism. An equally viable theory is that they have to drain out the pure stuff.

poor chrysalis.

4810735 I wouldn't try to reason with KJ. I had an arguement with him on a Protect Celestia forum once, and it ended badly.


4809722 Nice autism you got there bro. Your waifu celestia would toss you into her sun if she was real and could see you now.

4811397 Well his initial comment shows.

4810805 haleluiah someone gets it!

Don't be an ass, Francis.

Forgot to like it originally and when remember too I ended up being the 100...your welcome, fimfiction!

~ Michael A.



For the record, I said I'd consider it. :trollestia:

I still very much like this as a one shot but, if people like it this much, well...I'll see what ideas I can come up with. :pinkiecrazy:

4811577 yay:yay:
edit: it did not even take half a day!!!

4811577 This could turn into an amazing series if you let it. You have a chance right here, I hope you don't waste it.

4811577 Hahahahahaha! Dude, I wasn't serious! Nah, I am a writer too, and I've had several times where I was forced to writes sequels due to pressure. Anyways, only write it if you really want to, because if you write it without wanting too, I can almost garantee that it'll be crap (or just not your best) and you won't like it. This is just a suggestion, so take it as you please.

~ Michael A.

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