• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 5,329 Views, 172 Comments

A New Dawn - Foals Errand

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Chapter 6

Twilight groaned and wrinkled her muzzle. “She's waking up, Luna. I told you she’d handle it far better than the other three did.”

“It seems you were right, Celestia. Still, I think she should be seen by one of the doctors.”

“Not until she's fully awake. Otherwise, imagine what they might think.”

Twilight heard the sound of hoof steps coming closer. “Twilight? Twilight, can you open your eyes?” Twilight’s eyes slowly fluttered a bit before finally opening to see Celestia smiling down at her. “Good morning! I was starting to get worried, how do you feel?”

“S-sore...” Twilight answered. Honestly, there wasn’t a spot on her body that did not feel like it was in agony.

“That’s understandable. Luna, do you have the aspirin?” Celestia asked, turning to where her sister was resting near the fireplace.

Luna nodded, floating the small white bottle over with a glass of water. Celestia removed a few pills and held them out. “Open your mouth, Twilight.” Once Twilight’s mouth was open, Celestia placed the pills on her tongue and helped her sit up enough to drink the water.

Twilight lay back down with a moan. “Ugh… Why do I hurt so much?”

Celestia blushed while looking down at her hooves. “Ah, well, I may have given you a bit too much of my power; your mortal body was having a bit of trouble accepting it.”

Twilight nodded the smallest amount she was able to without causing her head to feel even more like it was about to shatter. “Kay, I get that. So what happened?”

“Well, to put it simply, it seems that the spell caused all of your nerves to misfire and your blood to boil. It, in lay-pony terms, killed you then brought you back as an immortal. Your body is still healing, though it’s gone through a lot to throw off the mortal coil, so to speak.” Celestia grinned nervously.

Twilight simply looked up at Celestia, her mouth opening and closing a few times. “Can I go see the doctor? Something tells me that these two aspirins is not going to be enough…”

Luna shook her head. “Of course, Twilight. Just relax here and I’ll go fetch a doctor to take a look at you.” Luna’s horn glowed and she turned to a starry mist before flowing under the door of the room Twilight quickly realized she and Celestia were being held in.

“Don’t worry, Twilight, it’s not as bad as you are thinking. And the spell did work.” Celestia smiled, laying down on the floor beside her head, down on her forelegs. “The pain will go away quickly, just give it time.”

Twilight closed her eyes with a quiet moan. Several minutes of just laying there and Twilight had to admit that she was indeed starting to feel better, though her legs and back continued to pain her and her head felt as if it was attempting to split in two. “Ugh…”

“Right in here, doctor, just don’t be surprised.” Twilight opened her eyes as she heard Luna’s voice right before the door opened. Following after Luna was a young unicorn mare wearing a white coat and levitating a medical bag along with her.

“O-oh my, what on Equestria happened?” She hurried over to where Twilight was laying on her belly. “I’ve never seen anything like this!”

Luna rubbed her foreleg. “Ah, yes... well, since Celestia’s magic has been permanently changed, the sun deigned it upon itself to find another to assist in guiding the day, and since young Twilight Sparkle was already so close to my sister as well as myself, along with how very powerful she is… well, she was the ideal choice, you understand?”

“Ah, I see... I think? Anyway, it appears that Twilight Sparkle is in massive amounts of pain. I can’t imagine that she wouldn’t have been, though seeing what her body has been through... Twilight? Are you allergic to any kinds of medicine?” the doctor kindly asked while taking a small bottle and syringe from her bag.

“Huh? Uh, no, I don’t believe so. I mean, it’s never come up before. Why?” Twilight cocked her head and hissed in pain.

“Well, I’m going to give you a small dose of morphine until I can get you connected to an I.V. Is there anything I should be aware of?” the doctor asked, carefully withdrawing the right amount from the small bottle.

“Uh huh. I’m bound to Princess Celestia by court order, so I can’t go more than thirty feet from her.” Twilight winced a bit as the needle was injected into her back leg.

“Well, that is a bit of a problem, but not something that is impossible to deal with.” The doctor pulled out the syringe, applying gentle pressure to the injection site. As her eyes took in the image of the worried Nightmare, she smiled. “Not a worry, Princess Celestia. Twilight Sparkle will be fine. I wonder, though...” She considered, tapping her chin.

Celestia placed her full attention on the doctor. “What is it, Doctor Red Mane?”

“Well, I was just wondering if the court may revisit its findings if you were to meet with Doctor True Thought under the effect of a Truth Stone. Mind you, Princess Luna would have to sign off on it, but from what I remember due my residency in psych, Truth Stone findings are still admissible in court?” Doctor Red Mane shrugged while packing up her medical bag. “Are you up to carrying Twilight Sparkle? We need to get her to the medical wing and onto an I.V.”

Celestia nodded, gently levitating Twilight onto her back and placing a blanket on her to keep her comfortable. “As for the truth stone, what do you think, Luna? It’s your decision after all.”

Luna watched Twilight wince as she attempted to get comfortable on Celestia’s back. “If this Truth Stone will indeed make it easier to free you from this bond the judge had placed upon you and Twilight Sparkle, I will agree to it in a second.”

Doctor Red Mane nodded as she opened the door. “I’ll have Doctor True Thought fetched at once, then.” She stood back and allowed Celestia to walk into the hallway as Twilight snuggled into her fiery mane. “No need for you to fret, gentle guards. All four of us are headed directly to the medical wing; Twilight Sparkle has need of treatment.”

One of the guards moved in front of Celestia, his eyes narrowed .“Treatment of what kind? Did the Nightmare injure her, cause her pain?”

Celestia shook her head. “Hurt Twilight? I would never hurt Twilight! Please just let us get her to the medical wing. You can even follow us if you must.”

The pegasus guard looked to his partner, who shrugged. “Understand this: Twilight Sparkle is the little sister of my Captain and friend. I just want to make sure she’s alright.”

Celestia smiled softly at him. “Feather Free, I feel the very same way. I would never wish pain upon any of my little ponies, but especially never my dear little Twilight Sparkle.”

Feather Free stared up at her and blinked. The glowing eyes looking down at him were so familiar, so… Oh no! We’ve all made a horrible, dreadful mistake… His knees trembled as he fell to the ground, prostrating himself before her. “Oh, Princess Celestia, please forgive me. I was a fool not to see this sooner!”

Celestia found herself taking a step back in surprise. “See what, my faithful guard? I don’t understand...”

“Your eyes! Your eyes, Princess. While they may glow with a golden light, they share none of the hate and evil that the Nightmare cannot hide, they only show your kindness and worry! You have not meant any of us harm; you surrendered to Pussywillow and Starshine so that no pony would be harmed! Forgive us, for we are all fools.”

Celestia smiled gently before lifting his chin with her hoof. “All is forgiven, I promise, my dear faithful Feather Free. Now, stand up so you can accompany us to the hospital wing?”

Feather Free smiled and stood at attention, giving a firm salute before looking over to his partner. “White Noise, you see it, don’t you?”

The unicorn walked over and looked up into Celestia’s eyes as she smiled down at him. He took a deep trembling breath and nodded. “Y-yes, I see it, Feather. Please, Your Highness, forgive us and allow us to accompany you to the medical wing. We’ll keep you and Twilight Sparkle safe for however long you are both there.”’

Celestia nodded and followed after Doctor Red Mane with Feather Free and White Noise on opposite sides of her. Everything feels back to normal… She felt Twilight squirm on her back, a shiver running down her spine as her heart jumped into her throat. Almost, anyway. Is it true that I already harbored “those” feelings for Twilight?

Doctor Red Mane opened the door to a room with two beds. “Lay her on the one next to the I.V. pole, please, Princess. Gentlecolts, if you wish to stand guard, I ask you stay near the door; I need room for my nurse to assist me.”

The two guards nodded and stood on either side of the door, watching as Celestia levitated the blanket off of Twilight Sparkle, revealing the whimpering pony. Feather Free gasped before remembering his place as Doctor Red Mane poked her head out the door. “Strong Heart, I need you in here. Please bring an I.V. bag of saline with you!”

“Of course, Doctor, I’ll be right in!” A masculine voice called from a room down the hall.

Red Mane helped Twilight sit up via raising the head of the bed. “Twilight Sparkle, can you hear me?”

Twilight stared blankly at Red Mane and nodded. “Yes... can hear.”

Red Mane sighed in relief. “Good, the fact she's speaking is encouraging, but I still think a few days rest and some morphine will truly help her. In fact, I’d like to sedate her. I don’t feel comfortable with her being in that much pain. Princess Celestia?”

Celestia slowly stroked Twilight’s bangs while thinking, then looked down into Twilight's eyes and shivered; they were looking up at her but were glazed over in pain. “Yes, you have my permission. She must be in so much pain…”

Twilight felt a mild pin prick before her eyes fluttered closed and she remembered no more.

Doctor Red Mane sighed as she hooked up Twilight’s I.V. while trying to be careful of her new appendages. “I must admit, Princess Celestia: I half expected to see Twilight Sparkle as an alicorn but I never thought it would be due to this much pain. What on Equestria happened to her? I don’t remember reading any notes about Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s transformation being so painful or traumatic.” She slowly gave a dose of ten milligrams of morphine into Twilight’s I.V., carefully monitoring her as she waited for a reply.

Celestia chewed her lip for a few moments; there was only so much she wanted known to anypony other than herself, Luna, and Twilight, and how alicorns were created was definitely one of these things. “There isn’t too much I can tell you, other than the fact their ascensions were vastly different. Cadance became an alicorn once she used her special talent in such a manner that it made the universe weep with joy. Twilight was made an alicorn because the sun was panicked; it is still a bit distrustful of Luna, and if any unicorn were to feel my new magic upon the sun... well, I think we both know how that would go.”

Red Mane sighed, gently pulling a blanket up over Twilight. “Yes, of course I understand, but Twilight is not going to be in any condition to wake up, much less raise the sun for at least a few days. What are we going to do?”

Celestia tapped her hoof against the floor and glanced out the window. Noon... I have roughly six hours to get myself cleared and set the sun.

“You mentioned my talking to the psychiatrist we have on staff. Is he available today?”

Red Mane nodded. “Yes, Doctor True Thought. I’ll have a runner sent to fetch him from his home immediately. Is there anything I can get you while you wait for him?”

Celestia considered for a moment before her stomach growled. “Some breakfast would be lovely, er... well, lunch now.” Her black cheeks seemed to lighten a bit from the light blush she had developed.

If Doctor Red Mane had any feeling she was being duped, they quickly fled at the image of her mildly embarrassed Princess. “Of course. How about grilled cheese and tomato soup?”

Celestia perked up. “I haven’t been allowed something like that since Twilight was younger; my chefs say it's far too undignified for my palate.”

“One of the nice things about working here in the hospital wing, Princess Celestia, is that we have our own kitchen. Give me about ten minutes to get it ready, okay?” Red Mane grinned up at her with a wink as she saw Celestia lick her lips, though being very careful of her sharp teeth. Red Mane frowned. “After you are cleared, Princess, I’d like to give you a full physical. Those look to be the teeth of a carnivore, and the last thing I think any of us want is for you to fall ill, Princess.”

Celestia hesitated, opening her mouth to tell Red Mane not to bother and that she’d be her old self in no time, when she recalled the Nightmare’s final words. It is possible I may be stuck this way for quite some time... She's probably right; the best thing is to get a checkup. “Of course. As soon as I’m cleared you may give me a full physical.”

Doctor Red Mane smiled at the two guards. “You heard her, gentlecolts: as soon as she is cleared I have permission to give her her first complete physical in over five hundred years.”

Celestia blinked at the grins covering her guards’ muzzles as Doctor Red Mane shut the door behind her to send a runner to True Thought and make her dear Princess lunch. Celestia gulped. “Why do I have a feeling I may regret giving that promise?” She shook her head and sat down on her haunches next to Twilight’s bed, carefully tucking her new wing under the blanket.

Doctor True Thought walked into the hospital wing, yawning a bit and stretching out his leathery wings. “What's going on, Red Mane? You said I could take today off! I was all nice and toasty in bed when I hear a colt yelling and repeatedly knocking. Kid wouldn’t even tell me what I was needed for, just that it was an emergency.” Doctor True Thought took a sip of his coffee as Red Mane smiled, calming her heart. True Thought’s Trotsylovanian accent always made her feel weak at the knees. She turned and smiled at the thestral.

“It is important, I promise. Tell me, do you have a Truth Stone in your office?” She poured him a larger cup of coffee, realizing he was likely to need it.

Doctor True Thought took the larger cup of coffee in his hooves with a smile of gratitude. “Yes, I do, but you know I cannot use it without permission of either Princess Luna or Princess Celestia or both. Why? What is going on?”

Red Mane sighed as she gathered the soup onto a tray, along with a toasted cheese sandwich which was cut in half. “Well, you’ve heard about what happened to Princess Celestia, haven’t you?”

True Thought snorted as he shook his head. “By now I think all of Equestria has heard, thanks to that nephew of hers and that so called ‘foalhood friend’ who acted as prosecutor. It is embarrassing and sickening how fast and far they were willing and able to spread what supposedly happened. I myself have heard at least five different retellings, from Princess Celestia being tricked into sending herself to the sun and allowing the Nightmare to take her body to Princess Luna having never been cured and getting tired of playing nice and turning her sister into a puppet. Ridiculous, all of it.”

Red Mane smiled. “I’m glad to hear you say that. Permission to use the Truth Stone was vocally given to me by Princess Luna, though if you need it in writing I’m sure she’d oblige.” She placed a small glass of milk on the tray and lifted it into the air with a flare of her horn.

“No, I do not believe a written permission is necessary. Do you have a patient who is that hungry, Red Mane?” he asked, following after her after having set his coffee down.

“Oh, it’s all related, True Thought. You see, I need you to do a session with Princess Celestia and prove that she is not Nightmare Moon.” Red Mane opened the door with a winning smile.